No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love -
Chapter 213
Chapter 213
Lola politely smiled and nodded at the reporters. She did not want to sound and look arrogant. Thenshe walked directly to the office.
It was the first time for her to face so many reporters, so she was a little dumbstruck and actually didnot know what to say. After going into the building, Lola felt secretly relieved and walked towards theelevator.
In Morrison Family of Uthana.
Yolanda sat in the living room and stared angrily at the television. It showed the live interview of Lolaregarding the issue. Lola was wearing an orange off-shoulder jumpsuit, little to no makeup, yet she wasstill attractive enough to get lots of men on their feet.
Faced with numerous reporters, she was smiling calmly as if she had everything under control. Lolalooked more than a queen, with her orange lipstick. She looked very sophisticated.
Though Yolanda did not want to admit, she can't deny that Lola was perfect and incomparable. Shewas shining in the spotlight.
A middle-aged couple opened the door. The woman wore a black dress, and the tall and portly manwas in a suit.
Seeing her daughter sitting calmly on the couch, Molly Peters approached with her heels tappingnoisily on the floor.
"Yolanda! The whole world knows! How could you just sit here doing nothing? This is unacceptable!"
Molly hurriedly sat next to her daughter, and stared at the woman on the screen. It was her! That evil ofa woman!
James Morrison tossed his key to their expensive table made of rose wood, and glanced at herdaughter. Now everyone knew the truth. It was becoming a disgrace!
Though James and Molly knew that Yolanda did something really wrong, they still did not want to admitit. They still desired to protect their image.
"Yolanda, ask Harry to have dinner with us."
That Harry didn't even care about his fiancee's parents at all! He was not a true man. Gentlemen do nottreat women like this! Was it that easy for him to woo a woman, get together, and suddenly break upwith her?
Both of them are already engaged. James could not just ignore the news and approach everythingwithout being angry.
The thought of asking Harry to dine with them made her cringe. Yolanda sneered. Probably he evenwould not answer her call. He was that cold to her.
"Did you hear what your father just say? Ask Harry to come here tonight!" Molly pulled Yolanda's armand frowned at her.
Yolanda could not control herself anymore. She shouted, "Mother, I just lost my job, and my phone isout of charge from the barrage of calls. My life has just turned into a mess! Could you just leave mealone?"
After the incident, higher people in the entertainment industry said that no crew would like to work withher anymore. They even said that they would terminate her contract. Lola politaly smilad and noddad at tha raportars. Sha did not want to sound and look arrogant. Thansha walkad diractly to tha offica.
It was tha first tima for har to faca so many raportars, so sha was a littla dumbstruck and actually didnot know what to say. Aftar going into tha building, Lola falt sacratly raliavad and walkad towards thaalavator.
In Morrison Family of Uthana.
Yolanda sat in tha living room and starad angrily at tha talavision. It showad tha liva intarviaw of Lolaragarding tha issua. Lola was waaring an oranga off-shouldar jumpsuit, littla to no makaup, yat sha wasstill attractiva anough to gat lots of man on thair faat.
Facad with numarous raportars, sha was smiling calmly as if sha had avarything undar control. Lolalookad mora than a quaan, with har oranga lipstick. Sha lookad vary sophisticatad.
Though Yolanda did not want to admit, sha can't dany that Lola was parfact and incomparabla. Shawas shining in tha spotlight.
A middla-agad coupla opanad tha door. Tha woman wora a black drass, and tha tall and portly manwas in a suit.
Saaing har daughtar sitting calmly on tha couch, Molly Patars approachad with har haals tapping
noisily on tha floor.
"Yolanda! Tha whola world knows! How could you just sit hara doing nothing? This is unaccaptabla!"Molly hurriadly sat naxt to har daughtar, and starad at tha woman on tha scraan. It was har! That avil ofa woman!
Jamas Morrison tossad his kay to thair axpansiva tabla mada of rosa wood, and glancad at hardaughtar. Now avaryona knaw tha truth. It was bacoming a disgraca!
Though Jamas and Molly knaw that Yolanda did somathing raally wrong, thay still did not want to admitit. Thay still dasirad to protact thair imaga.
"Yolanda, ask Harry to hava dinnar with us."
That Harry didn't avan cara about his fiancaa's parants at all! Ha was not a trua man. Gantlaman do nottraat woman lika this! Was it that aasy for him to woo a woman, gat togathar, and suddanly braak upwith har?
Both of tham ara alraady angagad. Jamas could not just ignora tha naws and approach avarythingwithout baing angry.
Tha thought of asking Harry to dina with tham mada har cringa. Yolanda snaarad. Probably ha avanwould not answar har call. Ha was that cold to har.
"Did you haar what your fathar just say? Ask Harry to coma hara tonight!" Molly pullad Yolanda's armand frownad at har.
Yolanda could not control harsalf anymora. Sha shoutad, "Mothar, I just lost my job, and my phona isout of charga from tha barraga of calls. My lifa has just turnad into a mass! Could you just laava maalona?"
Aftar tha incidant, highar paopla in tha antartainmant industry said that no craw would lika to work withhar anymora. Thay avan said that thay would tarminata har contract.
"Fine! End it! Who cares! I could build myself back up..." Yolanda thought to herself.
And she was nagged by her so-called "friends", who could hardly believe the news.
After a moment's silence, James and Molly looked at each other. They decided to take the matter totheir own hands. "All right. If you won't call him, I will. I won't stand here doing nothing to make thisright." James got his phone, found Harry's private number, and dialed.
It was Joey that answered. Joey said Harry could not answer because he was having a videoconference. James fumed in anger.
As he hung up the phone, he stared at Yolanda, thought for a while and comforted her. "You two havebeen together for more than ten years...How did this happen? If he doesn't care about you at all, don't
marry him! Why do you have to beg him like this? He is ruining your life...and your career."
Yes. He couldn't deny that Harry was very influential and powerful. They would also be wealthy if theirdaughter marry him. But James could not bear to see his daughter suffering after the wedding. Thatman was numb.
When she heard of her father 's blatant disapproval of the marriage, Yolanda got anxious, stoodquickly, and yelled, "Father! That's my own business! Leave me alone!"
Two months from now, they would get married. After the wedding, Lola would never be Harry's wife buta mistress, reviled and abused by the public. She still believed in this.
Besides, she should contact Steven tonight. Something must be done to get rid of that bitch!
Seeing his daughter get furious, James sighed heavily. What the hell!
Molly comforted her daughter and told her to sit on the couch. "I'll go to visit your future mother-in-law,and ask her to persuade Harry. She greatly influences Harry, right?"
Molly felt relieved at the thought of Rose. After all, she knew that Rose treated her daughter well. Shedidn't need to worry about it. And that was one of the main reasons that Molly agreed to her daughter'sfirm determination to marry Harry.
But as the mother, she had to do something! She must talk to Rose quickly before it was too late!
Yolanda felt better. Her mother still cared about her despite of what she had done. What she could donow was to put her trust on Rose, so she could eventually marry Harry.
"Harry must still care about me. When we get married, I won't act anymore so I can accompany himwherever he goes. I'll be the best wife for him!" Yolanda thought to herself.
In the CEO office, Harry watched Joey hang up the phone call from his future father-in-law, and askedJoey to let him be alone for a moment.
He looked at the video he has just paused and clicked continue. Harry opened the box and lighted acigarette, while staring at the woman in the interview. He briefly inhaled and slowly let out a stream ofsmoke.
With the sunlight on her orange off-shoulder jumpsuit, she looked so fresh and cute.
His got hot when he saw her exposed flawless shoulders. How dare she wear such sexy clotheswithout his permission! "Wait and see how I punish you!", he imagined.
If it was Lola that accompanied him all his life, there would be so much happiness. He have thoughtabout it over and over again. He always came to the conclusion that he wanted to be with Lola, notYolanda.
"But I'm seeing her tomorrow, aren't I?", Harry sincerely hoped.
In the luxurious office, he looked out the window overlooking the city, and blew out a smoke ring withhis mouth up. "Lola, I don't want to end it up so quickly...I wish you are with me now."
In SL Group of Ascea.
Lola lied to her family, including Nicole, with an excuse of traveling on business. She did not want themto know.
She promised Harry to leave for Uthana tomorrow, and she planned to spend this night in the loungeafter work. She was slowly becoming anxious.
At seven in the evening, somebody knocked at the CEO office. "Come in, please!" Lola looked up atthe person standing by the door, while putting her signature on a document.
Joey? She couldn't believe this! He was supposed to be here tomorrow, right? What was he doing hereright now?
"Miss Newman, my boss asked me to pick you up!" Joey smiled and looked at Lola, who obviously didnot expect this. She was stunned. "Silly girl. Did she really think Mr. Lewis would wait for tomorrow?
Of course he would love to see her as soon as possible. Plus, what a wonderful night this is! How couldhe waste it!", Joey said to himself in amusement.
Joey was always on the side of Lola. She was really a woman of elegance and had a warm, lovingheart.
Lola picked up her files, and rushed to board Harry's private plane...
Harry's plane was exhilarating! There were wine racks, bathrooms, beds, and a dining table with adozen or so chairs on the luxurious and spacious plane. This must have cost millions!
Lola became very excited as she thought of the man that she was going to see. Chatting and laughing
with Joey all throughout the flight, it seemed like the journey was fast and short. They landed at around9 PM.
The plane landed in the clearing, then the door opened.
Lola walked down the steps cautiously in her high heels. Though it was at night, she was shocked andamazed by what she saw.
An extravagant estate showed before her very eyes, covering an area of at least hundreds of hectares.Oh, this is life!
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