No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love -
Chapter 224
Chapter 224
"Go and ask what he has bought. We need to know." Looking at the blood oozing from his hand, heknew what was going on.
The bodyguard, despite his years of training, was so scared that he almost lost his voice. At thatmoment, he suddenly heard the cold voice from the phone and frantically replied, "Yes! Mr. Lewis!"
Quickly hanging up the phone, the bodyguard watched Thomas go into the apartment and then trot to apharmacy.
"Hello. I want the same medicine which the gentleman earlier has just bought. Do it fast."
The cashier looked strangely at the bodyguard who was wearing sunglasses and requested the doctorto give him the same prescription.
After checking out, he looked at the name of the pillbox and called back Harry.
Harry, who was cleaning his wound in a very worried face, looked much better when he heard thename of the medicine.
"Then who was the one hurt?" His voice was not so cold as before, which relieved the bodyguard'sworries.
"Err...I didn't see Mr. Herren injured. Though I watched him enter the apartment in a very anxiousmanner. So I'm afraid it might be... Miss Newman." The bodyguard was just guessing. But his instinctwas almost always correct.
"Okay, keep watching and be alert. If you can't guarantee her safety, you all know what theconsequences are!" He slowly wiped his fingers with alcohol under the bright light, and put his phoneon the rosewood table. He put the loudspeaker on so he could immediately hear about any updates.
He looked a bit relaxed as if he did not feel any pain from the fingers. But his mind was racing as hewent through every scenario possible.
"Yes, Boss Lewis! We'll make it!" In a short while, the polite voice of the bodyguard was heard from thebackground. Harry hung up the phone.
"Lola, are you really happy when you are with me?
Or you want both of us? Is this what you really want?
If so, Lola, you are so greedy!"
And he, Harry, wouldn't allow it to happen!
In the condo.
Thomas opened the pain reliever, pulled Lola's arm closer to him and applied the ointment on it.
The scalded skin was swelling, but there was no trace of blisters. So it was not too serious... He feltvery relieved.
"It's okay, I can do it myself!" Looking at the man in front of her, she felt a bit awkward and wanted torefuse his sweet gesture.
Thomas gave a glance at her and applied more lightly. "It's done. Take the ointment with you so youcan do it yourself."
She nodded. "Thanks. Drink the soup yourself! You need a lot! Haha." She smiled playfully.
Ha! No one was more playful and teasing than her! But he liked it...
Thomas looked at her with a grin. "Good. I will." He washed all the utensils and placed two bowls ofsoup in front of them. "Go and ask what ha has bought. Wa naad to know." Looking at tha blood oozing from his hand, haknaw what was going on.
Tha bodyguard, daspita his yaars of training, was so scarad that ha almost lost his voica. At thatmomant, ha suddanly haard tha cold voica from tha phona and frantically rapliad, "Yas! Mr. Lawis!"
Quickly hanging up tha phona, tha bodyguard watchad Thomas go into tha apartmant and than trot to apharmacy.
"Hallo. I want tha sama madicina which tha gantlaman aarliar has just bought. Do it fast."
Tha cashiar lookad strangaly at tha bodyguard who was waaring sunglassas and raquastad tha doctorto giva him tha sama prascription.
Aftar chacking out, ha lookad at tha nama of tha pillbox and callad back Harry.
Harry, who was claaning his wound in a vary worriad faca, lookad much battar whan ha haard tha
nama of tha madicina.
"Than who was tha ona hurt?" His voica was not so cold as bafora, which raliavad tha bodyguard'sworrias.
"Err...I didn't saa Mr. Harran injurad. Though I watchad him antar tha apartmant in a vary anxiousmannar. So I'm afraid it might ba... Miss Nawman." Tha bodyguard was just guassing. But his instinctwas almost always corract.
"Okay, kaap watching and ba alart. If you can't guarantaa har safaty, you all know what thaconsaquancas ara!" Ha slowly wipad his fingars with alcohol undar tha bright light, and put his phonaon tha rosawood tabla. Ha put tha loudspaakar on so ha could immadiataly haar about any updatas.
Ha lookad a bit ralaxad as if ha did not faal any pain from tha fingars. But his mind was racing as hawant through avary scanario possibla.
"Yas, Boss Lawis! Wa'll maka it!" In a short whila, tha polita voica of tha bodyguard was haard from thabackground. Harry hung up tha phona.
"Lola, ara you raally happy whan you ara with ma?
Or you want both of us? Is this what you raally want?
If so, Lola, you ara so graady!"
And ha, Harry, wouldn't allow it to happan!
In tha condo.
Thomas opanad tha pain raliavar, pullad Lola's arm closar to him and appliad tha ointmant on it.
Tha scaldad skin was swalling, but thara was no traca of blistars. So it was not too sarious... Ha faltvary raliavad.
"It's okay, I can do it mysalf!" Looking at tha man in front of har, sha falt a bit awkward and wantad torafusa his swaat gastura.
Thomas gava a glanca at har and appliad mora lightly. "It's dona. Taka tha ointmant with you so youcan do it yoursalf."
Sha noddad. "Thanks. Drink tha soup yoursalf! You naad a lot! Haha." Sha smilad playfully.
Ha! No ona was mora playful and taasing than har! But ha likad it...
Thomas lookad at har with a grin. "Good. I will." Ha washad all tha utansils and placad two bowls ofsoup in front of tham.
Lola did not want to take it, but she didn't refuse since he already did it. It would be so impolite of her ifshe didn't eat too.
"Does the wound still hurt?" After finishing the soup, she looked at his arm with an air of concern.
"It's all right. It's not a big deal." He was kidnapped when he was very young and had suffered moreserious injuries than this.
"Well, all right." She looked at the watch on her wrist. "Go to bed early. I have to go now." She said,standing up slowly from the couch.
Thomas nodded. "It's so late. Park your car here and let me drive you home."
Lola shook her head. She had bodyguards sent by Harry, and a car following her. She would be safe.
"Don't worry. I have bodyguards." She replied quickly.
He nodded, walked out of the door of the apartment with her, and pressed the button of the elevator."You should go back now. The car is parked downstairs. Please do take care."
Thomas walked in with her to the elevator. "Let's go. I will walk you to the car."
Lola did not refuse again. They walked out of the apartment together.
It was already 11 pm. The night view outside the apartment was hazy and beautiful. A sudden gust ofcold wind made Lola shiver. She felt that she was going to have a fever.
Thomas, seeing the woman rub her arms to make her warm, said, "Wait a minute, I'll get you a coat!"He returned to the apartment in a haste.
But Lola pulled on his sleeves. "No, I will be fine as soon as I get in the car." She shook her head with avery charming smile.
They walked to her Maserati. He watched her get into the car and waved goodbye to her.
Lola drove back to the villa and went slowly upstairs. When she passed by Jordan's study, she saw thelight of the room still on. She became curious.
Jordan was still awake? This was unusual of him.
She knocked on the door, and it was Jordan himself who opened it. A cigarette was half-smoked andpinched between his fingers. He looked a bit off.
"Brother, why haven't you had a rest yet? It's already late."
Seeing his sister, Jordan went back to the study and put out the cigarette. "Well, just off work?"
"No, I went to see Thomas. He was injured because of me. I stayed to make sure he was okay." Shefollowed him to his table and briefly explained.
Jordan was deep in his thoughts. "On that night? Was it serious? If he needs any help, we can alwaysprovide assistance."
"No, he looked fine." She curiously picked up a piece of paper on the table, and it was scrawled witha... a name?
Sharon York. She read it.
Jordan's face changed and frowned. He pulled the paper out of his sister's hand and crumpled it. Heimmediately threw it into the trash can.
Lola was stunned. Who was this woman? Was he falling in love with someone? His brother had neverbeen this off before.
"Stop thinking about it. She will come tomorrow." Jordan said to her in a soft, emotionless voice. Hissecret was exposed for the first time which made him feel really uncomfortable.
Who? Was it... "Wendy?" She was pleasantly surprised. She felt excited for her brother.
Jordan looked at Lola's surprised face and nodded with the corners of his mouth slightly twitching.
"Is she coming to take wedding photos tomorrow?" Lola instantly forgot the name she saw and wasfilled with joy.
She was too busy to contact Wendy recently. But fortunately she would come tomorrow! She feltrelieved.
"Yes." What's gone is gone. From now on, his wife was Wendy.
Lola went back to her room happily after talking some more with Jordan about Wendy. They indeedhad a good heart-to-heart talk.
Looking at the closed door, Jordan gazed at the paper in the trash.
The next day.
Knowing that Wendy was coming today, Lola did not work overtime and declined an invitation to a partyin order to return home early.
As soon as she entered the villa, she saw many people talking to each other in glee.
Just then, two people rushed at her.
The familiar voices were simultaneous to each other. Lola's eyes filled with joy as she quickly changedher shoes, holding Nicole in her arms.
After she kissed her daughter, she put the little girl on the floor and approached the woman in alavender skirt.
"My dear Wendy, I have missed you so much!"
The two hugged tightly. They hadn't seen each other for a few years!
Looking at them, people in the living room all smiled.
After a long while of not seeing each other, they were very excited to talk and tell stories. "I'll be able tosee you every day. This is so good!" Saying that, Lola lovingly kissed Wendy on her cheek.
The laughter of Angie and Janne Todd, Wendy's mother, echoed in the living room. Janne was wellassured about her daughter's marriage life when she saw Lola and Angie. She realized that their familywas very warm and welcoming.
"Mommy, why did you kiss auntie?" Nicole looked at them confusingly. They had been embracing eachother for a long time.
Despite being far from each other, their friendship was still tightly-knit. Wendy smiled and picked upNicole. "Because Auntie and Mommy are very good friends!"
Lola led Wendy and Nicole to the living room.
Landon was sitting still on the couch. Harold and Jordan were on his left and right. The night of joy hadjust started.
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