Obsession: the Lycan king's Human Mate
Chapter 85 - The Beast Of Her Friend.

"A what?" She repeated, eyes full of humour as she thought about what he had just said. Mate bond was the most absurd thing she had ever heard of and she had had Ap maths.

"Mate bond." He answered the question with a more serious expression on his face. "Tell me, Adaline, how many species do you believe in?"


That would be the weirdest question she had ever heard in her entire life. Also, she had asked him about mate bond then why was he getting off the topic?

Nevertheless, she answered him, "I only believe the ones that I can see." The eyes never lied.

He nodded understandingly. "I understand that. Completely, I do."

Then make me understand you too, she blinked at him, waiting for more.

"But what if I could show you that a whole other species exist out there and we humans have no idea about it?"

She leaned away from him and sighed loudly before commenting. "You are sounding like a truly mad scientist who is trying to prove something that does not exist. What more species are there? There's human, insects, animals etc but not more than this."

"How can you say that?" He argued.

"Because I never saw one!" She hissed. What the hell?

"Well, there you go." He came closer and gently held her jaw then turned around to the clearing once again where she found humans this time.

She frowned. The wolves. . ." I-I Thought . . ."

"Where'd the wolves go right?" He completed the sentence for her and she nodded still looking at the clearing which had numerous people wearing animal skin dancing around in it.

Animal skin and Jewelry, how did they come here? She never saw them and how did the wolves let them come close and take over the clearing?

"Any curiosity?" She heard him say next to her.

That arose a lot of curiosity for her. How was it that in a clearing, full of wolves now stood humans? Because for the wolves would have certainly attacked them and kill them on spot for even approaching near them.

So the wolves vanished and came to the humans instead of them? It made no sense to her.

"A lot. What happened?" She turned to him fully. Now she was looking for explanations.

This was a lot more than adventure.

"People exist other than humans we also call them supernatural."

"Like the show?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

He nodded. "Close. But in reality, it is a lot messier. Not everybody hates each other and not everybody is as friendly." He answered and the sincere expression that he had made her believe him.

"What supernatural are we talking about?" She asked the dreaded question. To be honest, she knew no matter what species it was, she was going to lose in front of them. They were all so powerful as compared to her.

"Werewolves." He answered taking her breath away. "And not forgetting to mention, there is a force more powerful than that also known as lycanthropes. They walk on two fee—paws." He corrected.

Lycanthropes? Werewolves?

There she was in a forest, that she was told to stay away from, with him and she knew better herself, now deep inside it with the lunatic who claimed to know people walking with two paws and sprouting fur whenever they wanted.

Wow. The boy surely took her for someone idiot.

"I don't understand this," she leaned in and made sure that he had her clearly, "How is it possible for you to think that I am, even remotely, going to believe that? Because it is near impossible." She told him the matter of fact.

She is not giving into these stupid games.

He shook his head grimly, "I would have agreed with you years before if you had told me any of this. Hell, I would have considered you crazy." He laughed.

If only he knows.

"But this is true." He continued, "This is the truth of life. Something that everyone has been hiding from humans."

"Humans?" She picked it up immediately and with narrowed eyes interrogated him. "What are you then? And how do you know about all of this? If you are not making it up, you must know with through someone because it was not a book." She said in a firm voice and expression having enough of this bullshit he had been spouting, having enough of h thinking that she would believe anything out of that mouth.

So, she had laid it out in front of him. She was not believing him.

He stayed silent for a few seconds. He was hiding something from her and she immediately sensed that out but what she did not like was that was wasting her time on someone who was nothing but a person off the rails. He needed help and she was not the one to provide that to him. 

Maybe she shouldn't have ever had a conversation with him, to begin with.

"I'm going to go." She declared and stood up only to be pulled back down by him. "Hey!" She hissed. "Don't touch me!" She threw his arm out off of her and pulled herself away.

"The girl I talk to you about was someone belonging to the supernatural realm and I know about this from her." He revealed and that honestly took her by surprise.

She was astounded by the level of creativity he had and by the speed by which he could come up with new lies. It was mum.

"I'm not lying." He concluded as if having read her mind. "I know all of this seems to be highly crazy to you but it is the truth. Others are living amongst us, just like we are. In plain sight and we can never differentiate them from others." He whispered, pleading her to believe him in desperation and she scoffed.

Adeline spoke up almost in a taunt, "So if we can never differentiate them from others how is it that you can? I still believe that even though you know about them, it would not have been highlighted for you to see." His story had a lot of loopholes and there was where he was getting caught by her.

"They haven't been." He replied mildly irritated and she scoffed. "It's just now that I know who in this town is."

"Who?" She asked for an example letting him know that she was still not convinced. 

He pointed to the clearing. "There. Have a look."

And she did.

She squinted her eyes at the clearing to have a clear look, she wondered how had her vision gotten so much better. Two figures walk to the people and she frowned at the familiar faces.

It could not be, now could it? There was no reason . . . Anxiousness now ran in her blood and she had no idea if this was real or not. But then what would they be doing here? Or maybe, the wolves were not here, to begin with.

She watched them come to the man who called them and watched them mingle. It was perfectly fine. Everything seems to be normal and she just knew that they were all human.

"See?" She pointed at the clearing. "They are all humans. Not even a dog in sight, much less a wolf." 

He tsked. "Can you please watch? Why do you think that those two are here, in the middle of nowhere?" 

Okay, that was suspicious. So, she watched them carefully. Most of them were talking around families and friends, children were playing and the others were cooking. 

"See," she turned around to give a glance and then turned back to the clearing. "Everything is perfectly normal and fine—"

It was until fur sprouted out of Ashlynn and she changed. Adeline watched it happened as her legs changed and the bones twisted out looking unhinged, out of place. If she was a little bit more near to the scenario she was sure that she could hear the cracking of the bones as she changed into a bigger and more scary monster right in front of her eyes. Black fur came out and covered her entire being. 

She gasped, silently, and placed a hand on her mouth in horror. As much as mesmerizing and shocking it was, it was scary and horrifying. How on earth? That was all he could think. 

She watched her friend, for whatever it was, walk on its two feet to Alexander and slam into the girl standing next to him. She watched as the beast held up the girl by their throat and then . . Tore her apart. She, Ashlynn, had torn a girl apart into two and Adaline could not believe her eyes! 

The monster tore the body into two halves throwing both of them into different directions and then she watched Alexander shift into a beast as well.

"Oh my. . . " The words left his mouth as she had nothing to say anymore. What was this all? How. . .? 

She heard Noah from behind her, "He is, neighbour. The entire family of his is."

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