Overpowered Sword
Chapter 154

Overpowered Sword Chapter 154

Level up with swords (154)

There is an old saying, ‘You give wings to a tiger.’

It means making something that is already strong stronger. Among the many wild beasts in the natural world, the tiger reigns at the top of the food chain and is capable of biting and killing monsters of rank C or lower.

Mountain King.

Although it only runs rampant due to its natural strength and wild nature, it dominates the area and, depending on the special individual, boasts such great power that it can even compete for territory with monsters of B rank or higher.

So, if you give wings to that beast, how much stronger can it become?

It was a saying that came about while talking like that.


Leon corrected himself after countering Huracan’s blow.

Power enough to make the holy sword tremble!

The attack, which included strength, speed, and technology, was threatening in itself. It only lasted a few seconds, but Leon felt a tingling sensation in his grip and stuck out his tongue without realizing it.

‘I said it right, it’s a tiger with wings.’

[haha! Do you mean ‘wihocheomik (爲虎添翼)’? Well, that’s a plausible analogy.]

El Cid agreed with him in a cheerful voice.

[Martial arts are still in their infancy, but that physical ability is dangerous. It is a porcelain style based on abundant combat experience. He is quite talented and will be much stronger than the guy who learned things poorly.]

As expected, it was as he said.

Tigris tribe In other words, the physical ability of the Tiger tribe is greater than that of a B-rank monster. If the average is that high, Huracan was a chieftain renowned as the strongest of the current generation.

However, because his outstanding physical ability was not enough, he studied martial arts and even acquired his own skills.

A skill that even Leon, taught by El Cid himself, could not underestimate.

[No, that’s not right. You stupid student!]

El Cid, who read his thoughts, spoke teasingly.

[That tiger’s martial arts are still immature. There are many gaps in the weaving, and the cracks are filled with overwhelming physical ability, but there is no versatility. Don’t be fooled by speed and strength, but look at its essence. This is an opponent that can be defeated at any time.]


Leon nodded at those words and raised his sword.

Suspension tax.

It was the most suitable posture for Huracan’s attack method. When Huracan saw that, he tugged at the corners of his mouth as if laughing.

“How long are you going to keep blocking it? “You’re not just waiting for my stamina to run out, are you?”


“Well, that’s good. “The exploration war ends at this point.”

There is no significant damage either way.

My breathing didn’t get any rougher and the only injuries I had were scratches. If we were to compare it to a card game, would it be the equivalent of overturning the first hand?

The real match started now.

Huracan narrowed his eyes and reversed his stance again.

Leon hesitated for a moment because he did not understand the meaning of the stance of Tiger King Ryu (虎王流),

Fierce Tiger Attack (猛虎亂擊勢), arms and legs spread wide.

It was a posture that seemed full of holes, but as soon as I took half a step, a shiver ran down my spine. He just didn’t know, but it meant that there was some kind of hidden intention.

Huracan did not miss that brief moment.


A roar that will freeze the bones of those who hear it!

With that loud sound, the Huracan rushed forward, and Leon aimed the holy sword a beat later. When it comes to timing, the defender has a two-step advantage over the attacker, so there is still room.

However, Huracan’s attack speed made up for that gap.

His shoulders seemed to turn blurry for a moment, and then an arm bent like a whip hit Leon from above.


When Leon blocked it and took half a step back, Huracan took half a step forward and kicked with his left foot.

Acceleration from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the ankle!

They say your legs are three times stronger than your arms.

Leon, who calmly removed himself from the orbit, counterattacked. This was not a situation that could be resolved if he retreated. You can only break this series of attacks by somehow suppressing the opponent’s momentum.

Whoops! Blah blah blah!

It was not the sound of swords clashing with limbs, but a roar as if heavy blunt weapons were clashing with each other.

The audience covered their ears as the metal sounds continued to ring out. Even for the beast people who had good ears, this noise was like torture.

Either way, the clash between the two continued.


Leon groaned from the dizzying pain and gripped the sword even more tightly. Unlike him, who relied on a single sword, Huracan used all of his limbs.

Not only the attack trajectory but also the speed is incomparable.

Before Leon can drain all his strength, the next attack comes.

[Hoo, what is the basic principle of Flicker? It uses a joint range of motion that is wider than that of humans. That being said, it’s an attack method that’s closer to a punch than a jab… I see. Repeated hitting using the sense of balance of quadrupedal walking. Once it starts, it goes on until you collapse.]

El Cid casually delved into its essence.

The attack method, which appears to be ever-changing, is ultimately due to the constant swing of the four limbs. Because its strength and speed are so outstanding, it is difficult to break through.

Once the flow of repeated attacks is interrupted, a gap opens up.

And just as he recognized it, Leon, who was looking for a breakthrough with 〈An Method〉, also noticed this fact.

‘Give me the flesh and take the bones!’

Leon, with his eyes flashing, attacked head on.

As the blade of the holy sword burned with golden light filled with Eclipse, Huracan, who was trying to fight it, instinctively stiffened his body.

His instincts warned him.


The Huracan immediately responded to the warning.

“Damn it!”

In response to the sword wielded by Leon, the claws of Huracan’s left hand wrapped around the thick .

A crystal of vitality that is different from that of an Auror. Although it was inferior to Aurors in quality and density, its power was considerable. It was a technique that could only be used by the beastmen, whose vitality was several times stronger than that of humans.

Then swords and claws clashed.


The holy sword that broke Huracan’s claws tore through his chest, spraying fresh blood as it passed.

But the wound was not deep.

In return for breaking three claws, the sword’s trajectory was distorted. The blade, which was originally supposed to penetrate the Huracan’s ribs, became shallow enough to leave marks on its hide.

Nevertheless, it was Leon who had the upper hand.

‘Okay, the flow has stopped.’

is not suitable for defense.

A series of attacks that thoroughly crush the enemy’s defenses and counterattacks with fast, strong attacks.

It was difficult to immediately return from an offensive stance to a defensive one.

Leon sees through it and takes a step, and


The whip shot out from below and hit his lower jaw.


The shock is nothing special. But that blow cut off the pulse. The gap left after defeating the ‘Ferocious Tiger Assault’ disappeared in an instant, and the two warriors once again became 10 meters apart.

Leon, who spat out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth, soon realized the truth.

“…Ha, a tail.”

It is a means of attack that does not exist for humans.

So it was a shock that I could not have anticipated.

Huracan said, chuckling at that reaction.

“This place is truly amazing. “I never thought that a shortcut that would only work once would be blown away like this.”

It doesn’t work twice.

Both Leon and Huracan knew that. 〈The Attack of the Fierce Tiger〉 Also, once the weakness is discovered, the momentum is lost.

It was time for both sides to turn their cards over.

This time, Leon increased his strength first.


The entire blade turns golden, creating a haze around it. Aura of the sun. The complex properties of ‘light’ and ‘heat’ were added to the holy sword’s own power, making it burn even hotter.

One thing that put Leon ahead of Huracan was that ‘Auror’ was superior to ‘Speculation’.

If you compete for superiority and inferiority with the same output, you cannot lose.

“Hehe, that’s scary.”

However, Huracan has not yet used its special abilities.

The special ability of the Tigris tribe, ‘Extreme Strike’.

Over a short period of time, vitality is amplified several times and the overall physical ability is strengthened. It was a more outstanding ability than the Taurus tribe’s ‘Fury’ or the Ursus tribe’s ‘Strong Body’.


A dark red energy bloomed over the body of Huracan who activated it and enveloped him like a dark cloud just before pouring down rain.

It was no different from armor made of Aurors.

I don’t know if I can cut to the bone with 〈Eclipse〉 or not.

‘No, you can cut it.’

If one is not enough, two are enough.

If you place 〈Eclipse〉 on the blade and press it with the 〈Propulsion Speed Sword〉, you will be able to tear that wall of speculation to pieces.

Like him, the Huracan was confident.

There’s no way you can lose if you’ve written “Kyokujin”.

The eyes of the two warriors met like that.


As you move forward, complete the Zornhut posture.

It’s called ‘The Stance of Anger’. It is the launch pad for Zornhauw, a straight line slash that can be said to be the strongest in terms of destructive power.

Leon closed the gap with one step and swung his sword.

A golden flash strikes diagonally.

The Huracan didn’t just sit back and watch either.

Tiger King Ryu (虎王流)

Maengho Yeolpacham (猛虎裂破斬)

The life force that had swelled several times changed into and tangled in his hands, creating the shape of a huge claw.

A head-on battle between strength and power.

The destructive power unleashed without each other backing down collided.


It was a sharp yet violent clash of power, different from when Ellahan and Totuga clashed.

The force flowing from the point of impact tears the ground.

Golden sword lights and dark red claws!


It was Leon who won that clash.

After cutting down the claw-shaped fighting spirit, he stepped forward and plunged his sword into the defenseless stomach of Huracan.

However, I used up all my strength to break through the ‘Fighting Tiger Breaking Cham’ and stopped with only a small hole in my black abs. At the same time, the Huracan counterattacked with a smile of joy.

Howangryu (虎王流)

Yongyanghobak (龍攘虎搏)

A kick that is literally like piercing a spear!

Rather than recklessly confronting the destructive power, Leon raised his sword face with both legs planted on the ground.


The kick was so strong and fast that the surface of the sword heated up and spewed out white smoke.

If it had hit the body, it would have broken even the spine.

“Khahahaha! Are you planning to crouch again?”

That wasn’t all.

Huracan, who had put him on the defensive with 〈Yongyang Pumpkin〉, once again unleashed his own secret strategy.


who had accelerated while clawing the ground with both hands and running in a similar trajectory to Cheonrang, threw out his fist


Did he steal it when he challenged Barg?

Since it was a technique he had seen while fighting Varg, he cut off the blow without difficulty. Huracan’s eyes widened as the technique that had been powerful in its own way was blocked.

“You blocked this lightly?”

“The pleasure of knowing the way forward is not as good as being slow.”

“…is it! “You too have had a confrontation with the king.”

Huracan immediately understood Leon’s words and laughed evilly.

“What a day! “I can meet an opponent who can give my best and be able to use all the skills I’ve trained so far!”

Beast people who have mastered martial arts are rare.

This was because, unless they had special circumstances like the Fenrir tribe, they instinctively avoided ‘unnecessary effort’.

How many people can overcome that instinct through willpower like Huracan? Among them, how many strong people can fight Huracan like this?

Only the goal of Barg made him forget about boredom and allow him to endure a daily life that no one challenges.


“Say your name again!”

Huracan shouted with eyes filled with even a hint of goodwill.

“Huracan, the great warrior of the Tigris, recognizes you as an enemy! “I will treat you with due respect as a warrior of this grassland!”

“My name is Leon.”

Leon, who proudly pointed his sword, responded.

“As the immediate disciple of Holy King Rodrik, I am the one who will defeat you and bring peace to this land.”

“Khahahaha! good night! “It doesn’t matter if you’re bluffing or not!”

Finally, Huracan, whose eyes were also dyed red, rushed forward.

“I’ll kill you–!!”

It is wrapped in speculation like a dark red fog and hits like a storm.

I liked stories like Jujeonpa and Juhwapa.

I want to fight until I die.

I want to fight until I die.

The impulse that had colored his blood since birth stirred. I didn’t want to have fun trampling on the weak. I didn’t want to shed meaningless blood.

I wandered around looking for an enemy I could fight against proudly.

Beast King Varg.

Unfortunately, it was not easy for him to take on the challenge due to his position as the Beast King. It was a rule on the prairie that if you tried once and lost, you had to wait more than 10 years.

Howangryu (虎王流)

Hoseo Fengsaeng (虎嘯風生)

threw everything and Huracan roared wildly.


Sound is vibration, and vibration is power.

The shock wave that shot out from the wide-open mouth turned into a round wave soaked in dark red speculation.

A sphere of destructive power more powerful than 5th tier magic.

Leon recognized this and raised his sword vertically.


Both sides of the work.

I cut down the sphere of with one sword and move forward while ignoring the explosion of sound coming from behind me.

Before I knew it, the Huracan was right in front of me and I stretched out my hand.

The four claws of fighting spirit extend out and wave.

Leon ‘s sword, which activated

the Hoa Njo (虎牙鷹爪)

Eclipse, tore off the four claws and brought down the arm that was staying behind it. Blood spurted out from his forearm, but Huracan didn’t know how to stop.

In a body where reason is sleeping, only the fighting instinct runs wild. Using his own fighting

spirit as a stepping stone


Huracan jumped nearly 30 meters from his spot.

Like “Cheonrang” that runs on the sky.

The audience’s eyes naturally followed him.

Dozens of meters above ground.

The Huracan, soaring high, raised one leg. This leap was indeed the preparation for Huwangryu’s decisive battle. A blow that captures the force of soaring high into the sky and plummeting to the ground in one kick.

Since this technology was created after seeing stars falling from the sky, the name was decided.

Tiger-Ryu (虎王流)

Maengho Meteor-

Gak (猛虎流星脚) An ominous dark red meteor falls down.

The greatest and strongest blow honed by Huracan.

Unfortunately, the form of the technique completely removed the shackles that were on Leon.

〈Seven Star Sword〉, which could not be used due to damage to the audience.

“It’s a star.”

Like the Seven Star Sword, it is a technique named after a star.

Leon was amazed by the coincidence, but he gathered all his strength without letting his guard down.

I could tell just by looking.

A one-point breakthrough accompanied by substance, the output of 〈Mighty Tiger Meteor Pavilion〉 surpasses 〈Seven Star Sword〉 by only one point. Would it be possible to penetrate with a single blow and offset a swing?

In that case, it was enough to cross three slashes.


The power compressed to its limit turned into starlight, scattering brilliant golden light and converging on the blade.

My wrist feels numb.

My elbow hurts.

My shoulders are throbbing.

The weight of the sword that contained three “Seven Star Swords” was incomparable to what had been swung so far. Although the power increases as the number of alternating slashes increases, so does the burden on the user.

“let’s go.”

Nevertheless, Leon gritted his teeth and raised his sword.

What kind of bravery is it when you give in to this much weight?

Even if you carry a mountain, you must not bend your knees and look up at the sky so that your neck does not break.

A true hero had to be a disciple of Holy King Roderick.

Like the sun rising from the eastern horizon

of the Grand Chariot .

A dazzling light rose from the ground into the air.

Heaven and Earth Eclipse (天樞一式)


As soon as he finishes the vertical cut, he returns the sword and makes a horizontal cut without stopping the momentum.

Heavenly Implantation (天璇庌式)


This is the ‘Polar Cross’ of Yeonshiko of ‘Seven-Star Sword’.

A golden slash that tore even Drake’s into four pieces encountered in the Titan Mountains.

However, Leon had a hunch.

Twice is not enough against that dark red meteor.


While enduring the pain of twisting muscles and bones, he lifts the sword he swings horizontally and aims at one point.

It should not be too late and it should not be too hasty.

At the moment when the cruciform slash was completed.

The light emitted from


sword technique decorated the finale.

The final thrust, which accelerates while hitting the center of the cross-shaped slash, is the highlight of Yeonsik Ohui.

It was the second Yeonsikohui that Leon successfully achieved.

3 consecutive attacks by overlapping the 1st, 2nd, and 7th moves.

The name is. Three

stars rising

from broad

daylight intercepted a dark red meteor


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