Overpowered Sword
Chapter 252

Overpowered Sword Chapter 252

Level up with the sword (252)


As the , which flickered like a halo behind Leon’s back, goes out, the darkness that had been chased away a few steps falls back.

Leon, who was slowly descending from the night sky, let go of Ellahan, who he had been carrying in his arms, and she, who had been frozen for nearly an hour, jumped down with a bright red face.

Baek Eun’s hair sparkled like the Milky Way along the trail.

Irexana saw this and greeted it with a happy smile.

“Welcome, saint. And the warrior…”

Irexana, unable to understand the situation, tilted her head as only two of the party that was clearly supposed to be three were visible.

It was right after that.

The moment Leon’s legs landed on the ground, a brown-skinned beauty jumped out from the shadow of the red cloak. Naturally, it was Karen who continued to accompany me through the application of “Jet Black Dance”.

“and! Have you arrived already? “I have a vague sense of time, so it feels like it only took a few minutes.”

No matter how excellent the flight ability of 〈Icarus Wing〉 is, if you hug two people, your posture will worsen. Even a small difference increased or decreased air resistance by more than several times, so Karen gave up her seat to Ellahan, who was at a loss.

It was also because she could not yet bring others into the shadows with her “Dark Dance.”

“It’s been a while, Cardinal.”

And Leon, facing Irexana, greeted her.

Even though it wasn’t that long, it felt that way because what happened in that time was so incredible.

Irexana also bowed politely as if she sympathized with the greeting.

“Yes, warrior. When I heard the news of victory even from afar, I couldn’t help but be moved by the results. Subduing the and defeating Morse is truly a display of majesty worthy of an agent of the Goddess.”

“That’s too much praise. “I didn’t do it alone.”

Leon was embarrassed by his high praise and expressed his sincerity.

That was actually the case.

Even if one of the masters present had not been present, there was a high possibility that a major setback would have occurred in the White Palace infiltration operation.

Gilbert, Cedric, and Walter.

It could be said that the victory of the day was the result of everyone fighting with all their might, regardless of affiliation or status. Even Walter forgot his hatred towards Ryan and Gilbert at that moment and cheered.

“Hehe, that’s enough.”

Irexana spoke, becoming even more pleased with that humility.

“From the beginning, a warrior is someone who stands in front of people, not above them. A milestone that instills courage in those who face it. “You don’t have to try to take on everything on your own.”

“thank you.”

“Please go inside. “I already had something to tell you, but I didn’t expect you to come visit me like this.”

“hmm? What a coincidence. “I was in a similar situation.”

The two looked at each other blankly for a moment and then entered the building, both grinning.

Ellahan and Karen followed suit.

As soon as Irexana’s instructions were given, they moved quickly and the table setting was already finished before the four people arrived. The group sitting around the table in the VIP room relieved their travel fatigue by nibbling on warm tea and snacks.

After laughing and talking for dozens of minutes about trivial stories, I stopped caring about the midnight hour at all.


Did you think it was time to get to the point?

As Irexana put down the teacup and started cheering, Leon and the others also met her gaze and changed their mood.

“Before I tell you about my business, I would like to first listen to the reason why the hero came to see me.”

“All right.”

Leon confessed the main point without any hesitation.

“I came to meet the beings inside Ground Zero.”


Irexana flinched, unable to hide her surprise.

There was nothing to do other than think about it. It was as if the fact that he knew something had been revealed by his reaction just a moment ago.

Irexana asked, laughing involuntarily.

“…How do you know about Ground Zero? “It is treated as a top secret even within the Jugend royal family and is knowledge passed down only among Grand Meisters.”

“I heard.”

“From whom?”

Instead of responding verbally, Leon patted the hilt of his sword.

Irexana, who understood everything through that gesture, looked at him with a gaze filled with awe.

“Ah indeed! The goddess sent a warrior! I was foolish for the revelation to be so urgent that it came to me in the middle of the night. “I feel so foolish for worrying about how to explain it.”

Leon, who found something troubling in his remarks, asked a question.

“An explanation? what?”

“Oh, it’s about Ground Zero. “Because it was treated as a top secret of Youth, it was difficult to set a standard for where to start and how much to tell.”

Only then did Leon understand why Irexana was worried.

Some people may not understand that he, a cardinal of the Holy Order, would hide something from the warrior they respected, but if you think about it again, it was a very simple thing.

As said, Irexana was the third cardinal of the Holy Order, but was also the Grand Meister of the Kingdom of Jugend.

The dedication that a cardinal must give to the warrior and the line that a grand meister must draw towards outsiders.

This was because the boundary between the two identities became confused.

“How much did you hear, warrior?”

“It’s just that there is a being inside Ground Zero who has lived for hundreds of years and that there is a remaining connection with Saint King Rodrik.”

“It’s a good thing. “That’s a good thing.”

Now, Irexana stood up from her seat with not a single qualm remaining on her face.

There was no place he couldn’t go, even in the middle of the night.

“I’ll take you to ground zero. “I’ll tell you the rest as we replace the entrance.”

* * *

Ground Zero.

From its very name, it is a place classified as Jugend’s top secret.

Even the royal family, with the exception of past kings, do not know the detailed location or how to contact him, and only the Grand Meister has continued to have limited interaction with ‘him’ through successive generations.

Therefore, Irexana could be said to be the person with the most knowledge about Ground Zero in the country.

“This way.”

Even within the secret area of Area 1, after taking dozens of even more secret paths, a passage that could not be observed from the outside was revealed.

“Is it… underground?”

“yes. “The reason Ground Zero’s existence was not known until now is because it is hidden deep underground in Area 1.”

No matter how passionate the Dwarves are about minerals, they have not dug into Area 1, which is like their capital.

Since there was already a separate major mineral vein, there was no need to worry about lack of minerals. Moreover, the depth of Ground Zero was at least several tens of kilometers, and Jugend did not have the technology to penetrate the ground containing special metals that far.

Leon and the others quietly followed Irexana and began walking down the stairs with an unknown end.

It was a structure that was difficult to believe was created artificially.

“Cardinal, are these stairs…?”

“Your guess is probably correct. “It is older than the founding of Jugend, so it cannot be said that it was made by dwarves.”

Irexana said.

“He spends most of his time in a long sleep, but occasionally he sends a few requests to earth. “There was a time when he received several tons of special metals and he was also heavily involved in the production and research of ‘Jugend Steel.’”


“I wasn’t called in very often, but I heard that my predecessor went down every few years to help out. “At that time, I couldn’t even hear what my predecessor had helped me with.”

As we moved our feet while making small talk, the four of us reached the end of the stairs in less than a dozen minutes.

And I witnessed it, no matter who was first.

An entrance that seemed larger and wider than the gates of Karellum, and a barrier blocking its surface. Leon and the others, who recognized the power contained in the barrier as soon as they saw it, widened their eyes in astonishment.

[Hoo, did you make it well?]

El Cid said.

[At this rate, only Cassim can break through in this era. Even though he has lost more than half of his innate ability, he is still quite powerful.]

‘You’re saying he’s at the level of a grandmaster because he can only pierce the death penalty?’

[The actual combat ability is probably a bit lower than that. Compared to the Auror Master, he is actually several levels higher. If the two face off… Kasim will be knocked out in about an hour.]

Leon couldn’t help but be amazed by his explanation.

The destructive power of Cassim’s O, seen in the Titan Mountains in the past, actually tore up the sky. Even if there is a barrier equivalent to that, you can fight with the Grandmaster for an hour!

Wouldn’t things have gone much more smoothly if we had contacted this ‘helper’ early on and sought his cooperation?

[It’s not that I haven’t thought about it, but it must have been a bit difficult.]


[You will replace out when you meet. Now, pull out the holy sword.]

‘…It looks suspicious.’

Despite El Cid’s obvious remark, Leon pulled out the holy sword.

For some reason, I could tell without even hearing it.

You need a holy sword to pass that barrier.

Irexana stepped to the side as if she had guessed that.


The moment the holy sword got closer, a barrier that was emitting bluish light opened up, creating a space for several people to pass through.

Leon and the others quickly stepped into the gap.

Then, the dreary underground scenery changed completely, and a light that stung my eyes appeared. Of course, it was not at a level that could impede the Auror Master’s vision.


It was Karen, who was bound to be sensitive to wealth and fame, who expressed her sentiments before anyone else.

The scene they saw as soon as they passed the barrier was simple.

It was a feast of precious metals and treasures that filled every inch of the space, with a ceiling that seemed hundreds of meters high and extended to the horizon. Also, the things densely packed all over the ceiling and walls were jewels that emit their own light.

Even if you pull out just one piece and sell it, these were jewels that would fetch you dozens of gold coins or more than a hundred depending on the quality.

“It’s incredibly luxurious. “Do you think you like extravagance, gathering so many treasures deep underground?”

“Well, that might be the case.”

Leon looked around, agreeing with Ellahan’s words.

Even without exaggerating a single word, it was at a level where one might be able to purchase a kingdom or even several kingdoms. If it is released into the market, the prices of gold and jewelry will fluctuate chaotically.

But are you satisfied with just gathering this enormous treasure without any purpose and just looking at it?

‘…no way.’

A flash of light passed through his mind.

A person who is confident that El Cid can collect a debt from several centuries ago. A barrier of absolute defense that opens the way to the holy sword, a being that is concealed as a top secret in the Jugend Kingdom. If you are a race that likes luxury items and has a hobby of storing them in your hiding place—

〔 What is it?]

It was that very moment.




The four people almost simultaneously lowered their center of gravity and exhaled from the pressure pressing down on their bodies. It is different from physical force. It was the presence of something else that was pressing on my soul.

Although it is smaller in scale than , it may be several levels higher in density.

Leon, who had fought with higher beings several times, felt this intuitively.

〔Ha, is it really an intruder? The liver is also big.〕

The presence is getting closer quickly.

As the pressure approaching from beyond became even greater, the group unconsciously turned around with their weapons drawn.

The sense he had trained as a warrior commanded self-defense.


“—What are you, little Irexana? “Did I leave the barrier open?”

A figure shooting out from beyond the horizon suddenly stopped in front of Leon and his group.


Leon moved his eyes reflexively and glanced at the other person.

It is a trick to see through the other person’s various aspects in less than a comma second. By activating the ‘Stigmata of the Watcher’, the pupils dyed in golden light twitched.


Although it looks like a human, the vitality overflowing from its body and the sense of intimidation that presses down on the area are probably inherent to the species.

First of all, if you look at her appearance, she was a tall beauty.

Even though she is standing in front of Irexana, who is over 2 meters tall, her arms and legs are only a span apart, and her limbs sticking out from her loose clothing are as white as drawing paper and have clearly defined muscles.

The proportions of her facial features and body were biologically unbelievable, to the point where she looked like a statue themed around the ‘goddess of war’. She was a beauty that would make men who couldn’t understand her topic open their mouths and drool.

‘Even if you fight against it with all your might, you will die within 100 points…’

But Leon was not entranced by its beauty.

Sensing the power hidden within its beauty and its potential as a transcendental species, I simply took a few steps back and corrected my posture.

The other person also smiled as if he was surprised by the response.

“It’s good, but for a human, it’s pretty good. “Are you saying that Irexana is at a level where she can be brought to me?”

“Hey Albion.”

“it’s okay. I don’t need your explanation, kid. If you want to have a relationship with me, you probably know that you have to prove your qualifications, right? “You can’t break customs just because of personal relationships.”

The unidentified woman, called ‘Albion’ by Irexana, turned to Leon and the others while saying that.

As soon as I meet her eyes, my whole body trembles.

You shouldn’t fight.

“Now, choose. Children who came to see me. Will you take my test? “If you don’t want to, I’ll give you permission to just go back.”

As if pressuring them, their presence increases their power.

In a space where even his breathing slowed down by a few beats, Leon managed to lift the holy sword in his hand.

“…Before you take that test, I have something to tell you.”

“I would have told you to prove your qualifications first, right?”

“That’s not what I’m saying. “I was asked to do so by someone.”

Albion looked at him with a puzzled expression for a moment, then crossed his arms and nodded as if to give it a try.


《It’s been a while, Norang! Pay your debt!》

The Holy Sword El Cid vibrated and let out that voice.

Albion’s eyes widened at the voice filled with a spiteful yet confident smile. The pupils, which had been split vertically like a reptile, almost shrunk for an instant.

Nevertheless, her assessment of the situation was indeed quick.

“I haven’t forgotten this annoying voice even for a single day since 300 years ago…!”

A smile that is even scary comes to mind.

Unlike humans, a wild animal’s smile exposes its fangs, which is like a signal that it is about to attack.

Albion took a few steps closer and growled while glaring at the holy sword.

“Is it you, Roderick! “You fucking bastard!”

‘Dragon Roar’, which exploded from close range, instantly created a sensation. Leon was pushed back by the shock wave and barely regained his balance and swallowed dry saliva.

I thought she might be a benefactor just because I erased her debt, but the only emotion I felt from her roar was anger.

Leon, who recognized the other person’s identity, gritted his teeth internally.

‘hey! ‘What on earth did you do to get so upset!?’

[Well? I ‘ve never really bullied or teased you.]

‘Think of it quickly! I’m going to have to fight a dragon because of you!’

Leon was convinced by the scorching roar just moments ago.

Albion’s true identity is a dragon that transformed into a human.

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