Overpowered Sword
Chapter 276

Overpowered Sword Chapter 276

Level up with swords (276)

The day of destruction has arrived.

When people faced that moment, they remembered the disaster that the Holy Church had been warning about for hundreds of years.

That the demon king who fell by the sword of Saint King Roderick more than 300 years ago will return someday. It was said that all of humanity must join forces to prepare for that day.

At first, I listened to what he said.

The scars left behind by the Demon King, who burned down nearly half of the continent in just a few years, were that huge. Gather your strength to prepare for future troubles. That banner was undoubtedly very suitable for cleaning up the mess immediately after the war, and the conflict with the sub-race could quickly be put to rest.


—Is the Demon King really coming back?

—Could it be that the Holy Church lied? These are people who are willing to suffer shame for the sake of peace.

—How long should we maintain this tension? The devil is dead!

—National strength has been sufficiently restored. It’s time to become the loser of this continent!

Those who were on the front lines against the Demon King’s army retreated, and decades later, humanity forgot that lesson.

Less than a century later, they pointed their swords at each other and wielded the power they had accumulated during their peaceful reign to shake off their ambitions. In an instant, more lives were lost than were sacrificed to the Demon King’s army.

Humanity, which had been united by the presence of Holy King Roderick, was immediately divided.

The elves were dumbfounded by the ugly sight and returned to their forests and cut off all communication with humans.

The beastmen also did not want to shed blood through pointless fights, so they settled in places far away from civilization.

The dragon people, who thought they had finished all their work with the death of the Demon King, left for the higher dimension except for two.

A hundred years have passed since then.

More than a hundred years have passed since then.

300 years.

It was truly a distant time to human senses.

A nation can be established and collapsed several times, and a person who has enjoyed his entire life can die and be reborn three times.

The battle between Saint King Roderick and the Demon King had already become an old story.

—The ordeal we have to endure is not over yet.

Only the Holy Church did not forget its teachings.

Just as heroes are born in difficult times, when a hero appears, the devil comes back.

The scales of fate are always horizontally symmetrical.

I don’t know which way the scale of causality will tip in the end, but the starting point was definitely like that. The hero and the devil. Good and bad. A dichotomy divided by clear criteria.

So, in order to make up for the shameful actions of 300 years ago, the church members studied techniques to destroy and raised stronger saints.

It’s okay even if you don’t get anything in return.

No, that would have been better. Because there was not a single person who wanted the devil to come down again to be rewarded for their faith.

But the believers’ faith was eventually rewarded.

I was rewarded.

“your majesty! your majesty!”

Karelum, the capital of the Clyde Empire.

A shabby palace was built in the center of the ruins, where the damage from the battle and the advent of the ‘Death King’ had not yet been completely restored.

That is where the emperor stays.

It was the residence of Lian, who decided to bear all the evil deeds of the former emperor, or rather, the traitor Nex.

It was not a very suitable place for the leader of a country that had boasted of being the most powerful nation on the continent until not long ago, but since every penny had to be saved, frugality could be said to be a virtue.

“-your majesty! “It’s urgent!”

A messenger covered in blood was dragged in front of the throne where Lian was sitting, with both arms held by two guards.

A young man with blonde hair who was shuffling through a mountain of documents.

Lian, who became the emperor of Clyde at the age of less than 30, looked down at him with a tired face. It went smoothly until he regained the throne with the help of Leon and the Holy Church, but there was so much work to do after that that his sleep time was already less than two hours for several months.

Feeling like she would lose consciousness even if she just lowered her eyelids once, Lian opened her half-bloodshot eyes and spoke.

“I allow you to speak. “Let’s leave out all the pretense and just explain the main points briefly.”

At those words, the messenger hit his head on the floor and began to play with his lips, which were still pale with fear and excitement.

“De dragon! A dragon has appeared! And a large-scale monster wave has occurred around the territory where the dragon is said to have appeared, and the border territory is being devastated! your majesty! Please provide reinforcements! “Please have mercy!”

“Shut up! How dare you talk nonsense in front of His Majesty!”

The guard roughly broke his arm and pushed him down.

The messenger groaned as if he was going to break it, but did not retract his words.

Ryan saw that and raised his right hand.

“stop. Sirs, let him go and take three steps back.”

“your majesty…!”

“He is the one who gave an audience to Jim without even taking care of his battered body. Considering that desperate attitude, you should listen carefully. Sirs, don’t make me give orders twice.”

Lian, who made the guards retreat, asked again.

“Is it true that it’s a dragon?”

“Yes, Your Majesty! “If there was even a single lie in what I said, tear this lowly body to pieces and throw it to the wolves!”

Lian nodded and looked to the side.

“Bring me a map of the continent, Lord Gilbert.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Gilbert, an old knight who was guarding him next to the throne, took out a map larger than a human body.

Then he approached the messenger and laid it out in front of him.

Lian instructed the messenger who had a puzzled expression.

“Mark the news of the dragon you saw and heard and its route on the map. “Please list all territories along the route that have been swept away by the monster wave or will soon be swept away.”

“Your Majesty! “Do you believe me!?”

“Of course.”

“…I will follow Your Majesty’s orders!”

The messenger, with tears in his eyes as if he were about to cry, started scratching all over the map with a feather pen he was holding tightly.

It was news that, in my opinion, was absurd, without even securing physical evidence. Even if the entire family was executed for mocking the emperor, there was no excuse.

Nevertheless, the messenger came.

This was because, unlike Emperor Nex, Crown Prince Lian, who was believed to bring prosperity to the empire again, regained the throne.

‘Finally… I guess.’

Contrary to the messenger’s true feelings, who were admiring his wisdom and mercy, Lian secretly let out a long sigh.

The evil dragon Vritra.

This was the information that traitor Nex left behind at the end of the imperial battle that took place a few months ago. A future in which the Archbishop of the Evil Church is not only a dragon, not a human, but also accepts the power of the Demon King and invades the entire continent once again.

I hoped to be given a recovery period of a year if possible, but I think that was excessive greed. It was an event that could be either fortunate or unfortunate for the Clyde Empire, which was already reeling.

‘If the entire continent is at risk due to the invasion of Vritra, the feet of those who tried to exploit the gaps in the empire will also be on fire.’

Kingdom of Fermat, Kingdom of Hispania, and Meryl Maritime Union.

In addition, there were many countries that had oppressive feelings toward the Clyde Empire. If it were a demonic dragon that had no choice but to become a public enemy, their eyes would forget their old grudges, even if only for a moment.

Thinking that far, Rian smiled wryly without realizing it.

It had to be that way.

‘I guess I was the type of person who shouldn’t be a hero.’

There was an inhumane mind that thought that the suffering of the entire continent was not that bad for the sake of the Clyde Empire.

As a leader of a nation, his selfishness may be right, but as a warrior who must save everyone, it is an unacceptable attitude.

It was strange, but the coffin on my head felt heavy.


“…I believe you will win, Leon.”

I could pray for the hero’s victory like everyone else.

* * *

Titan Mountains.

It was a demonic region inhabited by the Titans, a warrior race who wiped out the demon king’s army together with Rodrik three centuries ago.

In other regions, the land is littered with A-rank monsters that cause a big uproar every time they appear, and even S-rank monsters that treat those monsters as prey are not rare.

Among them, the deep area was a village of Titans that even S-rank monsters did not dare to approach.

A place where monsters from outside crawl in without fear and are beaten to death, which is almost an annual event.

There was no being anywhere on the continent that could threaten them.


The world’s strongest Titan, more famous by his title of King of Giants than by his name, looked down at the horizon as always.

The world seen from the mountain peak looked just as peaceful as yesterday, but what Kasim saw was different.

Dark clouds were gathering.

“Is it ? “It’s a lot weaker than the Demon Lord back then, but it’s still an annoying ability.”

The transcendental’s vision recognized a being watching him from thousands of kilometers away. A monster that is extremely difficult not only in terms of its power but also in all of its abilities.

The evil dragon Vritra.

Cassim, without the slightest fear in the face of that presence, let out a sneer and said,

“Doesn’t a coward who has been locked away for three centuries out of fear of the dead Roderick even dare to stand up against me?”

Then, as if responding to Kasim’s provocation, the answer came back.

【Did you learn the vulgar cubic equation from your master? Mutant.】

“Not as bad as you, who was born as a dragon and swallowed filth. Am I afraid? Or do I feel like I’m going to pee every time I see Roderick’s sword marks on my body?”

【You bastard!】

Dark clouds suddenly form in the blue sky without a single cloud, and a thunderous roar hits your ears.

I was only mildly angry in a faraway place, but the weather phenomenon was going crazy. It is a transcendental dragon born with a very large magic core, and as it absorbs even parts of the Demon King, its power exceeds its limits and hits like a typhoon.

Cassim faced the storm as calmly as a light rain, and before he knew it, he raised his tightly clenched fist.


One blow.

I literally got hit once.

A fist bigger and thicker than a fairly large rock struck the space where there was nothing.

That was it.


The dark clouds that were spouting thunder and thunder are torn away, and the blue sky without a single cloud returns as it was a moment ago.

Even Vritra fell silent at the majesty.

“Lions don’t bark.”

Cassim, who opened the sky with a single blow, spoke softly.

“Only scared dogs bark loudly.”

【…You are arrogant, you are a variant of an ogre.】

“I was born as an ogre, gained wisdom, and jumped over the wall of transcendence. You were born as a dragon, covered in filth, and hostile to the world. “It goes without saying which one is greater.”

【Insolent bastard…!】

Even though Vritra growled like that, she did not reveal herself to Cassim.

He was a guy who could guarantee a sure win against anyone in the world, but he couldn’t say he would definitely win against Kasim.


The warrior who has become a transcendent transcends the world with his own unique laws. Even Yeokcheon, which neutralizes power based on natural law, is only an equal power in the realm of transcendent martial arts.

Of course, the odds of winning were high.

At least 80%.

“Are you afraid of losing by 20%?”


Cassim asked as if he had read Vritra’s mind.

“If you were to fight me one-on-one, you would win eight out of ten times. “Still, are you pulling yourself out?”

If you are an unmanned person, you will take on the challenge even with a 30% chance of winning.

No, it doesn’t matter even if it’s 10%.

A person who believes in the martial arts he has developed and is not afraid even when facing difficult opponents will ignite his fighting spirit even at the slightest chance of victory.

The fact that he hesitated because of the 20% risk was proof that he was a small man who could not become a magician on an uninhabited island. The mindset of not wanting to lose anything causes even greater losses.

“Well, that’s good. “I’ll follow your playbook.”

Cassim decided that dealing with him further was a waste of time, so he turned his back on the mountain and looked down.

There existed a ‘dimensional rift’, a demonic spirit of the ‘extremely evil’ level.

‘He won’t even touch that demon. ‘Because you will know that it is out of your control.’

Inside the , there were double-digit levels of super-level monsters competing for survival that even Cassim had a hard time with.

We have periodically reduced the number and encouraged mourning, but we are far from reaching a level that can be considered safe. It was not a hell that someone like Vritra could handle.

Above all, the guys lurking inside are monsters that flowed in from an external dimension, so they are not affected in any way by or . If we were to consider their relationship with the sacred law, it would be closer to rock-paper-scissors.

Since it is a being that can be destroyed by the Holy Law, there is no correlation between the power that denies the Holy Law.

“…The Allied Forces will be formed again after 300 years.”

Kasim, who predicted the not-too-distant future, soon took a leap.

Although there was a distance of several kilometers to the surface, it was not like I could get hurt from the impact of falling.

The skin, heated by air resistance, turns red, and the knife mark engraved in the shape of an X takes on a bloody blood color.

Cassim, the king of the Titans, made a decision.

“I’m going down the mountain.”

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