Overpowered Sword
Chapter 299

Overpowered Sword Chapter 299

Level up with the sword (299)

There was no time to do anything other than react.

The moment the barrier centered around Vritra spread into a hemisphere, Ellahan and Hackapell, who had approached Leon’s side, were thrown out of the crater.

It was a kind of rejection.

A wall of darkness isolated the crater like a dome-shaped secret room, as if refusing to accept the very existence of the two people.


Leon muttered after scratching the wall with the holy sword.

[You pulled the out of your body. I have never experienced application in this way.]

‘You didn’t cut it before you even applied it?’

[That’s also true.]

El Cid chuckled.

[As a result, he made the worst move. You understand too, right?]


Beritra, confident of victory without even knowing about the conversation taking place inside Leon, stretched out her grip.

This time, I was planning to rip his tongue out.

However, when he raised the holy sword in response to the gesture, his eyes narrowed as he realized that Leon had recovered somewhat.

【It’s ugly. You have already lost. Do you want to show me struggling in front of those bastards even more?】

“You’ve already lost… so you’re bragging as if you won everything.”

【Still don’t understand? All the bastards who came to help you have been reduced to bystanders, and even if I stand up again, there is no chance that you, who have pulled out all of your tricks, will be able to defeat me. There is no need to defeat the king, checkmate is victory.】 As they

exchanged a few words, Leon recovered quickly, but Vritra’s recovery speed was similar or even faster.

Bone joints and muscle bundles protrude from the cut surface of the arm that was severed in 〈Oseongjeonryeongeo〉, and scales grow densely over the exposed red skin, returning to its normal appearance.

【Well, that’s good. If you want to struggle until the very end, I will do as you wish and kill you slowly by tearing out your limbs one by one.】 A

magic circle unfolds behind Vritra’s back again.

Even after driving him this far, he chose to look down from a safe place rather than directly suffocating Leon.

Its petty yet cunning nature is the driving force behind the dragon’s arrogance and its ability to endure for 300 years, but it becomes a fatal weakness in situations that require a bold decision.

If Vritra had been confident of her victory and had not chatted with Leon, she would have done everything in her power to kill him as soon as she chased away Ellahan and Hakapel.

Leon would have died before he could last even a few seconds.


At that

very moment! Damn it!

A few rays of light fall from their skies.

One beat before the start of Vritra’s offensive, the barrier of that covered the vacant lot began to collapse.

Incontinence appears like a spider’s web, and the entire surface collapses as cracks spread into hundreds of branches without any break.

It was ridiculous.


Vritra, whose eyes were wide in astonishment, stopped for an instant.

The power of the devil.

The unexpected variable of the power he thought was absolute being destroyed by a being who was not even a hero made him stiff. This is a loophole that was revealed because he prioritized cunning over his own strength.

It was right after that. The number of Harkapels that broke through the gap in the barrier of

Heavenly God’s Wind Treasure (天狼迅風步)

and Popungchayeong (捕風捉影)

rushed to Vritra as the number increased to more than twenty.

It’s scary fast.

The speed that the eyes, which are integrated with the ‘Stigmata of the Watcher’, cannot keep up with!

Just as the heavenly god’s pungak (天狼迅風脚),

the combined attack (連擊),

the wind and the wind’s dominance (風磨雨洗)

are cut away by the wind and washed away by the rain.

Dozens of afterimages of Hackapell that surrounded Vritra attacked all at once. It was an attack that even disaster-level monsters, each of which was more powerful than a cannonball, could not recover from.

A large figure reaching 3 meters rose into the air like a pebble, flew away, and landed on one side of the wall.

【Keuuuu…! What are you doing!?】

In the original case, regardless of its power, it would have been blocked by .

It was just as El Cid said.

For Leon, doesn’t have much meaning anyway, so he deploys it outside his body to create a barrier to separate him from the reinforcements. That decision was literally the worst mistake.

Even with the exception of , the body compressed to the standard of 3 meters at the level of an ancient dragon ended up with only minor injuries in Hackapell’s surprise attack.


“It looks like the invincibility is over.”

Hackapell, who saw the change in the guy, laughed murderously.

That’s not all.

As the remaining people all jumped into the crater, the place where Leon and Vritra would fight suddenly turned into a battlefield.

Ellahan approached Leon again and took a deep breath.

“Master Haak Yong… are you okay… are you…?”

“I guess that’s what I’m going to say.”

He smiled bitterly after recognizing her physical condition.

In this era, there were only three beings who could break .

Cassim and Leon, who can directly destroy the law as transcendents, studied the breaking method of for several centuries and even took the results as their own.

There was no Kasim, and there was no Leon.

She was the only one left behind by the method of elimination.

“thank you. “It would have been really dangerous if it weren’t for you.”

Ellahan’s eyes were wide with surprise and joy.

“It’s a bit embarrassing to act like I’m going to win on my own, but…”

Leon looked back at the people who were paying attention to him and circulated the auror that had recovered to nearly 30% again.

A dazzling light like the sun swirls around the body.

This role cannot be compromised.

A warrior makes a way through the thorny path before anyone else.

“From now on, let’s all crush that damn lizard together.”

It was an expression that was so direct that it lacked dignity, but no one found fault with it.

Instead, he turned his gaze from the hero to the Demon King with a smile on his face that was stiff from tension.

Was I angry that the situation wasn’t going as I expected, or was I afraid that even the possibility of escaping from this situation was blocked?


Britra increased her strength without leaving a single penny to spare.

【It’s annoying…! How far are you going to disturb me, you little creatures no bigger than insects! Do you think that if you gather enough numbers, you can overthrow me? I will shatter your ridiculous delusions!!】

Even excluding 〈Reverse Heaven〉 and 〈Corruption〉, Vritra’s power goes beyond common sense. In terms of the scale of power that surpasses that of an ancient dragon, which can be said to be on par with a fully mature transcendental being, it is probably several times more powerful than Leon and Cassim combined.

However, the people who gathered at this decisive battle site were all Mencius who had overthrown something stronger than themselves.

He meets the pressure without taking a single step back.


Leon already had a hunch.

Although the ally’s power has become effective due to the nullification of , there is no significant difference in the odds of victory itself.

If you are pushed back even once, it is impossible to turn the game over.

If so, I had to risk everything at this moment.


Pure white flames enveloped him, along with a feeling as if his soul was burning inside his body.

Sun Sword (太陽劍)

Red Lotus Samsik


A white brilliance that rises behind the back like a halo.

Since 〈Reverse Heaven〉 has been broken, there is no need to use all attacks with the Heart Sword. As if replacing the mental power that has been wasted so far, physical strength and aura fill the empty space.

A pair of wings transformed into plasma flicker.



Leon, who broke through the 1-second comma range, struck down Vritra’s horn violently.

The ground sank under the immense pressure and dust rose up, but it cleared up immediately. Vritra’s tail tore through the air several times, and Leon, who had left the gap half a beat earlier, caught his breath.

1 sum up to here.

As if digging into that moment, Hackapell ran forward.

Heavenly God’s Wind Treasure (天狼迅風步) and Jinpo

‘s Wind Chakyeong (true wind attack)

were techniques that Barg had shown in the past, but their power was more than four times that of the other.

As if to prove the legend of the first Beast King, a storm rages.

Heavenly God Pungak (天狼迅風脚)

Secret Beauty


Each shot may only result in a minor injury, but if you are hit all 27 times, even Vritra’s durability will not be able to withstand it. .

The guy who sensed this spread his wings and wrapped himself in a circle.

A dragon’s wings are not made of a thin membrane and framework like a bat, but are a type of magic organ. A wall stronger than the 8th tier defensive magic is built, so even the storm disappears without being able to break through.

However, taking advantage of the opportunity that he had switched to a defensive stance, humanity’s strongest warriors each attacked him with special moves.

Crushing all things,

Type 3,

Cham Gong,

Pasan Sword,

Type 1,

Taishan Tack,


the Orchestra of Fist

space. The shock waves that cut down, collapse mountains, and tear and destroy the very foundation of matter continue to explode.

The crater had already expanded several times.

The power released in the aftermath of the decisive battle crushes the ground and even destroys the rubble, expanding space. Without even intending to, the entire area spread out like an open field.

The attacks of the Titan warriors pound the ground, pushing Vritra further into the corner, and every time she shows signs of spreading her wings to attempt a counterattack, Hackapell pushes her back with repeated strikes.

“Constellation magic 〈Orion〉.”

Astrid’s spell overloads the five orbs and even mobilizes the circles within her body to fill them with two stars.

was by no means omnipotent.

Even if you reduce the burden with the Special Artifact Pro, there are 5 or more great magic methods that are related to life. Even knowing this, Astrid boldly created a constellation requiring seven stars.

“A long time ago, a hunter was born who could surpass even the realm of the gods. He declared that he would kill all animals with his skill, which drew the wrath of the gods, and he was killed by the arrow of a deceived lover.”

Although it required several times more magical power than Cassiopeia, the result was a single arrow. The reason the gods were angry at Orion’s declaration was because he could really kill all the beasts on earth.

It shouldn’t be like that.

Therefore, he was executed as a punishment, but he remained an object of reverence for the arrows he shot as the best hunter.


The arrow, which turned into a single flash of light, accurately pierced the gap in Vritra’s wing. It wasn’t Astrid’s goal, it was Orion’s ability to penetrate the enemy’s weak points.


Anger at being hurt by small creatures and fear at replaceing himself in a corner. In the face of the danger that 300 years of patience would be in vain, Vritra’s madness boiled over.

As soon as its two wings were torn apart, it unleashed its power in all directions, expanding the siege and manifesting its power.

‘Attunement’, an innate ability that has been corrupted due to the Devil’s convenience.

An ability that forcibly opened the demonic realms that existed throughout the continent.

Pap-duk! Pap deud deuk! Quick!

The body, which was about 3 meters long, swells with a terrible sound.

It is wrapped in disgusting flesh, functional yet ugly tentacles sprout from the flesh, and it transforms into a monster, containing a godhead that should not exist in this world within its body.

Only a few pieces of the characteristics of the dragon race remain.

Horns sprouting from the top of the head and reptilian eyes.

The eyes, clouded with madness, become even more distorted with malice.

【…burrwlemf…before qn…killed ek…】

That was then.

“““Execution of divine punishment!”””

The power of 〈Yeokcheon〉 had disappeared, and the person who had activated the foreign law in earnest was no longer an exception to divine punishment.

Ellahan, who had gathered divine power along with the three cardinals, immediately aimed at the Seongcheolsae and opened a portal above Vritra’s head. Heavenly light shoots out from the distant sky.

It was a blow of greater and clearer brilliance than usual, as if it contained the goddess’s own emotions.

Vritra, weighed down by that pillar of light, went crazy.


Several people are staggered by the storm of mental waves that are nothing but madness, anger, and murderous intent. Even though he was corrupted into a demon lord, he was able to move without being completely burned by the light of divine punishment, perhaps because his original race was a dragon.

An unholy darkness is born from the body of a creature that has grown to over 5 meters tall by mutating through external methods.

Leon saw that and shouted urgently.

“Breath is coming!”

A dragon’s breath, unlike a wyvern’s, had the ability to compress and release the magic power circulating within the body. It can be used anywhere on the body even if it is not spit out through the mouth.

Since there is no large hole like a mouth, the nozzle becomes smaller, but the power and essence do not change at all.

Leon, who was caught off guard, clenched his molars.


It was ‘Doom Breath’.

The darkness that emanated from the pores of Vritra’s body had already swept across all directions from the moment it appeared. Some people evacuated to a small blind spot, but they were unable to completely avoid an attack that was faster than the speed of light.

Tyrone, an adventurer whose left arm was torn off along with his beloved greatsword, let out a laugh.


It had to be that way.

〈Doom Breath〉 did not aim at a specific target, but swept all over the place as if declaring that it would destroy the world.

Even with 〈Auror Blade〉, the limit was to slightly bend the trajectory.

Tyrone knelt down, coughing up a few sips of blood.

Surprisingly, it was pretty good.

“Berith! Hey, come to your senses!”

Even if you hit your cheek hard enough to make a clanging sound, your eyes that have lost their light do not move.

Cardinal Beride.

In return for protecting several people with the tower shield, the darkness that penetrated even the shield mercilessly cut out his heart and lungs.

Irexana held Adella’s hand.

“Please stop.”

“Small! “Fuck you!”

Irexana, who closed Berid’s eyes, threw away the only ax that was left and took out a new weapon.

“Hmm, I guess I’ll have to take on the next village chief position again.”

Vulkan, the lone survivor among the Titan warriors, muttered in a rough voice.

If it weren’t for Galek and Sarunga, he too would have been killed or maimed, but they sacrificed themselves to save at least one of their strength.

Vulcan, leaving behind the bodies of his friends, growled fiercely.

“…Rodelin, are you okay?”

《The damage rate of the core body is 34%. It is difficult to continue the battle further due to the complete damage of the external combat armor, but there is no problem.》

“Wow, thank goodness.”

Karen, who was protected by Rodelin without even having time to hide in the shadows, let out a long sigh.

Is it because it has such a large body?

pierced through Rodelin’s external combat armor like a honeycomb, but ended up only grazing a few strands of the core body. You could say it was a blessing in disguise.

Astrid blocked it by sacrificing three orbs, and Cedric offset it with the power he had accumulated in Dainslife.

‘Half of them were neutralized in one attack.’

Only Leon split the from the front and went one step further, aiming at Vritra, who was defenseless right after the attack.

Starlight flows through the blade of the holy sword El Cid.

When I developed 〈Solitary Light〉 while writing 〈Corona〉, a light almost three times darker and more intense than usual was born. I don’t even want to imagine how enormous the backlash would be.

Ignoring the cold sweat running down his back, Leon passed through time that had slowed down as if it had stopped.

‘you can do it. No, I have to do it!’

Leon was not the only one who was exhausted and injured.

If the adventurers, including Tyrone Astrid, and the cardinal Titan warrior commanders were in perfect condition, more than half of them would not have been knocked out by .

It was absolutely impossible to continue the battle any further than this.

The sole star light

is not cut, but stabbed


The sword aimed at the heart, which can be said to be the core organ of the dragon race, flashes. If you divide 1 comma second into dozens of pieces, you will be able to see the sword path moving forward like flowing water.

It’s a decisive blow.

Leon’s eyes, who were sure of that, froze when he saw something.


Vritra’s eyes were looking at him.

He said he knew it would come like this and waited for this moment.

The pupil, devoid of any trace of madness, keenly scanned his right arm. The gap in my arm that I neglected to defend myself because I was only thinking about the attack by grabbing the holy sword with one hand while throwing a thrust.

Vritra spoke as time accelerated to its limit.

【I saw through this body.】

What? And I couldn’t even question it.

Leon was just thrilled.

【Unlike you, Kasim was able to use his whole body with his sword. But you don’t use anything other than your sword. No, would it be more accurate to say that I couldn’t write it?】

I was caught through.

He saw through it that he was an imperfect transcendental person and could not even be called a threat without the holy sword.

So, Vritra deliberately left a gap.

He wasted his strength by making it look like he was going crazy and exposed his heart so that Leon misjudged that it was time to deliver the final blow. Akryong, whose escape route was blocked, finally learned how to use even his own life as a stake.

[Now, it’s checkmate.]

Just before the Holy Sword El Cid’s sword strike pierced Vritra, the that surged from his feet severed Leon’s arm.

Due to lack of concentration, it was only able to cut off a human’s forearm with power, but that was enough.

The holy sword held in my right hand bounced into the air.


As the light of fades and the wick shakes, even the white flame behind the back loses its heat and becomes disheveled.

The final strike failed.

I was not good enough once and lost twice.

A feeling of despair he had never experienced before crawled up his ankles and calves, up his back, and grabbed his cervical vertebrae as if they were going to break them. Even my heart forgot its beat and was about to stop,

[You idiot.]

El Cid’s obnoxious voice caught my collapsing consciousness.

[Do you still not know why you became an imperfect transcendent?]

‘…I don’t know.’

[If possible, I wanted to realize it myself, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Unlike this body, you are a dull person. The great teacher has to teach me everything one by one!]

Leon chuckled without realizing it.

[You are a transcendent, Leon.]

‘What is that?’

[Once you have crossed the boundary of transcendence, perfection and imperfection are concepts that do not actually exist. However, the reason you cannot use the Heart Sword without the Holy Sword is simply because you depend on the Holy Sword.]

‘You… depended on the Holy Sword?’

[Accurately, you’re relying on me.]

Leon’s mind was bleached after being hit by El Cid.

[Ever since you picked me out on the hill behind the academy, you have always believed in me and followed me. There is no doubt that it was I who brought you to this place by overcoming the limits that I thought was fate. That’s why you rely on me and can’t trust ‘yourself’ without me.]

That’s why an impossible flaw arose in the supposed perfect .

Holy sword El Cid.

A hero’s symbol that contains the soul of his teacher and idol, Rodrik.

The sword that was supposed to be used only in my mind existed outside.

[I trust you, Leon.]

El Cid said calmly.

[You can do well without me. Everything you’ve shown me so far has always exceeded my expectations. Even if I lose the holy sword, you are a great warrior and a great warrior.]

‘…It doesn’t suit me.’


‘It doesn’t suit me to give encouragement or nice words.’

[No, why are you fighting even when I say nice things?!]

Feeling the will that had subsided due to despair rising again like the sunrise, Leon was ashamed of the fact that he had been revived by a few words of encouragement from El Cid.

At the same time, I agreed.

Even though he accomplished many things as a warrior, even the moment he faced the Demon King Vritra. Despite this, he couldn’t imagine himself being able to exist without El Cid.

‘I’m being pushed to the end.’

Still, I don’t feel resentful or single-minded.

Even the emptiness of the right arm that disappeared along with El Cid was nothing compared to the flame that was now born in my heart.

Warrior Leon. It was from this moment that I could be proud of that name even though I did not hold El Cid.

Leon-style Mind-Blade

Solitary Star Light

Appears Starlight

gathers in the empty grip of the left hand and materializes in the same shape as the holy sword El Cid.

Even after letting go of his dependence on El Cid, there was only one type of sword he could think of.

Vritra’s triumphant pupils split thinly.

The emotions that were visible in it were fear and begging. I didn’t want to die. It was indeed a natural expression of emotion.

‘This is something that cannot be forgiven as much as you.’

Leon thrust the blade in without a moment of hesitation.

Like the starlight that softly falls at dawn.


The Dragon Heart, stained black with fragments of the Demon King, was shattered by a blade made of starlight.

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