Overpowered Sword
Chapter 43

Overpowered Sword Chapter 43

Level up with swords (43)

“「The two eyes of the goddess who look down on all things, the sun and the moon.」”

This is what is written in the first chapter of the Goddess’ Story.

We watch the day with one eye and the night with the other. Those are the eyes of the goddess who looks down on all things from a place where the sun and moon cannot be reached by humans.

With both eyes open, people cannot see the brightness, so the merciful Goddess always keeps only one eye open.

“「Always be thankful. “The open eye is His holy love, and the closed eye is His tender consideration.”

However, the sermon mentions it at the end.

“「Always be afraid. When the Goddess opens both eyes, the shadows and darkness of the whole world will be lifted. Nowhere in the world can sin be hidden, nowhere in the world will there be mercy left. “Only those who have walked the right path will be proud before him.”

The goddess was not just a merciful deity.

Punishment for sinners and judgment for the wicked.

Just as everything in this world has a side, the Goddess of Mercy also had a ruthless side. The light that completely eliminated the darkness was no different from violence.

“「On the day when the sun and moon rise at the same time, those who look up to the sky will kneel down and pray earnestly.」”

Leon opened his eyes after leaving one last phrase.


Suddenly, the whole place was dyed in golden light. On the ceiling, two light spheres interlocked, emitting harmonious light, and waves of light starting from Leon’s body poured out again and again, burning away all the gloomy energy unique to the outer method.

Thanks to this, the foreign magistrates were unable to keep up and were being pushed out. Even Karen, who was relatively inferior to the others, was pushing both guys at the same time.


“「The Goddess is watching us.」”

Divine light exploded.

Without any sound, the two spheres of light in the sky merged, turning the surrounding area pure white.

sun and moon.

Using the two attributes of aura, the myth related to the goddess’s eyes is recreated. Although the sacred law itself was very advanced, its effect was nothing special. The whole point was to create a kind of sanctuary that embodies ‘a place where the goddess is watching.’

[The sanctuary is actually famous for its grandiose name. It doesn’t have much effect on monsters and all it does is cause some discomfort. There are only a few people in the church who learn it. The difficulty level is very high, but it doesn’t seem to be of much use.]

But El Cid grinned.

[It works very well for external methods.]

It was exactly as he said.



The monsters that came into contact with the light pouring from the sky writhed with terrible cries. The body, which had not even been penetrated by a blade, was torn apart, and the poison that had corroded the rock turned into plain water.


All creatures and laws from other dimensions are denied. A living hell where you are not even allowed to breathe. The monsters that could not survive the harsh environment collapsed and stopped breathing.


Cesare did not miss the opportunity and rushed forward. He throws a mace and blows off one guy’s upper body, and swings the chain on the other side to break the other guy’s head.

The foreign magicians who were powerless due to the sanctuary were unable to respond to the attack and died in vain.

“What! “You suddenly became boring!”

It was the same for the rest of the group.

Knowing that the game has turned, Khan’s fist scatters brain matter, and Karen’s shower of daggers causes the two men to fall.

5 to 5 with this.

In an instant, the numbers of the two groups became equal.

“These unholy squires…! “The goddess’ livestock!”

Only then did the preacher who had been standing back walk out.

The man’s bloodshot eyes were staring only at Leon, as if he didn’t even care about his fallen subordinates.

A black burning hatred.

It was the first time for Leon to encounter this level of malice. The malice felt through the Aurasense felt like it was burning my skin. It seems that the sacred method he used touched his disgust.

“――I will annihilate you.”

The preacher with a cold voice raised his hand.


And that was the moment he snapped his fingers.


Blood spurted from the chests of the four surviving magicians. No, it’s not blood. The blood was just an additional splatter, and what the preacher pulled out was their heart.

The freshly extracted hearts are pounding and bleeding.

Naturally, there is no way the owners of the heart will be safe. They convulsed from the shock of having their hearts suddenly pulled out, and before they could hold out for long, they lost their breath. I don’t know what method he used, but the preacher killed four of his subordinates with his own hands!

“Ah, that’s sad. To stop these robbers, the precious lives of believers must be sacrificed…”

Black tears of blood flowed from the preacher’s eyes.

He glares at the four people with an even more creepy expression that doesn’t look pretentious.

Then he grabbed the hearts floating in the air.

“Now look! You fools! True God’s grace!”

Eventually, the guy’s grip tightened and the hearts, unable to withstand the pressure, cried out, ‘Fujijik!’ It exploded.

Blood and flesh splatter everywhere.

People frowned at the horrible act, but what they saw afterwards was even more disgusting.


Cesare was speechless and lifted the iron ball.

Khan let out a double curse and clenched his fists, and Karen took a few steps back and broke into a cold sweat.

Leon was no exception.


Blood and flesh swirl before their eyes.

The preacher in the center had already lost his human form and his body was being kneaded like clay. The sound of bones crushing under tremendous pressure and seeing my whole body being crushed and glued together again made me feel nauseous.


As if that wasn’t enough, it swells.

The iron ball that Cesare threw as a check was easily bounced away, and the lump of flesh grew to over 6 meters in size in just a few seconds.

His transformation was still in progress.

Eight legs rise from the stumpy lower body.

The carapace appears solid at first glance, and the clearly defined joints belong to insects, not humans. Looking at the shape of the tail sticking out from the back, it looked like that of a desert scorpion.

Crack! Wow! Wood clatter!

The upper body is similar to that of a human, but there are three pairs of arms sticking out on the left and right. The six arms hanging from the dark red body remind us of a demon race called ‘Asura’.

It is impossible to count the number of eyeballs popping up all over the body.

A being that could not even be called a monster, which deviated far from the standards of a normal living creature, appeared in front of the four people.

【How are you doing, you bastards! This majesty! Our God, who granted this power to insignificant humans, is truly true!】

My ears tingle from the incredible roar. The loud noise was enough to shake my sense of balance.

The four of them rushed in without even thinking about who would go first.

‘We have to do it as quickly as even 1 second!’

Everyone’s thoughts immediately agreed.

That body didn’t just get bigger and more ugly. The huge size and mass alone are powerful, but once you get used to those eight legs and six arms, the danger level goes up three levels.

Even though he was oppressed by the power of the Sanctuary, it was clear that at that level, there would be no way to do anything once the Holy Law was released.


Cesare gave a short burst of energy and turned the iron ball.

The rapidly rotating iron ball makes a sound like a swarm of bees and draws a blue circle as it is engulfed in blue aura fire.

Kill with one blow.

The iron lump containing that force tore even the sound.


The cave giant’s body bounces away with a tremendous roar.

Since someone weighing a ton could float in the air, the destructive power contained in the iron ball must have been truly enormous.


Nevertheless, the guy laughed.

【Is this all?】

The iron ball is received and the broken arm is restored to its original state.

Surprisingly, he stopped it.

Although he could only move his two arms, he was able to defend himself against an iron ball that could shatter a castle gate. Moreover, the damage was recovered in just a few seconds, so it was almost a perfect defense.

“This son of a bitch is so proud!”

Then Khan attacked.

Cesare took advantage of the giant’s posture and burrowed under the eight legs.

Immediately after that, Khan’s fist, occupying the square, split into dozens of pieces.


High-speed continuous strikes that are invisible to the eye.

At a speed that even Leon’s Eye Technique could not keep away, all dozens of punches exploded beneath the cave giant’s torso.

Each blow has the power to tear even steel apart.

However, the guy even laughed and counterattacked Khan.


It was a tail.

Befitting its huge body, the stinger’s tail, which was several meters long and the length of which was as long as a lance, attacked Khan.

Khan, who reflexively took that orbit, broke into a cold sweat.

Not only is the speed great, but the power is also tremendous. The knuckles that hit the side of the tail were almost numb. If it had been hit from the front, it would have been pierced through the stomach by now.

“This doesn’t make sense… They blocked everything?!”

Karen, who had taken a surprise attack at the moment when the two would attack, was also shocked. He went behind the scenes and blocked all the daggers thrown at him!

【Now it’s my turn!】

The giant who had deflected a series of attacks jumped up.

The moment the group, frightened by the act, scattered in all directions, six fists exploded, along with a weight of more than several tons.


The earth shakes.

The entire basement trembled as if it was about to collapse, making us realize how severe the impact was.

If you hit even one direct hit, you die instantly.

Even if you only brush against it, serious injury is certain.

【Hahaha! Overflowing with energy! You guys really look like bugs!】

A cloud of dust rose around the one that got stuck, but with a few swings of its tail, it all flew away.

Since the mass itself was so different, the way of thinking was also different. The attack power was outrageous, and the defense power combined with regenerative power was even greater. The only effective means of attack against him would now be the holy sword.


Leon, who was looking down at the holy sword, gritted his teeth.

‘Fuck it, it doesn’t work. If I can’t defeat him with one hit, he’ll be completely wary of me. If that happens…’

You can’t defeat him until is activated.

Moreover, the monster from the outer dimension was already approaching, so we should not give it any room to take any more time.

However, there was no way to break through the cave giant.

A dilemma.

The situation of not being able to choose either side tormented him.


In an instant, a flash of inspiration flashed through me like a thunderbolt.

It was an opportunity to replace out thanks to the status window.

‘Karen 〈Guardian〉 〈Shadow Walking〉.’

Leon immediately moved his body and walked up to Karen, who was throwing the dagger even though he knew it didn’t mean anything.



The noise made by the cave giant is so loud that you have to shout to be heard. Leon shouted at a volume that others could not hear in Karen’s ear, who did not even turn around.

“Help me! “I need the strength of a senior!”

“What! Do you have any good ideas?!”

“We’re going back behind the giant! “We must stop the ritual first, not fight against him!”

Karen thought about those words for a moment and then shook her head.

“no! That guy is also paying attention to the background! “If you don’t move through space, you can’t go back there!”

“All you have to do is jump through space!”


Leon couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed.

“you! It’s a ‘gwan keeper’! “I’ll turn a blind eye, so please help me!”


“I don’t know what the circumstances are, but if this fails, everyone will die! me too! You! All of these people in Blaine! “I want you to get rid of that clumsy play and move me to the shadows!”

Karen’s eyes widened when her identity was discovered.

For a moment, life flashed through his empty eyes, but I wasn’t stupid enough to try to silence him in this situation.

There was no time to think for a long time.

She then let out a long sigh and said.

“-okay. You can help! Damn it, if you knew, you would have told me earlier! “What kind of disgrace is this?”

“If you had told me, I would have stabbed you first!”

“of course! “A woman’s secrets are precious!”

Karen gave a joking answer and ran away, with Leon running after her.

Up to this point, it was as he expected.

The skill seen in the status window transcends space. However, I thought the travel distance would not be long. Crossing several kilometers is difficult even for the highest level wizards, and the distance required for an assassin is only a few meters.

‘It’s probably around ten meters at most.’

Just enough to not attract the cave giant’s attention, but enough to escape his attention and go back.

The two continued to approach until they reached a narrow gap.

Soon Karen stopped walking.

“That’s it. From now on, go alone. “If I fall for it, I’ll know right away.”

“Don’t die.”

“…As I live, I hear all the worries from church members.”


She stretched out her hand to Leon with a strange look on her face. At the same time, a rising shadow engulfed him.

Leon accepted the suction without resisting.


And then he realized that he was behind a giant.

‘We have to hurry.’

I run away without any further thought.

Aurors were not used. Fearing that the power of the sun might attract the attention of the cave giants, he quickly covers the uphill path using only his physical strength.

Fortunately, the place hosting the ceremony was nearby.

Leon, who climbed the hill in just a few tens of seconds, opened his eyes wide.

‘Is it here…!’

It was the center of the ceremony where ‘Swallowing the City’ was taking place.

You cannot look into a hole that is wide open in the air. A space that cannot be observed by humans regardless of their eyesight. The outside of the dimension was clearly exposed.

Above all, there was something floating in the center of the hole that looked like a red jewel, and Leon was able to immediately recognize it.

“…Is that the essence of that ‘bait’ vitality?”


El Cid said in a low voice.

[This is the result of sacrificing thousands, perhaps more than 10,000 lives.]

Leon tightly grasped the hilt of his sword.

After coming here, I was able to understand clearly why ‘evil’ should not exist. I was able to understand why even the denomination, which claims that even the wicked are objects of forgiveness and reformation, advocates ruthlessness.

Every single one of them must be exterminated.

Remembering his sense of duty, he took a step forward. Just destroy that jewel first and think about the rest. Even if they are defeated and die, “Devouring the City” will stop.


Leon raised his sword and concentrated his strength.


The aura that combines with divine power shines beautifully and extends from the blade…

[Leon! Step back!]

It was that exact moment.

He was awakened by El Cid’s shout, and as he floated backwards, something struck from the sky.


six arms.

Eight legs and one tail.

A caveman with a strange appearance was blocking him.

‘No, how?’

Even if his absence had been discovered, this speed was unexpected. The group must have done their best to catch him, but the question of why they could already catch up came to mind.

And then it faded away within a few seconds.


It was absurd.

Leon even let out a laugh and glared at the film fluttering behind the guy’s back.

I guess so.

Out of nowhere, that giant flew into the sky, so I had no choice but to miss it.

【Give up, the goddess’s dog.】

This time, perhaps because he was really surprised, the giant lost his furious spirit and spoke in a low voice.

【You missed your last chance. Accept the inevitable death by the grace of my God.】

“Something that doesn’t even look like a dog barks like a dog.”

Leon spat at the sentence and raised his sword.

There is no chance of winning.

Nevertheless, it is the job of a warrior to look forward to victory. It was the teachings of a teacher who always had his back.


It was then.

[Oh, I can’t help it.]

Leon’s body went out of control.

My fingers, wrists, elbows, and shoulders move naturally, taking on postures I have never learned.

No, I never learned it.

That’s because I’ve never been successful before.

[You did your best. So, let me help you just this once.]

El Cid moves Leon’s body.

Even though it is not yours, a much more natural and perfect balance of power is created.

Just reflecting on that feeling was enough to help me study.

[Look carefully, foolish disciple.]

In front of the cave giant, who was rigid with an unknown sense of intimidation, El Cid displayed his sword skills for the first time in hundreds of years.

Grand Chariot.

Seven stars rise.

What was even brighter was the second one.

Heavenly gland transplant (天璇二式).


The starlight emitted from the blade slit the cave giant’s neck.

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