Overpowered Sword
Chapter 76

Overpowered Sword Chapter 76

Leveling up with a sword (76)

was an instant.

A ray of light, like a lightning bolt passing through for an instant, divided the world in two. No one could see it, but the space in the light’s path was cut cleanly away.

The cut wind was cut off.

The darkness that had been cut suddenly stopped.

Andrei’s body, which had swelled as if it was about to burst at any moment, suddenly stopped as if it had been doused with ice water.


It is an incomprehensible phenomenon.

There was no way it would stop if it was just broken in two. The compression of vitality had already ended, and the fuse had long since burned out.

Andrei’s eyes were filled with astonishment and doubt.

As a person who explores the principles of the wizarding world, the warlock also could not accept the unreasonable results.

[In any era, people called ‘wizards’ are all the same.]

El Cid, who read what was going on, said cynically.

[Interfering with ‘reason’ is not only the privilege of wizards. For a warrior who has reached the level of martial arts, it is not a big deal to cut off the flow with one swing.]

It was not for nothing that Leon had difficulty learning the ‘Seven-Star Sword’.

The sword technique that Roderick himself created during his lifetime and used well until he surpassed the limits of mastery is the ‘Seven-Star Sword’.

Swordsmanship that involves the realm of ‘reason’ beyond simply swinging the sword quickly and forcefully. Because it penetrates space, it completely ignores physical defenses and even cuts off the flow of established power.

That was why Andrei’s self-destruction stopped.

“―If it wasn’t just you guys――.”

Suddenly, the severed lower body falls to the ground first.

As if basking in the enormous amount of sunlight wasn’t enough, the body that had been torn in two by was already at its limit.

Even the immortality of a Lord-level vampire cannot withstand it.

“Ah――my power――my glory――”

The lower body that had fallen from the main body had already returned to ashes.

Andrei let out a miserable scream and began to turn into ashes from the cut end, and he struggled in pain as his soul withered away.

Vampires are a race in which there is no distinction between spirit and body.

Even after death, the soul is not separated and disappears permanently along with the body. It could be said that the price of immortality, which was not enjoyed even for a day, was quite harsh.

“…There’s nothing to be upset about, Count Rubena.”

Leon didn’t hear the deathly scream.

This is because both ears were damaged due to the effects of the ultrasonic attack that occurred earlier.

Nevertheless, I could tell what he was talking about. Wicked people have always been like that. They harbor unreasonable ambitions and cause harm to others, but they do not know that the karma will come back.

Cause and effect retribution.

The natural law that everyone knew but was not sure about was the role given to the warrior.

“If it weren’t for me, your glory wouldn’t have lasted even half a year.”

Leon, who said that, looked at the dying man.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

It was a fitting end for Andrei’s sins.


Andrei let out a long, sorrowful scream and before he knew it, all that was left was his head, and Andrei was reduced to a handful of ashes.

Leon did not take his eyes off the scene until the end.

I watched until the life force that had filled its body scattered all over the place and turned into a red mist. Until a gust of wind blowing from somewhere scattered the ash that was Andrei and the illusion of the red moon shattered.


In the end, Andrei died with a handful of ash.

“Did you get rid of it?”

As Gustav muttered that, his colleagues sitting next to him shouted and slapped his back.

“Ah boss! “Don’t talk like that bitch!”

“Did you forget that the ogre got decapitated last time!? Why are you trying to save the dead? “What kind of necromancer is the leader?!”

“It’s true that I only do things I’m told not to do!”

The two Holy Iron Knights looked puzzled by their violent reaction, but there were several unwritten rules in the mercenary world.

Don’t start an argument when a new person who appears weak arrives.

When you defeat a strong enemy, don’t say, ‘Did you defeat it?’

Don’t talk about old times when the fight is just around the corner.

People who don’t know much will just laugh it off, but if they experience the same situation several times, their attitude will change. The more experienced a mercenary is, the longer he has survived, and the more thorough he is in following the unwritten rules.

“Well, I don’t think it will come back to life.”

Fortunately, Andrei was not resurrected.

The moment the mercenaries breathed a sigh of relief at Damian’s words, Leon relaxed and flopped down on the spot.

Angela, seeing this, hurriedly walked over and helped him up.

“…it’s okay. “I just lost some strength.”

However, regardless of Leon’s specifications, Angela began to use all of her remaining holy power to restore him.

Now that I knew who he was, it was a natural step.

[Hahaha! There is no special queen prize!]

Although Leon felt uncomfortable with that treatment, he kept his mouth shut when he saw Angela’s eyes shining brightly.

‘If I try to stop you any further, you won’t hear me, right?’

[Well, I guess so. If necessary, they will try to save you even at the cost of their own lives.]

‘This is why it is difficult to deal with religious people…’

There is nothing more difficult to shake off than good will without expecting anything in return.

The Knights of Seongcheolsae were the ones who had a stiff attitude even in front of the emperor, and those people were looking at Leon before their own wounds.

“You were great.”

Perhaps Angela’s healing method had healed his ears, but Leon turned his eyes to the voice coming from behind him.

Damien, with a bright smile, made eye contact.

“Senior Cesare asked for my full cooperation, so I wondered why he said that, and now I understand why.”

“Haha… I’m sorry for not telling you before.”

“no. Since Leon wanted to hide his identity, we respect that wish. “Angela and I will withhold any information about Mr. Leon for the rest of our lives.”

As if Angela agreed, she curled the index fingers and thumbs of both hands to form two circles and waved them.

Just looking at him, it was hard to identify him with the person who destroyed the mansion with a single punch. He was a person with an unforgettable personality, both silent and iron fist.

Leon laughed for no reason, but suddenly felt his head spinning and stumbled in his seat.


My vision blurred once and then returned to normal.

It is the limit of mental power.

My body claimed that it could endure more, but the limits I had overcome when I opened Merak denied that statement. It wasn’t a bad thing. Now that you’ve gone one step further from trance, you won’t have to push yourself this hard the next time you do it.

“Leon, please leave the cleaning up to us.”

Damian, who diagnosed his condition, whispered softly.

“We will resolve any friction with the kingdom to a minimum so as not to interfere with Leon’s actions. Rest assured and rest well.”

“I understand.”

Knowing that it would be difficult to hold on any longer, Leon accepted his favor and lowered his eyes.

The darkness that came in an instant enveloped his consciousness.

This time, the warrior who had fulfilled his duty fell asleep for a while.

* * *

The news of Andrei’s death was conveyed to the royal palace the very next day. Unlike the countless baronets and barons, there are only about ten earl-level nobles. In total, there are only five or six marquis and dukes who reign over them.

They were a class that could be said to be the real power holders of the kingdom.

As one of them suddenly and unexpectedly died, not only the royal palace but also the high-ranking nobles were in great turmoil.

―Andrey, Count of Rubena, was summarily executed on charges of heresy!

However, the uproar soon subsided when two Seongcheolseokknights, a military group boasted by the Holy Church, came forward and even brought in witnesses.

A Wallachia clan who completed 250 years of voluntary labor.

A survivor of the slums who was innocently taken in and whose blood was exploited.

The circumstantial evidence was very clear, and even books on black magic were discovered in the ruins of the count’s residence, clearly proving that Andrei Rubena was a heretic.

He increased his power by sacrificing a triple-digit number of citizens and using the vampires that were guaranteed by the church to be treated like livestock.

It was a high treason for which there would be no excuse even if he was summarily executed.

―In the process of subduing Count Rubena, I sought the help of several adventurers and mercenaries, but not much was actually done! Even if you call me as a witness, you won’t get much benefit!

And in the process, the participation records of Leon and Karen’s “Steel Claws” mercenary unit were omitted. Unlike the Castle Knights, who could not be touched even from the kingdom’s point of view, they were quite formidable opponents.

If it became known that he was involved in the execution of a high-ranking nobleman, there were many people who would replace fault with the matter and interfere in various ways.

In the end, there was no honor that could not be preserved.

“…That’s how it happened.”

Karen, who had organized three days of work, finished the story.

Leon was just dumbfounded when he heard that three days had already passed, even though he only closed his eyes once and then opened them.

The place where he was lying now was also completely different from what he expected.

It is much weaker than before, but the vibrations that feel irregular are inside the moving cart.

“So there was a need to get out of Lubena City.”

If you stay around for no reason, you may be summoned as a witness.

Even with the testimony of the Holy Knight, this territory was ultimately under the jurisdiction of the kingdom, so it was best not to give an excuse.

So, as soon as the sun broke, Arnold resumed his ascent and left for the next destination in the city of Lubena. Of course, out of concern for Leon’s physical condition, his movement speed was greatly reduced.

After hearing that, Leon immediately looked at Karen.

“Karen, what are your injuries?”

“huh? wound? Ah, everything healed yesterday. “All major organs were avoided and the bleeding was only a bit severe, so you will recover quickly.”

“I see.”

For some reason, Karen’s attitude became awkward when she heard those words.

When Leon asked her with her eyes what was wrong, she hesitated for a moment and then spoke carefully.

“I’m sorry.”


“Next time, I will talk to the warrior first and then move. “You were very surprised because I acted the way I wanted, right?”

Leon finally found out the reason and laughed.

Karen, who was watching him, was completely different from the image of the “Guardian” who spewed out murderous stories with an emotionless face.

Above all, he should have apologized more than Karen.

“Well, it’s true that I was surprised. “You don’t have to explain it like that.”


“From next time, I’ll notice even if you don’t say anything. “I want you to move in a way that works for you.”

Karen’s eyes widened at his answer, but she quickly nodded several times with a refreshing smile.

I didn’t mean to lightly appease her.

Karen’s strength comes from her unique tactics and extraordinary improvisation. Asking for understanding from a colleague beforehand was an act that not only eroded her great strengths, but also turned them into weaknesses.

‘No matter how I think about it, restricting a colleague’s power like that just to make myself more comfortable is not something a warrior would do.’

Leon was confident that his choice was right.

‘I guess we passed by Lubena City. From now on, it will take two or three more months to reach the Titan Mountains. Until then, I’ll have to pull myself together and try to reflect on the insights I gained this time.’

Perhaps it was because he had just passed one wave, and Leon thought about the future while looking at the clouds flowing in the distance.

My intuition as a warrior was truly quiet.

I thought there wouldn’t be any major problems for at least two or three months.

The destination is the Titan Mountains.

A land where the Giant King proudly rules, where El Cid said the legacy of Saint King Roderick was left behind. I still don’t know how to get in there or replace Rodrik’s legacy.

However, Leon closed his eyes without further thinking.

“…then something will work out somehow.”

Even if something is planned carefully, the fate surrounding the hero is vast. There is no trial that can be overcome with a little bit of ingenuity, and getting caught up in worries that have no answer is just a waste of time.

Only daily training and trustworthy companions with the holy sword in his hand will open the way for him.

[Haha, I finally feel like a hero! When I was…]

As always, Leon closed his eyes once again, holding the tail of his self-talk and letting the story of the story that had begun flow through one ear.

The feeling I felt when I opened 〈Merak〉.

The power absorbed after defeating Andrei.

There is still a long way to go, and there is no end in sight to the stairs he must climb. Nevertheless, Leon did not give up on that distant future and clenched his fists tightly.

‘If I don’t give up, I can become stronger tomorrow.’

It’s now 5 months until Trust Day.

Leon in 5 months will look different from now.

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