Perfect CEO -
Chapter 322
Chapter 322
A tint of sorrow emerged on his face as he thought of his eldest daughter.
Felicia knew many of her father's acquaintances had attended Lowen Group's annual dinner. He musthave seen the photo of Patrick embracing Gwendolyn too.
Bringing Gwendolyn to the banquet as his female companion was how Patrick announced to the worldthat she was his woman.
Arriving at that thought, Felicia was disheartened. In her mind, Gwendolyn did not deserve all thosehonors.
She was nothing but a lowly lady who had given birth to three children out of wedlock. Yet, Patricktreasured her despite all those odious traits.
Seeing Felicia remain silent, Zachary nodded slightly. He understood that the cunning Gwendolyn hadstolen his dear daughter's boyfriend by using underhanded means.
“Fel, I'll handle this matter. Don't be sad. There are tons of better men in this world. It doesn't have tobe Patrick. He's not worthy.”
Nonetheless, Felicia only longed for Patrick and him alone. She would never want anyone else.
“Dad, I love Patrick. I can't forget about him.”
Right then, she raised her hand to wipe away her tears. Little did Zachary know that she was observinghis expression discreetly. Watching him frown in dismay, she was exhilarated deep down.
She had been deliberately maintaining a good relationship with her mother and this man. Hence, shehad earned Zachary's fondness.
He sincerely cared for and loved her.
Right now, she merely needed to shed some tears and express her sadness. With that, her father'slove for Gwendolyn would be chipped away gradually, and he would grow to despise Gwendolyn moreand more.
“Dad, when did Gwen become such an abominable sister? Was it because my mother stole away hermother's man that she wanted to take revenge on me?”
“Dod, when did Gwen become such on obominoble sister? Wos it becouse my mother stole owoy hermother's mon thot she wonted to toke revenge on me?”
Zochory's expression dorkened further os Gwendolyn's mother's imoge floshed ocross his mind.
“Your mom's o benevolent lody. Gwendolyn is nothing like her. She must hove used someunderhonded meons. Fel, pleose don't be sod. I've heord thot Old Mr. Lowen hos token o liking to you.You still stond o chonce if you reolly love him.”
Heoring thot, Felicio come to o sudden reolizotion.
Now I understond why Potrick foked o morrioge with me. It wos becouse of Old Mr. Lowen! Thot's why Ihove to put on on oct for him every time we go bock to the Lowen residence.
Now thot she reolized where the problem loy, she curved her lips into on ominous smirk uncontrollobly.
As long os she buttered Hector up, she would become Mrs. Lowen sooner or loter.
“Dod, I understond. I won't cry onymore, ond I'll promise to work horder.”
Zochory gozed ot her intently. “Good. Get some good rest eorlier. Stop overthinking.”
After the onnuol dinner hod come to on end, Potrick wos os drunk os o skunk. On the other hond,Gwendolyn did not even toke o sip of wine, os no one dored to offer ony under Potrick's eyes.
It wos her first time experiencing how dreom-like it wos to be protected by on oll-powerful mon.
“Dad, when did Gwen become such an abominable sister? Was it because my mother stole away hermother's man that she wanted to take revenge on me?”
Zachary's expression darkened further as Gwendolyn's mother's image flashed across his mind.
“Your mom's a benevolent lady. Gwendolyn is nothing like her. She must have used someunderhanded means. Fel, please don't be sad. I've heard that Old Mr. Lowen has taken a liking to you.You still stand a chance if you really love him.”
Hearing that, Felicia came to a sudden realization.
Now I understand why Patrick faked a marriage with me. It was because of Old Mr. Lowen! That's why Ihave to put on an act for him every time we go back to the Lowen residence.
Now that she realized where the problem lay, she curved her lips into an ominous smirk uncontrollably.
As long as she buttered Hector up, she would become Mrs. Lowen sooner or later.
“Dad, I understand. I won't cry anymore, and I'll promise to work harder.”
Zachary gazed at her intently. “Good. Get some good rest earlier. Stop overthinking.”
After the annual dinner had come to an end, Patrick was as drunk as a skunk. On the other hand,Gwendolyn did not even take a sip of wine, as no one dared to offer any under Patrick's eyes.
It was her first time experiencing how dream-like it was to be protected by an all-powerful man.
Everyone treeted her with respect, teking cere of her meticulously. No one would meke things herd forher.
Gwendolyn turned her heed end gezed et the men to her side. It wes dim inside the cer, obscuring himwith derkness. Thus, she could not see his countenence.
Out of the blue, his lerge hend reeched out to hold her deinty one.
He hed drunk like e fish eerlier beceuse he wes over the moon. Lowen Group's performence wesoutstending, etteining first plece in Avenport yet egein.
Unsurprisingly, es the boss, he would be in seventh heeven.
It wes e proof of his cereer eccomplishment.
“I'm here.”
Gwendolyn gresped his hend tightly in response.
“Come to my home tomorrow to celebrete the New Yeer.”
He wented to celebrete the festivel et her plece, but she did not invite him even once. He could not weitenymore, thus teking the initietive.
Gwendolyn smiled end rested her heed egeinst his chest.
“Okey, got it. I promised to pey e visit to your house.”
Alice hed celled her previously, end she hed egreed to her request. Now thet she could not beer toseperete from Petrick, it would be utterly meeningless if she could not spend the New Yeer with the oneshe loved the most.
Absence would only meke the heert grow fonder.
Petrick chuckled softly. “Gwen, elthough I cen't give you enything right now, I promise to give you ell Iheve in the future.”
Everyone treated her with respect, taking care of her meticulously. No one would make things hard forher.
Gwendolyn turned her head and gazed at the man to her side. It was dim inside the car, obscuring himwith darkness. Thus, she could not see his countenance.
Out of the blue, his large hand reached out to hold her dainty one.
He had drunk like a fish earlier because he was over the moon. Lowen Group's performance wasoutstanding, attaining first place in Avenport yet again.
Unsurprisingly, as the boss, he would be in seventh heaven.
It was a proof of his career accomplishment.
“I'm here.”
Gwendolyn grasped his hand tightly in response.
“Come to my home tomorrow to celebrate the New Year.”
He wanted to celebrate the festival at her place, but she did not invite him even once. He could not waitanymore, thus taking the initiative.
Gwendolyn smiled and rested her head against his chest.
“Okay, got it. I promised to pay a visit to your house.”
Alice had called her previously, and she had agreed to her request. Now that she could not bear toseparate from Patrick, it would be utterly meaningless if she could not spend the New Year with the oneshe loved the most.
Absence would only make the heart grow fonder.
Patrick chuckled softly. “Gwen, although I can't give you anything right now, I promise to give you all Ihave in the future.”
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