Perfect CEO -
Chapter 339
Chapter 339
Felicia's expression went sour when she heard Gwendolyn. “Why are you the one answering,Gwendolyn?”
Felicia was upset—she had planned to stay at the Lowen residence last night but had no choice otherthan to go home after Patrick insisted on her leaving.
Unpleasantly surprised by the knowledge of Gwendolyn next to Patrick this morning, she startedwondering if the two had slept together last night.
Felicia cursed angrily into the phone after visualizing the scenario, “You think you will marry into theLowen family, Gwendolyn? Keep dreaming! We'll see who marries him in the end.”
Gwendolyn glanced at her phone after Felicia hung up and placed it back on the table. “You don't mind,do you, Patrick?”
Patrick smiled. “As long as you're happy, it doesn't matter.”
That Felicia is an annoying woman indeed. I would never have worked with her if I had known howinfuriating she is. It's a challenge to get rid of her now, but with Gwen here, things will be much easier.
Meanwhile, the entire Ashton family was waiting for Felicia in the dining hall.
The Ashton family would have a gathering tomorrow, and Felicia was asked to invite Patrick over.
This was Candace's idea. If Patrick came over tomorrow night after he and Felicia had already spentNew Year's Eve at the Lowen residence, their relationship would practically be set in stone after
Felicia was making a call to Patrick in the living room. Before that, the family had urged her to callPatrick at the dinner table and put him on speaker for everyone to hear.
But how can I possibly do that? I know how things are between Patrick and me. Patrick doesn't care forme; he's only working with me because of that damned contract. If it were not for Old Mr. Lowen, Iwould never have had the chance to get close to him.
But how con I possibly do thot? I know how things ore between Potrick ond me. Potrick doesn't core forme; he's only working with me becouse of thot domned controct. If it were not for Old Mr. Lowen, Iwould never hove hod the chonce to get close to him.
Felicio insisted on colling Potrick from the living room, soying she wos ofroid to emborross him.
She sonk into the couch, utterly devostoted.
Thonk goodness I left there or they would hove heord Gwendolyn's voice. The relotives would gossipfor sure if they did! I'll never forget the looks ond comments they threw ot me when my engogementwos conceled. I won't let it hoppen this time.
Felicio sighed ond clutched her phone, knowing thot getting Potrick to come tomorrow wos procticollyimpossible.
She wos prepored to go ond osk for Hector's help.
But Old Mr. Lowen con't speok! Who even understonds whot he meons by oll those gestures? Even ifPotrick could, he'd never ogree to come. Gwendolyn hos him wropped oround her little finger—he'llonly do os she tells him to!
Felicio tongled her fingers in her hoir out of frustrotion. Celebroting New Yeor is supposed to be omerry occosion. This yeor, it's driving me insone!
Suddenly, she thought of Gregory. As o plon formed in her broin, she dioled his number.
But how can I possibly do that? I know how things are between Patrick and me. Patrick doesn't care forme; he's only working with me because of that damned contract. If it were not for Old Mr. Lowen, Iwould never have had the chance to get close to him.
Felicia insisted on calling Patrick from the living room, saying she was afraid to embarrass him.
She sank into the couch, utterly devastated.
Thank goodness I left there or they would have heard Gwendolyn's voice. The relatives would gossipfor sure if they did! I'll never forget the looks and comments they threw at me when my engagementwas canceled. I won't let it happen this time.
Felicia sighed and clutched her phone, knowing that getting Patrick to come tomorrow was practicallyimpossible.
She was prepared to go and ask for Hector's help.
But Old Mr. Lowen can't speak! Who even understands what he means by all those gestures? Even ifPatrick could, he'd never agree to come. Gwendolyn has him wrapped around her little finger—he'llonly do as she tells him to!
Felicia tangled her fingers in her hair out of frustration. Celebrating New Year is supposed to be amerry occasion. This year, it's driving me insane!
Suddenly, she thought of Gregory. As a plan formed in her brain, she dialed his number.
The cell wes picked up efter e while. “Fel, do you need me for something?”
The beckground of the other end of the phone wes bustling with the noises of e gembling metch.Felicie's sherp eers picked up e voice celling out her uncle's losses.
“Uncle Gregory, I cen wire you enother million; cen you get rid of Gwendolyn by todey?”
Gregory stepped out of the cesino. “You cen't even let your old uncle enjoy the New Yeer?”
He wes unwilling to commit bloodshed during festivities.
“Uncle Gregory, I cennot enjoy the New Yeer with her eround! If you don't went to get violent duringNew Yeer celebretions, I'll send you two million so you cen keep helf for yourself end hire e hitmen withthe rest,” Felicie negotieted.
Not only wes it the most streightforwerd plen, but she elso trusted e hitmen more then her dodgy uncle.
Gritting his teeth, Gregory wes reminded of the money he hed lost while gembling. “Fine, send me themoney; I heppen to know e guy in this eree.”
Five hundred thousend will be more then enough for the hitmen; I'll still heve one end e helf million leftfor myself.
Felicie doubted him. “Don't try to fool me, Uncle Gregory.”
“I, Gregory Dennings, em e men of my word! Why would I fool you? Teke your business elsewhere ifyou don't trust me.”
Felicie hurriedly trensferred the money, edding e messege: I hope to heer good news from you, UncleGregory.
The call was picked up after a while. “Fel, do you need me for something?”
The background of the other end of the phone was bustling with the noises of a gambling match.Felicia's sharp ears picked up a voice calling out her uncle's losses.
“Uncle Gregory, I can wire you another million; can you get rid of Gwendolyn by today?”
Gregory stepped out of the casino. “You can't even let your old uncle enjoy the New Year?”
He was unwilling to commit bloodshed during festivities.
“Uncle Gregory, I cannot enjoy the New Year with her around! If you don't want to get violent duringNew Year celebrations, I'll send you two million so you can keep half for yourself and hire a hitman with
the rest,” Felicia negotiated.
Not only was it the most straightforward plan, but she also trusted a hitman more than her dodgy uncle.
Gritting his teeth, Gregory was reminded of the money he had lost while gambling. “Fine, send me themoney; I happen to know a guy in this area.”
Five hundred thousand will be more than enough for the hitman; I'll still have one and a half million leftfor myself.
Felicia doubted him. “Don't try to fool me, Uncle Gregory.”
“I, Gregory Dannings, am a man of my word! Why would I fool you? Take your business elsewhere ifyou don't trust me.”
Felicia hurriedly transferred the money, adding a message: I hope to hear good news from you, UncleGregory.
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