Chapter 3

The sudden message from the system startled me as it had been quiet since this morning. Soon however, I didn't pay attention to it again as I felt I was burning up from the inside as well. I decide it is probably best to rush home, so I take off running back to the house. As I ran by people I got a few awkward stares as no one in Pallet is ever in a rush, but here I was running like I had a pack of Spearows on my ass. The heat in my body and around me was starting to get unbearable and each breath I took felt like it took in less and less air. 

By the time I reached the house my body was covered in sticky sweat and soaked all my clothes causing them to cling to my skin. I ran upstairs to the shower and turned on the shower. The water still felt hot even as I just turned it on so I turned it as cold as possible before jumping into the shower, clothes and all. Once under the water, my overheating body didn’t start to cool down but it didn’t get any hotter thankfully. 

I took the moment when my temperature stabilized to strip out of my wet clothes, just tossing them on the floor. Slowly the cooler temperature of the water, which still felt like bath water to me, started to cool my body and I no longer felt like I was being burned alive. With a more rational mindset I decided I might as well treat this as a normal shower and opened my eyes to grab my body soap and loofa and noticed when I stretched out my hand that it was covered in nasty black droplets and my nose registered a smell that made a Grabodor nest smell like roses. I started to gag at the smell and quickly resumed my cleaning, trying to scrub the droplets and smell off my body. 

After what seemed like forever, I finally stepped out of the shower, my skin all red from the scrubbing. I picked up my clothes from the floor, where they had left a puddle of water but luckily none of the foul smelling sweat I just cleaned off myself and tossed them into the wash to be cleaned later. I grabbed a towel from a stack nearby to dry myself but I noticed that I was no longer wet as I had seemed to dry in the short time since I had stopped out of the shower. 

“Right so, now I dry in seconds. That’s convenient yet still weird. Then again, everything has been weird since I woke up.” Shrugging, I wrapped myself in the towel before heading towards my room. After closing my door I tossed the towel onto my desk chair and collapsed onto the bed, sprawled out spread eagle. “So, what the hell just happened?” I ask to my ceiling, not expecting an answer to one of my many questions I had floating in my mind. Maybe I should check my Status, it seemed to be the only thing that could give me any kind of clue. 


Name: Frost Oak

Age: 14

Bloodline: Heavenly Glacial Ice Phoenix (active)

Aura: Inactive

Pokemon: 1 Egg

Harem: 0

Gacha Spins available: 0] 

“Hm, the only thing that has changed seems to be my bloodline is now active…” as I spoke my eyes suddenly opened wide and I gave myself a genuine face-palm. “Of course! That’s what that black, foul smelling crap was! It was fucking impurities in the body, this always happens in Wuxia webnovels when their bloodline is activated. Just great, it’s not just Pokemon that I need to worry about, but cultivators as well?” I sighed heavily in dread of what might be in store for me. Will I need to battle Pokemon Sects, battle Young Masters and their ancestor’s ancestor from thousands of years ago that has enough strength to kill me before they die? Will I get a harem of jade beauties that cause everyone to be jealous and attack me? I close my eyes and laugh with a touch of insanity in my voice and some tears leaking down my face. Just what am I going to do?

After calming down from my mild spat of deliriousness, I focus back on the icy blue box still in my vision. I try to focus on my bloodline, hoping for an explanation this time and it seems that I lucked out this time.

[Bloodline: Heavenly Glacial Ice Phoenix (active)]

[The host's Inner Flame has been lit and the host's body is in the process of shaping the body to be in its utmost perfect form. Due to the inner flame now residing in the body, All temperatures above 0C will be uncomfortable. Host will be able to generate small amounts of Ice elemental power naturally that will offset extremely high temperatures.]

As I read the description that popped up for me, my eye started to twitch in irritation. Is it too much to ask to be comfortable at normal temperatures? I sigh in frustration at my newest change from what used to be normal for me. Well this is the new normal for me, everyone used to say being normal was boring, I guess I live that now. I dismiss the screen from my vision and just lay on the bed in contemplation on what I am going to do. First, I am going to need to check up on the changes from what I know about Pokemon. I wasn’t much of a gamer, nor did I watch most of the series so a lot of my knowledge is lacking compared to those MCs in webnovels that seem to know everything about their world. I feel lucky that I even know about this world!

Next I need to replace some sort of meditation technique. I know in passing that most Aura users meditate at least a little bit, so that should help me with mine. Lastly, I figure that I need to train myself in various skills. If what I heard from the television is correct, I have two years to learn various skills such as survival, first aid, martial arts, tactics, cooking and Pokemon care. If this world is anything like some of those webnovels where it is common to die and get hurt, I am really going to need to learn how to defend myself. While I lay there, arranging my thoughts, I gradually drift off to sleep.


In the morning, I am awoken by the unpleasant heat from the sun directly warming up a small patch of my still naked body. Luckily I had remembered to lock my door before laying down as I fell asleep on top of my covers as that was the most comfortable way. I grumble slightly as I roll out of the sunlight and get out of bed before heading to the dresser to replace something I could wear. It’s not like I could go out naked, that would cause people to be concerned and I don’t need those awkward looks or possible trouble that would come from it. 

Looking through my clothes I frown at my choices. Everything covers a lot of skin or is made from heavier fabric to combat the cooler temperatures of the Kanto region. As I dig through my clothes I finally replace something I should be able to wear, a pair of denim booty shorts that will show off my legs and a red and white plaid tank top. I also found a set of underwear in a light lacy fabric white in color with blue snowflakes on it. I put everything on and tie the tank top on the back to cause my stomach to show and I pull my long hair into a high ponytail, leaving one blue and one white bang to frame my face. I check myself over in the mirror and nod thinking I look cute. 

I head downstairs to get myself some breakfast and to see if anyone else is home. Looking around I replace no one and according to my memories, this is not rare. Grandpa Oak spends most of his time at his lab and ranch taking care of and researching the various Pokemon housed there. May is off in another region working as an archeologist so she is rarely home. From what I can recall, the last time she was home was two years ago. Gary on the other hand runs off to who knows where every day and comes home late every night. This only started happening a few months ago so I think he has gotten himself a girlfriend. Well, good for him, I just hope that he doesn’t do the same as his anime counterpart and take his girlfriends to cheer for him like a Young Master. If he does do that, I might need to knock some sense into him. If I need to fight Young Masters in the future I will not allow my twin brother to be one of them.

I grab a bowl of cereal before sitting down at the table and turning on the television to the news to get an idea of recent events that are going on. As I watch the news, I replace it to be just as boring as it was on earth. Is it a universal thing to make news some of the driest content to try and absorb? Anyways, the news reported on some competition winners, information about which company has which scandal happening to it, some minor damage caused by a group of Machops in an unfinished building which nearly brought it down. All in all, basic stuff for the news. 

Once I finished eating, I turned off the television and cleaned up my dishes before deciding to head outside again. This time I am in much lighter clothes and aware of what may happen. I made sure to grab a couple ice packs from the freeze just in case. Stepping outside into the cooler morning air, I still notice that it feels overly warm to me. It’s not quite uncomfortable, so I will just need to learn to deal with this. It will only get worse before it gets better after all. I need to teach myself how to ignore discomfort, or learn how to mitigate it like you do when you put your hair in a new style or move somewhere where the climate is different. You need to train your brain to your new normal.

Now that I am not dying to the heat, I can take in the sleepy little town of Pallet. There are only about two dozen different houses here and most of them have older couples that live there. In my own age group, there are only three children that are the same age; forever ten Ash Ketchum, my brother Gary and myself. There used to be a fourth kid our age named Leaf Green but she randomly disappeared a few years ago, the same time my parents in this world passed away in an accident. I was never informed what type of accident, but seeing as how Grandpa never mentions it, it must have been a pretty bad one.

After my stroll around town and waving to everyone that I saw, a downside to living in a small community where everyone knows you, I headed back to the house to begin my research on the world, the different skills I need and whatever interesting information I could replace.

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