Chapter 34

We take a few minutes trying different combinations with her clothes and replace that she is fine wearing only a shirt and her panties, but anything more and it becomes too much. I pull out a pair of red booty shorts from my bag and pull off her panties, causing her to giggle madly as she steps out of them and into the shorts. I slide them up and they happen to just over the mate mark on her front but they look painted onto her ass. Not that that is a bad thing, she has an awesome heart shaped bottom that I smack playfully.

“How does that feel?” I ask as she is now in a black crop top t-shirt with red booty shorts, looking sexy but I’m not sure if she is comfortable with it.

“It doesn’t feel like the air is going to kill me at least. Not to mention your clothes are just a bit tight around the hips.”

I give her a flat look before playfully smacking her butt. “Just because you are blessed with an ass doesn’t mean you should pick on mine.”

She giggles a little bit before giving me a quick kiss and heading to her room to pick out some clothes that she owns, instead of wearing my poor selection. I check the time and see that it is around the time that Bea starts the day, so I decide to head down to the lobby for breakfast. I step out into the lobby and get a couple of glances but no one seems to care about what I am wearing. Luckily it is the middle of summer so a number of people, especially the teenaged trainers, go around wearing clothes that don’t fit into normal clothes. Normal is overrated anyways.

I sit at the table sipping at a nectar of all the multiversal gods, an iced coffee, and snacking on a piece of cheesecake. I softly pet Skadi who jumps into my lap as she normally does when we are sitting at a table. Lono is playfully rolling around the table chiming along to some beat that I don’t recognize. As there is a bit of a lull and I am waiting for my friends to join me, I glance at the icon for my notifications from the system. 

The icon is glowing softly with a neon pink glow that just feels like it is mocking me. I sigh to myself before mentally clicking on the icon to see my notifications. I had not checked them since before we went into Mount Moon so I was expecting only a few but the sheer number of notifications makes my eyes open wide in shock. As I read through the first couple, everything was fine but then I read the bulk of the messages and they nearly made me commit an act of blasphemy in wasting my coffee.

[Congratulations host on catching a pokemon. You are awarded one gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host! You have successfully repelled a criminal attack! You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on your first kiss. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on fingering your partner. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on performing oral on your partner. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on giving your partner their first orgasm. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on giving your partner an orgasm. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host your first partner induced orgasm. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host your partner induced orgasm. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on your first coitus with your partner. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on being fingered by your partner. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host on having oral performed by your partner. You have been awarded one Gacha spin.]

[Congratulations host! You have acquired your first harem member. You have been rewarded Flames of the Kama Sutra Cultivation Technique.]

I can feel my face turning red as I read the notifications that tell the story of what happened last night. Not that I am complaining, but now my face feels hot. One thing I do note though is that my marking of Flannery didn’t give me a gacha spin, it gave me a cultivation technique. Maybe each member would get their own technique? Do I want a harem? Are harems a thing in this world?

My mind keeps spiraling down this rabbit trail until someone pokes my forehead. Blinking and looking up I see that Bea and Flannery have both joined me at the table. Flannery has changed into athletic wear that clings to her skin in a sexy way, making her toned muscles and curves pop. 

“Welcome back Frost. Did you have fun on your adventure?” Bea asks with a small teasing grin.

“Not sure, I’ll have to get back to you on that.” I fire back.

“So what were you thinking about?” Flannery asks while sipping on a latte. How long was I thinking?

“About you.” That makes her hide her face behind her bangs as she takes another sip of her drink. I notice that Bea blushes a little as well at that and I raise my eyebrow slightly but don’t say anything to point it out. 

“What’s with all the bruises? They are too small to be from any training.” Bea asks with a mirthful tease in her voice.

“They are from last night. A certain someone has quite the oral fixation at night. I made sure to pay them back for each one though.” I hear Flannery choke on her latte as I reply.

“Oh? Who was it?”

“Who was it indeed.” I smile at her as I glance towards Flannery with a smirk that she returns with a slightly smug look. It takes Bea a second before she realizes who I am referring to and starts to blush causing her tan skin to darken in a cute way.

“I-I see.” Flannery leans over and whispers something in her ear with a playful smile on her sexy lips. A moment later, Bea gasps and her eyes open wide as she looks at both of us in awe. I don’t say anything and just keep sipping my coffee. The longer the silence lingers the more Beas face flushes until I could swear I see a heat haze coming off the top of her head. 

“So any plans for the day?” I ask, trying to save Bea from overheating at whatever she is thinking.

Flannery shakes her head in response, followed shortly after by Bea as her brain reboots. I am about to start speaking again as their breakfast shows up and cuts me off. We discuss options for the day and it sounds like just another day relaxing as all our battles are tomorrow and we don’t want to risk being tired for the battle. 


As evening rolls around, we make our way back to the center to call it a night. Throughout the day Flannery kept within touching distance of me, which is much closer than she was in the past. Every now and then she would grip my pinky lightly but let go soon after. When I would glance at her, she would be looking away with a slight flush on her face. As we break for the night at our doors, I grab Flannery before she can disappear into her room and drag her into mine again.

“F-Frost! I get that we had fun last night, but we need to rest for tomorrow!”

“It’s not that, I need to talk to you... “ I reply before quietly adding, “and maybe we could cuddle too.” I successfully pull her into the room as Skadi and Lono get comfortable in their spots in the room. I sit on the bed and pat beside me. “Come sit.”

She raises her eyebrow at me before she sits down next to me. “So what do you want to talk to me about?”

“Well, about what happened, about us, about the future.”

“Well let’s start with the easy thing first, about us. Last night was a blast, and I am totally down for a repeat session when we can. As for feelings and all that…”

I lean over and kiss her cheek gently. “I know that we have only known each other for a couple of days. I’m not trying to make you choose right now. I think the status quo of being friends with benefits works quite well for us right now. I mean we just started the League after all.”

She tilts her head to the side slightly as she thinks about my offer before she nods at me. “I don’t mind the thought of that. After a few months, let us see how everything is then before we decide. Now, what happened last night?” She asks as she leans against me causally, her vibe changing to a slightly more relaxed state, causing me to realize she was tense earlier. I wrap an arm around her hips and rest my cheek against the top of her head. I take a moment to arrange my thoughts, enjoying the calm comfort of the current moment.

“So,” I start before letting out a long sigh slowly, trying to relax myself. “Last night during our fun, I seemed to have absorbed a small portion of your aura.”

“But I thought you unlocked my aura? What do you mean you absorbed some?”

“Well, every living thing has aura. Pokemon naturally have their aura active as their moves are based on aura, and for a pokemon, their aura will grow as they battle and become stronger. For humans, our aura is in an inactive state unless something causes it to become active. Even if a human’s aura is active, it will not grow any stronger than it was when it was activated. In the inactive state you will still naturally let off a little bit of aura, which is life energy, and that is what I had absorbed.” I pause for a moment, letting Flannery digest what I just told her. 

“At first there was not any issue, until we fell asleep. My opinion is that since I didn’t know what was going to happen, I didn’t handle your absorbed aura properly. This is what caused me to act like a human heater.”

“Ah! That’s why you woke up and couldn’t move! You said you were overheating at the time.”

“I was. Remember how I told you about my condition and why I have to wear practically nothing? The aura from you has flame type energy which naturally clashed with my ice type energy and caused a reaction from my bloodline.”

“Then what caused me to burn like a torch and get marked by you?”

“As I don’t know what I am doing, I’m still learning, my body was attempting to rectify the issue. While I was meditating in the shower, I tried to copy what my body was doing already. I was successful but that caused it to feed back to you and bring us to where we are now.”

“Will it happen again?”

“No idea… But I wouldn’t be adverse to trying again~.” I purr at her, causing her to giggle and give me a sultry look.

“Maybe tomorrow, after we win our battles. Maybe we can tempt Bea to join us?”

“Maybe, that could be fun. Now about where to go from here…” I take a look at her and see that her beautiful shimmering eyes are staring up at me, waiting for me to go on. I lean down and give her a gentle kiss on her lips. “Don’t ask me where I got this, but I have a technique that should help with your aura. I am learning something similar but it is of ice type energy.”

Mentally clicking on the cultivation technique I had received from the system, I imagine it appearing on the bed just behind me outside of Flannery’s sight. I grab the book, which feels like it is made from silk, and gently hand it to her.

“Flames of the Kama Sutra Cultivation Technique. What an odd name. Is it meant to help me grow plants or something?”

“No silly, cultivation in this sense means to cultivate and grow your powers. This technique should help with training your aura. I have been training mine for a few weeks and I have already passed the first level. I can’t do anything with it yet though.”

I spend the next couple hours answering what questions I can for her. I am still quite new at cultivation myself, but from the couple of webnovels I read in the past I can give her a general overview of what we might expect. As we wrap up for the night, I grab her wrist to prevent her from leaving. I convince her to sleep with me again as she is super comfortable to sleep with at night. She puts up a token amount of resistance, but as I start to undo my top, her resistance disappears, much like my top does a moment later.

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