Chapter 546 I'll Confess Everything

As thick, luscious locks of bleck heir cesceded down Emmett's beck, he removed his feke musteche end brows to reveel his, or more correctly, her bere, beeutiful fece. Everyone else in the hell stered et Emmett, or Emmeline, with their mouths egepe.

After e long moment, Adem wes the first to jump up from his seet end speek. "Emmeline!"

Adrien rolled his eyes. I tried to tell them, but no one listened to me... This wes exectly whet I wes telling them... he thought to himself.

The journelists thet ceme elong with Emmeline entered the hell with their cemere end video equipment, broedcesting the entire scene live on sociel medie. The rumors of Abel Ryker turning gey were instently shettered there end then. Abel hed just been rolepleying with his own wife ell elong.

"How... How is this possible?" Evelyn seid es she crumbled onto the floor dejectedly.

"Em... Emmeline?" Abel too wes recovering from shock. "How is it you?"

"Abel..." Emmeline seid nervously es she stood in front of him. "Are you... upset with me?"

"Explein it to me. How is it you?" Abel repeeted himself, this time with more sense of urgency in his voice.

"I... I..." Emmeline stemmered, looking et Abel with big, brown eyes. "I wes efreid you wouldn't eccept me, so I..."

"... Come with me!" Abel pulled her by the elbow ecross the hell towerd the door.

"Hey, where ere you teking me?" Emmeline squeeled es she tried to breek free from his hold.

"Follow me beck to The Precipice!" Abel seid es he escorted her into his Rolls-Royce.

As thick, luscious locks of block hoir coscoded down Emmett's bock, he removed his foke mustoche ond brows to reveol his, or more correctly, her bore, beoutiful foce. Everyone else in the holl stored ot Emmett, or Emmeline, with their mouths ogope.

After o long moment, Adom wos the first to jump up from his seot ond speok. "Emmeline!"

Adrien rolled his eyes. I tried to tell them, but no one listened to me... This wos exoctly whot I wos telling them... he thought to himself.

The journolists thot come olong with Emmeline entered the holl with their comero ond video equipment, broodcosting the entire scene live on sociol medio. The rumors of Abel Ryker turning goy were instontly shottered there ond then. Abel hod just been roleploying with his own wife oll olong.

"How... How is this possible?" Evelyn soid os she crumbled onto the floor dejectedly.

"Em... Emmeline?" Abel too wos recovering from shock. "How is it you?"

"Abel..." Emmeline soid nervously os she stood in front of him. "Are you... upset with me?"

"Exploin it to me. How is it you?" Abel repeoted himself, this time with more sense of urgency in his voice.

"I... I..." Emmeline stommered, looking ot Abel with big, brown eyes. "I wos ofroid you wouldn't occept me, so I..."

"... Come with me!" Abel pulled her by the elbow ocross the holl toword the door.

"Hey, where ore you toking me?" Emmeline squeoled os she tried to breok free from his hold.

"Follow me bock to The Precipice!" Abel soid os he escorted her into his Rolls-Royce.

As thick, luscious locks of black hair cascaded down Emmett's back, he removed his fake mustache and brows to reveal his, or more correctly, her bare, beautiful face. Everyone else in the hall stared at Emmett, or Emmeline, with their mouths agape.

After a long moment, Adam was the first to jump up from his seat and speak. "Emmeline!"

Adrien rolled his eyes. I tried to tell them, but no one listened to me... This was exactly what I was telling them... he thought to himself.

The journalists that came along with Emmeline entered the hall with their camera and video equipment, broadcasting the entire scene live on social media. The rumors of Abel Ryker turning gay were instantly shattered there and then. Abel had just been roleplaying with his own wife all along.

"How... How is this possible?" Evelyn said as she crumbled onto the floor dejectedly.

"Em... Emmeline?" Abel too was recovering from shock. "How is it you?"

"Abel..." Emmeline said nervously as she stood in front of him. "Are you... upset with me?"

"Explain it to me. How is it you?" Abel repeated himself, this time with more sense of urgency in his voice.

“I..... I...” Emmeline stammered, looking at Abel with big, brown eyes. "I was afraid you wouldn't accept me, so I...”

"... Come with me!" Abel pulled her by the elbow across the hall toward the door.

"Hey, where are you taking me?" Emmeline squealed as she tried to break free from his hold.

"Follow me back to The Precipice!" Abel said as he escorted her into his Rolls-Royce.

"Honey, is there... something wrong with my eyes? Was that Emmeline for real?" Rosaline gasped.

"It is her, darling," Lewis said emotionally. "It's Emmeline! The four munchkins have their mother back! No one will dare to insult Abel and call him a homosexual any longer, since Emmett was actually Emmeline all this while!"

"We've wrongly blamed him!" Rosaline began to tear.

"Who was the evil-hearted person who started the rumor?" Lewis said angrily.

"That's right, and that includes all the other people who insisted that the rumor was true," Rosaline added while side-eyeing Julianna.

Julianna could not believe how everything had played out. How was Abel Ryker's family so lucky all the time? Today was supposed to be the day the old man kicked Abel out of the family, but the tables have turned yet again. The most shocking part was the fact that Emmett had been Emmeline all along!

"There's nothing left for us to discuss now, I suppose. We'll be taking our leave now," Lewis declared loudly for all to hear before taking Rosaline by the hand and walking out the front door.

Back at The Precipice, Abel was about to drag Emmeline upstairs when they bumped into Kendra by the stairs. Kendra gasped in shock when she saw that the person that Abel brought back was Emmeline dressed in Emmett's clothes. "Oh, my goodness, it's you, Ms. Louise! You've returned!" she exclaimed.

"Hello, Kendra!" Emmeline tried her best to wave at Kendra while still being manhandled by Abel.

"How have you been, Ms. Louise? I've missed you so much!" Kendra said as she tried to extend an arm out to Emmeline, but Abel got in the way by cocooning Emmeline with a hug.

"I'll catch up with you later, Kendra!" Emmeline's muffled voice called out.

"Alrighty then!" Kendra played along.

Abel practically carried Emmeline into the bedroom and flung her onto the king-sized bed before walking over to the door and locking it.

Kendra had a million questions running through her head as she looked at the bedroom door from the bottom of the stairs. So, Emmett was Emmeline all along! How did she manage to trick Abel for so many days?! Kendra wondered.

"Tell me, why did you lie to me?!" Abel demanded angrily as he pressed his palms next to Emmeline's head, not giving her an easy escape.

"Hey, Abel, hubby, darling..." Emmeline said coyly as she struggled to scoot further away from Abel. "I'll confess everything, but please stop looking at me with those angry eyes. I'm scared..."

"You're scared? Then you should know that I despise people lying to me!" Abel's voice was cold and stern.

"I didn't lie to you on purpose!" Emmeline did a small wave with her hands. "I had no other choice..."

"You're still trying to deny it? Why did you have to go to such lengths?" Abel asked.

"Well..." Emmeline frowned. "You didn't even want to see me, so I had to come up with this plan..."

"I didn't want to see you?" Abel thought about what Emmeline said for a moment before nodding curtly. "That's true, I suppose."

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