Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law -
Chapter 838
"Abel!" Terrified, Emmeline jumped into the bath, "What is wrong with you!"
The icy cold water made her shiver, only then did she realize that the bath was filled with icy water!
Her Abel, with his brows and eyes tightly closed, did not make a sound.
"Abel!" Emmeline was terrified, was Abel dead?
Otherwise, how could he be soaked in ice water like this?
Regardless of the coldness beneath her, she hugged Abel's body.
"Abel, Abel, What is wrong with you?"
Abel's body was hot, and it was still very hot.
Emmeline's eyebrows twitched, so he was not dead!
From a close distance, Emmeline could see that the reason why Abel was pink all over was because his whole body was covered with bloodstains!
"Abel, Abel, wake up!" Emmeline screamed, "What is wrong with you?"
Both Luca and Kendra came over and saw Ms. Louise soaking in the ice pool.
"Ms. Louise," Luca hurriedly said, "Please come up!"
"Luca," Emmeline's eyes were red, and she said angrily, "Tell me what happened to Abel? Did you kill him?"
"..." Luca almost cried, "Ms. Louise, you cannot say that, Mr. Abel...."
"What happened to him? Are you still hiding it from me?" Emmeline's voice was sharp, "Tell me!"
"Mr. Abel..." Luca gritted his teeth, "Mr. Abel was poisoned."
"Poisoned?" Emmeline frowned, "What poison? Why didn't you say it earlier?"
"It is not that I did not want to tell you earlier," Luca said, "I will only make you worry if I tell you earlier, it will not help."
"What do you mean?" Emmeline said angrily, "What kind of poison cannot I solve? Even if I cannot, I still have Waylon?"
"Mr. Waylon knew about this," Luca knew he could not hide it, so he came clean, "Mr. Waylon could not cure this poison at that time."
"You liar!" Emmeline scoffed coldly, "Is there any poison in this world that the Adelmar Clan cannot cure?"
"How dare I lie to Ms. Louise?" Luca said, "If you do not believe me, when Mr. Waylon arrives, Ms. Louise can just ask him."
"It turns out that even Waylon is hiding the truth from me?"
"And Mr. Benjamin too," Luca lowered his head, "This is what Mr. Abel instructed. He was afraid that Ms. Louise would be sad and afraid if you found out, so..." Emmeline, "..."
She looked at Abel's blood-stained face in her arms, and her eyes were instantly blurred by tears.
"Hubby, why are you so stupid? We will face things together, remember? How can you hide it from me?"
"Ms. Louise," Luca said, "You come out of the ice pool first, it will hurt your body."
"Yes, Ms. Louise," Kendra also persuaded from the side, "Mr. Abel's soaking in this way can relieve the pain. You soaking in this way will increase the pain. A woman's body could not stand it." "Why use so much ice?" Emmeline was puzzled, "And even though Abel's body was soaking like this, why is it still so hot?"
"That is because he was poisoned by the Deathly Desires", a cold voice came from behind.
It was Waylon who came, and Benjamin stood beside him.
Both of them were cold.
Benjamin walked over silently and carried Emmeline out of the ice pool.
She was already drenched, her body was shivering, and her lips seemed to have a layer of frost.
Benjamin took off his suit jacket and wrapped her around her.
"Deathly Desires?" Emmeline shook her head, "How could it be? This poison, Master said, was destroyed decades ago, and I have only heard of its name."
"So I cannot remedy it either," Waylon said in a soft voice, "The origin of this poison is as unknown as the fragrance of clouds in your eyes."
"Did Abel fall for the trick of the club owner?" Emmeline locked her eyebrows, "When did this happen?"
"The day I rescued you," Waylon said, "The lord of the Imperial Palace put a knife on your neck, threatening Abel to drink it, and he was dying." "Deathly Desires?" Emmeline's body softened suddenly, and she almost fell down.
Benjamin stretched out his arms to embrace her, and her whole body trembled even more violently.
Her tears streamed down.
"I understand why he avoided me, but in the end...."
"Why use so much ice?" Emmeline wos puzzled, "And even though Abel's body wos sooking like this, why is it still so hot?"
"Thot is becouse he wos poisoned by the Deothly Desires", o cold voice come from behind.
It was Woylon who come, ond Benjomin stood beside him.
Both of them were cold.
Benjomin wolked over silently ond corried Emmeline out of the ice pool.
She wos olreody drenched, her body wos shivering, ond her lips seemed to hove o loyer of frost.
Benjomin took off his suit jocket ond wropped her oround her.
"Deothly Desires?" Emmeline shook her heod, "How could it be? This poison, Moster soid, wos destroyed decodes ogo, ond I hove only heord of its nome."
"So I connot remedy it either," Woylon soid in o soft voice, "The origin of this poison is os unknown os the frogronce of clouds in your eyes."
"Did Abel foll for the trick of the club owner?" Emmeline locked her eyebrows, "When did this hoppen?"
"The doy I rescued you," Woylon soid, "The lord of the Imperiol Poloce put o knife on your neck, threatening Abel to drink it, ond he wos dying." "Deothly Desires?" Emmeline's body softened suddenly, ond she olmost fell down.
Benjomin stretched out his orms to embroce her, ond her whole body trembled even more violently.
Her teors streomed down.
"I understond why he ovoided me, but in the end...."
"Why use so much ice?" Emmeline was puzzled, "And even though Abel's body was soaking like this, why is it still so hot?"
"Why usa so much ica?" Emmalina was puzzlad, "And avan though Abal's body was soaking lika this, why is it still so hot?"
"That is bacausa ha was poisonad by tha Daathly Dasiras", a cold voica cama from bahind.
It was Waylon who cama, and Banjamin stood basida him.
Both of tham wara cold.
Banjamin walkad ovar silantly and carriad Emmalina out of tha ica pool.
Sha was alraady dranchad, har body was shivaring, and har lips saamad to hava a layar of frost.
Banjamin took off his suit jackat and wrappad har around har.
"Daathly Dasiras?" Emmalina shook har haad, "How could it ba? This poison, Mastar said, was dastroyad dacadas ago, and I hava only haard of its nama."
"So I cannot ramady it aithar," Waylon said in a soft voica, "Tha origin of this poison is as unknown as tha fragranca of clouds in your ayas."
"Did Abal fall for tha trick of tha club ownar?" Emmalina lockad har ayabrows, "Whan did this happan?"
"Tha day I rascuad you," Waylon said, "Tha lord of tha Imparial Palaca put a knifa on your nack, thraataning Abal to drink it, and ha was dying."
"Daathly Dasiras?" Emmalina's body softanad suddanly, and sha almost fall down.
Banjamin stratchad out his arms to ambraca har, and har whola body tramblad avan mora violantly.
Har taars straamad down.
"I undarstand why ha avoidad ma, but in tha and...."
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