Reborn as an Extra
Chapter 94 Group Survival Test. Part-5.

(Lore bomb ahead)

Meeting of the Gods: An international meeting held once every ten years in the capital city of the Elf kingdom, many races send their SS-rankers to attend this meeting and represent their race on the international stage.

This meeting is called the meeting of gods because since SS-rankers are basically considered demigods in the eyes of people, it would not be wrong to say that many of them gathering is indeed a meeting of gods.

The many races that have at least two SS-rankers and are in a friendly alliance with the Elf race can attend this meeting, and those races that don't have one or no SS-rankers and are in a friendly alliance with the Elves can only visit the meeting but they will have no say in the decisions made during the meeting.

'Only Strong are allowed to speak their voices freely' or 'Only strong are respected' these sentences are truly followed during this meeting. 

Humans have been one of the founders of this meeting thus they have enough decision-making power but the strongest voice is still the Elfs, afterall they were the ones who actually came up with the idea of founding the alliance between many races.

During the War Era due to the emergence of the Demon race in this world, the Elf proposed the Idea of making an Alliance between races to collectively defend against the increasing strength of the Demon race, if not for this alliance there would have been no way to confront the demons for a single race.

Generally, these meetings are held with the motive to increase the cooperation between all races which are the members of the alliance. But the main motive of these meetings is to discuss how to counter the Demons further. Many races suffer from the war-hungry nature of the demon race every year, without the help of this alliance many small and weaker races might have already gone extinct under the constant attack of the demons.

Although Dragons are more powerful than the Demons they don't interfere with the world most of the time they don't even care if the Demons take over the whole world or not. Thus, they are not even part of this alliance, either.

Along with the SS-rankers, all races send their young and talented individuals as 'representatives' too. A small-scale competition is held during the meeting, in which all the talented youngsters fight each other and represent the future of their respective races.

After all, if the current SS rankers represent the strength of a race, their youngsters represent their future strength. Although this competition is considered a friendly one, the main reason behind this competition is to show off the strength of your race. The SS-rankers can't fight each other, a fight between two SS-rankers would destroy even a continent, and thus there are many restrictions on the SS-rankers. (SS-rankers are like nuclear weapons, you have them to maintain your safety and repel prying eyes from enemy nations, but they are not meant to be used, they will harm the whole world. Don't forget that a single SS-ranker can smash a whole continent apart.)

So, in place of the SS-rankers, the young talents of each race fight to assert dominance over other races. 

During these meetings, some people use underhanded means and attack the young talented one of other races before or after the meeting. Although such individuals suffer a lot in the end along with their respective races and are condemned by all, many such individuals appear every time the meeting is held, thus safety is a big issue.

The last time the Orcs targeted the human race, while they were on their way back to the human empire after the meeting, the attack resulted in the death of three youngsters out of the seven that went to the meeting that year. Although Orcs suffered more in that battle and six of their youngsters died out of their seven individuals, in the end, it was bad for both races. 

Are you thinking why didn't the SS-rankers of the human side didn't do anything? Well, it is simple he was blocked by the SS-ranker of the Orc race. In the end, the Elf king arrived and mediated the situation, many economic sanctions were put on the orc race, but the situation ended in both of the Races losing. (In a war between two nations both of them suffer, that's a universal truth.)



Outside the SSA, General's Residence Building, Meeting hall.

"So, the main point is, that this time we have to increase the safety of our 'representatives'?" (Raji)

"Indeed, if we don't want the same thing that happened ten years ago to happen, then we must take countermeasures now…" (General Bismoil)

"Well, how about we send, two of the SS-rankers this time, after all now we have four of us here and two are enough to defend the home, while the other two are on the mission…" (Raji)

"Hmm, indeed, we should send two this time, it may even help us avoid the prying eyes of many unwanted people, after all showing your strength can deter many enemies." (Neo)

Hearing them agree, General Bismoil said:

"May I ask which of the two would go there, we have to make proper arrangements accordingly…" (General Bismoil)

"Hmm, I think we should send Jin there because he has just been promoted and doesn't have any other responsibilities yet, he is relatively free… as for the other one…." (Raji)

"I would like to go after all it is very likely my son will be chosen as one of the 'Representatives' too… and since I am free that time, I would like to go there…." (Ashtel)

"Hmm, well if you go there, then we don't have to worry about anything, just don't be too obsessed with your son, be sure to remember that you have to fulfill your duty too…" (Neo)

"I know, I know~" (Ashtel)

"In the context of the 'representatives' I think we can choose from the winners of this current survival test, after choosing the winners we will still conduct further tests on them before they can be taken to the meeting of gods…" (Raji)

"Indeed, only strong and talented ones should be the ones representing humanity, we don't want to make a joke of our race in front of the whole world…" (Neo)

Hearing them mention the tests, General Bismoil brought out some papers from a file and said:

"Well, since there are more tests to be conducted let's decide on what the test could be…" (General Bismoil)



Inside the SSA, Central Area, evening of the fourth day.

A huge teleportation circle can be seen on a massive altar. There are many chairs made of stone around the area, although the area is wide open and is located in the middle of a large forest, strangely no animals or monsters dare to wander around here.

Sitting on one of the chairs Link looked towards the forest and said with a dissatisfied tone:

"It's already the evening of the fourth day, where is that guy Rio!? Don't tell me he forgot to come here and went somewhere to laze around on his own!" (Link)

Hearing him, Riya had a confused look on her face:

"Rio…. Who?" (Riya)

Ignoring Riya, Lia also looked at the forest and said:

"At least five groups are needed to be present on the teleportation circle at the same time for it to work, counting us three, there's still a need for two more groups otherwise we all will fail, what is that stinky guy doing, anyway!?" (Lia)

While Link and Lia were glaring at the forest, waiting for Rio to arrive with his group, the newbies were also getting along with each other… perhaps….

"Hey! Why did you eat my food! You pink-haired chimpanzee! Give my food back!" (Ars)

"It was mine to begin with! Who said that it was yours, to begin with, green-haired gorilla!" (Lenn)

"G-guys, c-calm down, i-I would make more if you want…" (Leo)

While the three of them were bickering and scolding each other, the rest of the newbies were nibbling on their food while enjoying a live drama show.

After a while Link had to mediate to make both of them stop fighting and shut up their loud bickering.



Author's notes.

Yo, it's the fourth day of continuous updates, hehe, don't forget to praise me in the comments, cough! Cough! 

Question of the day

Would you like to be part of the 'representatives' and represent your nation in front of the world, if so then which nation you would choose?

1.  Human (It's unlikely for you to get a chance to go to the meeting after all, there are talented individuals like Link and Rio…)

2.  Orcs (Let's go and show the world the power of h*g rider!!)

3.  Elf (I am smarter, I am stronger, I am beautiful, I am better, I am bettttterrr!!!)

4.  Other(choose on your own.)

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