Reborn From the Cosmos
ARC 1-The Enchanted Forest-Part 21

ARC 1-The Enchanted Forest-Part 21


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Morgene looks at me like I’m an insect crawling across her shoes. Seriously, what do you elves have against me? Still, I show I have proper manners and drop into a curtesy. I mean, this is the sister of the queen, right? That means she’s a noblewoman. “A pleasure to meet you, Lady Atainna.”

“Why have you brought her here, Kierra? You know how the queen feels about outsiders coming to the village.”

“I do. But Lou is no outsider. It was her company that gave me the courage to face my enemies and throughout our time together in the forest, I have come to care for her deeply. I will have her as my dedia.”

Ah. I was right. That word does mean something important. Something very important from the way every elf in the vicinity just gasped in surprise. Poor Rondel. His golden skin has gone pale with shock, his jaw dropping steadily as he watches the steadfast way Kierra stands.

The real tale of the power of that word is reflected in the way Morgene reacts. Her stone exterior crumbles like a card tower against a fierce wind. “Kierra, you cannot mean that.”

“I do.”

“But she’s human!”

“I know. Which is why I would have the ceremony done as quickly as possible, so we may return to the human continent together. Her family should be awfully worried about her.”

I thought they were surprised by what she said before. This bombshell has them completely flabbergasted. The warriors have broken rank, whispering amongst themselves fiercely. Rondel looks about ready to faint. Even the steady casters are shifting about, leaning towards one another to speak quietly.

I am not far behind them, but my reaction is going in the opposite direction. I mean, I’m pretty sure there are undercurrents to this encounter that I’m not picking up on but the word ceremony brings one thought to the forefront of my mind. I’m pretty sure she just announced her intentions to marry and return home with me. Hehe. I was wondering when we were going to have a conversation about where to live. Love or not, I’m not about to live in a tree for the rest of my life. Looks like I don’t have to convince her.

Morgene is shaking her head as she steps forward. “You are not thinking clearly, daughter.”

“I have never had such a clear mind.”

“You are not! I may have made a mistake. The isolation must have-”

Kierra hisses, cutting off her mother’s words. “Do not insult my determination. I love her and intend to spend the rest of my life with her. Nothing more, nothing less.”

The elf caster turns to me with a sneer and I swallow, holding back every instinct that tells me to run. “You! You have done something to her!”

I open my mouth to respond but before I do, I’m yanked behind Kierra’s back. I peer over her shoulder to see the action has only angered her mother further. “I sent you to that forest to bring you back to your senses!” she roars. “Not for you to come back dragging a mud-shoveling human behind you while you spout nonsense about abandoning your home!”

“Kii.” Rondel has regained his composure and is watching her with large eyes. “I thought…before you left, we discussed our union. Have you forgotten?”

“No, I have not forgotten. But we merely discussed it. Out of respect for our friendship, I deemed it cruel to dismiss the proposal outright but my feelings for you cannot be compared for what I feel for Lou. I would hope that you would support me in this.”

Hah! From the sour look on his face, I don’t think he plans to support anything. He’s gripping the hilt of his sword pretty strongly.

Hey, now. Don’t do anything rash. Though it might not be. While most of the elves are still reeling from the bombshells Kierra dropped, the ones who have their senses about them look ready to support Rondel.

Chief of which is Morgene. “I don’t understand this. Tell me what this girl has to offer you that your family cannot. Why would you abandon this forest we have safeguarded for hundreds of years to live amongst the hated humans who destroyed our home before!?”

Hmm? I don’t know anything about this. No wonder they all hate me. Is there some kind of bitterness between our people? I really, really want to study. I have never wanted to read a book more in my life.

“She gives me everything I need.”

Kierra delivers that rather weighty statement with a heated look in my direction. Oh, no. Don’t do that. That’s just going to rile them up even more. Especially if you’re giving me that toothy smile of yours that says you couldn’t give a damn. It’s sexy but it’s going to get us, mainly me, in trouble.

See? What’d I say? I sigh as the sharp ring of metal on metal fills the air as Rondel draws his weapon. Saints save me. Is that frickin’ xanderium? They can smith mana ore?

“Stand away, Kii. If this human is fit to be unified with you then surely she can prove herself a warrior.”

“I think not! Shame on you for even suggesting such a thing when you know it would not be a fair competition. But if you insist on a duel-”

She barks out a word I can’t understand and holds up her hand. One of the armored elves in the crowd draws their weapon and throws it. Kierra snatches it out of the air, twirling it expertly. “Then I will be happy to be your opponent.”


“The same goes for you, Mother!” She turns her sword to Morgene, who’s eyes go wide seeing the tip of the blade. “Now, I have never been quite certain which of us is the stronger and there has never been any reason to test the theory before as I’ve had no problem with your leadership. While you may have sent me to the Enchanted Forest as a punishment, it has led to the most fortunate event of my life and I will be forever grateful to you for it. But if you try to prevent me from being with Lou the way I am meant to be, we will finally see the extent of our strengths. And the same goes to anyone else who tries to interfere!”

She roars the challenge out and...the angry gazes turn to smiles and gazes of respect.

What the heck? Are all of these elves brutes? One moment they’re ready to lynch me. Then she threatens to beat the hell out of them and it’s all smiles. I can’t with this. Though it explains a lot about Kierra. No wonder she is the way she is. The entire people thrive on violence.

“Put down your sword, Rondel.”

The warrior turns to Morgene with a stricken expression. “Generale-”

“You know my daughter better than most anyone. Look at her. Does she look like this is merely a stunt? If you keep pointing that blade at her partner, she will remove your head from your shoulders, so I suggest you PUT IT DOWN!”

Hiding his reaction to the shout, Rondel smoothly sheaths his sword and steps back into the circle of the other warriors. Morgene has finally recovered her calm, the stern expression back on her face. “Well, daughter. There’s no more need for your theatrics. Everyone here has taken your meaning.”

“Indeed.” Kierra sticks her blade into the ground. “If we are truly done with this nonsense, I have been waiting twenty years to be welcomed home properly.”

A beat passes where the air is tense with bated breaths. Then a smile breaks across Morgene’s face, transforming her from an imposing figure to a beauty worth writing stories about. She holds out her hands and Kierra rushes forward into them, the two of them clinging to each other while laughing heartily.


Morgene holds Kierra at arms’ length, putting a hand to her cheek. “Look at you. Such spirit. To think that you would challenge me to combat.”

“I have never had sufficient motivation before.”

They both turn toward me. Crap. I don’t know how to handle this. This whole thing has been such a whirlwind of emotion. The wrong move can set everyone off again. Kierra looked badass holding her sword against all of them but I have no doubts as to how she would fare.

“It’s alright now, Lou. They just needed to hear how serious I am.”

Kierra holds out her hand to me and I immediately seek out the comfort of her presence, even though it brings me closer to her mother. Morgene looks down at me but this time the glare doesn’t hold the soul-rending fury from before. No, this is just a mother staring at a suitor she doesn’t believe is worthy of her daughter but is forced to endure. “I would like to speak with you.”

I hide my nerves behind a bright smile. “Looking forward to it.”

The caster sniffs derisively. “Very well. I believe it is time we left.” Morgene steps away from us to stand in the middle of the circle. “MY DAUGHTER HAS RETURNED,” she yells to be heard by all those watching and a cheer answers her. “BUT WE HAVE MORE TO CELEBRATE. CONGRATULATIONS ARE TO BE MADE IN HONOR OF THE IMPENDING UNION OF MY DAUGHTER KIERA AND HER INTENDED, LOURIANNE TOME!”

The elves surrounding us raise a big cheer, beating their hands against their breastplates, while the elves on the outer rings cheer even louder. I let out a yelp of surprise as Kierra grabs me about the waist and lifts me into the air.

This sets the crowd into a frenzy. I can see the elves along the vine bridges hopping up and down, blowing kisses in our direction. The air is filled with color as others throw flower petals into the air, a sudden breeze whipping them into a thick cloud about us.

My blasted elf doesn’t let me down, carrying me past the others like a grand trophy. Embarrassment heats my face as we parade past, Morgene falling in step beside us while the warriors form a line behind her. Music fills the air as the elves near the bottom of the trees produce instruments and others begin to dance about.

In minutes, this has turned from a confrontation to a festival.

…frickin’ elves.

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