Reborn To Love
Chapter 247 Legally Married

Chapter 247 Legally Married

He Xinyan smiled and said, "Let's go get registered and get our marriage license!"

Gu Yechen's mouth fell open in surprise, not expecting to hear that from He Xinyan.

Although they were engaged already and were going to hold their wedding soon, the two of them still haven't gone to the county's Recorder Department and registered for marriage yet.

So, technically they weren't husband and wife yet.

They had planned to do it after the wedding ceremony since they were both quite busy at the moment, so Gu Yechen wasn't sure why He Xinyan suddenly changed her mind.

"Right now?"

He Xinyan nodded her head.

"Why?" Gu Yechen raised one eyebrow.

"Why? You don't want to," He Xinyan crossed her arms together.

Gu Yechen immediately grabbed onto her arm and turned around, "Let's go."

And so, the two of them left the house once again and entered Gu Yechen's car. The county Recorder Department where all registration for marriages took place wasn't open at this time already, but. . .

Gu Yechen was Gu Yechen.

Half past 9 P.M. in the night, the Recorder Department opened once again just for one couple wanting to get married.

They walked into the building and He XInyan quickly disappeared into the restroom for a few minutes to put some makeup on.

This was going to be her wedding photo! This photo would stay on her wedding certificate for the rest of her life! Of course she had to look nice.

It took several minutes before He Xinyan finally stepped out of the restroom, still brushing out her hair with her fingers.

Gu Yechen smiled gently when he saw her, and he grabbed onto her hand, "You look beautiful. Come on, let's go take the picture."

He didn't know why she suddenly wanted to get their marriage registered, but she was more than happy to do so! After tonight, they would be legally husband and wife!

They entered the room where the picture would be taken and the photographer took several pictures. Together, they decided on the best one.

The manager helped them create the license, and it was finished in a few minutes.


One in He Xinyan's hand, the other in Gu Yechen's hand.

He Xinyan held the little red booklet up into the night sky, the street lamps shining on it, illuminating their picture.

Gu Yechen was wearing his usual black suit and He Xinyan was wearing a white dress she had worn the entire day.

He Xinyan was smiling brightly, and Gu Yechen. . . Well, to be fair, it was the biggest smile He Xinyan has ever seen on his face since their first meeting.

"Ah, I should have washed my hair! It looks so oily!" He Xinyan complained as she stared at the picture, rubbing it with her finger.

Gu Yechen smiled and kissed He Xinyan's head, "My wife looks beautiful no matter what."

He Xinyan smiled and closed the booklet, turning around to face Gu Yechen. She lifted her heels off of the ground but still couldn't reach his forehead, so she kissed his cheek.

"And my husband looks handsome no matter what."

--- The Big Day

Before long, it was the day of the wedding ceremony.

Everything was prepared, and the only thing missing now was the actual ceremony to happen!

Early in the morning, everyone boarded the cruise ship to sail to the island.

The last night, He Xinyan, Gu Yechen, Xu Mengya, Gu Hanyu, Gu Yebei, and Wu Minger had slept on the cruise ship already, waiting for the next day.

Gu Yechen had privately booked the large ship, and it was very luxurious. The food was very delicious and all of the guests were able to eat on it during the one-hour trip to the island.

The rooms were also very large and comfortable.

He Xinyan slept in one room with Wu Minger the night before the wedding, and they talked endlessly about many topics.

He Xinyan has decided to not meet Gu Yechen the entire day until the wedding tomorrow. She heard that this was a custom for couples to not see each other before marriage, and she decided to do the same!

While He Xinyan was having fun talking with her girl friend, Gu Yechen was suffering alone inside his own room.

It had been so long since he last slept alone, and it felt so different and. . . uncomfortable. It was only one night, but he already longed for He Xinyan's body smell as they slept together, the softness inside his arms, the sound of her breathing, and the warm feeling of her breathing against his chest.

Gu Yechen couldn't fall asleep for the longest time, and he tried several methods. In the end, he hugged onto a pillow and slowly fell asleep because it was too late and he had to get ready for the wedding tomorrow.

As the guests enjoyed their time on the cruise, He Xinyan and Gu Yechen were already getting ready.

The dress was also on the cruise and Qin Lai was checking for all final alterations and making sure that it could light up. He Xinyan was going to change into a dress on the island just to be careful.

The makeup artist helped do He Xinyan's makeup, and it almost took up the entire hour of the boat ride. When they arrived, all of the guests filed off of the boat and entered several cars that would drive them over to the glass building.

In the end, He Xinyan entered the car and drove with Wu Minger and Xu Mengya over to the wedding location, and Gu Yechen, Gu Yebei, Gu Hanyu, and the other groomsmen were the very last to leave the cruise.

They arrived at the building and He Xinyan immediately changed into the dress. Even though she had worn it already before, she was still very surprised at just how beautiful the dress looked on her body.

She took a deep breath and felt her heartbeat quicken. She lifted both hands up to her chest and felt her heartbeat against her chest, making her feel both excited and nervous.

Qin Lai then helped He Xinyan do her hair since he was also skilled in that area, and he knew just how he wanted the hairstyle to be to match the dress.

When he finished, he put the tiara onto her head just as Xu Mengya and Wu Minger walked into the tent.

He Xinyan turned around, facing Xu Mengya and Wu Minger, and they gasped in surprise.

"Oh, Yanyan - daughter, you look beautiful!" Xu Mengya exclaimed and Wu Minger nodded her head in agreement.

Xu Mengya knew that He Xinyan and Gu Yechen had gotten registered already, so she began calling He Xinyan 'daughter'.

"Is the wedding starting soon?" He Xinyan asked, her voice a little shaky from nervousness.

Wu Minger noticed it and she patted He Xinyan on the shoulders, "Soon, in a few minutes. Relax!"

He Xinyan smiled and winked at Wu Minger, "When am I going to receive your wedding invitation?"

Xu Mengya also looked over at Wu Minger eagerly. Her older son was set now, and all she had to worry about was her younger son! When was he going to get married?

"Yes, Minger. You and Yebei also have to hurry up! It is better to give birth earlier because your body may get more sensitive as you get older!" Xu Mengya said, although she wasn't sure if what she was saying was true either.

"Auntie Xu, how are you talking about giving birth already?" Wu Minger said with a blush, "Don't talk about me now. Today is Yanyan's wedding!"

They continued to talk for a while until a woman worker stepped into the tent, "Mrs. Gu, the wedding is beginning. Please make your way to the door."

He Xinyan was a little less nervous after talking to Xu Mengya and Wu Minger, but after hearing that the wedding was starting, she suddenly began to shake again.

It originally didn't feel so cold since it was almost springtime, but He Xinyan suddenly felt that it was so cold as goosebumps ran down her arms.

Xu Mengya gently patted He Xinyan on the shoulder, "Relax, daughter! The wedding is going to be fun! You should enjoy it since it will only happen once in your entire life."

He Xinyan nodded her head.

Xu Mengya and Wu Minger stood up to go get into their bridesmaid positions, and He Xinyan also walked out from behind the tent. She couldn't let the guests and Gu Yechen see her!

With Qin Lai and other workers' help, they made their way to the entrance of the building. The door was blocked by a white blanket so she couldn't see inside and the people inside couldn't see her either.

Since her father was. . . she would be walking down the aisle alone. He Xinyan was originally a little sad about having to walk alone, but she wasn't anymore.

She wasn't alone. Her mother and grandfather were all watching her from above, and they would be walking down the aisle with her.

She took a deep breath and grasped onto the flower bouquet tighter.

With a happy smile on her face, He Xinyan stepped forward and nodded towards the two workers holding onto both handles of the door.

Receiving her signal, the two workers simultaneously pulled the door open.

At once, everyone looked her way.

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