Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
Chapter 125 - Monke And Early Christmas

Well… Jokes aside, if what I think about this [Golemcrafting] skill is correct, then I can mass produce an item with the same quality without fear of any of them becoming a tad bit lower quality than the others because of human error.

Just think about it, golems working in a place, each move automated and with a purpose as they worked together perfectly and efficiently, without any pause or hindrances, all to create the item they were programmed to create.

'I should probably use it now. My gamer sense is tingling.' As a general hoarder, I desired to have everything I desired in my possession. Yes, I can part with them, but most of the time, they stay cooped up in my inventory, never seeing the light of day.

Like the halberd of the damned Demon. Ever since he used it to attack me, it has been here with me, taking a good, long nap inside of my inventory.

Shaking my head of those thoughts before I blew a fuse, I touched the skillbook and a menu prompt appeared before my eyes.

Learn the Skill [Golemcrafting]? Y/N

Naturally, I immediately pressed Y. As the book slowly disintegrates itself and lets its ashes (or particles of light in this case) flow into my body, the information about how to create a Golem, how to manage them, etcetera, quickly fills my brain with ideas.

That, and a very painful migraine.

"Ouch…" I verbally whimpered as I clutched my head with one hand, worrying Domino over the course of my action.


"It's fine, Domino. Just a little headache." I patted her head with my free hand, her body now facing towards me as she lay belly-flat on my body. Chuckling inwardly at how this position would've gotten me a one-way ticket to the gulag back on Earth, I took out the second reward.

It looked like the first one, a giant gift box wrapped with some cute wrapping and a cute ribbon. Once again using telekinesis to open the box, the contents within slowly floated into the air, its presence basking in the attention both I and Domino gave to it.

"… Domino, cover your eyes." Domino quickly obliged as she turned around, her expressionless face gone and completely red from embarrassment, her pupils turning into swirls as she seldomly opened her mouth to form a coherent sentence, only to fail and let out incomprehensible sounds.

'Why you bully me?' I looked at the 'reward' with a very scrutinizing gaze, the moral side of my brain telling me to dispose of the heinous item at once, while the other side said to keep it for future purposes.

And if you're wondering what item was hovering in front of me that got Domino, the ever-expressionless (just a mask, mind you) child that she is, completely red in the face full of embarrassment, forsaking the persona she had tried hard to execute, why let me tell you.

It was a fucking dildo. A vibrating one with spikes, no less.

Sighing to myself and quickly placing it inside my inventory (my immoral side celebrating at the thought of a new way to have fun with the horny catwoman), I quickly took another gift box and opened it, not admiring the wrapping and tie this time. I was rushing because the previous mood from the first gift vanished the moment the damn dildo emerged from the box.

Right in front of my surrogate daughter, no less!

Sighing deeply once more, I waited for the contents of the box to slowly levitate upwards, my mind bracing at the thought of another sex toy popping up.

Luckily, it wasn't, and from out of the gift box, came another book.

[Dimension Portal Spellbook] received!

… Did I strike gold? No, judging from the wording, I'd say I'd struck motherfucking diamond, adamantite, and orichalcon all at the same time.

'Holy shit… Do my eyes deceive me?' I rubbed my eyes with my hands and still saw the same book hovering above the gift box. Slowly reaching out to grab it, I felt the smooth book cover.

Running my hands over the book, I immediately commanded the System to absorb its contents.

Unable to learn [Dimension Portal] skill. Stats required…

Base Int: 1000

Base Wis: 1000

Yep, I knew it was too good to be true. I felt quite disappointed in myself for getting my hopes up. I kept the book in my inventory for future purposes.

Who knows, maybe in a few decades, I can use this spellbook and get a plane ticket to Earth, where I can wreak havoc and chaos wherever I go.

Imagine this: a walking gorilla/human hybrid, releasing a bunch of monkeys from zoos and herding them into a facility where they can fling poop all the time.

Yep, my inner troll is coming out again.

Taking the fourth reward from my inventory, I crossed my fingers for a good result.

But it looks like RNGesus decided my luck was dogshit, and I use the term dogshit because the reward in front of me is a literal piece of motherfucking dogshit.

[Dogshit's Idol] received!

And it has a fucking rare rarity tagged on it… Why is this a thing…?

Looking at its description, it tells me that this piece of dog crap over here can generate limitless amounts... Okay, based on its usefulness, it is trash-tier, but in specific situations, this could actually be a very good weapon.

Dip your arrows into the never-ending piece of shit and quickly fire them against the enemy. If it won't kill them, then the tetanus will.

Taking a box and placing it inside, I tossed it back inside my inventory (not before making sure the box won't get destroyed).

The next two boxes weren't really that amazing. Sure, they are wonderful to have, but currently, not really useful.

One box had an item that continuously generated gunpowder. If I had guns, this would be perfect, but sadly, I have no idea how to make a modern gun, or even the WW1 era of guns, and the blueprints in the Dungeon Store are hella expensive for my pockets right now.

I could make a cannon, though, and mount them on the monster city, so overall, that unlimited gunpowder was an incredible boon.

The other was a never-ending supply of water. I quickly had it installed inside my Dungeon, or more specifically, inside the towns, both human and monster-alike. Now they have unlimited water that I don't have to generate with biomes and have some of those bodies of water converted into some other types of land, like for farming.

The final box, however, was currently hovering right in front of me, my anxious gaze sesttled upon its form. Taking a deep intake of air, I opened it, and crossed my fingers for something good.

[Mask of Drakhan] received!

… Is it a jackpot?

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