Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
Chapter 141 - Monke And The Third Event

Today was the day. The beginning of the third, and maybe final event of the Dungeon Games. It's been approximately a day since I had been grinding my skills non-stop in case it was ever needed in the third event.

From what my discussions with Oshurkova and Catalina supplied me with, the third event was almost always random, with the last decade's event being a survival game without any of your powers.

Basically, a death game, with a lower chance of death, since from what Oshurkova said, we are also the source of power of God Chythos. I can't understand the reason as to why he allows some casualties in the games, but I'll chalk it up to either a culling, or survival of the fittest.

I'm leaning into the former because the latter doesn't really make much sense, unless God Chythos really valued that moral, but from his appearances up to date, I don't take him as that kind of God.

To me, he feels like a God that doesn't value weakness, so they are disposed of, and their assets transferred to their killer, thus making sure that a Dungeon Master stronger than the defeated will rise high.

Or maybe I'm reading too into this, and I'm just a paranoid monke… Yeah, maybe I'm just paranoid…

Moving on, I got my daily DP income from the stay-in residents, as usual, and spent all of my remaining DP, yes, I mean all of them, to upgrade the rooms of my Dungeons..

Dungeon Resident Income:

DP: 18,303

EXP: 8,739

DP: 9,052 -> 27,355

DP: 27,355 -> 0

There's no way in hell I'm going to save some DP when even a single DP mattered in saving my ass. As a result, the third floor got a complete revamp, the forests were all gone, and in its stead, a massive radioactive wasteland made itself known.

The invaders may have resistance to magic, or even status ailments, but I wonder how they would fair against lethal radiation? To make it worse, the wasteland would always be under a sandstorm, making navigation next to impossible.

And all it cost was 25,000 DP. Quite cheap, if you ask me, but hey, if the Dungeon system doesn't know how deadly this area can be, then I am exploiting the hell out of it.

The primates that were spawned from those rooms were quickly relocated to a safe room that was the entrance to the said wasteland. Of course, it was located just at the foot of the stairs, making the primates on the third floor able to traverse the floors without having to fear death.

I still need to recruit some primates, however, to see if they can actually adapt to the radiation wasteland. If that was possible, then the invaders arriving on this floor would be ultimately fucked.

As a sidenote, I leveled up.

Name: Jionni

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Gorilla

Class: Tank

Level: 15

Exp: 6965 / 15000

HP: 7330 / 7330

MP: 2390 / 2390

Str: 85 (+145) => 230

Vit: 124 (+117) => 241

End: 89 (+105) => 194

Agi: 55 (+35) => 85

Dex: 61 (+45) => 106

Int: 52 (+115) => 167

Wis: 51 (+115) => 166

Cha: 38 (+10) => 48

Luc: 1

I call it a sidenote because there wasn't anything too noteworthy after the level up, except the increase of my stats. That would probably when I reach level 20, where I can switch my classes, and by my fucking balls, I will change it.

Or maybe just continue with the tank class-line…

Now, the most noteworthy thing that has happened, aside from spending all of my DP on the fortification of my Dungeon... By the way, the leftover DP I spent on purchasing sturdier defenses for the Monster Town, as seen by their stone walls instead of the earlier wooden versions.

Where was I? Ah yes, that noteworthy thing was grinding my [Golemcrafting] skill to level 3, which was a huge pain in the ass. For one day, all I did was grind, grind, and grind some more. There was no time to rest. I literally vacuumed all of my MP (I saved some, of course, to make sure I didn't faint) so that I could keep on creating golems.

The first time I made a dirt golem the size of an average human, it took about 1000 MP from me, which left me feeling parched. I waited for my MP to regenerate and do it again.

I also experimented with other materials, such as wood, stone, and some iron, which was mined from the mines on the first floor. What I found out, was that depending on the material, the MP drain could either increase, or decrease.

I'm no expert mage, but I hypothesized that it has to do with how the material conducts the magic. I would guess that mithril or orichalcon would use a lesser amount of MP, due to their highly conductive materials.

Since I was working with dirt, stone, trees, and iron, you could say that my MP was drained every time I used the skill.

I repeated that action, only taking some time off to eat and drink, for the whole day, not stopping when even Domino commented on her concerns about me being a workaholic.

As a result, the [Golemcrafting] skill was finally level 3, and I can now create dirt golems the size of my hand with about half the required amount of MP, as well as construct them twice as fast.

This grinding also resulted in a bunch of golems roaming about the Dungeon Core Room, which I quickly sent to the first floor so they could help with the building. They are, after all, tireless. It is a good thing that they were also created to last, meaning that they could function as long as their creator was alive, or until they were destroyed by a third party.

After that quick grind, I jumped on my hammock and rested, to make sure that I was energized the moment they called me back.

And right now, as I opened my eyes from my slumber, I felt the pain of being deconstructed once more as I was teleported back into the domain of Chythos.

"Greetings, Dungeon Masters. Unfortunately, God Chythos will not be able to host this day's events. As such, I shall take over his duty for the meantime." The butler, Uius, if I remembered the name correctly, spoke from beside the empty throne, its occupant temporarily missing due to some circumstances that were probably beyond my comprehension. "As all of you should know by now, today is the day... The third, and final event will commence, and as per tradition, the event will be randomized."

Uius clapped once and a wheel appeared with a poof on the stage. Incredibly tiny areas dotted the wheel, and a huge arrow was situated at the top.

"Whatever event this arrow lands on, that will be this decade's final event." Uius grabbed the wheel by the side, and gave it a good spin, the arrow smacking a protrusion of metal every time a colored area passed by.

I gazed upon the wheel with bated breath. My eyes focused on the wheel which would dictate the course of this final event. Whether it would be peaceful or bloody remains to be seen, but I hope it's the former.

The wheel slowed to a crawl as the time passed, not one Dungeon Master uttering a sound due to how tense the situation was. A few seconds later, the wheel finally stopped turning and the arrow landed on a golden colored area, which was the same size as the other areas.

"Well now… This is surprising…" Uius commented with a raised eyebrow. He then looked at the crowd of Dungeon Masters, all of us staring at him for the results since we couldn't see what was listed on the wheel due to how small the letterings were. "Ladies, gentlemen, transgenders, hermaphrodites, and genderless, may I present to you, the final event."

Uius held out his hand as a light shined brightly enough to temporarily blind my eyes. I quickly closed my poor eyes and shook my head, my hands rubbing my eyes the entire time. Once I was sure that my eyes could handle the strain, I opened them slightly and squinted as I focused on the golden letters hovering above the ground.

What it read made me question the sanity of the God of Monsters, but then again, the comprehension of a God's is incredibly different from that of a mortal.

=Dungeon Battle Arena=

But still, please tell me that you won't bleach your eyeballs after reading the words floating above the ground that dictated the course of the final events?

I mean, at the side of the words, I could see an illustration of a motherfucking MOBA map, with the bases on each end.

'I want to replace the one who came up with this idea…' I facepalmed, but I also noticed that most of the Dungeon Masters around me were scratching their head in confusion. Included in those actions were Oshurkova and Catalina, who were both looking at me as if they knew I knew something.

Well, they were right.

"For this event, the Dungeon Masters must group themselves into a team of five." Uius grabbed an hourglass. "You have one hour. Begin."

He flipped the hourglass.

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