Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
Chapter 217 - Monke And Good(Maybe Bad) News

Panicking slightly at the thought of being a father, Odette increased said panic by telling me some more things about my… sperm in union with the egg cell in the jar.

"Also, fur some unknown reason, mein defice kapable uff tellingkt vhat kind uff race ze newborn vill be told me zat all uff fertilized egg cells only had female genders, as vell as takingkt ze species uff ze mozzer."

My panic slightly subsided at the thought, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as the future of a dozen monkey me's running around the Dungeon with grins on their faces.

Actually, that sounds not that bad when taking into account my gorilla body.

"Wait, hold on… How many egg cells were fertilized again?" I asked Odette, a sweat dropping from my face as she gave me a huge grin.

"Ein hundred undt fifty-two!" I grew pale at the number. "It'll take nine monzzs before zey kan be born, undt after zat, I'll send zem to your Dungeon."

As Odette told me this, I could only lament my current circumstance.

'Why the hell did I accept doing this again…?'




After everything was all said and done, Odette had no trouble letting me go back to my Dungeon, since the experiment was all over.

That, however, did not lift the metaphorical cloud hanging above my head as every step I took brought my hunch even lower.

'How am I supposed to break this to Catalina…?' My thoughts always keep on circling around this one topic.

Am I supposed to go, "Hey, Lina, I've got a hundred babies coming in the future," or should I say, "Lina, help me with child support."

My humor was once again acting up to help me stay sane in my current predicament. My feet landed on solid ground after being teleported through the portal.

"Jion! You're finally back!" A demi-human missile crashed into my body. My figure refused to budge as Catalina rubbed her head against my chest. "Did Odette do anything to you!?"

"… No, nothing physical…" I winced slightly at the delay of my response, garnering narrowed eyes from the catwoman. "Mentally, however, a lot…"

"… What did she do to you?" Catalina growled, and I sighed. Might as well come clean.

"Okay, so Odette, and you might want to brace yourself for this, wanted me to masturbate so she could conduct experiments with my semen."

"… Okay, first, what the fuck? Two, that's just plain disturbing. Finally, what the fuck?" Catalina looked at me with a grimace.

"Yeah, I was just as shocked as you when she told me about that, but it gets… worse…" A frown made its way into my lips as I stared directly into Catalina. "By the way, have you been experiencing anything… strange lately?"

"Strange? What do you mean, strange?" Catalina cocked her head to the side slightly, her cat ears twitching ever so slightly.

"Like pregnancy symptoms." At my question, Catalina froze as she looked at me with wide eyes, which then turned into a full-blown blush as she turned her head away from me. "Well then, fuck me…"

"Jion! Don't say that! Even if I knew it was bordering on sarcasm or humor!" Catalina quickly brought her finger to my lips, her blush still not disappearing from her face. "And yes, I've been… experiencing said symptoms lately… I guess… Congratulations to both of us…?"

"… Ughh… This would've been a happier occasion if I hadn't agreed to Odette's experiment."

"Why? What's wrong… Oh…" Catalina pursed her lips as she realized what the uses of semen were in experimentation. "How many…?"

"One hundred and fifty-two, all currently developing and will be born in nine months." Catalina froze at the number before she glanced at the portal behind her.

"… H-how…?" She looked back at me, and I just shook my head.

"I have no idea, except that my semen can impregnate a woman with a hundred percent chance of success." Catalina pursed her lips.

"… When we have sex next time after the baby is born, you're going to pull out before you cum. Or cum inside my ass. I don't want another baby this early."

"You read my mind. I already have my hands full with Domino. Just imagining at least a hundred children… Yeah, I'm going to need some help." I shivered at the prospective future.

Oh, the pain of changing diapers. I worked as a babysitter once, since I needed the cash, and diaper changing was forever going to be an S-level threat in my mind.

Much more, if the poop was so stinky, it could've been used as chemical warfare during the world wars on Earth.

"… So… Should we celebrate?" At my question, Catalina just chuckled before linking her arms with mine.

"Sure. While we're at it, why not plan the wedding?" Catalina wiggled her eyebrows with a smile, prompting me to laugh slightly.

"Are you proposing to me? Isn't that supposed to be the other way around?" Catalina just scoffed at my response.

"Hell no. If I waited for you to propose, it would've taken a lot longer." Catalina leaned her head against my broad arms. "Sure, we've only been together for a few weeks, and it might be rushing it. But can you call it rushing it if we both want it?"

Looking into her eyes, I could see something hidden deep within. Something more than just love and adoration.


Recalling the talk we had back during the Dungeon Games about her past, something clicked. She isn't just clingy because she was born like that. She wanted someone to be with her during her loneliness.

At least, that's what I got, but I'm pretty sure I'm not that far off the mark.

"I'll think about it, but not right now. Right now? I just want to sleep and cuddle with you and Domino. I've had enough thinking for today, and my potato brain can only handle so much. As I palmed my forehead with my free hand, I felt a headache coming on.

Catalina relaxed a bit and nodded. "Sure, if that's what you want. But if possible, can we hold the wedding here on Earth? This place feels… Safer than Praeccathae."

"Well, you're right about Earth being safer than Praeccathae." I snorted as I nudged my head against hers.

Between choosing to fight against a nuke that can not reach you or people that were as strong as Drake, I would choose the former. At least Earth had no magic bullshit and ran on logic and physics.

At least, I hope it does. If there was indeed magic hidden beneath the surface of the Earth, then maybe recruiting them wouldn't be such a bad idea.

That is, if they accept submitting to me.




~ Third Person POV ~

This is not what he had in mind when he started the day.

Today was supposed to be simple. Eat some breakfast, go to school, hang out with friends by either playing MOBAs or FPS games, go back home and do some homework or some other shit.

Not run into doomsayers lugging around signs about the end of the world and were hellbent on forcing people to repent for their sins.

'Stupid people.' The young man sighed as he entered an alleyway that he frequented whenever there was heavy traffic on the main road.

Or sidewalk.

Passing a stray cat rummaging around a dumpster for food, he felt his hair stand on end when he reached a certain distance away from the open road. Clicking his tongue, the young man dropped his bag and turned around.

"What do you want this time?"

A figure emerged from the shadows, its form ambiguous and without features, except for two streaks of white where its eyes would be.

"Daniel. We have a new job for you." The figure approached, its shadowy form blending with the darkness.

"What is it this time?" The young man, now known as Daniel, stood stock still as the black shadow approached him. "I thought this month was supposed to be my vacation?"

"Plans have changed. The appearances of these new magical entities have altered the course of the prophecy." This got Daniel to raise his eyebrows.

"Oh? That bad, huh?" Daniel hummed as he cupped his chin. "What did they say?"

"It shall be on the day that the day is longest, those gorging on the weak shall act.

When the day comes that a dry rain descends upon us, the outsider shall mark a generation of strife and an age of conflict.

When the day comes that Earth itself intwines with new, two enemies shall usher forth the downfall of civilization.

It shall be then, when heaven and earth have been forced to equal ground, shall a new God ascend and hold the reins to the distant future."

"… Okay, a lot of vague points, as usual. But the rise of a new God? That is something we need to plan for." Daniel breathed in heavily through his nose as he kept on pondering the prophecy. "I assume this is about the Dungeons appearing and what they have in connection with these new God?"

The shadow nodded, and Daniel sighed.

"And, if I'm following you correctly, you want me to infiltrate said Dungeons. Is that correct?" Another nod. "Great, just my luck."

"You will be handsomely rewarded if you accept this request."

"And I will. Just give me a day to prepare."

"As you wish. I shall tell my masters about your decision. Until then, may the shadow dance in your favor."

As the figure blended itself into the shadows, all Daniel could do was pick up his bag, sigh, and head back home.

"I hate my life…"

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