Rejected Mate and Following Fate - Awakening Book -
Chapter 17: The Attack
“All wolves have been called to the great hall, immediately” He drops his hand from my jaw andjumps to his feet, all naked glory of him and I avert my eyes, suddenly aware of this fact andinstantly shy. He has your typical alpha package going on and it's not exactly easy not to look at.Generally, the males have something to be proud of and Colton is no exception. My face reddens,heat rising up my cheeks, and I huddle myself up, still recovering from this shitstorm we just putourselves through and now blushing to my core because I ogled him completely starkers andrealized he’s well endowed.I wait for him to leave, hoping to pull myself together with a little headspace and try not to alsocheck out his ass, but he pauses when he sees I make no effort to follow.“That means you too... my goal's to have you initiated into this pack, Lorey. No matter what it takes.My father can't keep denying us if you're accepted. We need to have a plan.... steps to beingtogether. I don't want to keep going through the emptiness of the last weeks and denying thisbetween us. What I said in the forest; I was wrong.” He shrugs as if he’s reciting some bland nothingof speeches and not literally altering everything I thought was happening in the last weeks ofagonizing life.My eyes dart to him, shocked, yet not. Deep down I guess I knew this was his motive and hisfeelings on where we should end up. I'm just not so sure anymore. The words I said in anger stillring true and my heart is telling me that a bond should be stronger than his father's command.Can't shift that disappointment in him, because I feel like he was too quick to give me up.I'm a whirlwind of emotions and so much has happened in the last twelve hours that I need sometime to let my brain catch up. I've been through trauma, changes, a whirlwind, and I need to processit all. I can't tell which way is up, and I'm no longer in control of a single tiny thing in my own life.Not even where I'll sleep tonight, let alone live tomorrow.“Come. Please. You can't say here in this mess, and we need to get you some clothes.” He stretcheshis hand to me extending his palm outwards and I brush it away.“Why can't you let me leave to figure this out of my own. This is the last place on earth I want tobe.” Tears begin to fall as self-pity hits hard and I guess it's because I'm physically and mentallyexhausted too. This is not how I thought my life would go and from the day I turned, it's been helland heartache all rolled into one.He exhales heavily, frustrated with me, and yanks me to my feet with a forceful lunge at my armsinstead. Pulling me up despite my refusal. Taking charge and not in the mood for arguments.“Listen to me. I need you to comply for a little while and we'll figure this out, together. I don't wantyou to go. When this settles I'll go to the orphanage and pack up all your stuff, and we can talk outwhere we go from there; but right now, I need you to come with me and do as I say.” He has thatedge to his voice I usually hear when he's leading his pack around. It's the don't argue with me,commanding tone, of Prince. Santo.What else can I do. I'm technically a prisoner here, with nowhere else to go. I'm on my feet, with apersistent pain in my ass bossing me around, in a house full of people who hate me. I literally onlyhave him on my side to depend on, and only because the fates forced it. I have nowhere else, and ifI'm being honest with myself, everything is too messy, my gifts too new, and my mental state a littletoo on the fragile side to be thinking about going anywhere alone. So, I nod reluctantly.“Come on then. Stay close to me.” Colton turns and leads the way, sensing I don't want or need himtouching me and I do as he says. Staying right behind him, clutching my covering and wait while hegrabs one, wrapping it on like a toga, and heads towards the door. If Carmen saw us now, nakedwith ripped bed sheets to cover our modesty, she would only assume the worst and I can't imaginethat going down well at all. Shuddering at the possibility she might see us.Within seconds we're in the hall, moving along the wide passage in semi darkness, due to all theboarded up windows and lack of lighting and he leads onwards, following some turns and a flight ofstairs until we get to the floor below. I was put on the top floor in the far end of the house, awayfrom everyone, and now we seem to be on the third floor, in a brighter corridor with doors allbearing names, and keypads on each.Colton stops me with an arm, pushes me back around the corner we rounded and hushes me with afinger to my lips as two Santo pack members appear from a door opening, both walk out and headaway from us, completely unaware of our presence. He makes us wait a second before leading theway again, halfway down the hall to the third door on the right and turns, using his hand on thepad, scanning his palm as it clicks open. His name's on the door, so I guess this is his room."Why are we hiding if you're taking me downstairs anyway?” I ask blatantly, composing myself sinceleaving that room and he slides an arm around me and shuffles me into the darkened space, pullingme in and closing the door behind us with a last outwards check of the hall. He walks off across thebedroom, towards a set of wooden doors in front of me, sliding them open to reveal wardrobes,and starts pulling out clothes in multiples of two. It's dull in here thanks to boarded windows butlight is shining through the cracks brightly now, illuminating enough, telling me daylight has come.I follow him, taking in the almost Scandinavian, Ikea style, and minimalism of his room. He likesspace, and neatness, with very few items cluttering it up. Neutral tones, light woods, plants and lotsof floor, and open calmness. It's clean and airy and almost obsessively organized.“Carmen just needs to know I brought you in here and she'll go nuclear. It's best if I appeardownstairs with you, where she’s contained, because frankly, my ears, and my head, can't handle hergifts right now. She still thinks we have a future, and I need to talk to her about that." He carries onfocusing on clothes, his tone level as though he hasn't just caused me pain with careless words.It quietens me and that distant heartache and pang of jealousy replaces its way back home to mystomach. In all this mess I was starting to wonder if our bond has been dented and if I was startingto feel differently about him. I guess I'm not that lucky, as my heart still seems very attached,despite everything. I'm mad at him, disappointed in him, but yet, I still yearn and love him. My soulstill wants and needs himWe dress quickly, although his clothes are baggy on me, and ill-fitting, but it's better than showingup in a rag and a smile. Following him close to his heel, leaving his room, we make our way downanother two flights of sweeping staircase and two other levels before we end up back where Icaused such a scene hours ago. That sweeping final stair to the main entrance which is nowimmaculately calm.It's a lot cleaner and tidier now the debris is gone, and the front door closed, with the addition ofseveral new heavy-duty locking mechanisms in place. The boarded glass panels are screwed on withbraces over them for now, hinting that the threat of another attack is on Juan's mind.Colton takes my hand in his unexpectedly, sliding strong fingers into mine and leads the way acrossthe vast marble floor into a small corridor that runs away from the bathroom he put me in earlier. Idon't reject his touch, needing it now I'm on a comedown of what happened upstairs. Once againvulnerable and out of my depth and clinging to him to take charge while in his domain. Drawingfrom his strength and ability to swagger through the worst kind of chaos.We walk down the dark almost claustrophobic space, with voices, noises, lots of movementcascading our way, and follow two Santos we catch up with inside the most crowded room I've everseen. It's hard to tell how big it would be empty, for it's packed solid with adult Santo wolves,mostly male, from all over, even the ones who don't reside in the pack house. Easily over a hundredor so, and they're all squeezed in, fighting for breathing space as we join right at the back, unseen.There are several elders and the Shaman, right down at the front, standing on a low podium facingback at us all. Men I have never seen before in my life, standing behind them, and I guess these arethe older generation of retired elders, coming out in our time of need. Mostly men in here as is theway when dealing with important matters, or femmes who have no children and are better suited tobattle, as all of those who are not are home minding their little ones. Juan Santo is right in thecenter and he seems to be waiting for everyone to quiet before he starts. The overwhelmingseriousness of this cascades around the room, thickening the atmosphere with a heady tension.Colton pulls me in front of him, placing me right at his chest so he’s up against my back, lacing hisfingers into both of my hands from behind as they hang by my sides in the darkest of our shadows.He rests his chin against the back of my head, bringing his body to fit snugly into mine, so we arecompletely joined without it being obvious to those around us. It looks like two people standingclose due to the crushing lack of space as our hands are concealed in darkness. He's a good headtaller than me, so it's a natural position, and I glance around to see if anyone is staring, but they'reall too focused on their alpha king."Quiet now” A voice from the front rows hushes the uneasy mumbling and scraping in the roomand everyone stops talking, the atmosphere somehow heavier with the forced hush. Juan stepsforward, although I can barely see him over the people in front of me and have to stand on my tiptoes to get a proper view between heads. There's a moment of pause as he looks around us all, hiseyes catching his son across the crowds and I can't miss the fleeting surge of anger as he realizesI'm right in front of him.I glance away, instantly scalded, landing back down on flat feet, wounded by the penetrating glareand scan the room instead to see if Carmen is anywhere close by. I can't see her thankfully, whichmeans she probably can't see us, and try to sink down further to better conceal myself behind theSanto in front of me. Colton squeezes my hands and holds me closer, somehow letting me knowthat I should ignore it.Be still. You're safe with me. He comes through gently, caressing my mind with a tender tone and Iexhale dejectedly.For now, maybe. While they're all distracted with Vampire attacks and end of world foreboding, butmy gut says it's temporary. I can feel the hatred lingering in the air from Juan's vicious frown and itunsettles me in every kind of way."You all know why we are here...” Juan begins and it's the final push needed to bring a total hush tothe room as all completely still, not even the shuffle of moving bodies, and fall deathly silent. It tugsmy attention back to him and I peek around the side of the male in front of me to catch sight of himagain. “We were attacked by a long-forgotten enemy, and quite frankly, we didn't see it coming andwere not prepared. Despite the rumbling of recent months, we didn't honestly expect them to riseand attack in this way and we failed our people. We lost fifty-three of our kind, on the dark side ofthe mountain, tonight. Forty-seven lost in the battle and six bonded who perished when their matesheart took its last beat.”My heart aches as he says it, visualizing so many of the faces I know went down in that attack.Unlike anyone else in this room, I'm probably the only one who not only knew their names, butwhat every single one of them looked like, who they were as people, and their ages not only whenthey died, but when they were first dumped in that hellhole without their loved ones. Memorieswith all of them, even if they were not close to me. To these wolves, they're just numbers to measuretheir failures against.I close my eyes as the tears begin to fall silently down my cheeks, warm unwelcome rivulets ofremembrance. The pain returning once more, and I can't stop myself. My heart filling up andstraining to contain it as my mind is swamped with images I don't want to relive, and I shudder as Ipush them away, inhaling heavily as my shoulders start to tremble with the effort of not fallingapart. The horrors of how I last saw them all, trying so hard to invade my brain and cut me down allover again.I nestle back into Colton as his arm comes up around my body and across my neck as he cuddlesme. His comfort, because he can feel my pain, my body trembling as I cry, squeezing my eyes shutto gain control. His touch is what I need more than anything and I stay here in the darkness of myown doing, listening and silently weeping while held tight in his comforting embrace."We think it was a test, for this device we found in the orphanage.” Juan carries on and my eyes ripopen at his words, shoving my despair aside as I squirm, wriggling out of Colton’s hug to see whateveryone is craning necks to look at. Catching a gap as ones on front move sideways to look where Iam.He holds up a small perfectly square black box, an antenna sticking up at the top but a completelack of buttons and dials of any sort, that looks harmless. Small and compact, no more than a tissuebox in size, with another wire sticking out from the rear about a foot long and doesn’t seem toattach to anything to power it. It doesn't look real, more like something a child could make withcard and glue and some black paint and I blink at it, stupefied, glaring furiously, and hating thatsomething so insignificant, destroyed my life.“They chose our weakest and our most secluded and walked right in, depositing this in the center ofthe first-floor kitchen. We think they wanted to test its effectiveness and still have a fighting chanceshould it fail. It didn't... we've only one survivor left from the home and only because of the fastactions of our pack. We managed to take down many of their kind, but a few escaped and will bereporting on their success for sure.”There's a murmur and uneasiness as people glance around at one another in scared question, and Icatch the whisper of my name on the hushes wave of sound. The mix of both relief that my survivalensured their own Santo alpha, but also the bitter ones, calling me a reject and querying how I wasthe one who managed to live.I catch the low, body vibrating, internal growl from Colton as his protective instinct kicks in athearing my name and a couple of nearby Santos glance this way, eyes widening in surprise and theyinstantly stare down at their feet, turning meekly submissive in a flash. Faces darkening with fearand shame at being caught by him of all people. Realizing he’s right here, among them, and notdown there with his immediate family. I turn away to block them out and stare down at the frontinstead, mentally blanking them all, because this has always been my life and I'm not that botheredby their remarksI catch sight of his grandmother in the shadows when they settle down, a woman who barely showsface but is lingering nearby. Unsurprisingly, there's no sign of Luna Santo, Colton’s mother. She'sbeen absent from view since the wars and rumor has it, she locks herself up in her room on themain floor upstairs and never leaves. No one has seen her in years, and if it weren't for Colton'smemories of her in my head, I wouldn't even remember what she looked like.Some say she was scarred horribly by the battles, both mentally, and physically, and is too ashamedto come out and face her people. Meeting one of the few things in the world which can leaveunhealable damage on a wolf, and her mental state has crumbled with the trauma. Only I now knowfrom being inside his head there's some truth to the stories, and there's only a vague blurry visual ofColton being told she’s cared for, away from the mountain, because the war broke her.Those around us turn silent as Juan breaks through the thick atmosphere once again, drawing meaway from my train of thought and disrupting my searching of the past for answers to her lack ofappearance.“Testing weapons can only mean we're heading for a war with an enemy we thought we long agovanquished. They're working on a strategy, and this is just the beginning. There have been stories,rumors, but nothing concrete for many months, although this is now our proof. Civilization as weknow it is about to change drastically. We must protect the packs and join with those from otherlands, prepare for what is coming. We must unite and finally be ruled by one leader, one voice, towork as one, under my guidance as alpha, if we are to survive a second war like the last.”I shiver as his words begin to hit home, my brain scrambling to fathom something as huge anundertaking as that. We're a dozen packs in one state, but worldwide there are thousands, hundredsof thousands, and most still do not live in peace with the others of their kind. Rivalries exist, andsome are still at war with one another, even now with the history of the wars behind us. A commonenemy may change that, but there's a lot to do before that can happen.Packs are destined to want to rule over one another, fight for dominance, forge the hierarchy, andour mountain is not normal when it comes to living in close proximity. It was a necessity, as werecovered from the war of before, our people shattered by loss, so we were more pliable inaccepting another pack as our leader. Most of our own alphas never came back to dispute the claimto rule us.Santo’s idea, that he will become the only leader and unite us all seems ridiculous, given the vastamount of us in this world he will need to unite. I'm sure there are other pack leaders out there whobelieve themselves far superior to him. Other dominants with way more ability, and gifts, and it's notin an alphas nature to yield without a fight.I shiver, my body trembling with all that is dawning on me, how terrifying our future now looks andColton firms his hold on me, reassuring me as best he can. Trying to keep me calm and be that rockI never knew I needed before I found his touch. I exhale heavily, submerging myself in his body heatand try to bring myself peace.“We need to put measures in place to protect our mountain from another attack; effectiveimmediately. Allocations of groups, with leaders, will be assigned to those who haven't already hadso. We are the reigning pack in Radstone, and they'll all be looking to us now, to lead, and protectthem. Training will begin at first light for all old enough to fight, so all of you eat. Sleep. We'vealready sent small details to walk the perimeters and each of the villages has been ordered to dothe same. We'll have guards outside at every hour, keeping watch, and we'll revise a system toimprove on all of this, set up drills with how to react should an alarm be raised. This coming fewweeks, we'll be moving all surrounding packs into the south side of the mountain, here among ourpeople, for their own safety. We have much to do, there will be upheaval, and chaos, but we mustkeep our heads. This was a first offensive, and we do not know when they intend to return.”The silence becomes unbearable when his last words fall in the air around us, and the gravity of oursituation sits heavy on us all. Some of these men and women are survivors from the first war againstthe vampires and already paid their dues, but most of us were just children, or young enough tostay behind. We lost so many, and although or numbers have recouped over the years, we're notliving in readiness for a fight. We've had relative peace for years, and I have no idea how the hellwe're going to get through this.Bringing us all to one place to live in each other's pockets, here in the Santo land is going to bemadness. We're spread far around the skirts of the mountains and high in number. There are notenough homes to accommodate bringing us all together at this one shaded side, under theircommand and watchful eye. Not to mention the children, their schools, and their animals on theouter farms. This is insanity.I feel sick to my stomach, knowing that everything I knew before, my idea of empty living, was infact the best years of my sad existence. Now we're dawning on a new age, and I'm wishing with allmy heart that I could back to being that unworthy reject, in a house full of unwanteds, in theshadowy side of our peaceful mountain.If I could back I would. I would never complain again, never crave a different life, because what wehave coming, couldn't be any worse.
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