269. Titan

I was still reeling from it— processing what had happened. I didn’t normally stop to think for more than a second whenever one of my General Skills leveled. Because, after all, General Skills leveled all the time. Sure, they leveled relatively slowly. Sometimes, I wished they’d level faster. But they did level.

At least, most of them did. One of them hadn’t leveled at all despite having been a General Skill of mine since the very beginning; it was something I had with me from the moment of my birth. It never once leveled, so I assumed it couldn’t level.

Until now.

General Skill [Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] has leveled up!

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension - Lvl. 1] -> [Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension - Lvl. 2]!

Experience is awarded for the leveling of a General Skill!


What did it? What exactly pushed [Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] past the edge so that it could level?

Was it because I spoke to the [Evolved Centinel]? Was it because the [Evolved Centinel] spoke in some strange language?

That was possible. But the real question wasn’t how [Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] leveled— the real question was what could I do now with it?

I quickly distributed all my Stat and Skill Points— I had plenty since I’d been fighting and leveling a ton— and headed out of the Lair.

Just before I left, however, I noticed one thing. The corpses in the former Centinels Cornucopia began to rapidly decompose. It was like they were old, eroded stone statues that were collapsing to dust after a bumbling passerby bumped into it.

“Huh, so it was the Lair that were keeping their bodies intact. I wonder why.”

Salvos (Liberator of the Plaguelands)

Species: [Archdemon of Pride]

Subspecies: [Daeva Cambion] - Lvl. 119

Class: [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] - Lvl. 73

General Skills:

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] - Lvl. 8

[Identification] - Lvl. 6

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] - Lvl. 2

[Racial Skill: Demonic Essence] - Lvl. 4

[Racial Skill: Partial Mortality] - Lvl. 6

[Rest] - Lvl. 5

[Lesser Enhanced Wisdom] - Lvl. 6

[Title Skill: General Curse Resistance] - Lvl. 2

[Title Skill: Recall Skill] - Lvl. 1


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 145 (+25)

[Strength]: 130 (+25)

[Endurance]: 140 (+25) (+3)

[Wisdom]: 250 (+25) (+10)

[Agility]: 300 (+25) (+5)


[Available Skill Points: 6]

[Barrage of Cinders] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Demon’s Mark] - Lvl. 10

[Haste] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Intimidation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Faux Limbs] - Lvl. 1

[Nebular Construct] - Lvl. 6

[Radiant Slash] - Lvl. 15 (Maxed)

[Salvo of Vanity] - Lvl. 10

[The Primordial Spark] - Lvl. 15

[Wings of the Netherworld] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - A Hunter’s Sense] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - Blue Flames] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Passive - Weapon Mastery] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Unused Skill Slot] x1

Secondary Skills:

[Available Secondary Skill Points: 1]

[Dimensional Pocket] - Lvl 1

[Mass Particulate Modification] - Lvl 5

[Mystical Projection] - Lvl 15 (Maxed)

[Long Range Teleportation] - Lvl 20 (Maxed)

[Planar Navigation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Scattering Displacement] - Lvl. 10

[Warped Time] - Lvl 6



I peered into the egg sac. The wriggling creature broke out of the blue shell after a moment’s struggle. It landed right at my feet with a wet splat and glanced up to meet my gaze. I cocked my head, waiting for a reply.

The [Infant Centinel] hissed and chomped at my feet. I scowled, stepping on it before walking off. It died with a squelch— a notification. And I was off speaking to another group of Centinels. Higher-leveled Centinels. Maybe an [Infant Centinel] couldn’t speak because it was still an infant?

“Hi! Can you speak?”

I asked the [Junior Centinel] as I held it by the tail. It didn’t speak. It just thrashed about, screeching at me. No words. Nothing that even resembled words. Complete, incoherent nonsense.

“Ugh, this was a waste of time.”

I tossed it hard against a rock wall. It went splat. None of the Centinels could speak. Presumably, only the [Evolved Centinel] was capable of articulating his thoughts— even if it was in a very rough and abstract way.

My wings spread wide as I took off into the air. A horde of Centinels snarled and snapped below me, but I ignored them, flying higher up to a small crack on the ravine’s walls. I’d be moderately safe here. I was still tired from the brief battle with the [Evolved Centinel]. So, I sat down, letting [Rest] course through my body.

As I found myself sitting on the cold floor, I produced the books I had kept away with [Dimensional Pocket]. These had been diaries that belonged to the adventurers who dared venture down to the Bloodied Gulf. Thrilling stories, surely.

But when I sifted through them, I found that a lot of the books were regaling the tales these great [Warriors] or [Mages] had prior to delving into the Bloodied Gulf. It listed their achievements, the powerful friends they’d made, and a bunch of other boring crap that incessantly praised the author.

Seriously! Even I wasn’t that prideful!

Edithe should really have a talk with these people. Oh wait, she couldn’t because they were dead. So, you guys weren’t that great then!

I shook my head, chuckling softly. Despite my amusement, I did acknowledge that it was very much possible for me to end up with the same fate that befell these adventurers. I could die. I understood my mortality. I wasn’t a fool. I didn’t think of myself as an invincible [Hero] of the ages.

They came here to purge the Centinel threat. I was here to survive and killed that annoying [Evolved Centinel]. At least, that was what I thought I was here for.

I continued to turn the pages of the diaries, not out of intrigue, but simply hoping to replace anything that would be useful for me. Information that could help me navigate the Bloodied Gulf. I didn’t replace much of the like, unfortunately. The most useful thing I found was a [Mage]’s compendium of the various Centinels. He or she even detailed the various evolutions of [Evolved Centinels] encountered in the Bloodied Gulf.

There were four types of [Evolved Centinel]. Variations existed, but there were four broad forms they took on. The first was what they called a Sage Centinel. An intelligent Centinel that adapted to their opponents with different magical Skills— kind of like the [Evolved Centinel] I’d just fought.

The second was a Titan Centinel. A typically large Centinel that dwarfed even the size of [Older Centinels], but not quite as large as [Senior Centinels]. I didn’t think I’d seen one of these yet.

There were also the Gracious Centinels. [Evolved Centinels] that were described to be… Human-like in size and fighting prowess. I thought of the first [Evolved Centinel] I fought. That was likely a Gracious Centinel.

And lastly, there were Horror Centinels. These were described to be monstrous— taking all kinds of shapes and sizes, with monster-like abilities. These were the other two [Evolved Centinels] I’d seen. They were said to be the weakest of the [Evolved Centinels] as the least intelligent of them all.

It was interesting. The fact of the matter was, the [Mage] who wrote this compendium had spent enough time down here to encounter enough [Evolved Centinels] to make these claims. But I’d only seen four [Evolved Centinels] so far.

I wondered just how numerous they were.

There were two more pages in the compendium. Each was less detailed than the next. The first was a brief description of an [Ancient Centinel]. It was nothing I didn’t already know. That it was massive and powerful— above Level 150.

And the page after that simply had a name. A placeholder. No description. It simply said: the Progenitor.

I cocked my head, curious.

“What is this Progenitor?”

I was under the impression that all Centinels could lay eggs and produce offspring. I’d seen it, even.


I leaned against the rock wall, interest piqued. There were so many mysteries still left uncovered about the Bloodied Gulf. However, I knew what my goal was. I didn’t care for a Progenitor, even if I was curious.

I was going to kill that [Evolved Centinel] or Sage Centinel. Whatever he was called, I didn’t like him. And once I was through with him, I’d deal with Belzu.

I closed the books and let them disappear into my [Dimensional Pocket]. Just as I got to my feet, however, the ground shook. Something tingled inside of me— [A Hunter’s Sense] warned me something was coming.

My eyes grew wide. Was it the [Ancient Centinel]? I was prepared to teleport away from the alcove when a large shadow loomed over the entrance. I blinked.


Dozens of sharp teeth pierced through the walls, tearing away at my hiding spot with ferocious intent. I backed up as flames wreathed around me. I narrowed my eyes, not recognizing the gaping maw that tried to dig its way to me. It didn’t look like the mandibles of an [Older Centinel] or [Senior Centinel]. And it certainly wasn’t an [Ancient Centinel].

The mouth seemed shaped more like that of a beast. One with far fewer teeth than a Centinel, but an elongated jaw that could chomp harder and through tougher materials. I identified the creature, and I got my answer.

[Evolved Centinel - Lvl. 131]

A… Titan Centinel? A small smile crept over my face as I realized that this was the one [Evolved Centinel] sub-type I hadn’t seen just yet. A fire burned within me. A desire to see how it compared to the other [Evolved Centinels] I’d fought so far.

But before I could jump straight into battle with the forming Nebular Scythe, another shadow loomed behind the Titan Centinel. A figure just barely larger than the Titan Centinel. And it wasn’t alone.

I recognized their shapes and forms. Regular Centinels. But not weak ones. [Senior Centinels]. Each of them above Level 120. They accompanied the Titan Centinel as they tried to burrow their way to me.

I blinked.

“That’s a lot of high-leveled Centinels…”

I hesitated. Would I be able to beat all of them? Or better yet— would I be able to defeat them without attracting even more unwanted attention? I didn’t feel confident enough in myself to do that.

That was the thing. This was the Bloodied Gulf. I thought I was safe in this alcove, but somehow, the Titan Centinel found me. And it led a small horde of [Senior Centinels] after rme. I completely forgotten the one rule of a place like this. After all, it was just like the Netherworld.

Nowhere was safe.

It was always dangerous, no matter where you were. You migth’ve thought you’d found a safe haven, but it could be compromised at any moment. Just like right now.

I found my back pressing against the walls as the massive crab-like claws of the Titan Centinel ripped the entirety of the cliff’s surface off. I now stood on a small ledge, exposed and surrounded by dozens of Centinels that were equal to or above my level.

The Titan Centinel stared down at me. Its body was like that of a giant tree trunk. Its face was that of a deformed flower with spiky thorns poking out the sides of its neck. It opened its terrible mouth— like the unfurling of withering petals— and I took my chance.

I teleported above the Centinels before they could bear down on me, wings spreading wide and taking off into the air.

“Nice to meet you, but bye!”

I exploded straight for the ocean above. I wasn’t going to wait to see what it’d try to do to me. But the [Senior Centinels] were quick on my tail. They scurried up the cliffside, slowly closing the distance between us even despite my [Haste].

I clicked my tongue as I watched them draw closer. The Titan Centinel turned its lumbering figure and let out a cacophonous roar. One that instantly made me turn my attention above me. I watched as Centinels poured out of the cracks in the cliffside above me. They rained down on me, cutting off my escape as they descended like a wave.

I paused, hesitating as I was flanked from both sides. My exit was cut off. I had to fight . Or maybe I could use [Salvo of Vanity] to distract—

Before I could make a decision, I heard a high-pitched sound. One that suddenly morphed into something more coherent. Slightly cracked, but still understandable to my ears.


A voice shouted. My gaze snapped to the side. For whatever reason, I was drawn to a specific portion of the rock wall. It looked gray just like any other part of the ravine. But something about it was off. And I heard the voice again.


So I flew straight for it. I sent out a burst of flame in all directions with [The Primordial Spark] as I dove for that spot. As I drew closer, I realized what was wrong. [Planar Navigation] told me exactly what was wrong. There was no rock wall there.

It was empty, even if I saw something there.

I exploded into the other side of the illusion, tumbling to the ground as my blue flames covered my escape. I waited with bated breath for a moment as I heard the Centinels] pass. They drew eerily close to the entrance, but they didn’t think to check it. Not when all they saw was any other part of the rock wall.

I sighed in relief and turned around to thank whoever saved me.


Then I paused. A speckle of flame hovered over me. One that glowed softly in the dark. It had no shape other than that of fire.

[Will O’ Wisp - Lvl. 121]

“Um… hi?”

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