Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 272: Neat Trick

272. Neat Trick

“So, let me get this straight.”

Centina stared at me as she exasperatedly clapped her hands together.

“You’re a Demon with wings.”


I nodded as she looked at me for confirmation.

“Which means you can fly.”


I beamed. She continued.

“Which means you can fly out of the Bloodied Gulf anytime you want.”

“That is right!!”

I gave her a thumbs-up. The [Evolved Centinel] closed her eyes and sighed.

“So, why haven’t you left yet?”

“Because I don’t want to, of course!”

I cocked my head, confused at her confusion of this whole situation. For whatever reason, she was confused about my confusion about her confusion about this whole situation. It was very confusing.

“But… why?”

Centina scuttled around me, hands pressed together in frustration.

“You can leave the Bloodied Gulf— no, you have seen the horrors that awaits you down here. You are outmatched, Salvos. Even my level surpasses yours. And I am not even close to being the most dangerous creature here. Yet, you choose to stay?”

“Well, yeah? I mean, how am I supposed to reach your level if I don’t fight?”

I gave her a half-hearted shrug. I really didn’t get it. What was her point? Apparently, she thought I was doing something weird?

“You risk your life, Salvos. No— you would’ve lost your l;ife if not for the [Will O’ Wisp]. Others are trapped here. They wish to be as fortunate as you. But you choose to act with reckless abandon rather than with precaution.”

“Look, I came here for a reason… I think. Or rather, I was brought here for a reason. And until I learn a Grand Skill, I’m not leaving the Bloodied Gulf no matter what happens.”

I crossed my arms, giving Centina a defiant look.

“Besides, I wasn’t even close to dying when Willy saved me. I was just in a bit of trouble. But I’d have gotten out of it unscathed.”

“And what makes you think that?”


I tapped the Breastplate of Alexander. She fixed her gaze on the iridescent metal without saying a word.

“It’s powerful. It has protected me from everything I’ve seen so far, even an [Ancient Centinel].”

I smiled when I saw Centina’s reaction. First, that of shock. Then that of suspicion. Finally, acceptance and disbelief. After all, why would I lie about it? My corpse would be the proof if I was lying.

The [Evolved Centinel] shook her head. She opened her mouth like she wanted to argue, but something stopped her— a twinkling in her eyes. A flicker of… something. Hints of emotion were there, but it seemed to be a mix of multiple feelings rather than just one thing.

And that was quite odd, considering she was a Centinel. The only emotion I’d seen from Centinels was from the other Sage Centinel I encountered, and he seemed more angry than anything.

“...very well.”

Centina finally said.

“I cannot change your mind, nor can I stop you from getting yourself killed without risking my own. Do as you wish, Salvos.”

Um, like that was ever a question? I always did whatever I wanted!

“But know this—”

She spoke abruptly, a warning look in her eyes.

“I have seen the fate of those like you. Those who have ventured to the Bloodied Gulf with great ambitions. Those who have the means to escape, yet choose to stay for the sake of their stubbornness. It does not end well.”

Centina shook her head. She wore a melancholic face— at least, it seemed like it. It was entirely possible it might’ve meant she was happy rather than sad since she was not a Human and their expressions wouldn’t have the same meaning as hers.

“Heed my warning, or don’t. It is… your choice.”

She turned around, returning back down the tunnel where the secret room had been. I watched her go for a moment. I heard the sorrow in her voice. I pursed my lips… opened my mouth—

“Hey, before you go, you don’t mind if I use this as a resting place every so often, right? I’m about to head back out, but it’s pretty safe here.”

Centina blinked. She looked at me, trying to muster up a response. Eventually, she sighed.

“Yes. Just don’t risk the safety of this haven with your recklessness.”

“Alright, thanks!”

I waved at her and skipped down the hallway to the rest of the haven.


The haven was crowded. It was full of monsters— a myriad of Species gathered together. And they were all doing… absolutely nothing.

Despite the light from the bioluminescent moss lining the cavern wall, this place just felt… dark, somehow. There was very little movement, other than from the monsters turning to face me. It just had the ambience of dread and exhaustion, which darkened the haven despite it not actually being dark.

A ball of glowing flame floated over to me, and I greeted Willy.

“Hey, I’m back.”


He didn’t even say hi.

“Yep, I'm safe. Centina cast that spell-thingy on me and sent me on my way. So, I can do whatever I want now, I guess.”


He turned and began to fly away. I frowned.

“Hey, where are you going?”


I followed after Willy as he navigated around a giant mushroom man who was taking a nap. I didn’t know mushrooms could sleep.

“What do you eat?”


He replied simply. I made a face of disgust.

“Gross. You guys should try eating something else. Something nicer.”

Willy paused and turned to face me. He stared at me for a moment before a single buzzing sound left his wisping flame form.


“Huh. I guess you’re right. There’s really only Centinels down here.”

He continued flitting over to a corner of the room. I spotted Kron there who was greedily munching on the corpse of a [Junior Centinel]. She had grabbed it from a pit of dead Centinels. Beside her, other monsters were also feasting. They backed away when I approached.

“Hey Kron!”

I called out to her, but she didn’t look up. I tapped her on the shoulder and she finally glanced over at me. She wiped her snout.


“Hi! I passed the test!”

“Good! You want?”

She burped, uncaring, and held up a large leg.

“Um, nope.”

I backed away slightly, and she turned to Willy.

“And you?”


Willy let out a high-pitched buzz in excitement and suddenly his form changed. His flames flared up and a terrible maw protruded from the fire. A single bite was all it took to clean Kron’s hand of the Centinel leg. And the [Will O’ Wisp] relegated back to his normal size.

I backed up.

“That’s… huh.”

I didn’t know he could do that. That was actually pretty terrifying. He transformed faster than even I could— and he turned back just as quickly.

“So, um, what do you guys even do around here, anyway?”

I asked as the two of them continued eating away at their meal. I scratched my cheek, taking in the rest of the room. As noted before, there really wasn’t any activity going on. Everyone was just… idle.

Sure, Galt was over by one of the giant crabs, eating away at the moss that was growing on its shell. And yes, there were a bunch of monsters here eating Centinel corpses too. But other than that, they weren’t… active.


Kron looked up with a mouthful of Centinel. She pointed at Willy, then at herself.

“He hunts. Me follow from far. Me only help. Not strong.”

“Wait, Willy is the one doing the hunting?”

I raised a surprised brow. Willy grew in size once more and took a chunk off the side of an [Older Centinel]’s side. My eyes narrowed as Kron nodded.

“Yes. He hunt. He strong.”

“But the one with the illusions—”

“Is me.”

Kron thumped her chest, giving me a toothy grin. I blinked,

“Huh. I thought it’d be the other way around. I mean— I see it now. But originally…”

I gave Willy a sidelong glance.

“I thought he was the one with illusions, and you’d be the physically strong one.”

“Me? Strong? No! No! No! No!”

She shook her head vigorously, pointing at herself.

“Me no strong. Me fight Human with pretty woman.”

“Pretty woman?”

I tilted my head, and Kron nodded.

“Me make image. Make woman, pretty.”

She gestured at her chest, making a circling gesture for whatever reason.

“Man come. Adventurer. Stupid man. He try take woman. Then me kill.”

“That’s smart.”

I gave her an approving look. She was quite proud of herself.

“Me thank!”

“How’d you end up here, anyway?”

I gestured vaguely at the air.

“You know, down here?”

Kron actually deflated.

“Me home attacked. Adventurers angry. Destroy. Chase out of swamp. Then storm come. Water take. Centinel swim. Chase. Me escape here.”

“Oh, that’s sad.”

“Yes. Very sad.”

“So, what about everyone else? Do they go hunting with you guys, or…?”

She waved a hand off dismissively.

“Level low. Die, them. We, no.”

“But you’re quite low-leveled yourself.”

Kron wasn’t even Level 100. However, I guess having her illusions helped. And since Willy was by her side, she was fine.

She smiled and nodded at Willy.

“Come join. We hunt. You see?”


The pair ushered me out of the cave chamber, leading me back the way I came. But they didn’t follow the exact same route. This time, they broke off down one of the branching tunnels to replace a different exit. I waved at Galt as I left.

Now leaving [Lair: Land of the Lost].

Finally, we found ourselves pushing aside a boulder to exit the tunnel. We emerged at the floor of one of the ravines. I glanced around, and didn’t see any Centinels around the near vicinity.

“It’s so empty.”

I remarked, and Kron nodded.

“Centinel no come here. Over there have more.”

She pointed past me, at the end of the ravine. This was one of the smaller ravines, so it made sense that it was emptier. I followed Willy as he— without much care— flew forward. But I stopped when I realized Kron was staying back.

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Me? No. Me use illusion. Me help. But me stay far.”

“Well, what if they attack you when you're alone? Isn’t that more dangerous?”

I stared at her, and she slowly vanished.

“Right, illusions.”

“Yes. Me hide!”

“So, it’s just you and me then, Willy.”

The [Will O’ Wisp] didn’t respond to his name. Probably because he liked it. I was good with names, after all.

He flew forward, up and up until he had a good view of the next, intersecting ravine. Immediately, he caught sight of a Centinel. A [Junior Centinel]. It screeched and leapt for him as he stayed floating there. My eyes grew wide as I yelled out.


The [Junior Centinel]’s mandibles touched Willy, and it burst into flames. It dropped with a heavy thud, writhing on the ground as it was turned into a charred mess.

“Watch… um, the ceiling?”

Not like there was a ceiling, even. There was a huge ocean above us, but it was far above us.

Willy’s flames flickered and he turned to me. I could almost see a smug look on his face, even though he didn’t have a face. Then he faced the dead [Junior Centinel] and the flames around its body dissipated, only to be replaced by green flames.

But the green flames didn’t eat away at the body. Instead, it seemed to be undoing some of the damage the original flame had inflicted on the corpse. The blackened shell of the [Junior Centinel] was restored to its original shade of red. Although, the [Junior Centinel] remained deceased. Somehow, the green fire undid the superficial damage and only the superficial damage. It was like using a healing potion on a dead body.

“Neat trick.”

I remarked with an intrigued look.


“You've got to teach me that.”


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