Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 299: Interlude - Edithe's Elaboration Part Two

299. Interlude - Edithe's Elaboration Part Two

“How long will you be gone?”

Rachel stared up at Edithe with misty, round eyes. The red-haired woman pursed her lips. Patting the girl’s head, she spoke in a reassuring tone.

“I promise I’ll be back as soon as we defeat that Primeval Demon.”

“I-I… but…”

The girl sniffed and drew back away from Edithe. Tears streamed down her face as another figure stepped forward. It was Cless. The Gold Ranked [Mage] gave her a melancholic smile. Her eyes widened.

“You too?”

“Thank you, Rachel. For looking after me when I’d been injured.”

He kneeled down to meet her gaze, but she looked away.

“You can’t all be going, right? You can’t—”

She paused when her gaze landed on Sophia. The one who’d been taking care of her for all this time. The girl gasped.

“Sophia? Y-you…”

Her voice trailed. Wiping away her tears, Rachel pleaded with the young woman.

“Please… don’t go?

It was both a request and a question. A hopeful one. Unfortunately, Sophia could only shake her head.

“I’m sorry.”

Edithe wouldn’t have preferred to watch this scene. Rachel’s eyes grew wide, her pupils dilating. Her shoulders sagged, and the welling up of her tears overwhelmed whatever dam that had been holding the deluge back. She cried— full-on ugly cried.

The girl bawled her eyes out as Sophia hugged her. The two held each other for a long moment, while adventurers moved in the distance. They embraced each other at the bottommost steps of the Sanctum of Elements, and a man descended from the marble stairway.

William, the [Priest] who raised Edithe, nodded morosely at Sophia. He took Rachel away, carrying her over his shoulder. He gently tried to calm her— although it was to no avail.

Edithe’s lips pursed as she continued to watch. Obviously, she didn’t want to leave the girl alone. But it was far better than bringing her with them. William would take care of Rachel. Edithe trusted him.

He paused atop the staircase, glancing back at the red-haired woman once.

“Take care of yourself, Edithe.”

She blinked. Then she nodded.

“I will.”

And with that, he returned to the temple. Edithe, Sophia, and Cless watched as Rachel disappeared back into the temple, eyes still full of tears, and carried by William.



Edithe nodded at the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company. He’d been waiting out here alongside the other members of their company, gathered just outside of the banclite walls of Viechester.

“Are we ready?”

Hadrian straightened, and she nodded.

“As ready as we’ll ever be.”


His gaze fixed past her. She followed where he was looking— back towards the city. Their city. It was finally time to depart. And everyone was understandably anxious. Even Hadrian.

“I hope that, when this is all over, I’ll be able to return to this beloved city.”

Edithe shook her head. She held his hand, even as she reprimanded him.

“Don’t say that, Hadrian. You’re the leader of the Valiant Dreamers. If you’re disheartened, the rest of the company will be too. You have to believe that we’ll win. You’ll have to trust that we’ll defeat the Primeval Demon.”

He chuckled, although it wasn’t out of humor. Hadrian smiled at Edithe, bowing his head.

“You’re right. I apologize for that display. Come on, let us get going.”

And they left. A procession of adventurers streamed away from Viechester, led by Leopold. By the Rising Veterans Company.

It was one of the largest gatherings of unaffiliated adventurers she’d ever seen. They weren’t allied companies or just independent’s hanging out at a guild. No— they were all kinds of adventurers, their affiliation irrelevant. And together with the rest of the Valiant Dreamers Company, they marched away from Viechester, heading to a faraway location.

Their destination was supposedly the Helbir Plains. They were going to continue their march north, recruiting all the adventurers that they could before finally heading east. To Lurdroth. It was a neutral country that was located right between Shedos and the Helbir Plains. One that engaged mostly in trading, and hadn’t been engaged in a war in over two hundred years.

That was where the coalitions of the Three Honorable Companies were going to have their meeting. Where they were going to discuss their next course of action.

Edithe trudged alongside this cavalcade of adventurers as they crossed through a long strip of flatlands. Clouds gathered above, darkening the sky and douring the mood.

The Valiant Dreamers Company, once so mighty, had been lessened to the point where they simply blended in with the crowd. Perhaps, in the past, they would’ve stood out. But after the toll taken by the company war and after the True Valiants made their split, they were far less noticeable to others.

Her eyes flickered to the opposing group. Gabriel, Jake, and the rest of the True Valiants marched ahead of the Valiant Dreamers, at the head of the group. They grouped themselves together with Leopold’s delegation, and rumors began to spread throughout the gathered adventurers.

“Is that the True Valiants Company?”

“I hear it’s the successor of the Valiant Dreamers. After Baris’ death.”

“The Valiant Dreamers? But aren’t they right—”

The red-haired woman scowled, but she made no comment. The only reason why Valiant Dreamers weren’t also at the fore of the procession was because Edithe, Sophia, and Cless had to bid farewell to Rachel.

Sophia gritted her teeth as she tightly gripped her bow.

“Didn’t we agree to work together? What are those idiots at the True Valiants doing?”

“They’re not the ones spreading these rumors, Sophia.”

Edithe replied. Sophia growled.

“But they’re doing this on purpose. They’re trying to put us down and elevate their own position. Even at a time like this.”


There was nothing Edithe could come up with that could defend Jake’s actions. Even though he listened to Gabriel, he still seemed upset with the Valiant Dreamers. He probably did this on purpose. With a sigh, she just shrugged.

“We don’t want to cause trouble. It’s fine, Sophia.”

“Ugh, I know, but… wait, what’s going on?”

Sophia whispered. Edithe glanced up, watching as Leopold’s group came to a halt all of a sudden. Shadows zipped by overhead, and heads turned.

Everyone looked towards the sky. Eyes widened, and adventurers pointed as flying figures descended from the clouds. A susurration washed over the gathering as a flying carpet descended, carrying three figures on its back. Even from afar, Edithe could tell who they were.

“Those are… Elites…”

Her breath was caught in her throat. She just stood there, in a stupor, dazedly watching their entrance just like all the other adventurers gathered here. Those standing closest to the Elites— who weren’t in Leopold’s delegation— receded. A large gap separated the masses of low-leveled adventurers from those who were above Level 150, giving them their space as they landed.

“What are you guys doing?”

A voice snapped Edithe back to reality. The one who spoke was a figure who floated above the rest of the Valiant Dreamers, who were also enraptured with the arrival of the Elites. And he was the only one who carried a semblance of the former glory of their company.

Ismail Zuland. The [Beastmaster] flew forward with his Pegasus, gesturing at the Elites.

“Let us greet our new guests.”

Greet them? Edithe’s first thought was to protest. Those were Elites. Regular adventurers like them should stay back. Regular… adventurers…

The red-haired woman turned away from Ismail, taking herself in. She was a Diamond Rank adventurer. Just like him. She was no ordinary adventurer. And the Valiant Dreamers Company had been compared with even the Honorable Companies in the past. She knew that their standing had fallen, which was why she shouldn’t be walking with her chin down.

It was just as she said to Hadrian earlier— they needed to bolster their morale.

“To me!”

Edithe rallied the Valiant Dreamers. Sophia hesitated, and Cless didn’t immediately start forward. Even Celine, Edithe’s brash friend, didn’t make a move. Not until Hadrian stepped beside her.

“What are you standing around for?”

He waved an arm, gesturing for them to follow.

“We are dreamers, but we won’t be lost dreaming. Wake up from your sleep and follow me!”

They exchanged apprehensive glances, but they did as they were told. Edithe and Hadrian led the Valiant Dreamers with pride through the crowds of adventurers to meet with the arriving Elites, even if the red-haired woman’s heart was racing. The flying carpet came to a halt a few feet off the ground, and the Elites disembarked one by one.

The first of them was a large woman. One who stood as tall as any Cyclops and carried a massive battle axe on her back. The ground almost shook as her feet touched the ground, and her bellowing voice could be heard even from the back of the crowd.

“Leopold! Still as scrawny as ever, huh? So these are the adventurers you’ve gathered for us?”

[Warrior - Lvl. 157]

“That’s Lofus. The Broken Berserker of Bharain.”

“She’s said to be able to rip a Wyvern in half with her bare hands.”

“Isn’t she an independent adventurer? What’s she doing here?”

Edithe didn’t need to listen to the crowd’s commentary to know of Lofus. With her spiky red hair, and with a body envied by any [Warrior], her reputation far preceded her.

The second figure to step off the flying carpet was a man who stood two heads shorter than Lofus. He landed without a sound, almost slinking into his companion’s shadow. Rubbing his ear, he clicked his tongue and spoke in an annoyed voice.

“You’re too loud, Lofus. You’re going to make me go deaf if you keep shouting.”

[Rogue - Lvl. 161]

“Orgaf. Thief of the Golden Scale.”

“He’s the one who stole a dozen Epic Grade artifact from the Kobold lands and sold them to the Vaun Qieur Empire for tens of thousands of platinum!”

“He nearly ran their vaults dry, didn’t he? It’s no wonder he ran across the Human lands to join the Rising Veterans Company.”

His gaze snapped towards the woman who said that. She shrank back and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry— I didn’t mean…”

The third figure didn’t speak, even as he pulled himself down from the flying carpet. Yet, the Spirits that accompanied him— the [Will O’ Wisps] that wisped off his white hair and the [Elementals] that clung to his wrinkled body— made it clear who he was.

[Summoner - Lvl. 155]

“Is that Alder Ashford? The highest-leveled [Summoner] in the world, and the Augur Elder himself?”

“What is he doing here? Wasn’t he part of the Forsaken Company?”

The whispers grew louder as Edithe’s eyes narrowed.

“Wasn’t he at the Fall of Nightsveil too?”

“Didn’t he flee and leave Bellward the Blademaster to die?”

“Oi, Alder, they’re insulting you again.”

Orgaf crossed his arms, and the whisperings came to a halt. He glanced over at Alder, giving him an expectant look.

“Are you not going to defend yourself?”

Alder said nothing. Lofus sighed as she leant against her war axe.

“Do not bother with him while his pride is shattered, Orgaf. Please, it is better to let him recuperate by himself.”

“I’m just saying— he’s letting his reputation be ruined by a bunch of nameless mooks. Seriously, are we supposed to work together with these guys to bring down that Primeval Demon? Give me a break.”

Orgaf picked his nose and snorted. He glanced over at Leopold, rolling his eyes.

“Weren’t you supposed to bring us reinforcements or something? Who even are these adventurers? I’ve never heard of half these companies in my entire life.”

“I did my duty as ordered by my superior, Nikodemus—”

“Did that idiot seriously tell you to pick up any adventurer you saw? That’s ridiculous. These guys will only slow us down.”

The Thief of the Golden Scale sighed. He scanned the adventurers gathered, pausing momentarily at Ismail, before shaking his head.

“Only one person in this entire cavalcade of clowns is even worth bringing along to fight the Primeval Demon. You can leave the rest behind.”

He waved a hand off. This dismissive attitude… annoyed Edithe.

She watched as he made a shooing motion at all the confused adventurers, including those of the Valiant Dreamers and the True Valiants. Not even Gabriel drew his interest.

Sophia exchanged an uncertain look with Cless. And she wasn’t the only one who was puzzled. Murmurs rose from the gathered adventurers— even Jake didn’t know what to say— but Ograf put a halt to it with a clap of his hands.

“What are you guys still doing here? There was a mistake. Go back to your homes, already. You have no reason to be here.”

Edithe couldn’t take it anymore. She stepped forward, carrying with her all the dignity of the Valiant Dreamers Company on her back.

“With all due respect, Sir, I believe there was no mistake.”

“And who are you?”

He raised a brow. She proffered him a hand, smiling.

“Edithe Dawnrise. The Liberator of the Plaguelands.”

That made Orgaf pause. Edithe knew that it’d throw him for a loop. She planned on it. But she didn’t expect him to recover so quickly.

“Ah, you’re one of the two friends of that Salvos girl who has been making news recently, are you? Well, I wouldn’t quite say you deserve that Title, but I’ll humor you for now. Come on, tell me why there hasn’t been a mistake.”

He didn’t shake her hand. Instead, he chuckled, and she pursed her lips.

“My company— the Valiant Dreamers— was approached directly by Leopold to aid the Rising Veterans Company in bringing about the destruction of the Primeval Demon that felled Nixa. It is the same reason why every other adventurer here is gathered. To end this Demon threat once and for all.”

“And what makes you think that you won’t be more than mere fodder in the face of that Primeval Demon?”

Orgaf peered into her, a vicious grin spreading across his face.

“What makes you think you won’t just add to his growing army of undead and monsters?”


Edithe clenched a fist.

“The Valiant Dreamers are a respected company—”

He cut her off, raising a finger.

“Was a respected company. I heard about what happened. After the company war and after your brief clash with the Primeval Demon… now, you are nothing.”

And that made Edithe snapped.

“We are more than capable of holding our own, and I’m willing to prove it.”

“You wish to prove it?”

Orgaf narrowed his eyes, and sickles appeared in his hands. Lofus shook her head as she watched him sneer.

“That foolish girl…”

The red-haired woman backed up as the Thief of the Golden Scale raised his pair of golden blades.

“Then come, oh pretender. False Liberator of the Plaguelands. I’d be more than willing to put you in your place. I’m waiting.”

“Edithe, what are you doing?”

Hadrian called out. She glanced back at the man, then she steeled herself. She held tightly onto her staff, raising it.

“Bring it, you petty thief.”

She snarled. It was a deliberate provocation. Maybe even stupid. Gabriel and Ismail tensed, and Hadrian reached for his sword as both Edithe and Orgaf stood across from each other. Everyone waited with bated breath as neither of them made a move just yet.

Then the [Rogue] flickered. He moved so fast, Edithe couldn’t even react. His sickles sliced up—

“That’s enough!”

And a voice thundered overhead. Lightning struck down, intercepting Orgaf before he could lash out at Edithe. A figure dressed in gilded robes stopped the Elite’s attack with ease. Edithe blinked as the dust settled, and her eyes grew wide.

An elderly woman stood before her. One who bore the insignia of the Rising Veterans Company on the back of her robes. She carried with her a staff made entirely out of crystal, wearing a crooked crown on top of her head.

Edithe tried to use [Identification] on her—

[??? - Lvl. ???]

And it didn’t work.

“T-that… that’s Helena Warshade!”

Edithe froze. Her gaze snapped up at the mention of the name, and both awe and trepidation coursed through her as more voices echoed from behind.

“She’s the leader of the Rising Veterans Company. She’s the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy— the second highest-leveled [Mage] in the world!”

Helena Warshade didn’t react to the gasps, nor did she once turn away from Orgaf. She spoke simply, her voice booming through flatlands for all to hear.

“Orgaf the Thief of the Golden Scales. I, Helena Warshade, am the one who ordered for this coalition to be formed. I ask that you refrain from threatening or harming any adventurer under my protection. Is that understood?”

Her voice was accompanied by a crackle of lightning. One that lit up the darkened sky. It was a show of force that left Edithe staring. The mana radiated from that single bolt— it was far more powerful than any of her Skills.

Orgaf drew back, and his sickles vanished.


He grunted, turning away.



Helena Warshade lowered her staff, and the sky cleared. Dark clouds had covered the sky all day, but now they were all gone. With the simple flick of her wrist. Then she addressed the gathered adventurers.

"Now adventurers of the Sunmere Republic! I thank you for heeding my call! My company waits you at the edge of the Helbir Plains. This journey, while long and arduous, I assure you, is for the greater good! Together, we shall bring down this Demon threat once and for all!"

There were cheers as lightning came crashing down all around the flatlands, yet none striking even close to anyone there. Edithe could only stare at this overwhelming display of power as Helena showed off her magic after putting another Elite in his place.

Another susurration ran through the crowd, and this time, it was one of pure wonder.

“Is that really the power of Helena Warshade?”

“If we’re going to fight alongside her, we may actually stand a chance!”

And as Edithe got to her feet, she hoped... she truly hoped...

That it would be enough.

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