Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 329: Hasty Preparation

329. Hasty Preparation

Saffron Merryster couldn’t help but massage her temples as the discussion came to an end. Clayton Skyhredder refused to offer the Norwoods the protection of Mavos Academy as long as they had the Greaves of Alexander with them. He was willing to house the Merrysters and the Norwoods if they met that stipulation.

But that was never going to happen.

It irritated Saffron. She understood the Headmaster’s rationale, but she couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t upset about it. After all, Mavos Academy had never once fallen in a siege. If the Primeval Demon attacked, it would very likely be repelled… at a cost.

And that was why Clayton refused them. Mavos Academy, while a school and a campus, basically served as its own nation state. It was technically under the jurisdiction of Shedos, however what Mavos Academy did was ultimately decided by Clayton himself.

It was one of the oldest institutions in the world. Only preceded by the Den of Souls, the Sanctuary of Fauna, and the Sanctum of Elements— but even then, those never had a persisting single physical location like Mavos Academy did.

Mavos Academy had been within the borders of many different countries throughout history. They all came and went, and it stayed for a reason. Perhaps Clayton’s pragmatism— and the pragmatism of the Headmasters before him— was the reason why it was still around today.

“Thank you for hearing us out, Headmaster Skyshredder.”

Saffron bowed before making her way out of the office. Clayton just grunted, and the door slowly closed shut. She turned to the gathered Vampires with a sigh.

“I guess we’ll have to…”

She paused when she saw everyone’s attention was off her. Garlen Crimsonfang, Anya Veridian, and even Gannon Norwood still had their focus on the silver-haired woman.

Salvos backed up, raising her hands defensively.

“Look, I told you, it broke while I was fighting an [Ancient Centinel]!”

“And how exactly does a Mythic Grade artifact break to a single [Ancient Centinel]?”

Gannon crossed his arm. Salvos opened her hands and shrugged.

“I don’t know? There were like multiple Grand Skills being thrown around?”

“That still shouldn’t be enough to destroy the Breastplate of Alexander.”

“Well, it’s broken, ok? I just used it and fought a few monsters with it!”

She harrumphed, and Saffron bit her lower lip. The argument was growing heated. Too heated. The young noble needed to step in.

“Perhaps it’s not truly Salvos’ fault, Gannon.”

Saffron spoke up, drawing their attention.

“We don’t know the intricacies behind the Treasures of Alexander ourselves, even though we have been tasked with safeguarding them. Perhaps there is more to it than we were led to believe. Perhaps by leaving it untouched for all this time, its enchantments— its effects and its protection— wore off.”

“That’s true! I think Centina and Clayton surmised something like that!”

Salvos hurriedly agreed. There was a pause. Even Saffron’s father raised an inquisitive brow at that. Saffron narrowed her eyes, mouthing the word in her mind.


“Oh, um, hey, what are you guys going to do now, anyway?”

Saffron just stared at the silver-haired woman as she quickly tried to change the subject. Having known Salvos for a while, Saffron could infer what that name probably implied— especially with that reaction. Fortunately, Gannon and the others couldn’t. Because if they could, they’d likely be as exasperated as Saffron was right now.

Gannon shook his head, speaking in a low voice.

“Our one goal should be to keep the Greaves of Alexander away from the Primeval Demon. And as a senator of Shedos, I cannot help but have the same worries Headmaster Skyshredder has, but for the country.”

“Are you saying we should flee Shedos?”

Zin Norwood asked with a frown. Gannon pursed his lips.

“If we must…”

His words swept over the group. They began to discuss their course of action as Saffron watched from the side. She didn’t have much input to add. Instead, she faced her friend.


“That’s me! Need anything, Saffron?”

The silver-haired woman cocked her head. Saffron rolled her eyes.

“First of all, it’s good to see you haven’t changed one bit, even if you’ve grown much stronger.”

“Well, I am Salvos and I will always be Salvos, so…”

“Right. That’s beside the point.”

“What is the point?”

“If I’m hearing things right, it seems like we’ll be leaving Shedos. I don’t think Clayton even wants us to stay in Mavos Academy for more than a day. The Primeval Demon could get here at any time, so he thinks we’re a danger to the school.”

Saffron reflexively glanced out a nearby window as if she’d see Belzu right there. Of course, all she saw was the clear afternoon sky and the tall towers of the campus city.

“I don’t blame him for it. But I don’t know what’ll happen once we return to Norwood Keep. That’s why I…”

She trailed off. Was she really asking Salvos for another favor again? Was their friendship built around Saffron’s exploitation of her friend’s kindness? The young noble bit her lower lip.

I am not that kind of a person, she told herself. It was a resolution. Her problems were hers to bear with. She wouldn’t force them onto Salvos again.

The silver-haired woman peered closer.

“Is something wrong, Saffron?”

“It’s nothing. I just wanted to thank you for helping us again, Salvos.”

Saffron turned away from her friend, glancing at the discussing Vampires further down the hallway. She closed her eyes.

“And while our reunion was short-lived, I believe we’ll be parting ways again now. I would’ve loved to have spent more time catching up, but it seems the current times don’t allow for such moments of reprieve.”

A sad smile spread across her face as she looked up at Salvos.

“I do hope our next time—“

“What are you talking about?”

Salvos spoke over her. Saffron paused.


“I said: what are you talking about? I’m not going to be leaving you alone again.”

The silver-haired woman scoffed.

“You have assassins and Demons actively coming after you, Saffron. Your life is in danger, and no offense, you’re not strong enough to look after yourself.”

Saffron just stared at her. It took the young noble a moment to gather her thoughts.

“I… no offense taken. But don’t you have your own plans? Your own goals? You can’t just follow me around and look after me forever.”

“Nope! I can’t. And I don’t intend to.”

Salvos agreed happily.

“But for now, I can and I will protect you. And if that idiot Belzu does come after you, I’ll just kill him like I said I would.”

There was a moment where the world seemed to freeze around Saffron. She held the silver-haired woman’s gaze. Her golden eyes shimmered— almost inhuman. But perhaps that was because Saffron knew the Demon beneath the Human skin.

Here was a Demon. Someone who had no reason or care in the world to help Saffron. Yet she did. Because Safrron was her companion.

Saffron had already known Salvos. For a while now. Yet this never ceased to amaze her. The fact that Demons could be kind. To a Vampire. To their mortal enemy.

But perhaps only Saffron saw it that way. Maybe there were a plethora of other Demons who were even kinder than Salvos in the Netherworld. These thoughts were odd to her.

Saffron almost felt guilty for wishing she could meet another Demon that wasn’t under the Demon King’s rule…. or who wasn’t rampaging around the Mortal Realm in rebellion. After all, she was raised to hate them. But now they intrigued her more than anything.

“You are…”

The young noble was honestly at a loss for words.

“You are certainly a unique individual, Salvos.”

“That’s because I am—“

“And before you say it, I am aware. Which is why I am pointing it out.”

Salvos just chuckled.

“Aw, but it’s less fun that way.”

Saffron couldn’t help but laugh alongside her friend.

“…seriously, you idiot.”

She whispered under her breath. Once this was all over, the young noble would do everything she could to make sure no one took advantage of Salvos or her kindness.

With that settled, the other Vampires prepared to return to Norwood Keep. I left Saffron behind with them, searching for Willy since I last left him by himself at the Tower of Truth. I bumped into Faith while scouring the building.

“Hey princess Faith!”

“Hello Salvos. I do appreciate your use of my title, but please, you may just call me Faith.”

“Aw, but why not? It sounds better that way.”

Willow was with her, and she stepped forward.

“Because she is now no longer a princess, Salvos. She is—“

But before Willow could finish, Faith raised a hand to cut her off. I blinked.

“She is…?”

“I am but a member of Elutra’s Resistance. That is all.”

Faith replied simply.

“Huh. Well, I was looking for Willy. Have you seen him lately?”

“Your [Will O’ Wisp] friend?”


“Unfortunately, I have not seen him since yesterday’s meeting.”

“Aw, I wonder where he went.”

I felt my shoulders slumped. Faith gestured down a side corridor.

“Perhaps you can ask Clayton’s [Secretary].”

“Marie Schofen? I’ll replace her, thank you!”

I waved at the princess and her fellow resistance members as I continued down the corridor. She smiled at me.

“You are welcome.”

She watched me go. I found Marie’s office soon enough. I rapped lightly on the doorway, entering once prompted.

“Come in.


I stepped one foot into the door, and a bright glow zipped up to me. I backed up as Willy hounded me in an uncharacteristically hurried voice.

“Salvos. Where? Go?”

“Willy! There you are!”

I exclaimed as the [Will O’ Wisp] flitted around me. A woman seated in the other end of the room sighed. I remembered her from when I was originally admitted into the school.

“I see you’re finally back. This Grand Spirit has been searching for you all day yesterday.”

“Marie! I mean… [Secretary] Marie?”

“Greetings, student Salvos.

That was right. She was quite a formal woman. And she was apparently busy working, writing up various documents while Willy had been hiding in her office with her.

“I am glad you are finally back. Especially after causing quite the fuss yesterday. You have left me rather preoccupied with all the work you’ve just dumped onto my plate.”

“Oh, oops. Sorry?”

I scratched the back of my head. She stood up, shaking her head.

“That is not meant to be an attack on your character. I must offer you my heartfelt gratitude. Headmaster Skyshredder has now returned to his usual self since you’ve brought light to this news about the Demon King and Inoria.”

“Returned to his usual self?”

“It is quite odd. Headmaster Skyshredder has been rather aloof lately, spending more time in solitude in his tower than he previously has. I had been quite worried. But now that things are back to normal, I know that is nothing to be concerned about.”

She adjusted her glasses, nodding at me. I paused as the realization sank in. Willy exchanged a knowing look at me. I gave Marie my best smile.

I’m the reason why Clayton has been holed up. Well, technically, Centina and Kron were the reason. But I was the reason they were even here in the first place.

“Anyway, aren’t you glad that I’m back, Willy? You don’t need to keep hiding from—”

The [Will O’ Wisp] shot a glare at me. He didn’t even have eyes, and I could still feel his gaze stab me like a knife. I backed up and out of the room, followed by Willy.

“Thanks for your help, Marie!”

The door closed, and I was left with the Grand Spirit in the corridor. I grinned as he drifted closer to me.

“Come on, Willy. There was an emergency. And is it really so bad if he replaces out who you are?”

“Stupid. Thorsten. Trouble.”

“Really? He seemed like he was quite nice.”

Willy was indignant.

“Bad. For me.”

“Huh. Well, I’ll keep that in mind.”

I tapped a finger on my chin. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, but considering Willy’s reaction, it must’ve been something important. I wanted to pry further, but he refused to speak about it.

So, I just reassured him.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’ll be leaving Mavos Academy.”


“Yep! I’m not too sure where we’re going, but we’re leaving as soon as possible. Isn’t that good news?”

I led him down a stairway, heading out of the Tower of Truth. He followed me, his colors changing to suit his calmer mood. Then he paused.


“Nope. We’ll be going with Saffron and a bunch of other Vampires.”

He stared at me, coming to a halt. I cocked my head.



“What do you mean I’m not forgetting something?”

I furrowed my brows as footfalls echo down the hallway behind me. Familiar, bickering voices accompanied the footsteps as I rubbed my chin in thought.

“What could I have forgotten?”

“I told you this before, Amanda, but you can just leave if you’re going to keep complaining about everything I do.”

“But it’s so much more fun to fuck with you, Daniel. Seriously, you’re such a fuck-able person.”


“See? So easy.”

I raised my chin in thought as the footsteps came to a halt. Willy stared at the figures behind me. I glanced back at Daniel and Amanda, both standing at the end of the hallway. They stared at me, and I waved at them.

“Hey Daniel! Hey Amanda!”

Then I went back to mulling over Willy’s words.

“I don’t feel like I’m forgetting anything…”

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