Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 333: Battlefield

333. Battlefieled

I was growing frustrated— nothing I threw at the Wyverns hit them. It was all blocked by that annoying ice barrier. I flew closer to draw them out, and a few did come, but the moment I took them out, the flock of [Lesser Wyverns] regrouped away from me.

It was annoying. I was genuinely irritated, and maybe that was why I didn’t see it coming.

A Wyvern— the largest of the bunch— let out a terrible shriek. It sounded like a mix between a roar and a screech. I just stared at it, using [Identification] to single out its level.

[Lesser Wyvern - Lvl 146]

It was probably the leader. If I took it out, I could easily disperse with the whole flock. Good thing I’ve fought monsters far higher-leveled before.

Another [Lesser Wyvern] dove in for the kill. I swerved out of the way as it spun back around, opening its maw. There was a glow— a blast of ice. Some kind of… ice breath? A cone of frost shot out, barely missing me as I backed away.

“That’s dangerous…”

I commented idly. It certainly would’ve been strong enough to take out quite a few Humans. Well, these were Diamond Rank threats, right? They were strong. A single one could probably take on a hundred Lucernas on its own.

And here I was, left to face them all on my own.

“Well, maybe not entirely on my own.”

I grinned as the [Lesser Wyvern] recoiled. A golden figure landed on its back, slashing its hide open with a fiery scythe. That was right— my clones were with me. Plural. Because two more golden figures assailed it, taking it out in a mere moment.

“Good job, me!”

I gave them a thumbs-up. They turned their attention to another charging [Lesser Wyvern]. Again, they sliced it up without much effort. I raised my Nebular Bow and aimed for the highest-leveled [Lesser Wyvern].

“What about a Nebular Blazing Bolt?”

Surely that would’ve been enough to pierce through their defenses. The arrow loosed, and the Wyverns regrouped. There was a flash. I stared hopefully as the Nebular Blazing Bolt impacted the icy sphere—

There was a crack. A ripple ran through the air. A fissure formed on the shield for a moment… but repaired soon enough.


I deflated slightly. On the bright side, at least it looked like it did some damage. I needed something stronger. I considered just sending all my clones on a suicide charge to shatter the barrier, but that would’ve been even more problematic.

As much as I believed in my individual superiority to even the highest-leveled [Lesser Wyvern], I was alone. Willy wasn’t here. Daniel and Amanda were distracting the [Goliath Oliphants] below. And most of all, I had to protect the caravan.

It was all up to me. If I couldn’t even beat this group of Wyverns, how was I planning on defeating Belzu? I wasn’t strong enough. I needed to get stronger. I regrouped with my clones as the [Lesser Wyverns] gathered in a circle with a glint.

“Maybe now would be a good time to use this.”

I reached into my [Dimensional Pocket]. It was an arrow— one that was about the size of a ballista bolt. It was massive. And it glimmered with a red sheen.

[The Giant Killer Arrow: Epic Grade - An arrow created by Odmantus the Giant Killer. It can return to the user as long as it remains undamaged. Deals immense piercing damage.]

It sounded perfect for the job. I struggled for a moment to fit it onto my Nebular Bow. But just as I took aim, the glow from the [Lesser Wyvern] flock shone its brightest. I didn’t notice the intense mana building up before, but I did now as a blast of ice shot out at me.

“Uh oh—”

I braced for it. I couldn’t teleport out of the way in time. At least, not with [Long Range Teleport]. Regular teleports couldn’t have escaped the area of effect. Instead, a shroud of white flames wreathed around me, protecting me as [Aura of the Sentinel] also activated.

It was a double protection. One that could even fend of Clayton’s magic— albeit, with [Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion] active— but it was still powerful. And yet, the blast of the [Lesser Wyverns] sent me sailing to the ground, tearing straight through my flames and freezing my armor.

I covered myself with my wings. And they too vanished. My clones burned, fading away without me ordering their detonation. I found myself falling from the air as the intense chill crept over my body. The world tumbled around me as I found myself crashing into the ground from hundreds of feet in the air. Then, right as I reached the earth, a tendril of roots and leaves rose up, catching me in a soft embrace.

A voice called out to me as my aching body was lowered gently to the ground.


“Ugh… why does my everything hurt…”

I glanced up to see Saffron rushing to my side. The roots that caught me receded as Zin Norwood followed behind the young Vampire woman.

“Are you alright? I have a healing potion—”

Saffron hurriedly uncorked a vial of red liquid and tipped it into my mouth. I coughed, grousing to my feet.

“Ouch— alright, I feel better now. Funny how those things work.”

She sighed in relief before glancing up.

“The Wyverns…”

“I don’t know if I can take them all on alone.”

I shook my head, looking towards the sky. I blinked as I saw a fluttering snowflake eddy down from the clouds above. The air was colder now, and snow fell to the ground like we were atop the peak of a mountain. It carpeted the grassy floor. I just stared up at the Wyverns flying high above.

“That’s some powerful magic…”

And my eyes widened as the same glow from before appeared. The same ice breath, used by the entire flock of Wyverns. They aimed down at me— at us. And my eyes widened.

“Uh oh.”

I hopped to my feet, getting ready to teleport away. But I realized a moment later the folly of my plan. The ice blast would’ve covered the caravan. Hundreds of Humans would die. If I didn’t protect Saffron, she would die.

There was a moment of panic where I wasn’t sure what to do. I instinctively created a trio of clones just so I could work to a plan of action faster. But before I even had to do anything, the same roots that caught me from before shot up. It targeted the flock of Wyverns, splintering into many smaller roots, grabbing the winged beasts out of the air.

Their casting halted. The magic dissipated as the Wyverns drew back. I watched four [Lesser Wyverns] get dragged out of the air, before the barrier once again formed around them.

Zin Norwood smiled as she stood before me.

“We just have to interrupt their spellcasting. Keep them on the defensive. That’s how it works on the battlefield.”


She offered me a hand, and I accepted it. I saw a flicker— a flurry of spells and arrows shot up straight at the Wyvern flock. The barrier absorbed the attacks, but it kept them from firing back with their ice breath.

“You thought you’d have to handle it all on your own, didn’t you?”

Zin chuckled as I accepted her hand, getting to my feet. I looked around at the magic shooting up. I saw [Mages] of all levels directing their spells above— just to distract the Wyvern flock.

“Sorry, but this is beyond just a mere disaster or a catastrophe. This is a calamity-level threat. A lesser country could be reduced to nothing if a Wyvern migration like this decided to descend on it. I don’t know what sparked this flock of Wyverns to come to the Human lands at this time, but I do know that it’d be foolish even for an Elite to challenge them all alone.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw a blast of red flame shoot above. Willy flew up to the Wyvern flock, spewing his flame like a geyser. Amanda and Daniel appeared to my left, the pair looking exhausted after leading the stampeding [Goliath Oliphants] away from the caravan.

“This isn’t the same situation with the Archdemons. You don’t have to fight them alone.”

Zin smiled at me, finishing. I paused. There was a moment where I just stared at the gathering and planning Humans. Crocus Merryster and Feirdun Merryster were off to the side, hurriedly discussing how the [Warriors] could help the battle.

Everyone was contributing in some way. Even if it was to just keep the Wyvern flock on the back foot. I shook my head as I looked down at the Giant Killer Arrow. Zin was right— I didn’t need to fight the Wyvern flock alone. I didn’t need to fight Belzu alone, either. Even if he was still higher-leveled than me, I could defeat him.

I just needed my companions and a little bit of help from others.

The Giant Killer Arrow vanished as I kept it back into my [Dimensional Pocket].

“We don’t have to defeat all the Wyverns, either. We can just chase them off.”

I spoke clearly, turning to face Zin and Saffron. They faced me inquisitively.

“And how do you propose to do that?”

Saffron asked with a raised brow. I raised a hand, pointing at the largest Wyvern. The highest-leveled Wyvern. It was just over a hundred feet long. But from this distance, it looked small— smaller than even my finger.

“We target the leader, of course. It’s the one ordering them around to attack everything like an idiot.”

Zin narrowed her eyes, but she just accepted my words. Saffron, however, was puzzled.

“And how do you know that?”

“Trust me, Saffron.”

I met her gaze, and she blinked. Then she sighed.

“Very well.”

I produced my Divine Nebular Scythe, twirling it around. I glanced between Zin, Daniel, and Amanda.

“Alright. I need your guys’ help. Just distract the flock for me, and I’ll deal with the leader.”

Daniel shook his head— his glowing armor was gone. His [A Hero’s Rage] had run out.

“I’d love to help, Salvos. But I don’t know how Amanda and I can even get up there.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got that covered.”

I beamed, snapping my fingers. The ground beneath their feet broke off. Daniel blinked, nearly stumbling off it. Amanda grabbed him, cursing.

“What the fuck are you doing—”

A ten foot long piece of the earth rose up, carrying them into the air. Zin stared as they rose into the air. I created my wings once again, flying across the caravan as I called out to the various stranded [Warriors] who were aching to help out.

“Crocus! Anya! Feirdun! Come on! Join my flock!”

The various Vampires took a moment to realize what was happening. And when they did, they immediately agreed. I carried them into the air with a mix of [Mass Particulate Modification] and [Scattering Displacement].

A few [Mages] followed them. Or those that could fly. Zin sprouted a pair of feathered wings as she flew alongside me. Dozens of other Humans ascended with me, heading straight for the flock of Wyverns. Willy was keeping them distracted with his flames— the hundred [Lesser Wyverns] hid behind their barrier as he blasted out at them with a mix of his yellow and red fire.

“Hey Willy!”

I called out to the [Will O’ Wisp] as he grew tired. His flaming body was dimming, only to blaze once again when he saw me.


“Just get back! They’ve got this!”

I pointed past him. Willy flew back as a trio of golden figures rushed past him. My clones flew straight into the barrier, detonating all at once. It was a condensed explosion— one that sent a shockwave out that dispersed the nearby clouds.

The barrier shattered. The Wyverns reeled, making a screeching noise as if they were in physical pain. And through the collapsing ice, I emerged. I stared at the largest Wyvern, spreading my arms wide as Daniel, Amanda, Zin, Anya Veridian, Willy, Crocus Merryster— and many others— joined me.

“Hi. I’m back for round two.”

I bared my teeth at the large Wyvern. It stared at me. At those accompanying me. Its barrier was broken. And all that was left was one thing.

To fight, up close and personal.

It roared. To Daniel and the others, it probably sounded like a regular monster call. But I heard through the veil. What it meant to convey.


The Wyvern flock moved. I turned to my companions, friends, and allies.

“Distract them for me!”

I called out, before bursting forward. I dove past the charging Wyverns, weaving through the flock and focusing only on my target.

Behind me, Daniel clung onto his rock, swinging his blade and slicing a Wyvern in half with a single [Hero’s Slash]. Amanda leapt off the back of Wyverns, quickly tearing at their wings and cutting them out of the air. Zin wrapped a group of them in vines and roots. Crocus beheaded one with three quick slashes. Willy countered a blast of frost breath with his own freezing flames, turning a trio of [Lesser Wyverns] into ice.

I saw them fighting. I focused my magic— to keep the rocks afloat so that no one would fall from the air. A Wyvern dove straight at me, but I easily teleported around it. I reached the heart of the swarm, finally meeting my target face-to-face.

The leader of the Wyvern flock loomed over me. It was much larger than I currently was. It let out a frost breath as it bellowed.

“Puny Human!”

I countered with my own blast of flames. The clash of fire and ice resulted in an explosion. One that sent it reeling back. But I didn’t let up. I rushed through the smoke, the frost, and the embers as I swung for the giant winged beast’s head.

“I am the Frost Lord of Sharik! You deserve to be but a mere meal to me and my kin!”

It chomped for me as I barely flew around its closing mouth. The tip of my Divine Nebular Scythe burned, and I unleashed a flurry of [Barrage of Cinders] onto its side. I teleported a ways away back with [Long Ranged Teleportation] as the Wyvern tried to snap me out of the air again. But I wasn’t done with my initial attack.

“Take this—”

I activated [Demon’s Mark]. All it took was a light touched, and I seared the symbol onto its hide. The Wyvern’s eyes grew wide as a crimson explosion engulfed it. I stared, hoping that it was over.

But a blast of frost ate through the explosion. The Frost Lord flapped its tattered wings, eyes glinting as it faced me. It continued to speak— only for my ears. And no one else's.

“The corruption couldn’t defeat me. It tried. It chased me out of my home. But it failed to kill me. What makes you think you can defeat me?”

I narrowed my eyes at the mention of the corruption.


I had questions. But it didn’t matter. Not now. I created another pair of clones. That was all the clones I could create for the next few hours. My mana reserves were starting to exhaust itself.

I nodded at them, and they spread out around the Frost Lord. We attacked it, one after another. We wore it down together, little bits of cuts all over the giant monster. It bit into one of my clones, and she exploded. The Wyvern screamed in pain as another powerful blast engulfed him.

“I have had enough! I shall end you now!””

It sent a ball of ice at me, and I easily dodged out of the way. I stared at the ice sphere as it exploded into a wave of snow in the distance.

“Is that it? I expected much more than that.”

I shook my head.

“You talk a lot. Seriously, I wish I could just ignore everything you’re saying like everyone else here. Because you really speak too much.”

I gestured vaguely towards Daniel as he struck down another Wyvern in the background. Then I grinned.

“But, honestly, I’m glad you do. I didn’t think a monster could get a Title. But if even a Wyvern can become a Lord, then that means I can become a Princess.”

It stared at me, panting and injured.

“What are you talking about?”

I rolled my eyes at its confusion.

“What I’m saying is that I’ve had enough. Look below you.”

The Wyvern blinked, but before it could react, my clone teleported behind it. She laughed before exploding in an instant. There was a roar of pain as the Frost Lord reeled back. Its skin was burned in many places— I could see the charred flesh beneath its hide.

“Argh! How dare—”

And as it drew back, I cut through the smoke. I zipped straight through the explosion, swinging my Divine Nebular Scythe. The Frost Wyvern stared in shock as I closed the distance quickly— no teleportation. Just [Haste] and a little bit of time distortion.

“Also, I am not a Human! [Radiant Slash]!”

I spoke only for the Wyvern to hear as I swung for its soft, weakened flesh. I tore straight through its neck, decapitating it with that final swing. It tried to say something— probably more grandiose statements about being the Frost Lord.

But I didn’t care to hear it. Instead, I took in the notifications that popped in my head, gladly accepting that over more of the annoying drivel the Wyvern had to say.

Defeated [Lesser Frost Wyvern of the Tempest - Lvl 146]!

More experience is awarded for defeating an enemy at least 10 levels above you!

Subspecies [Daeva Cambion] Level Up!

[Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 131] -> [Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 132]

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

Class [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] Level Up!

[Grand Mystic of the Nexeus - Lvl. 95] -> [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus - Lvl. 96]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

Class [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] Level Up!

[Grand Mystic of the Nexeus - Lvl. 96] -> [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus - Lvl. 97]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

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