Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 335: Interlude – Edithe’s Embarrassment

335. Interlude - Edithe's Embarrassment

Edithe Dawnrise got up to another day of traveling. The adventurer army was going to be leaving the Sunmere Republic today. There were literally hundreds of companies gathered here as a part of this coalition.

They came from the west and the south of the Human lands— Edithe saw even the Alterian Sages here. They were the most prominent adventurer company in Oda. They weren’t large, but they had a very high bar of entry. They only accepted Platinum Ranks and above.

There were also the Silver Archers from Iceglen. The Vanguards of Sorcery from the former country of Nixa. The Hammer Bladesmen from Elutra. And many more.

That was not to mention the Rising Veterans Company was here too. One of the Three Honorable Companies. They led this coalition. Or, more specifically, Helena Warshade led this coalition. She was the second highest-leveled [Mage] in the world— an Archmage of Mavos Academy.

Edithe honestly couldn’t believe it. She never thought she’d ever meet Helena Warshade in person, let alone work alongside her. The Valiant Dreamers were a part of the so-called Coalition Council as they were one of the larger companies present. And Edithe represented the Valiant Dreamers in that regard.

It was strange. Hadrian was the leader of their company, but he entrusted her to be the representative. Perhaps it was because the True Valiants were given a seat at the Coalition Council too, and Edithe was actually in speaking terms with them.

Regardless, as Edithe sat in the meeting tent and listened to Helena Warshade, she couldn’t help but admire the Archmage.

“We’ll be arriving at the Helbir Plains in a day’s time.”

Helena spoke as she pointed at the map laid out before her.

“There, we’ll be meeting up with both the coalitions of the Forsaken Company and the Remembered Order Company.”

“And is that when we’ll strike the Primeval Demon?”

A bearded man asked. Edithe recognized him as Jordan. The leader of the Vanguard of Sorcery from Nixa. He leaned forward, an eager desire for revenge in his eyes. Helena shook her head.

“No. We’ll need allies. We cannot be hasty. We cannot battle the Primeval Demon alone. We must be prepared.”

It made sense to Edithe. The biggest reason why the Primeval Demon was able to beat back the Human coalition army in Nixa was because of how unprepared they were for this threat. They treated it like it was a ‘mere’ calamity-level threat— but in reality, it was even worse.

A cataclysm-level threat, perhaps. And if the Demon King was really behind this invasion, it could be an apocalyptic-level threat.

It sent a shudder down Edithe’s spine. She was afraid of what would happen if there was an all out interplanar war in her lifetime. It was something she heard about in history books, but never expected to experience herself.

But not everyone agreed with Helena’s assessment of Belzu’s danger. There was a snort. Heads turned to face the familiar troublemaker at this point. Edithe glared at him— at Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scale.

He was an Elite [Rogue]. He sat next to Helena— next to the other Elites like Alder Ashford and Lofus. He was Level 161. His level dwarfed Edithe’s. Normally, such a gulf in level would automatically draw her respect. But he had such an unlikable and vile personality that she could only hate the man.

“Seriously? We’re going to waste more time waiting for more weaklings to join us?”

Orgaf rolled his eyes.

“That’s such a foolish plan, Helena. And you know it.”

The Archmage narrowed her eyes, but said nothing. Meanwhile, Edithe couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She’d cooled down significantly in the last few years, however everything about Orgaf got on her nerves.

“And will you elaborate, or are you just here to be an asshole?”

She asked, crossing her arms. There were a few quiet nods of agreement. Nothing too obvious. But Edithe was sure most of those present were on her side— after all,

“Well, if you insist, I shall continue.”

He sneered at her, speaking boldly for everyone to hear.

“It’s the same mistake we made before. If we continue to let that Primeval Demon run amok, it’ll only get stronger. So what if we bide our time and gather a stronger army? So will it. All this waiting and strategizing is just pure foolishness.”

Edithe blinked. She wasn’t expecting a proper response. He kind of had a point. But she didn’t waver.

“So what do you propose instead? That we charge in foolishly and die now?”

“Maybe you idiots would die. But if we gather a group of Elites and target the Primeval Demon from the start?”

Orgaf shrugged.

“It’d be over in a moment.”

Edithe stared at him. That was never going to work. Not against Belzu’s illusions. Not against his curses. Not when he had an army defending him. She opened her mouth.

“You’re the idiot here if you think—”

“That’s enough.”

Helena interrupted them from arguing any further.

“This discussion is irrelevant for now.”

She gave an exasperated sigh. Edithe pursed her lips— the red-haired woman wished she didn’t say anything now. It must’ve been annoying dealing with their bickering. Like children.

“Before you are dismissed, does anyone have anything else to add?”

The leader of the Rising Veterans Company asked. Edithe drew back with nothing to add. And most of the room remained quiet. No one spoke. Helena Warshade nodded.

“Very well. Then you are dismissed.”


“I fucking hate him.”

Edithe cursed, pacing back and forth. She was back with her company. They were still in their encampment. They were leaving at dawn tomorrow.

Hadrian tried to placate her.

“It’s fine, Edithe. I don’t think Helena Warshade agrees with him, anyway.”

“But he’s still such an asshole!”

“I know.”

He placed a hand on her shoulder. She paused. She turned to Hadrian, meeting his gaze. He continued.

“Look, if you want, I can be at the meeting the next time around. It’s my fault for pushing my job onto you.”

Edithe stared at Hadrian. There was a bit of melancholy on his face. Some semblance of regret. He averted his eyes.

“I just… sometimes, I’m not even sure what to do. Especially since Jake is there. The True Valiants hate me. They blame me for what happened. And they’re…”

He trailed off. Edithe slowly took him by the hand.

“I can handle it, Hadrian. I’m just venting. But there’s no need to worry. Seriously, we trust you..”

She glanced over at the rest of their company. He chuckled as he raised his head.

“You’re right. I’m probably just overthinking it.”

Edithe couldn’t help but worry about Hadrian. About how he was feeling especially after Baris’ death. But that didn’t take precedence right now. So, she explained what happened in the rest of the meeting to him. She relayed Helena’s decision to finally leave the Sunmere Republic the rest of the company. They prepared to leave, packing their things along with the rest of the coalition army.

When morning came, they left. They started heading for the Helbir Plains. They barely stopped at the border cities to gather new recruits. They left a message behind at the Adventurers Guild before continuing on.

And as Edithe marched alongside Hadrian and her company, another company approached the Valiant Dreamers. However, they weren’t there to start trouble. In fact, they were friends. Allies.

Noah. Leader of the Northbury Troops. They actually were from the Helbir Plains. The burly man sauntered up to Edithe and Hadrian, smacking them both on their backs.

“Edithe! Hadrian! It is good to see you here!”


Hadrian greeted him with a smile.

“I had thought you and your troops had already returned to the Helbir Plains. What were you guys doing still in the Sunmere Republic?”

“We were doing a few jobs here and there.”

Noah waved a hand off dismissively.

“But then I heard about this whole coalition thing. And why wouldn’t I join it?”

“It’s good that you’re here.”

Edithe nodded. He wasn’t that strong. But she knew he was resourceful. Especially since he was… well, a Vampire. She didn’t mean to be discriminatory to him just because he wasn’t fully Human. But they were known to be Demon Slayers. Everyone knew that.

Noah raised a brow knowingly.

“Oh? And what does that mean?”


She drew back nervously. But he just guffawed.

“I’m kidding. I know what you meant. And trust me, that’s exactly why I’m here. Although I’m sure you can count on that boy Hadrian too if you wanted.”

He grinned at Hadrian, but the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company just shrugged.

“Unlike you, I was never raised as a Vampire. Good riddance too. That means I don’t have to keep up with their politics.”

“Actually, that’s why I was searching for you.”

Noah leaned in conspiratorially to them. Edithe blinked.

“Did something happen?”

“Yes. Quite a surprising thing. I just got word from one of my thralls— a message spell. Apparently, all Four of the Greater Vampire Families have pledged their word to work together to deal with the Primeval Demon threat.”

Hadrian paused. His eyes widened.

“Are you serious?”

Edithe frowned.

“Is that that big of a deal?”

She wasn’t familiar with Vampire politics. In fact, she knew very little about Vampires until Hadrian revealed the truth to her. The leader of the Valiant Dreamers nodded.

“It is. The Greater Vampire Families have not been united in a long time.”

“And all it took was a cataclysm-level threat to show up.”

Noah snorted in agreement. Edithe tapped a finger on her chin.

“That’s a good thing, isn’t it?”

“In a sense, yes. But it’s still ridiculous it took this long for them to finally work together. Especially after… you know…”

The burly man spoke, gesturing at Hadrian. Hadrian just sighed.

“What happened to my family before I was born doesn’t matter. What matters now is that we capitalize on this. If we can get Helena to agree to work with them…”

“That’s right. We’d stand a better chance against the Primeval Demon.”

Edithe agreed. Noah glanced between the both of them, grinning.

“Well, do I have good news for you! The Vampire families are gathering in Alyras.”


“In the Helbir Plains!”

Edithe exchanged a glance with Hadrian. They both nodded at each other. They had the same thought.

“That’s perfect. Come on, we need to replace Helena.”

The red-haired woman gestured both Noah and Hadrian forward with her. Soon enough, they found the Archmage and leader of the Rising Veterans Company. She led the coalition army at the very front, sitting atop her floating cloud.

It took a little bit of convincing, but after speaking to Leopold— the same man who’d brought the Valiant Dreamers into the adventurer coalition— they got him to call her down to speak with them.

Helena Warshade descended from the sky, an indifferent look on her face.

“I was told you had something important to tell me.”

She scanned the trio, pausing only at Noah. Edithe stepped forward.

“We have news, Archmage Warshade. Of allies in the Helbir Plains. The Four Greater Vampire Families have agreed to work together. And they have gathered at—”


Helena spoke over the red-haired woman.

“I am quite aware. I have my own information network, Edithe Dawnrise.”

She kept her tone neutral, but Edithe almost felt like she was being stung by Helena’s words. Of course Helena would’ve known! The red-haired woman stumbled back, unsure of what to say.

“Oh… that’s—”

“But we have friends within the ranks of the Vampire families.”

Hadrian added. He hesitated for a moment before continuing.

“I am a Vampire, myself. And so is Noah of the Northbury Troops. We can help you link up with them.”

He gestured at Noah, who was nodding in agreement. Helena shook her head.

“I appreciate your help, Valiant Dreamers and Northbury Troops. But I am also aware of your Vampire lineage, and I have already spoken to the king of Alyras via message. We have a meeting with the Vampire families arranged once we arrive.”

Helena spoke bluntly. Even if she expressed gratitude, she looked unimpressed. And while Edithe recognized that as how Helena was most of the time, it still made Edithe feel bad for wasting the Archmage’s time.

“I-I see. That makes sense.”

Edithe bowed her head, wanting to take her leave as quickly as possible. That was embarrassing.

“Thank you for listening to us, Archmage Warshade.”

“Is there anything else?”

“No. We shall take our leave now.”

The red-haired woman backed up, only to pause when she turned around. A man approached the group— a familiar man. The leader of the True Valiants. Jake.

He must’ve seen Helena’s cloud descend and took his opportunity to approach them. Hadrian narrowed his eyes as Jake shot back a disgruntled look.

“Archmage Warshade. I have some matter of import to discuss with you.”

“What is it?”

Helena asked brusquely. Then she glanced over at Edithe and Hadrian.

“And if it is about the Vampire families, I am aware.”

Edithe ducked her head. Jake tilted his head slightly, clearly confused.

“I, uh, have not heard of this news you speak of. But that’s not why I am here.”

“Then speak quickly. Tell me what news you bear.”

Helena didn’t seem intrigued regardless. But Jake continued, still speaking politely as he addressed.

“Actually, Archmage Warshade, while I do have something I need to bring up, it’s not so much news. Rather, I have someone I want you to meet.”

Edithe raised a brow. She saw Jake glance her way. He had a hint of nervousness on his face.

“Is he someone important?”

Helena asked, face cool, but voice clearly intrigued.


Jake nodded, stepping to the side.

“We have someone here who can help offer you valuable information. Especially in regards to this Demon threat.”

A man approached the base of the cloud. Helena Warshade actually reacted this time. Edithe’s eyes grew wide as she saw who was approaching. Hadrian sputtered out.


“Orbur Vale.”

Edithe gaped.

“One of the former leaders of the Iron Champions Company.”

The man stepped forward, bowing his head towards Helena and spoke simply.

“Greetings, Archmage Warshade. May we talk?”

Helena placed a finger on her chin.

“Very well. Let us speak, Orbur Vale.”

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