Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 355: Difficult Choices

355. Difficult Choices

Salvos (Secely’s Sentinel) (The Devil’s Daughter)

Species: [Archdemon of Pride]

Subspecies: [Daeva Cambion] - Lvl. 133

Class: [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] - Lvl. 100

General Skills:

[Advanced Mana Manipulation] - Lvl. 8

[Identification] - Lvl. 6

[Racial Skill: Universal Language Comprehension] - Lvl. 2

[Rest] - Lvl. 5

[Lesser Enhanced Wisdom] - Lvl. 7

[Title Skill: General Status Effect Resistance] - Lvl. 1

[Ttle Skill: Invoke Wrath] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: Protection of the Sentinel] - Lvl. 1

[Title Skill: The Devil’s Grace] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)

[Racial Skill: Divine Essence of the Daeva Cambion] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)


[Available Stat Points: 0]

[Vitality]: 155 (+30) (+10)

[Strength]: 145 (+30) (+10)

[Endurance]: 150 (+30) (+10) (+3)

[Wisdom]: 265 (+30) (+10) (+13)

[Agility]: 320 (+30) (+10) (+5)


[Available Skill Points: 5]

[Barrage of Cinders] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Demon’s Mark] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Haste] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Intimidation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Faux Limbs] - Lvl. 10

[Nebular Construct] - Lvl. 10

[Radiant Slash] - Lvl. 15 (Maxed)

[Salvo of Vanity] - Lvl. 20

[The Primordial Spark] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Wings of the Netherworld] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - A Hunter’s Sense] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Passive - Blue Flames] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Passive - Weapon Mastery] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[My Flame Shall Burn Until Eternity Ends] - Lvl. 1 (Maxed)

Secondary Skills:

[Available Secondary Skill Points: 17]

[Dimensional Pocket] - Lvl 10 (Maxed)

[Mass Particulate Modification] - Lvl 10 (Maxed)

[Mystical Projection] - Lvl 15 (Maxed)

[Long Range Teleportation] - Lvl 20 (Maxed)

[Planar Navigation] - Lvl. 10 (Maxed)

[Scattering Displacement] - Lvl. 20 (Maxed)

[Warped Time] - Lvl 20 (Maxed)

[Advancement Available]

The words played in my mind as we arrived back in Alyras. We landed right at the palace, and were immediately bombarded by questions from those who’d stayed behind. Princess Rana Alyras wore a concerned look on her face as she approached me.

“What happened? Did you manage to deal with the Wyverns?”

“Yep! Helena took out most of them, but I killed a fair share on my own! Don’t worry, I was awesome!”

I waved off her worries, reassuring everyone that the threat was dealt with before excusing myself from the interrogation. I left Helena Warshade and my companions to answer everything else as I focused on one thing and one thing only. Edithe glanced my way right before I slipped away.

Requirements for four Class advancements have been met!

“Huh. Only four? I expected more.”

I wondered aloud once I was alone in a side room. I guess being at higher levels means there are fewer options. Although, I did only have three advancements for my Level 70 Class advancements. Four was a lot, anyway. More than for my Subspecies evolutions.

I could still hear the chattering from the other room over. But it was muted. And it was all drowned out once I immersed myself in my thoughts. Now, what are they?

Class advancement:

[Archmystic of the Nexeus]

An [Archmystic of the Nexeus] is a [Mage] who has achieved greatness. Power, friendship, knowledge. They have it all. What they have sought for all their life is now in their hands, yet they still replace themselves wanting for more.

+25 [Wisdom]

+15 [Vitality]

+15 [Endurance]

+10 [Strength]

+10 [Agility]


I furrowed my brows as I took in my first Class advancement option. Judging by its name, it was a direct advancement of my current Class. I’d go from a [Grand Mystic of the Nexeus] to an [Archmystic of the Nexeus].

It was a tempting advancement, right off the bat. It offered me a good distribution of Stats, and it offered me a sense of safety. Like I knew it wouldn’t be such a drastic change from what I currently had. Still, I steeled myself. I had others to look through, and the description of the Class didn’t exactly feel right to me.

“Well, what about the next one?”

It… wasn't what I was expecting at all.

[Draconic Apprentice]

A [Draconic Apprentice] is one who’d followed the path of Dragonkind all their lives. Regardless of their current Class, they have taken up arms against the corruption and stymied its spread throughout the Nexeus. As the apprentice to Dragons, no power is limited from their reach, whether it be elemental in nature or other essences. After all, there is no limit to the soon-to-be divine…

+20 [Vitality]

+20 [Strength]

+20 [Endurance]

+20 [Wisdom]

+20 [Agility]

My jaw dropped. I blinked a few times, refocusing on the Class option. And, yep. I didn’t misconstrue it. It was a Class related to Dragons. I wasn’t even a Dragon! Or a Kobold! I was a Demon!

But it was right there, offering itself to me. And soon-to-be divine? It was literally telling me it would let me use divine essence on the regular if I went down this Class path. Unlike my first advancement Class option, it didn’t hint at any security. It was a complete and total shift from the goal I’d been progressing towards the entire time.

Yet, despite this, it offered me power. It piqued my interest, and made up for the drastic change in Class by expanding my abilities. Even its Stats distribution was greater than any Class or Subspecies I’d ever seen before.

“This is…”

I massaged my temples. My first two advancement options were already hard to choose from. It was nothing like when I was given my Subspecies options— those always felt obvious to me. This was actually hard.

It actually made me hope that my next Class advancement options sucked so the choice would be just between the first two. Unfortunately, it was good.

[Space Archmagus]

A [Space Archmagus] is one of the final advancements of the [Space Mage] Class. It is given to those who have peered deep into the cracks of space and seen the expansive nature of the reality encapsulating them. Reality would bend to their will, and space is but a tool to be used. A [Space Archmagus] is considered to be a proto-[Space Archmage] of sorts, since it offers many similar benefits of the [Space Archmage] Class, but is unlocked at Level 100 instead of Level 150.

+20 [Endurance]

+20 [Wisdom]

+15 [Vitality]

+10 [Strength]

+10 [Agility]

“So… I can become an [Archmage], but at Level 100— which is called an [Archmagus]?”

I cocked my head. I had learned during my time in Mavos Academy that [Archmages] were considered the top of the top for magic. Helena Warshade, for example, was called the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy. And she was, quite clearly, very powerful.

“Surely this means that interplanar travel would be easy, right?”

It seemed likely. At least, more like than with my other Class options so far. And if it really let me travel between the planes of the Nexeus with ease, then… then that meant I could see Haec again soon if I took this Class option.

I felt something building up inside of me. A kind of excitement I had never felt before. But, at the same time, something weighed heavily in my chest. It was almost a melancholic feeling. Both happiness and sadness at the same time. Nervousness, maybe. An unease that came bundled along with the uncertainty of the catharsis I’d replace once I met Haec again.

After all, I didn’t even know if he was alive. Sure, my dad told me that he was, but that was a month ago. I wasn’t even sure if I could replace him. And, most of all, I had no idea if he would even remember who I was or not once I found him. It had been far too long since I’d seen him. It scared me to think that he could forget who I was from our time apart.

I shifted slightly. I wasn’t sure what to think. But I just knew that I wanted this Class as much as the others.

“Ugh, what about my last Class?”

I moved on, and I was left unsurprised to see it was another good Class for me to pick.

[Younger Sentinel of Spacetime]

A [Younger Sentinel of Spacetime] is a [Space Mage] who has time and time again fought to preserve the world around them from destruction. They have sacrificed their desires and wants for something even greater than them. A cause which outweighs anything of their own. So, they fight. For those they hardly know. Whether it be monster or animal, friend or foe, mortal or Spirit or Demon, they will fight to protect the world.

+30 [Wisdom]

+20 [Strength]

+15 [Agility]

+10 [Vitality]

+10 [Endurance]

“But I do not want to protect the world!”

I protested, exasperated. It offered more Stats than both [Space Archmagus] and [Archmystic of the Nexeus], but less than [Draconic Apprentice]. And just like [Draconic Apprentice], it didn’t feel like it was something I wanted.

Yet, they both offered me power. Meanwhile, both [Space Archmagus] and [Archmystic of the Nexeus] offered me something else. The chance to achieve my goals. It was a dilemma. I’d never been so torn over what Class option I’d want to take.

I grabbed a nearby chair and slumped over. All my Class options had their advantages. They all served my goal in one way or another. It could help me defeat Belzu or help me replace Haec or just help me protect my companions. It wasn’t really one or the other, since I knew that they’d all eventually lead down the same road. But this was about what they offered me right now.

So, the question was simple: what did I currently want?

It wasn’t something I really felt I could answer. Not without deep thought. And, well, before I could mull it over, the door behind me creaked open. I glanced back as a flash of red hair entered the room.

Edithe Dawnrise stood there, curiously peeking in as I met her gaze.

“Hey, uh, Salvos, you busy?”

“...kind of, but not really.”

I sighed, getting to my feet. I faced my companion as she closed the door behind her.

“Do you need something, Edithe?”

The red-haired woman came to a stop a few feet before me. She paused, hesitating for a moment. Then she nodded.

“I do, actually. I’ve just…”

I raised a brow as she thought over her words. Finally, she closed her eyes and spoke.

“I saw you fight with that Wyvern flock, all on your own. You were so amazing, Salvos. I couldn’t believe my eyes— to see how much you’ve grown. These aren’t just undead. They aren’t swarm monsters. They are [Lesser Wyverns], but you killed dozens of them, even though they were close to your level or even higher.”

Normally, I’d vehemently agree with someone if they were praising me, but I could tell there was something off about the way Edithe spoke. I shrugged and peered at her.

“Well, they’re each about as strong as an [Evolved Centinel] around their level, and I fought plenty of those while I was in the Bloodied Gulf. Plus, I had artifacts and stuff too! But I did end up needing some help to deal with them..”

“You’re right. You needed help.”

Edithe nodded, face dour.

“But even though you brought me to help you, I couldn’t do anything. I only managed to bring down a single Wyvern. I wasn’t… strong enough. I was too weak.”

She took in a deep breath as I cocked my head. Edithe Dawnrise stood straighter and held my gaze.

“But I’m not going to sit around and mull over my weakness. I felt useless there, and I hated that. That’s why I’d like your help, Salvos.”

I knew what she was saying there and then. I stepped forward, remembering the time we spent in the Plaguelands. And before that— Silkfall’s Crevice. I narrowed my eyes.

“You want me to help you get stronger?”

“That’s right.”

“Are you sure about that? It’ll be dangerous. You almost died so many times when we were at the Plaguelands. And there was that whole thing about the Lich, remember?”

“But I survived. I grew stronger. And it was thanks to your help.”

Edithe stepped forward, placing a hand on her chest.

“I’m not saying we should go back to the Plaguelands. I just… you helped me once, I know you can do it again, Salvos. Please.”

She stared at me with a determined look. I could see the fire in her eyes burning, yet she was icily cool. It wasn’t a brash decision that made her approach me. She had thought about it before this. Yet, I opened my mouth, still uncertain.


“Are you guys really having this discussion without me? Man, I feel like I’m not a part of the team.”

Daniel Song strolled into the room after Edithe. The redhead and I looked at him as he entered. He must’ve followed after us, also fleeing the discussion happening in the other room about Catark and overheard our conversation. He tilted his head back.

“Although, were we ever a team? Did we even have a team name?”

“Nope. I don’t think so.”

I shook my head. Daniel shrugged.

“Whatever the case is, I agree with Edithe. I feel the same way as her. Seeing how much you’ve progressed and how far I have fallen behind, Salvos… that motivates me. It makes me want to catch up to you.”

He grinned uncharacteristically. Edithe nodded as she stood next to him, speaking with a smile.

“You can’t just leave us completely in the dust, Salvos. We’re your companions, aren’t we?”

“And we want to help you, too.”

They both came to an agreement. They reached the same conclusion as I stared between them. I stood there, faced with both my companions as they asked for my help. I thought about it for a moment. But, deep down, I already knew my answer.

I wanted to help them. I would fight for them. They were my companions. What I wanted right now was… to protect them.

I could figure out my Class later. When it suited what I needed in the future; I had plenty of time to think it over. I couldn’t just abandon Daniel and Edithe. Right now, what mattered was making sure my companions were safe. That those around me would survive even without me. That meant helping them. That meant dealing with Belzu. That meant dealing with Levithus. And, eventually, that meant dealing with the Demon King.

So, for now, I pushed aside my thoughts of which Class was best for me. I’d already learned, back in Mavos Academy, that it was only smarter to figure out what I wanted before making a decision. After all, an uninformed decision would’ve been disastrous. There were no take backs.

I clapped my hands together as I got to work, doing what I currently wanted.

“Alright! I’ll make sure both of you are Level 120 by the end of this month!”


End of the month. I just wanna say thank you all for reading as always, and a special shoutout to Elli for being one of my first readers and biggest supporters <3

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