Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 381: Can’t Escape

381. Can't Escape

“That was embarrassing.”

Princess Rana Alyras sighed exasperatedly as she returned to the palace. Sevika spoke up fro behind her.

“Princess Rana, it is bad manners for someone of your status to simply leave just like that.”

“Just tell them I feel ill and I’d much rather greet the guests inside or something, alright? I… can’t… with him.”

Her face was beet red. It felt like she’d just been doused in flame by a [Pyromancer]. Peris Dolonia was far too ostentatious for her. The way he acted— the way he behaved— she just couldn’t help but feel embarrassed whenever he does anything.

Yet, he was her betrothed. They’d been engaged for five years now. He was ten years her elder, and they were arranged to marry once she was of age. It sounded like an odd arrangement— he was the Crown Prince of Dolonia, and she was the sole heiress of Alyras. It almost made no sense.

Until you realized what it entailed.

“You know he’s not a bad person, princess Rana. You also know he’s one of the few Elite-leveled individuals in all of the Helbir Plains. You can’t just keep brushing him off forever. Especially when it’s the fate of both your kingdoms in the line.”

Rana paused. She bit her lower lip. As a princess, she understood it. Dolonia had the strongest military in all of the Helbir Plains— they were called the spear of the Helbir League for a reason. Meanwhile, Alyras was known as the heart of the Helbir League. They were the most influential. With the furthest reach.

But as a shy girl who couldn’t stand too much attention, Rana just wanted to curl up into a ball and run away from it all.

“No— I just can’t! He’s too much for me. Why must our countries’ merger rely on something stupid like marriage? Ugh…”

“The formation of the Kingdom of Alyras-Dolonia has been proposed many times over the last three decades, princess Rana. It will be an unprecedented change to how the nations of the Helbir Plains have governed for the last five centuries. Your marriage with Peris will solidify the merger of our two states.”

Sevika spoke in a lecturing tone. Rana looked at her maid— at her best friend— then shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

“I know that… I just…”

The princess trailed off. She turned around and sighed, walking down the hallway and turning the corner.

“I’d rather speak with Peris in a private setting, anyway. Come on, Sevika—”

She started, only for a figure to nearly run into her. A pink-haired woman blinked as she came to a stop before the princess. She stared at Rana and bowed her head apologetically.

“Princess Rana, I’m sorry. I was in a bit of a rush.”

“It’s no worries, Saffron Merryster.”

Rana spoke respectfully as she stepped aside. The princess raised a brow.

“Where are you rushing to?”

“Salvos is back, and I want to make sure that she definitely doesn’t cause any trouble.”

Saffron explained quickly enough. Princess Rana made a sound of understanding.


She glanced at Sevika, watching Saffron head down the hallway.

“I think we should help her.”

“You’d be right in doing so, princess Rana.”

“Wow, are they noisy.”

I stared at the procession that ran through the main streets of Alyras. They were banging on drums and playing the trumpet as a line of carriages and large animals of various sizes made their way to the palace. It reminded me of when I first arrived here. There were people out in the streets celebrating— cheering and whatnot. They were excited that this delegation was here.

But unlike the Vampires or the adventurers who arrived with purpose and a goal, these guys were far more ostentatious. Apparently, according to Willy, they were the representatives of the Helbir League as a whole. They came from all around the Helbir Plains to make a show of force during the upcoming meeting. They were, of course, here to attend the meeting, but their main priority was just that.

It was typical, really.

Humans liked to show off even when there were other important things in line. And, sure, I did like showing off too. It was always nice to put on a show. Whether it was a facade to elicit a reaction, or whether I was simply impressing those around me with my power and might. But I wasn’t going to waste time doing all that if I knew that, say, that other Primeval Demon— Levithus— was actively chasing after me.

That’d be dumb!

“Noisy? Coming from you, that’s rich.”

Amanda snorted, and I glanced at her. Daniel elbowed her, shooting a glare.

“Shut up. Why can’t you just be nice for more than five seconds?”

“What? Are you upset that I insulted your girlfriend?”

“I told you, she’s not my—”

I ignored them and turned to Willy.

“Anyway, since you’re so upset I left you alone, want to come with us on our next journey?”

“Of course!”

The [Will O’ Wisp] replied. From behind us, past Daniel and Amanda’s bickering, Edithe piped up.

“Where are we going next, Salvos?”

She held Hadrian’s hand as they walked after us. The two were practically inseparable since they reunited. I shrugged, uncaring.

“No idea. We’ll figure it out, though.”


Daniel and Edithe stared at me, sighing. We continued on, arriving at Alyras’ palace in no time. Faith’s caravan didn’t draw much attention to themselves compared to the parade a few streets down, after all.

We entered through a side gate. The guards recognized me, bowing as they greeted me by name.

“Welcome, lady Salvos.”

My eyes widened. I turned excitedly to Willy.

“Did you hear that? He called me a lady!”


“I can’t wait until I become a princess next! Did you know, you can become a princess even if you’re not born into royalty? I read it in a book once!”

I grinned at Willy, and he just answered with another single syllable word.



I scowled.

“It’s true! Right, Daniel, Edithe?”

I turned to my other companions. But they were engaged in their own conversations. They didn’t hear me. I blinked as Daniel cursed at Amanda, then I frowned as Edithe laughed and stood extremely close to Hadrian.



“No, it’s nothing. I just feel like…”

I didn’t finish my sentence as I caught a figure up ahead. No— it was three figures. My eyes widened and I beamed.

“Saffron! Princess Rana! And, uh, Rana’s maid!”

I called out to them, running forward. Saffron already had her arms crossed as she studied me.

“Salvos. What did you do while you were gone?”

“Me? It’s nothing! I just saved a princess from an evil Demon!”

I came to a stop before her. Rana’s eyes bulged out of their sockets.

“You… what?”

“Yep! You can ask them.”

I grinned at the princess. She stared past me as I gestured towards my companions and princess Faith. The carriage came to a stop, and the door slid open. Saffron furrowed her brows.

“A princess? Wait, do you mean…?”

Faith stepped out of the carriage, aided by Gavyn. I smiled as if I was presenting her.

“Princess Faith of course!”

Rana blinked a few times, while Saffron nodded.

“I knew it. I thought she’d come. In fact, I was hoping she would. She’d be able to better explain the intricacies of the conflict in Inoria.”


I agreed with a nod. Rana, however, just gaped.

“You got the Faith here? The Fallen Queen of Elutra?”

“You know about her?”

Rana nodded eagerly. She glanced between me and the other approaching princess.

“I’ve heard about her exploits! Almost everyone of note has! Everyone dismissed her as a fool just a year ago, but she proved them all wrong! She fought against that Demon-infested Inoria Empire for years and held out on her own! Some say she sacrificed an arm to kill an Archdemon!”

“Unfortunately, some of those rumors are probably overexaggerated or untrue. But I am glad to hear that you have a positive perception of me, even if it may not be true.”

Faith spoke up as she came to a halt. Rana flushed, shifting to hide behind me.

“Oh, uh…”

“I have heard about you too, princess Rana. And Salvos has told me good things. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

The Fallen Queen of Elutra bowed deeply. Rana straightened and quickly returned the gesture.

“L-likewise. I’ll have guest rooms prepared as soon as possible.”

She turned to her maid, and Sevika nodded. I smiled, clapping my hands as I looked between the two of them.

“I can’t wait for you guys to get to know each other—”

But before I could finish, I heard a thunder crackle from above. Heads turned— everyone looked up as a cloud descended from above. I froze as Faith blinked.

“What is that…?”


A voice boomed down at me as I tried to creep away. I came to a halt, and a tall shadow loomed over me. Helena Warshade met my gaze. I sighed.


“I believe we have unfinished business to talk about.”

Saffron, Rana, and Faith looked at me. They all asked the same thing at once.

“Salvos… what did you do?”

I gulped, laughing nervously.

“I’m thinking she wants to talk about the corruption.”

“What corruption?”

Rana and Saffron exchanged a confused glance. Another bright light flashed as Helena Warshade crossed her arms.


As all the commotion and hubbub attracted the attention of the city guard, a cloaked stranger quietly arrived in Alyras. No one noticed this quiet entrance. But soon they would.

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