Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 393: The Conference of Alyras

393. The Conference of Alyras

Rana Alyras, princess of Alyras, vomited on the day of the meeting. It was out of nerves. The Conference of Alyras was the most important event in this century— perhaps even this millennia. They were going to discuss the issue of Demons that had occupied everyone’s minds for the last few years. Hopefully, they would agree on a method to put an end to this Demon threat once and for all. And the city state of Alyras was going to be the host for this momentous occasion.

It made her sick. She wasn’t a social butterfly. Far from it, actually. Rana Alyras was a nervous-wreck, most of the time. Even for the balls and parties that were held with the minor nobles in this tiny city state, she found herself at a loss for what to do. She didn’t have any of the poise or swagger needed to carry herself with the esteem of a princess.

So, on the morning of the meeting, she puked out all the contents of her stomach from last night’s meal. That was to say: not much at all. Because she’d barely even been able to eat.

Rana felt sick, and she didn’t feel any better remembering the events of just a few days ago. Her betrothed— the Crown Prince of Dolonia, Peris Dolonia— had said that he would be against involving the Helbir League in the possible war against the Demons.

It made no sense to her. She had mustered up every ounce of strength she had to call Peris out on it. Even though he was her fiance. Even though he was a Level 150 [Warrior]. She stood up to him, driven by her emotions at that moment. Afterwards, of course, she melted into a puddle of embarrassment and refused to leave her room for a whole day until she was dragged out by her maid.

Well, Sevika was her personal maid and bodyguard, but also her best friend. And she always knew what was best for Rana. She was the reason Rana was able to even walk down the gilded corridors of the palace to the meeting hall without stumbling over her own two feet. Sevika cheered her on— well, not cheered. More like monotonously praised.

“Go, princess Rana. You can do it. You can walk. You’re so great. Wow.”

“Oh, shut up.”

Rana rolled her eyes, scoffing as she turned away from the maid trailing after her. It was playful teasing, and it actually helped Rana calm her nerves. The princess breathed in deeply as she turned a corner— and bumped into a man.

“Ow— I’m so sorry!”

She started as she stumbled back. It almost felt like she ran headfirst into a brick wall. Blinking, she looked up to apologize to the man she’d bumped into. He turned around, unbothered, offering her a kind smile.

“It’s my fault. My apologies, kind Miss.”

Her eyes widened when she saw the burly man. He was tall and broad-chested. His shoulders were squared like the literal battlements of a fortress. He had to be nearly double her height, yet he was no Cyclops.


Rana Alyras pointed at him with a trembling finger. He laughed and nodded at her.

“Laux Lionfist, at your service. And you are?”

Her eyes were practically bulging out of their sockets. She was stammering, looking at the crimson-haired man up and down. He had long flowing hair and a face full of beard that looked more like a mane.

But more than that— he was the leader of the Forsaken Company. One of the Three Honorable Companies. Some would say the greatest of the three, although that could be contested in the recent decades with Helena Warshade’s reforms of the Rising Veterans.

Also, Laux Lionfist was only of the leaders. They had what they called a triumvirate. Multiple people were in charge of the Forsaken Company, not just one. They made their decisions together and the majority always overruled the one who was against. They had veto powers too, but it was limited to twice a year, so they had to choose when to use it wisely.

Regardless, that made no difference to Rana. She was in utter awe at the man before him. She didn’t even catch herself staring at him until Sevika cleared her throat.

“Ahem, this is princess Rana Alyras, princess of Alyras.”

The maid introduced Rana to Laux Lionfist in a flat voice. Her words caused the princess to recoil, realizing she’d be standing there like an idiot this whole time.


Rana sputtered in agreement.

“My name is Rana Alyras, it is a pleasure to meet you, uh… lord Lionfist?”

Was that even what she called him? No— that wasn’t right! He wasn’t a lord, he was an adventurer. Her face flushed at the realization, but Laux Lionfist just guffawed.

“Lord Lionfist, eh? It sounds fancy. To think I’d be mistaken as a noble— Baro won’t believe this.”

Laux just shook his head and proffered her a hand.

“But no, I am not a lord. I am just an adventurer.”

Despite his boisterous personality, he didn’t brag. He didn’t wave around his title as one of the triumvirate leaders of the Forsaken Company for everyone to see. In fact, he called himself ‘just an adventurer’, ignoring that he was an Elite.

an Elite Ranked adventurer.

Rana couldn’t even identify his level. He didn’t seemingly have very many artifacts on him. In fact, he was quite… inappropriately dressed for this meeting. The princess felt her face burning as she looked down to see his chiseled abs revealed for all to see. He barely had half a jacket on to cover his shoulders, and his fur pants only went down to his knees.

She shuffled her feet as she bowed her head.

“My apologies. That is my mistake. I must’ve mistaken you for royalty due to…”

She trailed off. She was going somewhere with this, but she had no idea where it was she was headed. She could hear Sevika facepalming behind her, and Rana just wished she wasn’t there right now.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. It’s an honest mistake, really. I mean, anyone would think this—”

Laux Lionfist flexed an arm, grinning.

“—is the body befitting a king, no?”

“I… uh, t-that’s…”

Rana stuttered, unsure what to say. Most of the kings she’d met had been rather… the opposite of that. But Laux Lionfist just laughed, waving a hand off.

“Well, if it’s not a body fit for a king, then more kings should get into shape. Regardless, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance, princess Rana Alyras. However, it seems my presence is needed elsewhere.”

He smiled at her before glancing to the side. A woman stood at the other end of the hallway. She radiated authority, even without saying a single word. Rana knew her, of course. The princess had seen her around for a few days now.

Helena Warshade.

“Ole Helena wants my attention for something that’s apparently important. So, if you’ll excuse me—”

He strutted off as the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy didn’t even look Rana’s way once. The princess blinked, watching them head down the corridor. She watched them for a moment, then frowned.

She turned to her maid.

“Sevika, isn’t the meeting supposed to be starting soon?”

“That is correct, princess Rana. One might even claim that you are running late if you continue to stand here and gawk.”

Sevika answered simply. Rana glared back at her.

“Look— that’s not what I’m getting at.”

“Then what are you getting at, princess Rana?”

Rana sighed. She glanced down the hallway, then at the direction she was heading in.

“Aren’t they both heading the wrong way?”

Sevika paused. She raised a brow.

“That seems to be correct.”

“But… why?”

Rana asked, and Sevika shrugged.

“I have no idea.”


Rana didn’t investigate. She had no reason to, and she had a place to be. The princess took a seat at the meeting right next to her father at the head of the table. And it was a very long table. There were so many guests and so many representatives, Rana was losing track of who was who.

There were the representatives of the Helbir League— Peris Dolonia and Zolan Zaetya. There were the Greater Vampire Families, including Saffron Merryster. Rana waved at her, only for the other girl to return with a subtle nod. The princess flushed, realizing her lack of tact.

[Archbishop] Thorsten Sigefried was here too, on behalf of the entirety of the Council of Cremont. Three of the Seven Councilmembers of the Eastern Kingdom Alliance were present as well, and the heads of the Three Honorable Companies joined just as the meeting was about to begin. Rana wondered about what they discussed for a moment, but her attention was immediately drawn to the announcement as the door closed.

“Let the Conference of Alyras begin!”

As the Conference of Alyras began, a cloaked figure stepped out into the busy streets of the city. They looked towards the palace— heard the resounding gong that marked the start of one of the momentous occasions in history. And they knew where to go.

They moved towards the palace. Quickly. In a rush. Ready for what was to come.

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