Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 407: Act of Heroism (FIXED)

407. Act of Heroism

Daniel Song stepped into a meeting room with Amanda. The pair faced down six Elites. Six individuals who seemed larger than life.

The first was Helena Warshade. The Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy and leader of the leader of the Rising Veterans Company. She needed no introduction. Her very presence alone made Daniel feel very uneasy. And when she spoke, he flinched.

“Daniel Song, [Hero] from Earth A1, we need your help.”

He looked towards the other five Elites in the room. Standing right beside Helena Warshade was Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scales. He was an Elite [Rogue]— someone who Daniel had fought alongside against a terrible threat. And, because of that, Daniel had to… expose his secret to Orgaf.

Helena Warshade soon found out after that. After all, Daniel didn’t really have an issue with it spreading around. However, there was a problem— he never once told either Helena Warshade nor Orgaf that they could simply let the news slip. Sure, it didn’t actually bother him that the fact he was a [Hero] was spread around. The problem was the fact that they didn’t ask for his permission. If they were this liberal with private information… especially Orgaf, who knew the truth about Salvos…

Daniel glared at the [Rogue], but Orgaf just clicked his tongue and looked away.

Also present was Scarlet the Red Rose. The current temporary leader of the Remembered Order Company. A newly-anointed Elite, yet already thrust into such a role. She looked somehow as nervous as Daniel was.

Next was Laux Lionfist. One of the triumvirate leaders of the Forsaken Company. A burly man who wore a vest that barely covered his shoulders. He had his arms crossed over his chest, covering the myriad of battle scars he bore on his coarse skin. He studied Daniel’s every movement with a keen gaze.

Right behind him is Alder the Augur Elder, another member of the Forsaken Company in this room. He wasn’t one of their leaders, but he was known as the highest-leveled [Summoner] in the world. Unfortunately, most of his Spirits perished in battle during Nightsveil. The elderly man frowned skeptically at Daniel.

And, lastly, was Peris Dolonia. The Crown Prince of Dolonia. Unlike the others here, he wasn’t an adventurer, but rather a member of the nobility. He had a rapier at his side— the sign of a [Warrior] who fared better in individual duals than they did against monsters. He simply slicked his hair back as Daniel came to a halt.

The [Hero] of Earth A1 crossed his arms.

“I don’t believe giving you my permission to spread that around, Archmage Warshade.”

Helena Warshade answered simply.

“You’ve already revealed yourself in the meeting of Mavos Academy, have you not? You informed Headmaster Skyshredder himself there that you cared not about keeping your secret hidden.”

“And were they there for this meeting?”

Daniel raised a brow towards the other Elites present. She didn’t answer.

“Then I believe my prior assessment is correct.”

He made the point. Amanda peered over his shoulder.

“Aren’t you being too bold today.”

The former assassin had an amused look on her face. He wasn’t sure why he was being unusually snappy. Perhaps it was because he was nervous. Afraid that the Elite [Rogue] would also snitch on… Salvos. If that happened, it’d be six Elites versus a single Salvos. As much as he believed in Salvos’ strengths and abilities, that was a losing battle.

He warily eyed the six Elites as they exchanged a glance. Orgaf and Helena Warshade didn’t visibly react, but Scarlet the Red Rose looked offended on their behalf. Peris Dolonia just huffed, while Alder Ashford opened his mouth. Daniel braced himself for an argument—

But Laux Lionfist guffawed, stopping one from even happening.

“A fiery spirit, befitting a [Hero].”

He turned to Helena and grinned at her.

“I had my doubts at first, Helena. I really did. I thought ole’ Clayton was starting to lose it. But this man is definitely a [Hero].”

She simply nodded in response as all eyes turned her way.

“Indeed. That is why, as I have said, we are here to ask for your help, Daniel Song.”

The young man from Earth shifted his feet. He glanced back at Amanda for help, but she just shrugged. Turning back to the Elites, he spoke hesitantly.

“And what exactly do you need from me?”

There was an idea in Daniel’s head. One that made him nervous. For the past week, the Elites had tried and failed to catch the Archdemons harassing the city. Whether it be hunting them down and replaceing nothing but dead ends, or chasing after them as they did a quick hit-and-run of Alyras and losing track of them, the Elites were at their wits’ end.

Which made the reason why they called Daniel here— a [Hero]— obvious.

“Let me guess; you guys want me to help you hunt down those Demons, don’t you?”

The Elites paused. He sighed— a part of him wanted to reject them. There was still that lingering cowardice that pushed him towards running. After all, these Demons were Elite-equivalent in threat. One of them had nearly killed Lofus the Broken Berserker.

Yet, his mouth moved even against his fears. He knew what he had to do. He knew what was right.

“I’ll do it.”

He met Helena Warshade’s gaze. Amanda stared at him with wide eyes as he straightened, standing tall like a true [Hero].

“Those Demons are a threat to not just the people of Alyras, but to all of the Human lands as a whole. If they continue to delay this meeting, then Levithus is free to finish that ritual in the Inoria Empire. So… I will do it.”


Amanda whispered. Daniel didn’t show a hint of fear in his voice. Even if he was still nervous. Helena Warshade didn’t react. Orgaf closed his eyes.

Scarlet the Red Rose exchanged a glance with Laux Lionfist.

“Uh, no.”

The youngest of the Elites spoke hesitantly. Daniel blinked.


“We didn’t, uh, call you here today to ask for your help against those Demons.”

She shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

“Wait, then what did you call me here for?”

He flushed, glancing between the Elites. He felt his face burning as he tried to understand why he was there. Laux Lionfist just laughed.

“That’s the spirit I’m talking about. But, yes, Scarlet is speaking the truth. We called you here today for another matter.”

The burly man’s words made Daniel feel a bit better about himself. But Helena Warshade immediately crushed whatever ego he had left.

“A high-leveled [Hero] would be beneficial on the battlefield. Unfortunately, at your level, you would only be a burden.”


The young man trailed off. Then he shrugged.

“Probably true. So why am I here?”

“The six of us will be leaving Alyras at sunset. We have found the hideout of those pesky Archdemons and will be attempting to subjugate them.”

Alder nodded as he raised a hand. Daniel watched a flicker appear over his shoulder. A snake-like Spirit slithered out of the air and hissed.

[Jörmungandr - Lvl. 143]

“Gard here tracked down the Boots of Alexander after getting a taste of the Greaves of Alexander. He did a pretty good job, if I had to say so myself.”

Smiling, the Augur Elder patted the Spirit on the head. Scarlet the Red Rose gestured at the Elites in the room.

“And since the six of us will be leaving the city, there will be a chance one or two of the Demons we don’t know about may capitalize on seizing the remaining Treasures of Alexander.”

“We have decided to split the Treasures so that both cannot be attained easily.”

Helena Warshade shook her head and turned to Scsrlet and Orgaf who hadn’t said much of a word.

“Either of the two [Rogues] can capitalize on the Greaves of Alexander’s powers, as such, we shall be bringing it with us. But that still leaves the Crown of Alexander vulnerable.”

Daniel frowned.

“But isn’t the Crown of Alexander with the Crimsonfangs?”

The Elite adventurers grew hushed. But a voice spoke out simply. Peris Dolonia waved a hand dismissively.

“Bolton Crimsonfang was ambushed by that [Jinn] two nights ago. Alyras’ own General Zura died protecting him, and Bolton himself is left at an incapacitated state. We barely managed to intervene and stop that Demon from stealing the crown.”


Daniel had never met this Zura, only briefly heard about him in passing, but the young man knew it must be a terrible blow for Alyras itself.

Laux Lionfist clapped his hands together, drawing everyone’s attention.

“And that is why, we decided: we want you to protect the Crown of Alexander.”

The [Hero]’s eyes went round.


But Helena Warshade just continued after Laux.

“Keep this a secret. Only tell those you trust— those who can aid you— in protecting the Crown of Alexander. It is of utmost importance that these Demons do not get what they want.”

Daniel opened his mouth. He wanted to ask if he even had a say in it— it sounded more like a command, coming from Helena Warshade. Then he remembered his determination from before and nodded.


There was no protest. No point in it. Daniel knew what he had to do and he was going to do it.

Helena Warshade’s stone-cold demeanor cracked for a moment as she smiled. As if glad to see that the rumored [Hero] was acting like a… [Hero].


And with that, the six Elites prepared to leave the city in quiet. When the sun set and night fell, the dome protecting Alyras still stood, but the Elites were gone.

Daniel remained, and he held with him an ornate crown. It didn’t looked any different from other crowns, other than the fact that it radiated power.

He kept it in his Dimensional Storage Unit and shook his head, watching the Elites go.

“Now, I wonder who I can recruit to help me protect this artifact.”

Besides Amanda who was already in, there were a few people he had in mind.

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