Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 409: On the Edge

409. On the Edge


The world flashed around Orgaf as Helena Warshade’s voice boomed around him. The scenery changed in an instant. He’d been prepared for it. All the Elites had been ready for what was to come. Laux Lionfist, Scarlet Vermillion, Alder Ashford, and even Peris Dolonia.

Helena Warshade had briefed them all on the plan beforehand. There were five Archdemons gathered here. Only five. Not six. The last— the [Jinn]— had been missing since he’d failed to steal the Crown of Alexander. While the Archdemon severely injured Bolton Crimsonfang and killed General Zura of Alyras, they managed to inflict quite the damage back on him too. When Gard— Alder’s summon— tracked down the Boots of Alexander, the [Jinn] had been noticeably missing. Orgaf himself confirmed this just earlier.

So this was their chance. The Elites outnumbered the Demons, and they had the element of surprise on their side. Helena Warshade herself brought them to their enemies in an instant before blasting out with a bolt of crimson lightning aimed straight at the highest-leveled of the group. The [Fiend].

Orgaf’s eyes flickered as the crackling electricity engulfed all five Archdemons. It was a powerful spell— a Skill befitting the second highest-leveled [Mage] in the Human lands and the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy. But the [Fiend] wasn’t a pushover either. While she was small and portly, she had previously demonstrated incredible control over space magic. Raising a hand, she created a lattice barrier that blocked Helena Warshade’s attacks.

“It appears the Humans are here, Gula.”

An [Imp] spoke with a smirk as he eyed the Great Tempest Archmage through the barrier. It was Avaritia, and Orgaf didn’t fall for the disguise. He knew that it was no [Imp], but a deadly [Changeling] capable of overpowering even an Elite [Berserker].

“Must you state the obvious, Avaritia?”

A pink-skinned Demon snorted. Gloria crossed her arms, and Orgaf’s eyes flickered to her. He recognized her. He had his eyes on her— to get her back for what she did to him.

“Of course I should. After all, I’m sure someone as thick as you didn’t notice it, Gloria.”

“You dare mock me, you shameless thief?”

“Why, yes, I was in fact mocking you—”

Orgaf watched the two as they bickered. He didn’t know what they were doing, but he just knew their carefree attitude grated on him.

“That’s enough, both of you.”

Gula, the [Fiend], bellowed. They halted, and she stared through the barrier, meeting Helena Warshade’s cool gaze. The Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy hadn’t tried to break through the lattice even once.

“All that matters is that our Human friends here failed their little sneak attack. It’s almost disappointing.”

“Gloat as you will, Demon.”

Helena Warshade tilted her head dangerously. A spell shone at the tip of her staff, however she didn’t cast it yet.

“But you have underestimated us for far too long.”

“Oh, look, the Humans are making threats.”

Avaritia chuckled, and Desidia— the green-skinned Demon with three tails, another one that had ambushed Orgaf— yawned.

“How dull…”


Helena nodded to the Crown Prince of Dolonia. He started forward, walking past Scarlet and Laux Lionfist. Gula raised a brow as she watched him reach the edge of the barrier.

“This is a [Sevenfold Shield of Spacetime]. Advanced space magic the likes of you mortals can’t comprehend. If your little Archmage can’t breach my barrier, what do you hope to do against me?”

Peris simply brought up a rapier as the Demons sneered in the safety of their barrier. The only one who looked even slightly cautious was Iivor— the yellow-skinned Demon with a horn. Orgaf readied himself as the Crown Prince of Dolonia pointed his rapier straight at Gula.

There was no flashy explosion, nor did an aura envelope his blade. Peris whispered softly, aimed only at a single Demon.

“[Duel to the Death]. Face me, Demon!”


Iivor’s eyes went wide. The other Demons didn’t react in time as the [Fiend]’s eyes flashed red. Gula stepped forward, bringing her hands up as glowing dodecahedrons appeared, and the barrier dissipated.


They started— Iivor being the first to move. But Orgaf didn’t let them stop her. He appeared from Iivor’s shadow, slicing up with a black blade as he yelled.

“No you don’t!”

Iivor yelped in pain as his blade grazed his outreached arm. Black blood splattered to the ground as the yellow-skinned Demon stumbled back. Avaritia growled and clinked his boots together. The Boots of Alexander. One that granted immense speed. The [Changeling]-turned-[Imp] rushed Orgaf before the [Rogue] could slink back into the shadows, but a crimson figure got between them.

Scarlet the Red Rose swung up with a set of curved daggers. She slashed the [Imp]’s back open, loosing a flurry of strikes before he could react.

“[Fatal Division].”

She whispered as Avaritia screamed. He leapt away, boosted by the Boots of Alexander as she gave chase. The other Demons moved— a step slower than the [Changeling]-turned-[Imp]. Gloria brought a hand up as a pink gow overcame her fingers, while Desidia ran forward to intercept Orgaf.

The [Nightcrawler Shadower] easily dodged Desidia’s attacks with a grin. He spoke as he vanished back into the shadows.

“Too slow.”

Desidia smashed the earth open and blinked when he wasn’t there. She spun around, frowning.

“Where did he—”

And a massive fist struck her across the face. It sent the green-skinned Demon flying. She grunted as she crashed into the ground, sending bits of rock and dirt spraying behind her. Groaning, Desidia pulled herself to her feet.

“Ugh, I felt like I just got hit by a [Hellabomination]...”

She rubbed at her head and faced her assailant. Laux Lionfist, one of the triumvirate leaders of the Forsaken Company, and the highest-leveled [Fighter] in the Human lands, walked up to her, tossing aside his vest to reveal his rippling muscles.

“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment.”

He cracked his knuckles with a vicious smile. Desidia got up with a scowl.

“You’re certainly as ugly as one!”

She yelled as she leapt at him. The two clashed, sending a tremor through the earth. Iivor stumbled from the shockwave. He clutched at his wound— a long cut on his forearm. He shook his head and ran a hand over it. He weaved his skin shut with threads of magic knitting together seamlessly.

“Things are certainly starting to heat up.”

A voice spoke, drawing the yellow-skinned Demon’s attention. He looked up to see an elderly looking man strutting up his way. Iivor narrowed his eyes.

“Alder Ashford, the Augur Elder himself. Highest-leveled [Summoner] in the world.”

“That is indeed me.”

Alder simply nodded in acknowledgment. Iivor snorted as he eyed his enemy.

“One would think the highest-leveled [Summoner] in the world was at least Level 160. Yet, here you are, frail and old and not even ten levels above me.”

“Believe me, I would like to share your disappointment in myself.”

The Augur Elder shook his head before bringing his arms out. A snake emerged from his right arm with a deluge of water. It slithered down the current as its body melded with the dripping water, becoming transparent. From his left arm, a pair of flaming wisps appeared. They orbited each other, one red and the other blue, like a pair of little suns. Separate, as two [Will O’ Wisps] would be.

But when Iivor used [Identification] on them, he realized it was but a single Spirit. Just with two bodies. Alder gave Iivor an apologetic smile.

“However, I cannot denigrate my status as I am sure my Spirits would take offense to that.”

[Jörmungandr - Lvl. 143]

[Will O’ Wisp - Lvl. 141]

The Archdemon braced himself with a wind barrier, as at once, the pair of Grand Spirits unleashed a vortex of fire and water his way. The explosion erupted into the sky— raining back down with droplets of scalding water down to the earth.

Through this burning drizzle, Gula walked unfazed. She raised a hand as a prism of light formed at her fingertips, before launching out at Peris Dolonia. The Crown Prince moved elegantly, avoiding the blast of light. Like a trained duelist. He practically glided on his feet as he lanced out, stabbing at the [Fiend]’s neck.

But his rapier went straight through a portal. A second portal opened up behind his head, letting his blade through, barely brushing his hair. He nimbly evaded his own attack, only to be knocked back by a distorted wall that looked like a glass window, but hit harder than stone and brick.

He gritted his teeth as he leapt back. Nothing he did even got close to hitting the [Fiend]. She’d somehow deflect everything he threw at her back towards him. It was getting frustrating. And what was even worse was her magic.

Gula raised both her hands as black cubes appeared from nothing before shooting out at him. They moved precisely. Like they were living things, somehow programmed only with hunting him down. Even more accurate than an Elite [Archer]’s homing arrow.

Peris tried to move out of the way, but these cubes refused to lose sight of him. They cornered him as he found himself backing up against a rock wall. But a blast of lightning shot down, eviscerating the magical objects before they could reach him.

He looked up as a figure descended from a cloud.

“Stand strong, Prince Peris.”

Helena Warshade’s booming voice spoke as she stared down Gula. The [Fiend] glared at the Great Tempest Archmage before shaking her head.

“This annoying curse… is it mind magic? Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. It compels me to kill you, Human prince. So I will do so. Right after dealing with her.”

Gula hurled a set of spheres at Helena Warshade. But the leader of the Rising Veterans Company was prepared. She brought her staff up and bellowed.

“Cube of Isolation.”

A magical field caught the projectiles before they could even get close, quickly shrinking and crushing them. Gula’s eyes went wide as Peris straightened. Helena Warshade raised her staff as it glowed.

“I shall deal with her pesky space magic. We shall defeat this [Fiend] together.”

“Of course, Archmage Warshade.”

He grinned. And, together, they battled the highest-leveled of the Demons.

The fighting went on. From Helena Warshade and Peris Dolonia to Scarlet the Red Rose challenging Avaritia. The [Changeling] was slightly faster than the temporary leader of the Remembered Order Company thanks to the Boots of Alexander. Unfortunately, that didn’t mean he was as agile or dexterous as her. She countered every single one of his attacks, a whirlwind of blades that slowly whittled away the stronger Demon.

Orgaf was impressed that she was managing to hold her own. But he barely paid attention to her battle. Instead, he focused on the Demon he was facing down. Gloria. That wretched pink-skinned Archdemon who ambushed him.

“Not so strong by yourself, are you?”

The [Rogue] laughed as he dodged her barrage of red beams. They swerved for him, but he dipped into the shadows and hopped out next to her.

Gloria was ready for it. She created a sickle out of the crimson aura and parried the strike just in time. Their weapons locked as she smirked back uneasily.

“Hmph, and what are you going to do? Pretend to use your Grand Skill again? Run like the coward you are?”

“You call it cowardice—”

He stepped back, lowering his daggers. Gloria staggered forward as she lost her balance. She looked on in shock, and the [Rogue] swept her off her feet. Orgaf kicked her, sending her flying.

“I call it intelligence. There is no shame in a tactical retreat.”

“That is what a weakling would say.”

The Demon spat at him as she forced herself back to her feet. She gripped her stomach and shook her head.

“Don’t forget, Human. You think you have the advantage here, but I still have two Grand Skills in play.”

“Do you?”

His eyes narrowed. Orgaf stepped forward, eyeing the shadows at her feet— the darkness scattered all around the battlefield. His lips curled up.

“You know, you talk so proudly about these Grand Skills of yours, but I have yet to see you use them.”

“The moment that happens, this battle will be decided.”

She bared her teeth back at him. Orgaf just shrugged.

“And I guess that’s the difference between you and me. You like to talk about your Grand Skills and refuse to use them. But me?”

He sank into the ground, disappearing once again to the shadows. Gloria backed up warily, unleashing a dozen crimson beams at the darkness. A susurration of whispers swept over the battlefield as her magic ripped apart the earth and the stone.

She paused as the whispers stopped.

“Where is…?”

And from beneath her feet, Orgaf emerged with a final whisper.

“[Nightmare’s Haunt].”

Gloria swung down at him with her crimson sickle. But a shadowed tendril grappled with her. It bound her as a wave of darkness shot upwards, exploding into the sky. More and more of these dark limbs tangled with her body, halting her movement.


Her eyes snapped open. Orgaf just laughed as he pulled himself out of her shadow.

“But me? I don’t waste time talking about my Grand Skills. I just use them.”

She struggled, but she couldn’t move. Not even a little bit. Of course not. This was a Grand Skill. One that had even bound a Level 180 [Hellabomination]. Gloria’s mouth opened as she cursed.


And he stabbed her through her chest. She gasped sharply as heads turned. The fighting Elites and Demons slowed for a moment, looking on at this scene. Even Helena Warshade stared on as Orgaf impaled Gloria with his dagger.

“Now, where’s your Grand Skill again?”

He chuckled and slashed with his other blade for her neck. Her mouth moved. She whispered something inaudible. And her head went flying a second later.

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