Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 411: Your Turn to Die


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411. Your Turn to Die

Edithe Dawnrise stood on a balcony overlooking the entirety of Alyras. She was currently in one of the rooms in the vast palace at the heart of the city. It was night. From her vantage point, the houses and streets below were so small. Like little doll houses and toys. A painting or a knitted tapestry. As a child, the redhead never thought she’d ever see a sight like this.

She grew up in the slums of Viechester. Raised by a [Priest] and a prostitute, all she ever heard were stories of what could possibly be seen beyond the banclite walls of her city. Her fascination with these sights and stories was what drove her to become an adventurer, and it was only possible with joining the Valiant Dreamers Company.

It had changed the trajectory of everything she’d done and would do for the rest of her life. Rising up from a lowly Silver Ranked to becoming a Gold was one of the most grueling experiences ever, yet it was rewarding and cathartic. She found a place where she belonged. She made friends she otherwise wouldn’t have made. From Hadrian to Celine, to the ones who’d… passed. Like Paige and Paul.

Even Salvos and Daniel— Edithe would never have met either of the two if not for joining the Valiant Dreamers Company. It was suffice to say, she was genuinely fond of her company. That was why when Hadrian asked her why she was so aggressive to Jake earlier today, her answer was simple.

“Because he’s a fucking asshole.”

“You’ve already said that three times, Edithe.”

“That doesn’t make it any less true.”

She shrugged. Edithe glanced past Hadrian. The man was standing right by the balcony door. Inside was Salvos’ room. Daniel, Zin Norwood, Crocus Merryster, and Amanda were in there, probably sleeping. They were taking turns in keeping watch— and it was currently Edithe and Hadrian’s shift.

“I get your sentiment, Edithe. I really do.”

The man sighed as he strode forward and leaned against the balcony.

“This is my father’s company. I, too, feel the need to defend it when others unfairly criticize it. Jake may be an asshole, but some of what he says is right, you know?”

“So you do agree he’s an asshole.”

Edithe gave Hadrian a flat stare. He shifted back, sputtering.


“I get what you’re saying.”

She chuckled and waved a hand off. Then she cast her gaze away from the city. Beyond the translucent dome shielding it was an encampment. Well, there were multiple encampments. But the one she looked at was full of adventurers. A coalition. Multiple coalitions, now that the other Honorable Companies were here.

“I know I already told you this, but you can’t just let others walk all over you like Jake’s been doing. You’re the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company. You’ve got to act like it, Hadrian.”

He didn’t reply. His grip on the balcony’s railings only tightened. Edithe placed a hand over his and smiled.

“Look, you’re still new to being a leader, I know. And a lot has happened. You haven’t even been able to properly process your grief before being thrust to your position. That’s why I’m here to help you. That’s why the Valiant Dreamers Company stuck by you. We trust you, alright?”

Hadrian stared at her. She met his gaze, speaking clearly. He didn’t reply immediately. In fact, he looked rather uncomfortable. She peered forward curiously, and he bit his lower lip.


He trailed off. It looked like Hadrian wanted to say something but decided against it. Instead, he straightened and changed the subject.

“How do you think the Elites are doing?”


Edithe opened her mouth, then shook her head.

“They’ll be fine, Hadrian. I’m sure they know what they’re doing. They’re Elites, after all.”

She spoke reassuringly and drew back. Hadrian raised his head and stared out into the distance.

“I sure hope so…”

The Demons had successfully sprung a trap on the Elites. Alder Ashford, Laux Lionfist, Scarlet Vermillion, and Peris Dolonia were trapped in a glass-like dome— in Gula’s Grand Skill. They couldn’t break free, and the Archdemons were free to siege Alyras and steal the Crown of Alexander.

This had been a gambit, and it didn’t pay off. Only Orgaf and Helena Warshade could now act. And standing in their path was a seventh Demon. This one, far stronger than the others.

“I am Ira, the greatest of the Dukes and Duchesses. I shall be your opponent, Humans.”

[Cambion - Lvl. 155]

The red-skinned Demon was massive. He was as big as Avaritia had been as an [Arachne]. Perhaps slightly bigger, accounting only for heigh. His shoulders were so broad, and his chin pushed out over his front teeth. A pair of tusks protruded out and up, although they probably weren’t used for fighting due to how they were angled.

His wings were massive, but they weren’t quite proportional to the size of his body. It just didn’t look like to Orgaf. He hefted a club over his back and grinned.

“What’s wrong, Humans? Are you afraid? Don’t worry, I will make this quick.”

Ira laughed, and Orgaf narrowed his eyes. The [Rogue] exchanged a glance with Helena Warshade and shook his head.

“We need to deal with this Demon quickly.”


She nodded as he moved. The [Nightcrawler Shadower] slipped into the shadows as the Great Tempest Archmage unleashed a blast of lightning. There was a crack. A flash of blue lightning. It struck the red-skinned Demon, engulfing the area in smoke as Orgaf leapt out of the darkness.

He lashed out with both his blades at once.

“[Dark Backstab]!”

He shredded through the red-skinned Demon’s skin. Ira yelled in pain as his body was burned before being cut up by Orgaf. The [Rogue] smirked as he pulled back.

“How’s that—”

And a giant red hand grabbed onto him before he could recede into the shadows.


“You’re too slow.”

Ira bared his teeth back at Orgaf before swinging down with his giant club. A dark aura wreathed around the dull weapon, and the Human man raised both his daggers to block it. The impact knocked the [Rogue] straight back to Helena, and she caught him with a gust of wind and set him down.

Orgaf’s brows snapped together as he looked up. The dust settled, and he frowned.

“How is he still standing?”

The [Nightcrawler Shadower] could’ve sworn he left a nasty wound with his Skill on the Demon. And Helena’s own lightning strike must’ve dealt a bit of damage too. Yet, when Ira stepped forward, the Demon was only burned. He didn’t have any cut on his back. His skin, however, was still slightly burned.

“Hmph, did you think that was enough to stop me?”

Raising a hand, the burn marks on Ira rapidly vanished, seemingly gathered at his arm. Then, that too, disappeared as a ball of crackling electricity appeared at the palm of his hand.

“Please, I’m sure you Human Elites can do better than that!”

The Demon hurled the lightning bolt forward. It arced out just like Helena’s spell. The Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy stared in shock for a moment, utterly befuddled.

“How is he—”

She bit her lip, cutting herself off. Bringing her staff up, she created a wind barrier and blocked her own spell. The shockwave nearly knocked Orgaf off his feet. He steadied himself and clicked his tongue. Helena Warshade emerged from the smoke and called out to Orgaf.

“This has to be a Grand Skill. That Demon is healing from every attack we throw at it by returning it to us.”

“I noticed.”

He eyed Ira, watching as the giant Demon slowly lumbered forward. The [Rogue] had thought that this had been a bit too simple. That Ira had kept his guard down too much. But it was obvious why now.

The red-skinned Demon tilted his head, asking.

“What’s wrong, Humans? Are you scared?”

Orgaf cursed and turned to Helena.

“We just have to finish this Demon off before he regenerates—”


She cut him off, shaking her head. Orgaf blinked.


“We aren’t going to be doing anything. I shall deal with this Demon. You do whatever you can to stop the others from reaching Alyras. You’re the only one fast enough capable of doing this.”

He opened his mouth to protest, then caught himself. Helena was right. She was the more experienced adventurer here, and more importantly, she could deal with Ira faster than he could. Meanwhile, Orgaf would just have to catch up and delay those other Demons for her to arrive.

There really was no time to argue, and her logic made sense. Nodding, Orgaf began to slip back into the shadows. Ira roared, rushing forward.

“I will not let you—”

But a storm of lightning bolts halted his advance. Orgaf watched as the [Cambion] returned fire as his body healed quickly. But the [Rogue] didn’t stay to watch. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it.

Orgaf gave chase to the other Archdemons, heading for Alyras.

“We need to hurry.”

Iivor called out as Gloria trailed behind. Desidia and Avaritia, too, were ahead of her. The pink-skinned Demon hated using her Grand Skill. Each time it was cast, she’d lose ten levels. She could sacrifice her Class’ levels instead of her Subspecies’ when using it, but she’d used it so often her Class was now on the verge of dropping below Level 100.

Without her Class at Level 100, she wouldn’t have her second Grand Skill. It annoyed her, but she had no choice. That Thief— Orgaf— had caught her off guard. And now she couldn’t save her Grand Skill for sieging the city. With a cooldown of one week, she wouldn’t get a second chance if something were to happen to her.

And, as much as she hated to admit it, that was entirely possible when facing an army of hundreds of thousand.

Alyras was surrounded by multiple coalitions of Human armies. And these weren’t just some weak militia. There were very many high-leveled individuals mixed in too. One mistake, and Gloria could lose her life to some nameless Humans.

Honestly, she’d much have rather continued fighting the Elites. She really wanted to get back at that bastard, Orgaf, for what he did to her. But, instead, she had no choice but to continue on with the plan.

“When Iivor says we need to hurry, he means you, Gloria. You’re way too slow. What happened?”

Avaritia snickered as he turned to face Gloria. He was walking backwards, his legs a blur, yet he was much faster than her. She glared at him.

“Don’t forget that the only reason you’re faster than me is thanks to those boots, Avaritia.”

“Don’t care, didn’t ask.”

She gritted her teeth, but didn’t indulge in his annoying remarks. Instead, Gloria looked past the [Changeling] and towards Iivor at the front.

“Where is Gula? She should be with us, but I don’t see her.”

Iivor answered, glancing back.

“She went to get Lubid. They will begin the siege on Alyras without us. They shall be the distraction, and we will get the Crown of Alexander.”

Gloria frowned. She remembered the roles being reversed. Yet, now, the plan had changed… when she was dead? Was it because she had lost ten levels? That… irked her.

“But I thought—”

She started. But the ground exploded as hundreds of shadowed figures rose from the darkness. Gloria’s eyes widened as she leapt out of the way of a shadow boar. A volley of shadowed projectiles crashed near her companions as she looked up.

“What’s going on?”

Iivor yelled as he created a barrier, guarding both him and Desidia. Avaritia managed to evade the shadowed figures himself, countering and destroying a shadowed Human with ease.

“This is the Thief of the Golden Scales! He followed us here!”

Gloria yelled out as she unleashed a salvo of red beams, destroying the shadows with ease. Avaritia cursed.

“What? Wasn’t Ira supposed to deal with any stragglers?”

“Seems like he failed.”

Her eyes narrowed as she spotted an odd shadow of the bunch. She pointed at it, blasting it with her beams. But it dove out of the way. Orgaf landed and met her gaze as his Skill slowly ended.

“It’s this annoying fast bastard.”

Avaritia scowled, and Gloria tilted her head at him. Sneering, she spoke simply.

“What’s wrong? Can’t handle this Human?”

She chuckled as he growled at her. Shaking her head, Gloria raised her arms in the air and faced Orgaf.

“Go, I shall deal with this Human.”

Iivor didn’t protest. He knew better than to argue with her once her mind was made up. He nodded and gestured for Desidia and Avaritia to follow.

“Come on. Let’s go!”

Orgaf landed right before Gloria as she met his gaze. He looked past her, watching the other Demons leave, but she drew his attention was a small beam. He deflected it with his dagger.

“Eyes here, Human. Or else you’ll die.”

She brought her hands together as she whispered.

“[Breath of the World, Strands of the Arcane—”

Orgaf paused. His eyes went round as he gasped.

“This is—”

That’s right, Human. She knew he’d already exhausted his Grand Skill. But her? She still had a second one in her pockets. And just as he used his to deal with her in moments, she was going to do the same with him.

The Human rushed forward, but it was too late. She pointed at him as a crimson ball of energy formed at her fingertips, taking the shape of a sphere larger than herself.

“[Unleash Your Terror, and From the Ashes, Only I Shall Rise]!”

All at once, thousands of red beams shot out, raining down at him. Enough to destroy an entire city on its own. A barrage that continued, and would continue, as she cackled madly, devastating the landscape, blasting the Human before he could get out of the way.

“Now’s your turn to die, mortal!”

She laughed as her Grand Skill continued on, and Orgaf, even with all his speed, was caught in its sights.

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