Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 422: Trading Gear

422. Trading Gear

I looked through my clones’ eyes, watching them swarm the various battlefields throughout the city and beyond. [Manifestation of the Gods] was active, and I could theoretically use that Skill to simply survey the entire battlefield. But I only had my mind focused on two things.

The first thing I was focused on was my companions standing before me. Daniel Song and Edithe Dawnrise. I’d seen they were in trouble and rushed right in to save them. Fortunately, I arrived just in time and defeated the two Archdemons threatening their lives.

And that was the second thing I was focused on— the levels I’d gained.

Defeated [Gerasa Swine - Lvl. 147]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

Defeated [Helllord - Lvl. 148]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

Subspecies [Daeva Cambion] Level Up!

[Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 141] -> [Daeva Cambion – Lvl. 142]

Gained 5 Stat Points and 3 Skill Points!

Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 108] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 109]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

Class [Draconic Apprentice] Level Up!

[Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 109] -> [Draconic Apprentice - Lvl. 110]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

“Huh. Not that many levels…”

Especially for killing high-leveled Demons. But I kind of expected it. While I didn’t need the Sword of Alexander to defeat these guys, that horned yellow-skinned Demon [Helllord] was somewhat right in how I was relying on it to win that fight. Perhaps if I’d beaten them with my own power, I’d have gotten more experience than that.

I shook my head as Daniel raised a brow at me.

“Did you say something, Salvos?”

“Nothing. Come on, we’ve got, like, four other Demons to deal with.”

I twirled the Sword of Alexander and started past my companions. They watched me head further into the city— back towards the crumbling palace of Alyras. I could see men and women— members of the nobility of the city— fleeing the wreck and rubble.

With [Manifestation of the Old Gods], I checked and made sure everyone I knew and cared about was fine. Rana Alyras and Faith El had evacuated quite a while ago. Neither princesses were within the premises of the palace any longer. And others like Matthew, Lamarr, or even Artik were in the midst of leaving or had already left too.

The only ones who were still important to me left was… well, Crocus Merryster, Zin Norwood, and my companion, Saffron.

So, I was going to save her. But Daniel and Edithe stopped me.

“Wait, Salvos. Where are you going?”

The redhead asked as she brought a hand up. I blinked and turned to her.

“I’m going to fight that Demon with the Boots of Alexander and save Saffron. Why?”

“That’s… great and all. But, uh, we were more worried about…”

She trailed off and gestured beyond the wall of the city. I blinked as I heard a thunderous crash, followed by the roaring winds. I stared into an abyss of black flames. A firestorm that cast its shadow over the entire city. One that was only expanding as it devoured more and more lives.


“Yeah, that.”

Edithe scratched at her cheeks. Hadrian and Daniel nodded with her.

“We’ve got to help them stop it. Whatever it is— it’s going to continue taking so many pointless lives.”

The [Hero] stepped forward, facing the destruction that was being wrecked up ahead. I pursed my lips and hesitated.

“But Saffron…”

I wanted to say that I didn’t really care about all those nameless lives being lost, but Hadrian was here. And I’d also get reprimanded by Daniel and maybe Edithe. So, I just shrugged.

“My clones are there. You guys can go help out. I’ll join you after I save Saffron.”

Daniel opened his mouth, but I tossed the Sword of Alexander at him. He blinked, barely catching it out of the air. He fumbled with the weapon, wide-eyed.

“Uh, Salvos?”

“You can have it.”

I shook my head as the boost to my [Strength] and [Endurance] faded. But it didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to need that to win. The Human man opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He just stared at me as Edithe stepped forward.

“Wait, Salvos, are you sure about this?”

“It’s fine. I’m sure Daniel can use it better than me. He’s a [Hero], right? I much prefer using scythes anyway.”

I began conjuring up a Divine Nebular Scythe as my companions just looked apprehensively at the Mythical Grade artifact I’d casually handed over to them. They were uncertain. They clearly wanted to hand it back to me. I sighed.

“If you’re that worried, then just give me the Crown of Alexander.”

I held out an open palm at them. Daniel blinked.


“You’re worried that the Demons might get two of the Treasures of Alexander from you if something happens, right? So, I’ll take care of the Crown of Alexander.”


Edithe furrowed her brows. The Human man scratched the back of his head.

“Not a bad idea at all.”

“Come on, give it to me.”

I hurried him up. Daniel produced the Crown of Alexander from his Dimensional Storage Unit as I beamed to myself. I held it up, lips curled up.

“This is it…”

It was a glimmering crown. Ornate. With multiple intersecting glinting bands that almost looked like brambles or thorns. It was small and shaded in a multitude of colors. Like a tiara or a circet. I placed it gently on my head where my horns would be if I was in my normal form, smiling.

“Salvos… you know it doesn’t work without the other Treasures of Alexander, right?”

Edithe pointed out. I nodded as I admired myself, wearing the Crown of Alexander.

“I know.”

I turned and grinned at my companions.

“I just think it looks cool!”

With that, I spread my wings wide and flew off to the other side of the palace of Alyras. My companions nodded at each other. Daniel held up the Sword of Alexander, whispering to himself.

“Alright, let’s do this.”

And they went to face off that [Jinn] rampaging outside of the city.

Avaritia stared at the thing descending from the night sky. A thing made out of silver and gold flames. An apparition of sorts. A Spirit? No— it was something else.

He narrowed his eyes as he used [Identification] on it. And the Demon blinked.

“A clone? Of… who?”

He shook his head and scoffed. It didn’t matter. He’d seen clones before, and they were oftentimes weaker than the original and far more careless in battle. He’d deal with it easier. The Salvos clone landed next to the pink-haired onlooker.


The annoying Human watching started. But the Salvos clone raised a hand, cutting her off. No words left the apparition’s mouth. Avaritia just sighed, looking between her, Zin, and Lofus.

“You know, it doesn’t matter how many of you show up. I’ll deal with you all the same.”

And the Demon moved. He bared his teeth as he raced up to the Salvos clone, Boots of Alexander boosting him forward. No matter how many of these Humans or clones or Vampires kept showing up, Avaritia would deal with them. None of them could keep up with his speed—

He blinked as the Salvos clone closed the distance between them faster than he could. His eyes grew wide. She slammed a blazing fist into his stomach. Avaritia recoiled and leapt back.

“What the—”

And the Salvos clone was behind him in an instant. He narrowly dodged the swing of a kusarigama from her, before leaping over the accompanying chains. She barely missed her follow-up attacks as Avaritia ran into the air.

He stared down at her in disbelief— at a total loss for words. She was faster than him. His mind reeled, only for Zin Norwood to crash into him mid-air. He went tumbling down, but he managed to kick the [Druid]-bear off him before he fell back to the ground.

Lofus was waiting there. The Broken Berserker of Bherein was tired. Exhausted. Her Grand Skill had run its course, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still strong. She slammed a knee into Avaritia’s back, and he gritted his teeth.

“Damn you—”

His body changed. He morphed back into an [Imp], slipping from the Elite’s grasps as he flipped back. He shook his head and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

“Oh, you guys are really testing my patience.”

He glared at his three opponents. The Salvos clone moved first, flying down at him as she hurled the sickle and chain forward. Avaritia’s body morphed into a giant serpent— an [Uroboros]— and he easily slithered around the attack.

Zin charged at him, but his body changed again. This time, he was a [Fiend] with a long, pointed tail. He spun around, lashing out with the whip-like appendage. It struck the [Druid] back, before Lofus finally reached him. Avaritia grew in size, becoming an [Arachne]. He laughed as he stomped at her with his long legs, forcing the Berserker back.

The lone Demon continued fending off all three of his enemies. The crazed [Druid]— a Vampire and a Demon Slayer. The Broken Berserker of Bheren. And an apparition-like clone. But Avaritia was fighting against them. What was more… it looked like he was winning.

He smiled as he tossed the [Druid] back, and caught a bunch from the Salvos clone. Lofus came running up, but he escaped back into the air.

“Is this all you guys got? Please, this is child’s play!”

He cackled— then his eyes flickered. The Archdemon of Greed kicked back as he saw the glint. The iridescent object flying at him. He ducked out of the way of the scythe as a new, fourth figure joined the battlefield.

“Another one? No, wait…”

He narrowed his eyes at the silver-haired girl, landing before him.

“The original of the clone. So, you’re this Salvos, aren’t you?”

“I am.”

She replied simply and nodded at her clone.

“Take Saffron and get out of here.”

The pink-haired woman blinked.

“Wait, Salvos, what are you doing? Don’t you need your clone’s help?”

She sputtered as Salvos shook her head. The silver-haired girl turned to face both the exhausted Elite and Demon Slayer.

“Hey, can you guys do me a favor and stay out of this? I want to fight this Demon on my own.”


Lofus’ eyes went wide.


Avaritia repeated the sentiment. Is this a trap? What is she going on about?

Zin couldn’t speak, but she clearly looked just as shocked. Salvos nodded at them gratefully.

“Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

But the Archdemon of Greed didn’t buy it. He scoffed and crossed his arms, in the form of an [Imp] again.

“Seriously? You’d think I’ll fall for this? I’m not going to let my guard down.”

“You don’t need to be so uptight. I’m just here to offer you a trade.”

She grinned at him. Avaritia frowned.

“What kind of trade?”

“The kind where if you beat me, you can have both this—”

She tapped on a glittering crown on her head. Avaritia blinked.

“That’s… the Crown of Alexander…”

How did he not see that before? It was so conspicuous, yet he never noticed it laying atop her head. Lofus, Saffron, and Zin gasped at that sight. But Salvos wasn’t done yet. She tapped her legs together, and there was a clink.

“—as well as these.”

And that made the Archdemon of Greed lower his guard. Just by a little bit. He leaned forward, almost sneering.

“And what do you get if you win?”

“If I win, I get the Boots of Alexander, of course.”

Salvos crossed her arm casually. Avaritia warily eyed Lofus and Zin in the background. But the two were too exhausted and confused to do anything. The only one who was protesting was Saffron. Unfortunately, the clone was holding her back.

“I… see.”

“It’s a good deal, isn’t it? In fact, I’ll even let you land a free hit on me right now as well. Make it even better for you.”

The silver-haired girl smiled innocently as Avaritia took a wide stance. This… made no sense. It was almost too good to be true. But he had the chance to win two of the Treasures of Alexander right now. He couldn’t not take it. He just had to be smart about it.

Salvos continued.

“Just make sure—”

And Avaritia moved. He appeared next to her, morphing into a large [Djinn]. He swung a heavy fist down at her, cackling.

“That sounds good to me!”

The punch landed. She couldn’t get out of the way in time— too caught off-guard. The [Changeling] grinned as he stared down at the squashed girl… only to blink.

Salvos raised her head, forcing his fist back as she met his gaze.


Avarita looked on in shock. The silver-haired girl shook her head as he drew back. A flickering of iridescent sparks flicked off her body as she smiled.

“Well, I was going to say that you should just make sure that you don’t waste it. But it seems—”

He tried to leap back, only for Salvos to appear next to him. She swung down with her iridescent scythe, raking it across his back. And black blood spluttered out as he couldn’t react in time.

“—you already have.”

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