Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 427: Greaves Versus Boots, Hero Versus Demon


I have a new image from the webcomic! Do you guys remember this scene?

And here's a fun little edit, courtesy of Pix in my server:

427. Greaves Versus Boots, Hero Versus Demon

There was a flash. The dark expanse lit up followed by the clangor of metal. The iridescent light vanished as a roar filled the cosmic background.

I grinned, leaping back as Avaritia charged me. The [Changeling] was fast. Of course he was. He had the Boots of Alexander on him. And without [Haste] or [Warped Time] active any longer, he was faster than even me. Just barely, though.

So all I did was react. I waited for him to strike— because he would always attack first. He was livid. His eyes flashed red as he morphed between various Demons. He’d circle around me as an [Imp], swing for my head as a [Djinn], and disengage as a [Jinn].

But each time, I blocked his attack with the Greaves of Alexander. I raised my legs and kicked his punches and kicks and bites away. The Mythical Grade artifact shimmered, sending a pulse of rainbow light bouncing around this empty pocket space. The cosmic floor rippled like water as I stepped back and bared my teeth at the enraged [Changeling].

And why was he angry? Well—

“You could’ve killed me when you had the chance!”

He spat as he hounded after me. He took the form of a [Hellhound] and swiped his paws at me in quick succession. I knocked him aside with a kick from the Greaves of Alexander, and his body blurred back as he darted around me. I stood there, watching him circle me as his voice echoed.

“What kind of tricks are you playing, wretch!”

He lunged at me, but I was prepared for it. His movements were getting predictable, even in his erratic state. I sidestepped him and kneed him in the stomach. He grunked, and I kicked him with the Greaves of Alexander. Avaritia went flying, skipping across the water-like surface as I watched. I could have killed him here, but…

I didn’t. And that only infuriated him even more.

“Do not mess with me!”

He yelled as he leapt my way once more.

“We’re nearly there!”

Daniel called out as he ran ahead of the group. He glanced back, looking at Edithe, Hadrian, and Amanda as they followed after him towards the roaring black flames just outside of the city. Beads of sweat slid down the back of his neck as he felt its oppressive heat even from this distance.

It was like he’d been thrown straight into the depths of hell, faced with fire and brimstone and an outpouring of molten ash. It was suffocating. He’d only ever felt this uneased once before in his life. Back during the battle with Lucerna in Silvergrove.

Certainly, Lucerna’s ashen magic could not be compared to the grand magic unfurling before him. And if he faced the Greater Demon again today, he was certain he’d win with a single swing of his blade. The only similarity wasn’t in the intensity of the heat itself, rather it was the evident gulf in power between him and his opponent.

The young man from Earth was nervous. He knew he was face-to-face with one of his strongest opponents to date, and there was always the lingering question of whether this was where his luck would run out. If this was where he would die. Back then, it was Salvos driving her to face Lucerna. But now? He moved on his own.

He reached a collapsed part of the city’s wall and leapt atop the pile of rubble. There were guards from Alyras gathered all around, tending to not just wounded soldiers but also the civilians caught in the fighting. A line of [Mages] stood over the broken part of the wall, combining their magic to create a small dome over the part of the city.

Daniel cast his gaze over those gathered here and caught sight of a familiar figure amidst the soldiers and adventurers.

“That’s… Xyren, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, the Ranger of Zelios.”

Edithe nodded, recognizing the [Archer] as well. Xyren was shouting orders as figures moved all around him in the chaos.

“The Ranger of Zelios? Who’s that?”

Amanda raised a brow, and Daniel shook his head.

“Edithe and I met him a few weeks back. Come on, he should know what’s going on with these black flames.”

The group ran forward as Daniel called out.


The [Archer] paused, breaking away from a group of Alyrsian soldiers. He turned to Hadrian first, then Daniel and Edithe, blinking.

“You’re the leader of the Valiant Dreamers… and you two are those guys who—”

Then he frowned. He must’ve used [Identification] on the [Hero], because he stared with an agape jaw for a moment. But Daniel shook his head and spoke out.

“How do we stop these black flames from destroying the city?”

“The black flames are… we don’t know.”

Xyren managed to catch himself from gaping for any longer. He gestured beyond the barrier as a streak of the dark inferno lashed out.

“That Demon— that [Jinn]— somehow created this damn calamity. No matter what we’ve tried to do, we can’t stop it. It just keeps growing and all we can do is slow its expansion.”

The fiery tendril struck the barrier, and a tremor shook the area. Xyren and Edithe stumbled back, but Daniel stood tall and raised the Sword of Alexander. Its blade shimmered— almost flashing just from the subtle movement.

“If that firestorm is the Demon itself, then we just have to snuff it out entirely.”

The [Hero] could feel its power coursing through him as he acclimated to the Mythical Grade artifact. Apparently, others must’ve sensed its power too. Xyren stared at the Sword of Alexander, working his jaw.

“...what is that?”

He asked slowly. Daniel opened his mouth— and flew backwards as a shockwave broke through the barrier. Xyren went flying, while Hadrian caught Edithe. Amanda herself managed to brace for the impact.

Daniel picked himself up quickly, looking around with a wary gaze. Then his eyes widened as he saw the figure floating in the air, before the raging black inferno.

[Fiend - Lvl. 150]

Gula sneered as she raised a glowing sphere.

“That, my dear Humans, is mine.”

And she flew straight for Daniel.

Why? Avaritia didn’t understand. He bounded forward and swiped at Salvos with a pair of claws. She blocked them with ease, matching the speed of the Boots of Alexander. She was simply reacting— parrying his attacks.

He should be dead ten times over, yet she stayed on the backfoot, letting him come forward, almost like she was playing with him. It was really starting to piss Avaritia off.

“Just kill me already, you damn b—”

The [Changeling] was interrupted by a kick to the face. He stumbled back and growled. His body morphed as he took the shape of an [Arachne]. He towered over the silver-haired girl and lashed out with his eight limbs, one after another. She blocked each swing with the Greaves of Alexander, grinning the entire time.


He bellowed and transformed back to an [Imp]. His hands and legs were bleeding— skin flaking from clashing with a Mythical Grade artifact too many times. He kicked off the air, using the Boots of Alexander to boost him, and crashed straight into her. The shockwave sent cracks throughout the floor and ceiling of the Forbidden Prison, but the space didn’t break. His hands, however, did.

Avaritia yelped as his wrist snapped. He took a step back, grasping his broken right hand in pain. She stared at him, not finishing off the job, and he growled.

“I will rip off your—”

He swung at her with his left arm. She blocked it with the Greaves of Alexander. His left hand broke on impact as well. He cried out in pain again, both his hands broken. Tears streamed down his face as he choked.


Avaritia saw the [Cambion]’s face. The aloof expression she wore. She didn’t even take pleasure in torturing him like this. If she had a sadistic smile or a pitying look, he’d be less upset. But as it was now, he just sobbed.



She cocked her head back at him. He gritted his teeth and dropped to his knees.

“Why won’t you just kill me already?”

The Archdemon of Greed removed the Boots of Alexander from his feet, using only his legs. He kicked them towards her as his shoulders sagged.

“You’ve won. Good job, Salvos, traitor of the Netherworld. Now why won’t you finish the job? Haven’t I suffered enough?”

He looked up at her weakly, and she shrugged.


She tapped a finger on her chin as he waited. He wasn’t going to attack her. There was no point. He let her gloat in her victory— if he had to guess, she was an Archdemon of Pride. No other kinds of Demons would be this foolish. Only Gloria would be stupid enough to let a defeated but dangerous opponent live this long.

Salvos eventually sighed.

“Well, if you really want to know, it’s because of what I read in a book once.”

That made Avaritia blink.

“A… book?”

“Yep, this book.”

She snapped a finger, and an ancient leather bound tome appeared in her hands. The golden text at its cover glinted, even in the darkness, and she continued.

“It’s a book called Path to Divinity, and it talks a lot about Divine Essence and Grand Skills....”

Gula hurled the shimmering sphere towards the crowd of soldiers and adventurers. Daniel wasn’t a [Mage], but he could see its power radiating from within. He glanced around, seeing all the lower-leveled people that were going to be caught in the sphere’s blast.

“Get back!”

Xyren yelled, but that only made Daniel stand taller. He couldn’t let Gula slaughter everyone here. So, the [Hero] raised the Sword of Alexander and stepped forward. Its power surge through him— an iridescent aura ran through his forearms. And he swung up.

“[Champion’s Slash]!”

“Divine Essence and Grand Skills?”

Avaritia frowned. Salvos nodded.

“Yep. It is very long and very boring, but I finished reading it in a few days.”

She quickly flipped through the pages and shook her head.

“It even talks about us. Demons. Also, Spirits. But… well, you’re a [Changeling], right? You should know something about that whole thing about essences and souls.”

“I… yes…”

The Archdemon of Greed wasn’t sure where she was going with this, but he understood what she was referring to. Salvos grinned.

“So you also know how Grand Skills are learned, right?”

He nodded.

“If Skills are the manifestation of our limits, then Grand Skills are the manifestation of overcoming our own limits and rising beyond even our own abilities. They are fueled by our essence— by our soul. Our magic. Our aura. Our Stats and our capabilities.”

“Yep. Although—”

Salvos raised her head in thought.

“A [Hero]’s essence is kind of different from that…”

The [Champion’s Slash] tore through the sphere before it even got close. The sword’s swing struck out, continuing past the projectile, heading straight for Gula. The [Fiend] teleported out of the way as Daniel took on a wide stance.

“Be careful, she can be anywhere—”

And Gula reappeared right behind him. She grabbed for the Sword of Alexander as Daniel stumbled back.

“Give it to me!”

But the [Hero] refused to give in so easily. He held on tight to the Mythical Grade artifact as it continued to fuel him.

Salvos waved a hand off dismissively.

“Anyway, that’s besides the point. The point is— we learn Skills and Grand Skills by attuning ourselves to something. And a Divine Essence is merely an extension of that. You simply have to attune yourself to… everything.”


Avaritia narrowed his eyes. Salvos gestured at the iridescent flames wisping off her.

“The world itself, of course.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on, silly, you know how we can attune our soul’s essences to other creatures, right? We can also attune it to artifacts, and, conversely, artifacts can be attuned to our essence. Like, I learned my first Grand Skill just by studying and harmonizing myself with the Breastplate of Alexander.”

She wagged a finger at him. He stared at her, puzzled. Salvos blinked.

“Huh, you really didn’t know that?”

Avaritia clicked his tongue.

“And what does that mean?”

She sighed, clearly exasperated.

“Give it to me!”

Gula bellowed as a pulse knocked Daniel back, sending him flying.


Amanda ran for the [Hero], but the Demon pointed at the former assassin. A fractal space caught her and carried her into the air. An arrow whizzed up, shattering that trap as Xyren lowered his bow.

Daniel quickly to his feet. Even though he felt like that pulse should’ve kept him down for a second longer, he was brimming with strength. More than just what the Sword of Alexander ostensibly gave him. He felt good as new, even. But Gula didn’t care for how he felt, simply flying towards him and closing the distance quickly.

The rainbow-colored aura extended to his shoulders now as he took a step forward, unleashing a combination between [Crescent Fury] and [Champion’s Slash]. Giant crescent blades bombarded the [Fiend], but she teleported around the onslaught of his aura with gleaming eyes.

“It’s mine!”

She tossed a dodecahedron his way. He swung for it, but Gula snapped a finger. It teleported around the strike and came tumbling straight for him. His eyes went wide as the explosion enveloped him entirely—

“The Treasures of Alexander hold immense power within them. They are Mythical Grade artifacts, after all. But they have a secret— one that can only be unlocked with the Crown of Alexander.”

Salvos explained as she strode forward. She picked up the Boots of Alexander, quickly fitting them onto her legs. It wasn’t hard. They were designed to fit any foot, no matter the size. Avaritia looked on as she came to a halt before him.

“Well, by pitting the Greaves of Alexander and the Boots of Alexander against each other, I can obviously learn from it. Maybe attune myself with its essence… the essence of its original wearer.”

He raised his head as she looked up in thought.

“And perhaps even without the full set— without the Crown of Alexander— I can…”

She leaned forward, eyes twinkling.

“...unlock its true power.”


Gula stared as Daniel stepped out of the blast. His body was wreathed in the iridescent aura now. He thought he’d have died. But somehow, he survived the blast. Like something protected him or saved him.

His body was brimming with power that wasn’t his. He looked down at himself, almost not recognizing the man he was. While he could still move his arms and legs as he wished, he felt like he was being possessed by something else. By a higher power or a ghost of the dead.

“What is… that?”

The [Fiend] looked on in shock for a

“I don’t know, but I feel…”

Stronger. He was even stronger than before. And his mind was being assailed with a myriad of notifications. Temporary Skills that he could use. Ones that he didn’t have access to before. His brows snapped together and he looked up at Gula.


She pointed, but he moved instinctively. With the skill and experience from another lifetime. Gula blinked as he swung for her head, but with a flash, she reappeared a dozen feet away.

“What was…?”

But she paused. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets as she saw Daniel pointing at her, with the Sword of Alexander already glowing. It flashed red, blue, green, yellow— all the colors of the rainbow. The aura mixed together, shimmering a myriad of different colors all at once for a moment, before simmering back to a pure white.

And Daniel closed his eyes, following his instincts.

“[Heroic Champion’s Slash]!”

Gula would’ve teleported away. She should’ve teleported away. But it happened so quickly, she couldn’t even react in time. In an instant, a blast of white light illuminated the night sky. It engulfed the [Fiend]— a beam that struck for the stars.

Daniel heard her scream, before all sound was dwarfed by an intense ringing. His vision was filled with the light, even though his eyes were closed. Then the glow died down, and as did the ringing.

The [Hero] opened his eyes to a quiet night as Edithe, Amanda, Hadrian, Xyren, and more stared on at the nothing that remained where Gula had been standing. He blinked.

“What did I just do?”

“But that’s just a theory.”

Salvos finally shrugged as she pulled away from Avaritia. He nodded slowly.

“I… see. So you were just using me for your own benefit.”

“Yep. Anyway, are you happy with your answer now?”

She tilted her head at him. He lowered his head, accepting his fate.

“I am content.”

“No problem, and—”

The [Cambion] impaled him with her claws.

“—thanks for your help.”

When she pulled back, the Archdemon of Greed dropped, lifeless.

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