Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 449: Interlude – Death and Dealing

449. Interlude - Death and Dealing

“You’re back. Any sign of her?”

“No. Alder the Augur Elder sent us and the rest of the search team back. He said he’ll continue searching for her alone.”

“Damn. What could have possibly happened?”

“I don’t know, but it had to be bad if she was forced to detonate her Grand Skill.”

“Seriously? Archmage Warshade used her Grand Skill?”

“She did. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The desolation… it would’ve wiped out any city off the face of the map!”

“And to think she’s missing now…”

Saffron glanced back, eavesdropping on only a small part of the conversation. She wasn’t really privy to their discussion— the young noble had heard the news. Or, rather, the rumors. Just about six hours ago, Helena Warshade, the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy, took off from the palace of Alyras in a hurry. No more than an hour later, every high-leveled [Mage] in the city and the nearby regions sensed a ripple in the mana threads in the air.

Like a powerful pulse had caused a shockwave which interrupted the normal flow of mana. Saffron herself didn’t sense it because she wasn’t an arcane specialist, but she’d heard of such events before. Mana storms, for example, would cause such a ripple effect, and depending on its scale, any [Mage] within a hundred miles from it would be able to sense the natural disaster as it occured. Another such example would be the beginning of the Demon’s ritual to merge the planes— although that was at a far larger scale.

In any case, the fact that Helena Warshade mysteriously vanished after casting her Grand Skill sounded some alarm bells within the city of Alyras. It had only been a few hours, but rumors were being spread. People were speculating that she’d ventured out to deal with Ira— the last surviving Archdemon from the seven that besieged the city. And the fact that she was missing only made them assume the worst had happened.

It was concerning. Quite clearly, there was some cause to panic. But Saffron Merryster kept calm. First of all, she wasn’t quite informed on the whole situation. She knew better than to react brashly when it came to matters she wasn’t up to date on.

Secondly, even if something happened to Helena Warshade, there was nothing the young noble could do about it. Saffron might have been a Vampire— born to one of the Four Greater Vampire Families— but she was nothing compared to an Elite Ranked Archmage. If it was something was enough of a threat to defeat the Great Tempest Archmage of Mavos Academy and the leader of the Rising Veterans Company, then it wasn’t something Saffron could deal with alone.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t do anything. It just meant it required a lot more collaboration than relying on her own abilities.

Anyway, there was one last reason why Saffron didn’t stop and inquire more from the returning search team. She had her own matters to attend to. It wasn’t a world-ending threat, but it was important to her.

She turned the corner, reaching the end of the hallway and pausing before a room. Saffron Merryster rapped lightly on the doorway. She cleared her throat.

“Lord Gannon?”

The door opened in response. A young man strode out, adjusting his attire. His hair was disheveled and his eyes were drooping. But he quickly tidied himself up when he saw Saffron.

“Did you need something, Lady Saffron?”

He looked at her curiously. She nodded and smiled kindly.

“May I come in?”


“Sorry if my room’s a bit of a mess. These last few weeks have been… hectic, to say the least.”

Gannon Norwood scratched the back of his head as he let the young noblewoman in. Saffron found herself seated at the end of a rather ornate table. Documents were scattered over the rest of the table, leaving only a small section of free space for her to sip from a cup of tea.

She only took a single sip before looking up to meet the Lord’s gaze.

He was Gannon Norwood. The Patriarch of the Norwood Family— one of the Four Greater Vampire Families. He’d been mostly preoccupied for the past few weeks. Especially when he was one of the few targets of the Archdemons. He had been looking after the Greaves of Alexander, after all.

He was granted a brief reprieve during all that chaos when Helena Warshade and the other Elite Ranked adventurers borrowed the Greaves of Alexander from him. But… then tragedy struck. One which still hurt Saffron, even to this day.

The young Vampire closed her eyes and asked.

“How are you fairing?”

It was a simple question. But one that weighed heavily on both of them. Gannon paused as he pulled out his seat. There was a moment of hesitation before he pulled back his seat.

“I am…”

He trailed off. Saffron saw the way his face darkened. The way his brow arched and cast a shadow over his eyes. The young noble hesitated. She didn’t want to say it, but she had to. It was something she promised.

“I know it must be hard on you, Gannon.”

Saffron dropped his Title. Right now, she wasn’t speaking to him as a noblewoman. She was speaking to him as a friend.


He shook his head, but Saffron continued.

“Zin was… a wonderful woman—”

“Saffron, please.”

Gannon gritted his teeth. Saffron paused. She knew it was a bit too soon. Especially since the Lord hadn’t even had time to process his grief. He hadn’t had time to mourn with everything he needed to do.

It hadn’t even been only a week since Zin died. Zin Norwood, the former Matriarch of the Norwood Family… and Gannon’s mother. She’d been killed during the siege of Alyras. The [Druid] had put up a valiant effort— fought against an Archdemon that wielded the Boots of Alexander. And, unfortunately, Zin perished.

Even with a missing head, the [Druid] fought on. Even when she was already at death’s door, she did everything she could to defeat Avaritia. And when it was all over, there was nothing Saffron could do to save Zin.

Gannon massaged his temples as he leaned back on his chair.

“I… should’ve been there for her. With her. But I didn’t know…”

The young noblewoman took a deep breath. She wasn’t good with these situations— she was never good at offering emotional support. Gannon knew that. They’d both been close friends since so long ago. And he’d know that she’d only be blunt.

“I know you’re still hurting, Gannon. But I need to tell you this. Your mother—”

Saffron bit her lower lip. Gannon raised his head, blinking.

“My mother?”

The young noblewoman sighed.

“I was there when she died. She had a message for you. She wanted me to pass something on to you.”

“She did?”


Gannon stared at Saffron as she hesitated. But she continued.

“Zin… didn’t have a lot she could say. But she told me to tell you… not to mourn for her. To be proud of her.”

“Proud of her? I don’t get what you’re saying, Saffron.”

The Lord frowned. Saffron shook her head.

“She said she… had finally carried out her duties. Not as a Matriarch— not as a politician. But as a Vampire. As a Demon Slayer. Knowing that she was dying for the cause she was born for… she felt fulfilled. She was happy.”


It really was harder to say than Saffron thought it would be. Gannon was completely taken aback by her, but this was the message Zin had entrusted to the young noblewoman. Saffron would see it through.

“And Zin believes you’ll take up her mantle. That you, too, will become the Demon Slayer you were always meant to be. That she believes in you, and she knows you’ll be the greatest Patriarch of the Norwood Family in the history of the Greater Vampire Families.”


Gannon’s eyes went round. The man trailed off. He sat there, processing what Saffron had said. Honestly, it felt so awkward for the young noblewoman to be in this position. But she made a promise to Zin, and she kept it.

The Patriarch of the Norwood Family nodded slowly. He looked down and chuckled with a pained smile.

“I see. She really expected too much of me, even in death, huh?”

He shook his head as Saffron just sat there, unsure of what to say. Finally, Gannon stood up and bowed at Saffron.

“Thank you, Lady Saffron, for telling me this. Truly. I needed to hear this.”

When he looked up, he was smiling. Saffron wasn’t sure whether to smile in return. She just nodded back at him.

“Lady Zin had taken great care of me when I was young. When I used to visit, and we’d play as children. The least I could do is return the favor now.”

“She was truly a wonderful woman. A true Vampire, through and through.”

Gannon agreed. Saffron got to her feet, letting out an inaudible sigh of relief. She was glad this was over. And while she was pleased to see Gannon’s reception to Zin’s message, the young noblewoman wanted to excuse herself as soon as possible. After all, she, herself, hadn’t yet gotten over Zin’s death. It weighed on her, and she had managed to stop herself from choking up as she delivered the message.

“I believe I’ll take my leave—”

Saffron started, but a commotion from outside interrupted her. She exchanged a glance with Gannon, and he looked just as perplexed as her. Gannon pushed open the door, and she poked her head out.

She saw the same search team from earlier rushing down the hallway. She heard their excited voices as they called out.

“Helena Warshade is back! She’s returned with Salvos—”

“Salvos…? Did something happen?”

Saffron furrowed her brows. She rushed forward as Gannon followed. For a moment, the young noblewoman feared the worst. She feared that Helena Warshade might’ve discovered Salvos’ true identity. But that couldn’t be right, right?

Even Salvos wouldn’t be that careless.

But as Saffron turned the corner, she came to a halt. Her train of thought interrupted as she caught sight of the crowd. Helena Warshade stood at the center, accompanied by Salvos and…

Saffron blinked.

“Wait, who… is that?”

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