Chapter 131 The One We've Been Waiting For

“Ronale POV

4 hadn't been in the cabin tong malt when I got the feeling I was being watched. I felt like I neededto move on, and I had JUNT Onthered my baby up into my arms, preparing to leave, whensuddenly, that sensation went away

I was dusk, I went to the window to look out to see if anyone was standing out there. My fingerstrembled slightly as 1 went to pull the curtains back to peer outside. Studying the long shadowscost by the trees, I attempted to see anyone was standing there. My concentration was fully on thescene before me when a noise behind me had me jumping, spinning around, ready to protectmyself.

“Seraphine!” I shouted, collapsing onto the couch I had been leaning over. “Goddess! You scared meto death

"Sorry, Rosalie,” she said. “I had it on good authority that you were here. I didn't mean to frightenyou. I knocked lightly before I came in, but I didn't hear you say anything, and I thought you mightbe sleeping.”

“It's okay,” I said, patting my boy's little head. He was still asleep. “I thought someone was outfront.”

She frowned. “I didn't see anyone..."

“It doesn’t matter now. That feeling is gone. It could be just some random travelers passing here. Iwas probably being over sensitive.” I assured her.

“No, let's not risk it. We should get going.’

I understood that she was right, but this cabin had two comfortable beds, and I had been lookingforward to sleeping for a few hours.

Still, if she thought it was best to keep going now, then that's what we should do.

As we were about to leave, In the distance, we heard loud howling and growls. My eyes went toSeraphine’s face. “What is that?”

She cocked an ear and listened for a few moments. “It sounds like the rogues may have beenintercepted...”

"Are we that close to your pack-our pack?” I asked. It was taking some getting used to, thinking ofthis place we were traveling to as being my home as well.

Seraphine shrugged. “We are about six hours’ distance from there, but if they came further south, itis possible that they are near enough for us to hear them.” at

“Are you certain it wouldn't be best for us to travel during the daytime?” It wasn't just that I wastired, I didnt want to go out at night with a bunch of wolves in the shadows when I couldn't shift.Seraphine considered my words before she slowly nodded. “All right. We'll go at first light.”

The next morning, after a few hours of restless sleep, we got up to travel north. Almost from thebeginning of our trip, it was clear that whatever battle had gone on the night before had been fairlylarge and destructive. Blood coated the

grass and sides of trees. Tufts of fur littered the ground, and debris was scattered everywhere

Every once in a while, we'd come across a dead body. Despite the frostiness of the morning, thedawn'’s first rays of light had already begun to decay the corpses, and the odor was pungentenough that we could smell them well before we reached the place where they fell.

In death, it was impossible to tell whether they were from the east, the west, or the north. They weresimply dead wolves my fade en there who attemy til troeter helt wees em to the sky is the sun ajanta etenkt pige

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* move on pret the bottle noene and further month where #prewetter, and I had to wrap my babyup tightar Hy the time # was early afternoon, we were on the outakta ola willinge, and was cher thatsomething was going on here something that had everyone in an upperom, and # wasn't my wivel"What's going on

anked Seraphine

tym not sure,” she said, “but i think at might have something to do with that battle.’

“But it was so far south, I said as she rushed off in the direction that many of the others wereheaded to

Perhaps another one, then. Normally, when people are hurrying this quickly, it's because others arehurt." Seraphine picked up speed, and I followed, holding my son close against my chest.

We entered a great hall where several fallen soldiers were lying on cots, all of them in their humanforms, and none of king very good. I quickly counted seven of them, with twice as many womentending to them. Their medical supplies seemed to be depleted from what I could tell. Carts ofbandages with very few rolls of white left on them sat in the middle of the aisle, and shelves ofmedicine across the way were also nearly empty.

"What's going on?” Seraphine asked a woman with long hair the same color as hers.

"Our warriors are dying,” the woman said, “and we're out of medicine to save them. The roguesattacked our village again last night, for the fifth time in two weeks. We haven't been able to getsupplies for months because of the war between the east and west. We are doing everything wecan, but without the proper medication and supplies. She slowly shook her head

“Seraphine? a woman from across the room said. “Is that you?”

"Yes, it's me, Daphne.” The older woman came across the room to hug Seraphine. It was clear thateveryone here recognized Seraphine as one of their own, but this woman actually knew her.

“It's good to have a skilled medicine woman here when we need her, but... I don't know what else todo,” Daphne said, once she let Seraphine go. “They're in so much pain, and we don't even have anymedication for them.”

"Seraphine, I want to help...” I said gently

They were suffering, and they needed help

On the way here, Seraphine had already told me about the specialty healing power of my blood. Ifthat was the case, 1 wished I could do something

“But Rosalie,” Seraphine frowned. As she moved away, Daphne finally realized my existence.

It was then that the others looked up at me, and a hush fell across the room-except for one bowl! ofwater that someone dropped that clattered to the floor.

As soon as they were over their shock, the women dropped to the floor in the same manner thatSeraphine had. Even some of the injured warriors tried to do that. I could only stand there, myhands pressed to my mouth, shaking my head, willing them to stop

Daphne looked up at me. “It's you... the princess!”

“Please,” I finally said, “please... don't. It's really not necessary.”

Another woman shouted, “Luna Willa“s daughter is here!”

My eyes widened. “Yes, I am Willa's daughter, but... I'm nothing special.”

Seraphine turned to me “Princess Rosalie, you are special these people recognize you. They see youfor who you are You are not only powerful here, you are the ruler.”

I slowly shook my head. I wasn't used to that sort of attention. I wasn't sure how to process it. All ofmy life, I'd helped others, not relied on other people to serve me. I wouldn't even know where tobegin...

“Seraphine, what do I need to do to help these warriors?” I tried to switch their attention from me tothe wounded. I looked at their faces. Many of them were gritting their teeth in pain while otherswere near passing out.

"Are you sure? You..." Seraphine hesitated.

I looked at her seriously and nodded my head in confirmation. “Yes, I'm sure. Please, let me help.You told me my blood has healing qualities.”

“Your kindness would forever be appreciated, Princess!” Seraphine bowed to me again and said, “Ifwe can draw some blood, we can give it to these warriors, and it will heal them. It will only take afew drops for each of them to be feeling much better in no time at all.”

“That's it?" I felt like perhaps I hadn't heard her correctly. It seemed too easy. “Really?”

Seraphine nodded. That's right. I know it sounds strange, but it's true.”

*All right,” I told her, right away. “Please do it.”

Daphne took me to an empty bed right away, and within moments, they had me hooked up andwere taking blood from my arm. I held my sleeping baby the whole time. It only took a fewmoments, and then other ladies came to distribute my blood to the warriors.

“Now, just lay back and rest,” Daphne said. Seraphine was off helping the others. “I'll get yousomething to eat to help your blood sugar.” She patted my hand, and I thought I was going to likethis woman. She seemed sweet, like a grandmother.

She came back a few moments later with a chocolate chip cookie and a small glass of milk. “We areso happy you're here,” Daphne told me. “I remember your mother when she was a little girl. Youhave her eyes.”

I took a bit of the cookie and swallowed it down, but I wasn't sure what to say. I had only vaguememories of my mother.

"We thought... you were all gone,” I told her.

Daphne nodded. “It hasn't been easy, living up here, hidden from the world. But we've been waitingfor your return. All of the evil that took over when your mother passed, well, it had no place in ourlands. Now that you're here, all of that will be over, and our land will flourish again.”

I felt an awful lot of responsibility on my shoulders. What if I wasn’t the magical person theythought I was? What if my blood did nothing?”

Daphne patted my son on the back and smiled. “He's precious.”

“Thank you,” I said, hoping she didn't ask about his father.

She didn't. But she did ask me something else. “You have a friend named Georgia, yes?”

My eyes widened. "How did you... how did you know that?”

She grinned at me. “Communication between our villages is important to make sure that we aresafe. She is near, and she has been instrumental in fighting the rogues. You will see her soon.”“How did you know that she is my friend?” I asked her, excitement building at the chance of seeingGeorgia, even though it made me nervous that Ethan might replace us

"She was carrying a book, one that contains our legends.” Daphne patted my arm lovingly. “We willthank the Moon

Goddess tonight that you are here with a grand celebration and let the others know that they shouldrejoice as well.”

“But what if-I began, but before I could finish asking her what she would do if they were wrong, andI had no magical qualities, she interrupted me.

"Look!" she said, gesturing at the room.

All around me, I saw the warriors getting up off of their beds, fully healed, ready to go back outonto the battlefields and fight again as if theyd never been hurt at all.

I couldn't believe it. They were all perfectly fine now.

“Your blood did that,” Daphne said. “You are the princess. She smiled at me. You are the one we havebeen waiting for.”

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