Chapter 22 We Eloped!


Darkness surrounded me as I sat there on the dingy dungeon floor-waiting.

Waiting for what, I wasn't sure. My mouth was so dry, my tongue was practically stuck to the roof ofmy mouth. My stomach was so empty, it had given up rumbling long ago and now just consisted ofa dull ache deep within me.

My dreams, when I managed to doze off, usually consisted of me standing next to a beautiful lakefull of water that I couldn’ t get to, no matter how hard I tried, and a feast full of all kinds of myfavorite foods that I simply couldn't taste.

I wanted to tell Jake the truth. In fact, I had told him the truth.

But he couldn't release me.

At this point, if I had been a spy for that Luther person, I probably would've confessed. But I hadnothing to tell Jake or Theo or anyone other than the truth.

I had been hoping to replace out more information about the state of things in my own pack, andthat's why I'd gone to look for that man who had kidnapped Brook, and nothing more...

Brook. The thought of her made me sad, not because I missed her so much, though it was true that Idid, but because I felt so sorry for her. She had to be worried sick about me.


Why, even now, I was hallucinating that I could hear the sound of her voice. Goodness, how I missedher.

“Ciana? Are you in there? It's so dark.”

288 Vouchers.

As quickly as I could get up off of the floor, I rose, stumbling on unsteady legs as I went to theunguarded, but locked, bars that made up a cell door.

“Brook?” I questioned; reaching through to touch her hand. It felt so warm compared to my coldone. “Are you really here?”

She pulled me to the bars, hugging me tightly. “Oh, thank goodness you're all right. I've been soworried about you!" Her tears landed on my cheek, and my tongue darted out to lick them upwithout me even thinking simply because it was moisture.

She let me go. “Here, I brought you some water.”

“Brook, you're my angel!”

I gulped down an entire bottle of water. Thank heavens! I hoped that amount of liquid could last mea couple more days in this hideous dungeon.

"How did you get here?”

“I probably shouldn't say,” she whispered. “But... Beta Jake is not as mean as he lets on.”

I couldn't help but smile. I figured that must be the truth. While he had denied me any food orwater for the last few days while I was a prisoner down here, he hadn't harmed me, and I had afeeling he could do that if he wanted to.

“I need to replace a way out of here,” I whispered to her. As I rehydrated, I could think a bit clearer.

“I had a feeling that Prince Theo would release you soon,” Brook said. I looked at her surprisingly asshe offered me her analysis, “otherwise there was no way Beta Jake would allow me to sneak in...""Brook, Prince Theo isn't that forgiving.” I interrupted her. Any positive feelings I ever might've hadtoward Theo, feelings that perhaps he wasn't as bad as I'd thought, or maybe that he could be kindwhen he wanted to be, had faded as quickly as the last food I'd eaten had faded from the memoryof my discontented stomach

Perhaps I was important to the prince because of his stupid berry, but I really didn’t care if he nevermanaged to grow another one after the way he'd treated me.

However, I didn't want to debate with my good friend when she was taking a great risk to pay me avisit.

"Oh Ciana, I wish I could help get you out,” Brook signed, and I could see fresh tears welling up inher eyes, even though it was so dark. “But not very many people have access to the key to your celldoor.”

“I know,” I said, thinking it was impossible or far too dangerous for her to try and sneak the keyaway from Jake or Theo. “Who else would have the key?” I muttered aloud.

Suddenly, an idea came to me. “Brook!” I said, grasping her arms tightly in my grip. “I know who youcan ask for help!”

Puzzled, she stared at me as what I was sure had to be a

maniacal grin crested my face. "Who?"

All I could do was chuckle with delirium as I told her my plan

“It was very kind of you to come to my aid, Your Highness," I said, stili slurping on a canteen full ofwater. I'd already eaten a few pieces of fruit, some dried beef, and some raw vegetables. They werethe most portable foods I could ask for when I was being sprung from the dungeon and allowed torun away.

"Again, just Warren please. You don't want others to replace out our identity, right?” Prince Warren saidas he walked along beside me and gave me a wink.

My face heated, and finally I gave him a nod. We'd run at first, once we got outside of the castle, butthen, I'd gotten tired, probably because of a lack of food, and now, he'd slowed to my pace.

“I can't imagine why my brother would be so unreasonable as to lock you up as a spy when allyou've ever done is try to help him.”

A smile brightened my face, but I looked away from the handsome prince. All I'd asked him to dowas unlock the cell door and look away as I did my best to sneak out of the palace and make myway home.

But that wasn't enough for Prince Warren. Someone so good and kind had insisted on comingalong with me to make sure that I got clear of the palace guards and made it safely out of Theo'sreach.

While I understood that we weren't out of the woods yet- both literally and figuratively as we wereactually walking through a densely wooded area-I felt a lot better about my chances of escapingwith my hero next to me.

As we walked along together through the woods, memories of the last time I'd been alone in thewoods with Warren came

back to me. At least, I was fairly certain now that it had been him who was with me. He had mybracelet, after all.

“I just hope they don't replace out that you helped me and punish you,” I told him. I'd already goneover all of this with him when he'd first come to unlock the cell, but he wouldn't listen to me then,and he wasn't listening to me now.

The prince was determined to keep me safe, no matter what.

“Brook is the only one who knows what I did,” he told me again. “And there's no way that she wouldtell anyone. Besides, it isn't like we eloped or something. Even if they do replace out, what is my brothergoing to do to me? He might be more popular with our father, but I'm still a prince. They won'tharm me.”

I hoped that he was right, but I'd certainly seen my fair share of Theo's reactions when he wasdetermined to punish someone. I didn't want to see Prince Warren be the one who got caught up inall of that rage.

When he'd showed up to get me out, I'd tried to convince him to go into the cell and tell the guardsI'd tricked him when they arrived. Or, I told him I'd pretend that the alleged group of assassins Theothought I worked with had broken me out. He'd said that was ridiculous, and he'd just help meescape.

At one point, we had run into some guards, but I'd hidden, and when they'd asked if he'd seen me,he told them he'd seen a group of moving shadows, and they must be the ones who had broken meout. That had been enough to get them to rush away from us, and then, I'd scurried from my hidingplace, and we'd taken off again.

On my back, I wore a pack that Brook had helped Prince Warren pack for me. It had some clothes init, as well as necessities for hygiene and some extra food and water. I'd already drank so muchwater, I thought my stomach might explode, but my body desperately needed it.

The moon was high overhead, lighting our way. It wasn't full, but it was bright, and even though Iwouldn't have been afraid to be in the woods by myself, I was glad that Prince Warren was with me.If we needed to, he could shift into his wolf form, and I could climb on his back so we could travelmore quickly, but he was pretty certain no one would be missing him.

“It's not as if my father ever cares where I go,” he commented, not for the first time. I felt bad forhim. It was clear to me that he was the least appreciated of all of his siblings, at least from his father.It was like he was just a spare in case things didn’t pan out with Theo becoming the next king.

It made my stomach twist into knots a bit to think of Theo being king. Someone like Warren wouldmake such a better ruler. He was kind and understanding. He would listen to the people and dowhat was necessary to keep everyone safe and happy.

Theo, on the other hand, would likely just throw everyone into

the dungeon when he got angry at them....

“Will they wonder where you are, though?” I asked.

Warren shook his head. “No, I told my most trusted personal attendants that I was going away toone of my summer homes for a while. They believed me, and everyone else will because I've neverlied about it. I'll get you safely to your pack lands, go to spend some time at my summer home, andthen return to the palace. No one will be suspicious of my absence. They won't even notice that I'mgone. Believe me.”

I wasn't sure about that. I could think of at least one other person who might very well notice hewas gone and call attention to it. But then, if the rumors were that Prince Warren had gone to oneof his vacation homes, then chances were even Sophia would have to accept it.

Silence settled around us as we continued to walk. I was careful to watch where I placed my feetwith each step, and I was starting to get tired. We'd been walking for a while now, and I hadn'tgotten any rest in the dungeon. I'd fallen asleep there, but it wasn't restful.

"You seem pretty comfortable out here in the woods,” Warren said to me.

He must not remember a thing about me from before. The thought made a blanket of sadnesssettle over me for a few moments. “Yeah, 1 am,” I told him. “Growing up, I've spent a great deal oftime traveling with my parents or in the woods on my own, and the animals always seem to likeme."

“I noticed that with my brother's pets as well,” he said. Then, he cleared his throat and said, “You're aspecial girl, Ciana


I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as I thanked him. Maybe he didn't remember who I was before,but he knew who I was

now, and he seemed to like me.

And that was promising.

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