“O great Apocalypse Observer, Ashe Heath! Goodness follows you, evil admires you! Light yearns for you, and darkness also hopes for you! You are an existence that transcends all, the color with which God has coated all things!”

“O great Apocalypse Observer, Ashe Heath…”

Ashe sat on the cold Stone Seat, watching a large group of odd individuals in Black Robes kneeling before him, bowing their heads in prayer. Beneath his stern face, his heart was in turmoil.

He couldn’t blame himself; after all, just a second ago, his memory was still at that damned mobile game company, working overnight until the early morning, contributing his remaining value. The next second, he was suddenly in this strange underground hall receiving worship. Anyone would be caught off guard.

Even more astonishing was that Ashe could understand their language, as naturally as his mother tongue, without needing to think about translation, directly grasping their meaning. As he gradually calmed down, he quickly concluded: he had undergone transmigration, and his Soul had transmigrated into the body of someone with the same name.

Many people had commented on how fantastical his name sounded from a young age, but Ashe never imagined that one day he would encounter such a bizarre event.

However, he didn’t have the surname Heath, and it was precisely because of this that he could swiftly determine that he wasn’t dreaming.

Not only was the name the same, but even the appearance seemed quite similar, and Ashe, by moving his fingers and toes and other basic parts, found that the body felt no different. It was as if this was his own original body, everything so agile and natural that Ashe couldn’t help but wonder if he had transmigrated to a parallel world’s version of himself.

For convenience and because the names were the same, Ashe internally referred to the original owner of this body as ‘Heath’.

But these thoughts were of no help to his current situation, as Ashe discovered that Heath hadn’t left the most important thing to him.

That was memory.

Yes, memory!

It was as if transmigration had formatted Heath’s memory as well, leaving Ashe completely clueless about what to do next. He even maintained his expression, a calm demeanor with a trace of a sinister air, afraid of giving himself away.

No matter how respectful the group beneath the Stone Seat was, if Ashe showed any flaw, they could turn from reverent to cruel in an instant. After all, in their eyes, Ashe, this ‘Interdimensional Evil Soul’, had erased the Soul of the Holy Son Heath, occupying his body, making him a true sinner. Coupled with their strong religious beliefs, Ashe didn’t think that claiming to be a victim would earn their understanding.

But sitting still wasn’t a solution; Ashe was already struggling to maintain that faint smile on his face.

Boom, boom, boom—

Suddenly, the underground hall echoed with a thunderous rumble. The Black Robe people rejoiced, prostrating themselves fully on the ground, their foreheads striking the floor, and they cried out in unison:

“We pray for the Lord’s descent!”

Ashe thought he might stand up as if there was an earthquake, but he found his backside glued to the Stone Seat, incapable of rising. Suddenly, a dazzling array of lights brightened his eyes, and as he looked up, four brilliant rainbow glows appeared in the air, bringing color to the hall and an endless warmth.

“Great Apocalypse Observer, Ashe Heath!”

They spoke in unison, as if thousands were speaking at once: “The only pure one in a dark and murky world, the last Hero of the solid earth, you carry the heavy responsibility of saving the world, the mission to liberate all beings!”

“We shall cross the Silver Wheel to grant you power, we shall break the Golden Balance to shield your glory! Your name is sacred, your will is our command, your kingdom is the land of happiness for all beings!”

“Ashe Heath!”

Unbeknownst to himself, Ashe found that he had knelt on one knee, respectfully bowing his head, waiting for the moment of glory to descend.

The red glow on the far left spoke up: “I am the Lord of a Billion Brilliances, in charge of Battle, courage, and honor! I bestow upon you the Angel of Power, to clear all enemies before you!”

An Angel wielding a long spear, with wings on her back, flew before Ashe. She was clad in red armor, the size of a finger, but her presence was commanding; it seemed as if Ashe could see a sea of corpses and blood in her eyes.

The second blue glow on the left said: “I am the Sovereign of Wind, Rain, and Snow, in charge of strategy, change, and fate! I bestow upon you the Angel of Wisdom, to assist you in achieving all your goals!”

An Angel donning a blue hat and holding a notebook flew before Ashe, also the size of a finger, her gaze profound as if it contained endless knowledge.

The second green glow on the right stated: “I am the Heart of Eternal Blaze, in charge of life, equality, and sharing. I bestow upon you the Angel of Life, to keep you healthy forever!”

A luminescent green Angel, resembling a little girl, flew before Ashe. She was adorable, with a ring of green halo swirling around her, giving off an immensely warm and relaxing feeling.

The pink glow on the far right declared: “I am the Soul of Dreamy Freedom, in charge of love, joy, and arts. I bestow upon you the Angel of Joy, to enhance your charm beyond the ordinary!”

A beautiful pink Angel flew before Ashe, her figure graceful and her gaze captivating, and even at the size of a finger, she seemed like the most beautiful existence in the world.

The four Angels danced around Ashe, adding a dazzling brilliance to him. At this moment, Ashe felt an endless surge of power, his body brimming with energy, his mood exceedingly joyful, his mind filled with countless plans, everything was just perfect!

The Lord of a Billion Brilliances, the Sovereign of Wind, Rain, and Snow, the Heart of Eternal Blaze, and the Soul of Dreamy Freedom spoke simultaneously: “Brave one beloved by fate, Observer who discerns cause and effect, please go forth to create Miracles and save the world!”

As the sound of bubbles bursting echoed, the four descending Angels gradually dissipated, but the underground hall remained bright, for Ashe, with the four Angels, was veritably a walking rainbow.

Ashe clenched his fists, his lips curling up into a confident smile.

To his surprise, Ashe hadn’t anticipated that this sudden transmigration would be a boon rather than a pitfall. He had become the Hero of this world, blessed by four divine spirits, and adored by countless Followers. What an incredible script this was turning out to be!

Next on the agenda was to defeat monsters, save the world, marry the most beautiful princess, ascend to the throne, and reach the pinnacle of life!


A loud noise came from the ceiling, and the foremost Black Robe Follower exclaimed, “Hero, the Blood Mad Hunter has found us! Now, only you can fend them off!”

Blood Mad Hunter? That sounded like a villainous character. Ashe figured they were just cannon fodder to help him gain reputation and practice his skills, so with great gusto, he drew his longsword and proudly declared, “Where my sword points, no enemy stands! Let these Blood Mad Hunters become the first souls to fall beneath my blade! Lead the way!”

“No need, we’ve come to you.”

With a thunderous crash, the ceiling of the underground hall burst open!

Ashe looked up to see a group of enemies donning silver cloaks, hunter’s caps, and wielding bloodline longswords jumping down from above!

“Bring it on!”

Ashe bellowed:





The four Angels simultaneously blessed Ashe, and in that moment, he felt he could cleave his enemies in two with a single stroke of his sword! Without fear, he roared and leaped forward to slash at the nearest Blood Mad Hunter, even unleashing a piercing Sword Qi!

Under the patronage of the gods, I’ve become so powerful!

Now, with the protection of a defense barrier and unending stamina, I dare anyone to defeat me!

As Ashe basked in his smug satisfaction, he heard the Blood Mad Hunter scoff.

“Is that all?”

The Blood Mad Hunter’s face twisted into a sinister smile as he swung his longsword, which instantly transformed into a Chain Sword, unleashing a blood red sword qi several meters long!

Ashe’s Sword Qi was instantly devoured, and his defense barrier shattered in an instant. The entire underground hall was split by the Blood Mad Hunter’s single strike, opening a massive chasm right beneath Ashe’s feet!

Watching his opponent effortlessly overpower him, Ashe couldn’t comprehend, “How is this possible…”

“Merely possessing four Two Wings chaos spirits that aren’t even yours, what makes you think you can challenge me, a Tri-wings Sanctuary warrior?”

With a swishing sound, a gust of wind arose, and the Blood Mad Hunter sprouted three wings on his back: the Silver Wings, the Golden Wings, and the Rainbow Wings!

He reverted his Chain Sword back to longsword form and darted into Ashe’s embrace like a dragon, piercing straight through Ashe’s chest and pinning him to the Stone Seat!

Ashe was forced to sit down once again.

He coughed up blood, staring blankly as the Blood Mad Hunter took a small lantern from his waist. The lantern suddenly emitted a blinding white light when the hunter activated it.

The Angels, who were attempting to continue empowering Ashe, let out cries of despair and loathing under the glare of this light, and they could no longer maintain their previous forms, each turning grotesquely hideous!

The Angel of Power transformed into an ugly mantis,

and the Angel of Wisdom turned into a rotting fly.

The Angel of Life dissolved into pale maggots,

and the Angel of Joy transformed into a rank and fetid gas!

Courage, wisdom, joy, life—all the protection quickly faded from within Ashe, and the sharp pain in his chest fully roused him to clarity, his face showing utter confusion.

What just happened?

He was just an ordinary person who had undergone transmigration, ignorant of any intelligence—why had he suddenly become so arrogant and boisterous, participating in a war that had nothing to do with him?

Was this the behavior of a regular office worker who had been battered by society for years?

While Ashe was still in a daze, the battle in the underground hall had already concluded, and the Black Robe Followers were no match for the Blood Mad Hunter.

The Blood Mad Hunter standing before Ashe pulled out a scroll from his bosom and unfurled it in front of him, revealing the red-sealed document inside:

“I am Gerard Wessminster, a Blood Mad Hunter from the Sin Hunter’s Hall, Hunter Number 307791. The Sin Hunter’s Hall now suspects you are involved with the propagation case of the Four Pillars Cult, as well as multiple kidnapping cases, murder cases, and robbery cases. This is an arrest warrant signed by the Kaimon City Sin Hunter’s Hall. If you have any objections to our enforcement, you can lodge a complaint at the front desk of the Kaimon Branch at 233 Citizen Avenue, or directly provide feedback to the mayor’s mailbox.”

“Now, then.” The Blood Mad Hunter put away the arrest warrant and took out a pair of silver shackles, personally affixing the rather exquisite bracelets onto Ashe’s wrists, his mouth curling upward, revealing pale, sharp fangs:

“Four Pillars Cult Leader, Ashe Heath, you are under arrest.”

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