stakes - gambling with gods.
Chapter 18 After The Battle.

Despite being vastly outnumbered, our losses remained relatively low, with fewer than a hundred soldiers falling in battle. Most of these casualties occurred during the arduous search for the hobgoblin leader. In the midst of such a brutal conflict, where death became commonplace, there was little room for remorse.

Following the victorious conclusion of the mission, the next step involved securing compensation for our efforts. Remarkably, the owner of the land where the battle took place proved cooperative. We negotiated for the necessary provisions, including a sum of 1000 gold coins and proper burial arrangements for all our fallen comrades. Lieutenant, recognizing the urgency of our situation, was keen to swiftly conclude these matters and avoid any further delays.

Talking of gold coins, the monetary system in place operated on a simple principle, as I had learned during my time in the academy. Services of the same kind carried the same fixed price, predetermined by the empire. This meant that a coin could be used to purchase basic necessities like rice, or even luxury items such as rare fishes. It was a system devoid of distinction, where the value of a coin was uniform across various transactions. In a peculiar sense, it meant that one could hire an assassin to eliminate a commoner or a noble, all for the same price.

Soon, our platoon embarked on our original mission, benefiting from the time saved by my early arrival. As we set out, we found ourselves utilizing the unique transportation system that varied across different regions of the empire. In our current journey, we were fortunate to travel aboard Driftpacers. These elegant creatures bore a resemblance to a harmonious blend of a horse and a deer, their majestic presence captivating to behold.

Standing at an impressive height of four feet at the shoulder, Driftpacers possessed a slender and muscular physique adorned with a shimmering coat of silver and pale blue fur. Their striking appearance was further accentuated by their large, expressive eyes, which shimmered with a vivid shade of emerald green. These enchanting creatures boasted elongated limbs that gracefully terminated in nimble hooves, allowing them to navigate the roads with unparalleled swiftness and finesse.

The agility and speed exhibited by Driftpacers were truly remarkable, rendering them an ideal choice for land transportation. With their long legs propelling them forward in powerful strides, they effortlessly traversed vast distances. Despite their slender frames, Driftpacers possessed remarkable strength, capable of shouldering significant loads with ease. Furthermore, their gentle temperament made them amenable to training, fostering a harmonious partnership with their human companions.

As we embarked on our journey atop these graceful creatures, I marvelled at their elegance and appreciated the comfort and efficiency they provided. The rhythmic cadence of their strides and the gentle sway of their movements created a sense of tranquillity, allowing us to immerse ourselves in the surrounding landscapes.

As we advanced further, during our rest stops at night, when both our mounts and ourselves sought reprieve, I dedicated myself to honing my skills with the bow and arrow. Initially, my attempts were dismal and filled with frustration. However, leveraging my position as an assistant, I took advantage of the opportunity to seek guidance from one of the skilled archers in our platoon. This archer, by the name of Clark, graciously agreed to mentor me in the ways of the bow.

Clark was more than just a soldier; he was a seasoned veteran who had already fulfilled his mandatory service but chose to continue serving to earn a living. His experience and expertise were evident in the way he imparted his knowledge. With patience and precision, he not only corrected my mistakes but also shared invaluable insights and pointers he had gathered along his own journey as an archer.

Under Clark's tutelage, I gradually began to grasp the nuances of wielding the bow and arrow. He taught me the proper stance, the art of drawing the bowstring, and the techniques for aiming and releasing the arrow with precision. His dedication to honing my skills was remarkable, as he spared no effort in ensuring that I understood the fundamentals and practiced them diligently.

Beyond his technical expertise, Clark possessed a calm and composed demeanor that instilled confidence in me. He was a man of few words but conveyed his instructions with clarity and conviction. His eyes sparkled with a deep-rooted passion for archery, a passion that had been nurtured through years of experience on the battlefield. His unwavering commitment to his craft and his willingness to share his wisdom left a lasting impression on me.

In addition to teaching me the technical aspects, Clark also shared anecdotes and stories from his own adventures as an archer. He regaled me with tales of epic battles, incredible feats of marksmanship, and the camaraderie forged among archers on the front lines. These narratives provided me with a broader understanding of the role and significance of archery in warfare. As I continued my practice under Clark's guidance, my skills gradually improved.

During our periods of rest, in addition to my archery lessons, I had the opportunity to engage in conversations with Lieutenant. These encounters were rare, occurring only once a week, and often consisted of silent exchanges and contemplative gazes. However, on occasion, he would impart practical wisdom, relating the applications of our academic knowledge to real-life situations. These brief but invaluable sessions served as a beacon of guidance for a novice like myself.

In one such session, Lieutenant shared with me an important update. He revealed that we were nearing a county from which we would embark on ships to reach our designated mission location. It had been over two months since our victorious battle against the hobgoblins, and now the time had come for us to rest and prepare for the forthcoming journey. The news filled me with excitement, for I had grown weary of the constant travel and sleeping outdoors. I yearned for the comfort of a warm bed and the opportunity to indulge in much-needed rest.

The following two days swiftly passed by as our platoon made progress, drawing nearer to the point where we could catch sight of the county's towering walls on the horizon. Anticipation bubbled within me as we inched closer to our destination. It seemed that fortune was on my side that day, as it held more than just the promise of reaching the county.

As I continued my nightly practice with the bow, a familiar sensation stirred within me. It was the same inexplicable clicking feeling that had accompanied my mastery of the urumi sword's shifter ability. Recognizing this opportunity, I swiftly nocked another arrow, my mind focused on harnessing the power of transformation once again. With the intention of making the arrowhead flexible, akin to the blade of the urumi sword, I released the arrow from the bowstring.

To my astonishment, the arrowhead responded to my thoughts, undergoing a remarkable transformation. What was once rigid and solid now shifted, becoming sinuous and flexible like a serpent. As it flew towards its target, the arrow struck with a newfound force, penetrating deeper than usual. Although I had only altered the arrowhead's properties, not its inherent strength, the results were remarkable.

A voice echoed within the recesses of my mind, long silent but now resurfacing. It was Nork, the entity whose presence I had become acquainted with on my days in academy. "Congratulations," Nork's voice chimed, congratulating me on my achievement. "You have successfully attained a tier-1 4-star power level."

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