stakes - gambling with gods.
Chapter 33 Unexpected Result - II

"They're all dead," he began, his voice tinged with disbelief. "Every last one of them. Something must have gone terribly wrong. Our intelligence, it must have been flawed. There's no way just two 1-star mages could have triumphed over our three. And our lieutenant... he couldn't have perished, not after surviving that disastrous mission. No, it can't be true. I must get you out of here."

His words painted a grim picture of the dire circumstances we faced. The realization of the extent of the loss washed over me, mingling with the shock and confusion that already gripped my heart. Questions swirled in my mind, desperately seeking answers that seemed to elude me.

"What could have possibly happened?" I murmured, my voice filled with a mix of sorrow and disbelief. "How could our mission have ended in such utter devastation? We were prepared, we had a plan... but everything has been torn asunder."

As disbelief still lingered in my mind over the casualties we had witnessed, a movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention. It appeared to be an arrow, but its size seemed disproportionate given the distance from which it originated. Yet, as it descended, it grew larger and larger, surpassing the size of the boulder created by our lieutenant and drawing nearer with each passing moment. Realization struck me like a bolt of lightning, and I urgently called out for the others to look up.

Their faces contorted with a mix of fear and disbelief as they too witnessed the approaching threat. The warrior who had carried me swiftly tossed me to David, recognizing the urgency of the situation. With an authoritative command, he rallied the rest of our group into a defensive formation, preparing to intercept the colossal arrow hurtling towards us.

David wasted no time, unleashing five spells simultaneously to amplify our speed to unimaginable levels. In an instant, everything became a blur except for the impending doom of that colossal projectile. Barely two seconds had passed since I had alerted the warriors to the danger, yet we had travelled tens of miles in that brief span of time. The arrow struck the ground with a deafening impact, unleashing devastation that razed everything in its path.

Despite David's incredible speed, we were not spared from the destructive force of the arrow. The impact launched us into the air, hurtling us across a vast distance as our bodies collided with the unforgiving terrain. The sheer power of the arrow's strike left us battered and disoriented, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of the catastrophe that had befallen us.

As we slowly regained our bearings amidst the wreckage, the enormity of the danger that loomed over us became painfully clear. Our mission had taken an unfathomable turn, and the stakes had reached unimaginable heights.

As I slowly regained consciousness amidst the rubble, a wave of pain coursed through my body. The impact had left me battered and bruised, my limbs aching and my head throbbing. The extent of my injuries became apparent as I struggled to push myself up from the debris, my movements sluggish and laboured.

Just as despair threatened to consume me, a familiar figure emerged through the haze of dust and destruction. It was David, his own injuries evident yet his determination unwavering. With a grim expression on his face, he drew upon his reserves of strength and summoned a new spell.

A surge of energy pulsed through david; his body momentarily infused with a radiant light. Ignoring his own pain, he swiftly approached me and gently lifted me into his arms. Despite his injuries, he displayed a resilience that defied comprehension. With renewed determination, he started running once more, his strides carrying us away from the chaos and towards the hope of safety.

As David's pace quickened, I could feel the wind rushing past my face. Every jolt and jarring movement intensified the pain coursing through my body, yet I gritted my teeth and held on, knowing that our survival depended on his ability to escape the devastation that had engulfed us.

As we ran forward, our bodies still reeling from the aftermath of the devastating impact, we suddenly collided with an invisible barrier, the unseen force inflicting even more excruciating pain upon us. The shock of this unexpected obstacle jolted us out of our dazed state, forcing us to confront a new threat.

A voice pierced through the air, taunting us with a mixture of amusement and malice. "Tsk tsk, I can't let you escape so easily. You must pay for what you've done to my men. But you don't seem to possess much strength, do you? Who are you?" The voice reverberated from above, commanding our attention.

Struggling to rise from the ground, our bodies battered and broken, I strained my eyes upward to meet the gaze of the speaker. There, hovering above us, stood a man adorned in attire reminiscent of the mages who had served as Hancock's bodyguards. However, his robe bore a distinct shade of grey, setting him apart from the others. It was clear that this individual held a position of power and authority within the enemy ranks.I think you should take a look at

"Well, it doesn't matter," the man's voice echoed through the air, indifference evident in his words. "You, insignificant ones, are free to roam as you please. However, your companion shall face the consequences of his actions." A sly grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he contemplated the punishment he would inflict. "But you know what? I'm not in the mood for such trivial matters. Consider yourselves lucky."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, the man dissipated into thin air, leaving behind a palpable sense of relief mixed with lingering confusion. It was as if a dark cloud had lifted, sparing us from further confrontation with this enigmatic figure. Yet, questions danced in my mind, taunting me with the uncertainty of his intentions. Who was he? What did he want? And most importantly, why had he spared us?

Despite the overwhelming desire to surrender to the sleep in the relief it promised from our injuries. Before my eyes could even close, David, with a grim determination etched on his face, approached me and delivered a resounding slap across my cheek, jolting me back to the present.

"Keep your eyes open! Closing them now will lead to certain death. We still have much to do before we can even entertain the thought of succumbing. Get up, we must move swiftly before that man changes his mind and decides to end us," David admonished, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination as he glanced nervously over his shoulder.

Summoning all the strength I could muster, I struggled to rise from the ground, my battered body protesting with each effort. With David's support, I managed to regain my footing, leaning on him for support as we began our arduous trek away from the site of our encounter, our movements marred by the burden of our injuries.

Minutes turned into hours as we hobbled along despite the pain that throbbed with each step. As David's condition began to improve, he utilized his magical abilities to enhance our speed, hastening our progress through the treacherous terrain.

After what felt like an eternity, David's weary eyes caught sight of a cave nestled amidst the rugged landscape. The sun was beginning its descent, casting long shadows across our weary forms. Seeking a momentary respite, we sought refuge within the cave's cool embrace, granting our battered bodies a temporary sanctuary.

Within the confines of the cave, David reached into thin air and produced a small bottle, its contents glimmering with an otherworldly hue. Curiosity piqued, I inquired about its origin.

"What is that?" I asked, my gaze fixed upon the mysterious bottle.

David's tired eyes met mine as he offered an explanation. "This? It's a potion, capable of accelerating our healing process. Its potency is such that it can reduce the time it takes to heal wounds by a thousandfold," he revealed, downing the potion with a swift motion before passing another to me.

"No, not the potion. Where did you retrieve it from?" I pressed further, seeking to unravel the enigma that surrounded this unexpected resource.

"It's from my space pocket, a dimensional storage space I possess. But now is not the time for further explanation. Rest and let the potion work its magic while we sleep," David responded, his weariness evident as he retreated to a corner of the cave, settling down to replace respite in slumber.

With drowsiness already overwhelming my senses, I chose to forgo further inquiry, surrendering myself to the sleep, trusting in the restorative powers of the potion. In the shelter of that cave.

As I drifted into a deep sleep, the effects of the potion began to take hold. My body felt a surge of rejuvenation, and the pain from my injuries slowly subsided. It was as if time itself had been accelerated, allowing my wounds to heal at an extraordinary rate. Resting within the safety of the cave, I embraced the healing sleep, grateful for the respite it provided.

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