“Are you alright?” I popped in on Leon as he covered the trade ledger with the humans.

He shot you in his chair “goddess’s breath,” he gasped. “Oh oh Luna it’s you only you,” he calmedwhen he saw me.

1 scrunched my brows and squinted my eyes.

“I only came to see if my plan to change the buyers of our potatoes was a success no need to bescared,” I watched him closely.

“I um yes it was we made a profit much larger you are quite the the asset,” he was still calming downand hugging.

“Leon what’s wrong?” I turned my voice soft and empathetic. I looked over my shoulder and Elizabethwas no where near the closed door only standing guard.

He slumped down in his chair “you tell me,” he mumbled. “Graysons been on the war path and he’s notcommunicating a thing! I swear it’s just..just. He’s off Annette he did something the other day and Ihave known him a long time I think he’s lost it,”

“What did he do?” I questioned.

“He kille

“He killed the sniper…” he drifted off his eyes swimming with terror.

Graysons message to his council his threat of extinction to any traitors and snitches. He’s trusted themwith his life for most of it and now our child is on the line. A dream Grayson has kept secret for years: a

happy family of his own. Now he’ll kill anyone in his way.

“Grayson is overprotective he just wants me safe,” I smiled sweetly.

“He’s getting unhinged Luna he’s training harder and harder and he’s refusing to pull punches the onlyone of us who can withstand him is Matt and even then it’s bad,”

The guilt rose in my throat again.

“He’s scared Leon. I mean he even wants to kind so their elders,” I fibbed.

“Of course!” He slapped a hand to his forehead and laughed at this false insanity.

“Yes do the one thing that will capture the attention of both regions ministry. We’ll be charged with warcrimes!”

“I know going before the wolf ministry of both regions, he could be charged and taken away or worse,” Isighed.

“Talk to him Annette he’ll listen to you he’s in love you that’s why he’s so crazy,” Leon grabbed me bymy shoulders.

“Or we’ll all lose him,”

“Thank you Leon,” I nodded to him. “I have to go and check our meat supplies. Please keep this allbetween us,” I


Instead I went to the training house. The only thing Leon had told me that shocked me was Graysonwas taking his anger out in training.

I marched to the training house to see it for my own eyes.

He was in the ring sweating and panting. His eyes were trained ingo Matt. Wailing in on him punchafter punch.

Charlie and Jamie watched on from the sidelines. Matt had his hands up flinching with the blows Graywas landing.

“Grayson!” I yelled.

My mate stopped instantly mid punch turning and looking at me the shame washing on him.

“Get out.” he told Matt

Matt looked between us and looked out fo the ring.

walked over to my mate and liked him over. Not nearly as battered and bruised as Mam was

“If you so wish to fight with all you have fight my brother he’ll be your own size,” I whispered to him.

“No,” he told me.

**Your brother hasn’t betrayed us

I scoffed. “We’re handling that.” I reminded him..

“People need to be prepared for what they face,” he kept his face dark.

I took my finger and traced up his face and I watched him fight the urge to enjoy my touch. The pull tocalm down for

“Netta,” be closed his eyes fighting me.

“We cannot become the moster they want us to be,” I told him softly.

His hands sn*ked around my waist and and he pulled me to his chest.

“I cannot not defend you.” he growled.

“Defend me but don’t scorch him the ground we live on.”

“As you wish.” he gritted his teeth but he would keep his word.

I nodded to him and went over to Matt who was by my brothers. “Are you alright?”


“Yes Luna,” he bowed his head to me. As your sworn protector I know I need to be there to protect youfrom the alpha

we face.”

He looked me in the eyes and his tone was one of false sincerity. He knew Grayson was punishing himfor a crime be

may have not committed.

“He’s worried about the outcome of all of this,”

“He’s worried about you,” he corrected me.

“He loves you,”

Charlie grabbed my hand and started leading me away. “I think he’s proven his worth. Besides Graysonis strong enough to protect you,”

“What an ass,” I heard Jamie whisper.

“Let train then,” Grayson called to my youngest brother.

“Don’t turn around,“Charlie gripped my arm.

“Jamie can take him, and he needs to learn respect,”

“Doesn’t mean I’ll like any of it,” I replied.

I huffed as I walked into my house and started cutting up vegetables or dinner. I wanted salad andbread. I was surprised at my sudden desire for vegetables.

I ate a loaf of bread while Elizabeth sat outside my front door. I was still starving, but I had to startdinner

I cut up heads of lettuce as Elizabeth cut potatoes. Lilianna walked in eventually and started helping bymaking some


“Darling how’s your mother,” lili asked me. “I’m sure she’s worried sick about you,” she smiled.

“This is her worst nightmare so I’ve been talking with her everyday. Trying to keep her away,” I replied.

“Your mother is a good strategist is she not?” Elizabeth asked me.

“She is. A very good strategist she’s helped many allies with their battle plans,” I told her.

“She could be a great asset, it may be better if she were here to help,” she commented.

“I would prefer my Kruger as far away from this helping strategize over the phone where she cannot behurt,” my voice gained a little edge.

“Of course Luna, Elizabeth nodded.

We finished dinner and prepared the pig roasts. I’m sure dinner will be wonderful, but my mind waswondering around. and around in the idea of what was going to come of all this lying.

The only sure thing was someone was selling our secrets and I felt exposed thinking of it.

Grayson said they’d been watching me…

How much did they know that we weren’t aware of

I walked up to my bedroom claiming I was going to take shower.

Lies upon lies.

I locked the door and took a shaky breath sitting down on my bed.

I have no sight to the end of this, first an enemy, then a threat, now a traitor. The world felt like it wascrumbling.

We thought we had a leg up on this Alpha when we hit them with trade decoy but still they hadsomething on us.

I had this sense that the only reason this enemy didn’t know about the trade was because the molewould’ve been exposed. They were taking their time with us someone Grayson had once trusted morethan me.

I felt useless and helpless. I was clawing at the walls of the hole in the ground that had opened beneathmy feet with no chance of escape.

I got into the shower trying to calm my nerves and my uncontrolled worries. My mind running ahead ofme thinking up all these horrors of what was to come.

Before I knew it I gasping and shaking.

He came to me before I knew I was crying.

“I know I know,” he knelt in the shower still clothed.

My heart racing my mind maniacal in its determination to concoct new scenarios of how this all ends.

“Close your eyes and focus on my arms,” he wrapped me close to him tightly. “Yes this is scary, wedon’t know how this will end, and we are in danger,” he did nothing to ease my frazzled b*dy.

“But you are stronger than that. You cannot be broken even by a stupid childish mate,” he laughed alittle. “Your stronger than this,”

I still felt like a knife was at my throat for at least a half hour but eventually I softened as he combedthough my hair with his fingers and held me to him in the pouring water. Telling me again and again Ihave the spirit to make it through whatever we have too.

I suppose this was bound to happen with my b*dy overwhelmed enough my mind could only last solong.

Soon we would know who the mole was. Soon we’d replace our way out. Soon. Soon, Soon.

We walked out to dinner hand in hand. I saw Jessica out of the corner of my eye evaluating us. Leon atthe head table his b*dy tightly wound in distress. Matt was blue on his left cheek. Aarron and Elizabethwatching us enter bath


And I still had no clue who I could trust.

I grabbed his hand again squeezing tightly. We could handle this, I could handle this, whatever it maybe.

“My love you look tired this war of our is heavy,” Amaria swept my hair over my shoulder. “You musttake sometime to ease your stress for your health,” She looked at me knowingly.

I walked over and chatted with some mothers about the upcoming terms of school. It had been delayeda little too long due to these attacks:

I had no issue focusing on children at the moment so I was very excited to get back into somethingresembling normal.

I noticed Matt was sat by himself at the front table after a while and decided to finish this awful round ofslander.

“Are you alright?“I asked him sitting beside him.

“Of course,” he nodded to me. “I’ve known him long enough to know this isn’t about me, and if I have totake it I will. For my pack,” he looked out at the people.

“He’s been stressed. They have another camp somewhere,” I whispered lying again.

“Do they?” He turned to me his eyes disbelieving and cold.

Grayson came up behind me. “They do but keep it silent please,” he took my hand and led me awayquickly.

“He’s well aware of our mistrust. I can sense it,” he told me in my ear as he pulled out my chair forsupper. 1.)

He clinked his glass calling a toast. “I want everyone here to know that even though we’ve had sometough times. These enemies, all of them, will be ripped out by the root. I won’t let a single one of themwho have ill intentions stand when this over. I will give my life to keep this. Our happiness, our families,our safety protected. Nothing can stop us,” he cheered.

The people clapped and toasted back calling out for him in praise.

He wanted this traitor to see what they’d done to the others. To know they would never be safe even ifhe wasn’t here, we weren’t the only ones betrayed.

Chapter Comments


I’m lost on this one as well.

Juliette Xope

omg I got to this part and no new chapters





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