Sublight Drive (Star Wars)
Addendum 2: Operation Trident [RESTRICTED]

After being delivered a series of devastating defeats at the hands of Confederate General Sev'rance Tann, Republic High Command developed a new major counteroffensive intended to retake the initiative and potentially pressure the Separatist government into a favourable peace treaty. Designed with three concurrent offensives in mind, Operation Tridentis to take place in the final months of the first year.

The main offensive is designated as the Therbon Plan, after its eponymous architect. As the cornerstone of the entire operation, the Therbon Plan represents the greatest undertaking of the Grand Army since its inception, requiring the cooperation of three Sector Armies and tens of thousands of man-hours in preparation necessary to minimize inter-army friction.

Consisting of a two-pronged attack towards the Columex System along the Salin and Perlemian hyperlanes, the Therbon Plan intends on capturing the vast majority of the Separatist foundry worlds in the region, crippling the Separatist war effort and potentially forcing their government into a peace treaty.

Phase 1. Admiral Kreuge's taskforce, supported by an Open Circle taskgroup under Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, must break through the Separatist defence at Salvara, opening up the Rimward Perlemian to invasion. At the same time, a joint Blazing Claw-Open Circle taskforce under Admiral Yularen and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker departs Phindar to extend the enemy defence.

Phase 2. The 12th Sector Army invades Ringo Vinda, Abhean, Centares, and other Perlemian systems as they progress Rimward. The 3rd Sector Army is detached to take the foundry worlds of Metalorn, Wobani, and Saleucami. The 11th Sector Army progresses along the Salin Corridor, taking Vjun and Lucazec.

Phase 3. The Open Circle Fleet is detached to take the foundry world of Sy Myrth. Some Jedi General propose expanding their target towards Jabiim, ostensibly to avenge their prior defeat, and High Command has taken it under advisement. The logistical departments, however, fear overreach. At this point, the 11th and 12th Sector Armies should have rendezvoused in the Columex System, and an armistice proposal is to be sent to Raxus Secundus. Should the Separatist government decline, the 12th Sector Army will establish forward defensive lines while the 11th and 3rd Sector Armies begins mopping-up operations.

The secondary offensive, designated the Gentis Plan, is primarily focused around the Nanth'ri Route. The plan requires a limited offensive towards Mimban and Nanth'ri, isolating General Sev'rance Tann and the Confederate 1st and 2nd Fleets south of the Trax Tube.

Phase 1. The 4th Sector Army departs Antar to take Gyndine and Mimbar, while Jedi General Laan Tik takes the 224th Clone Division on an advance strike at Nanth'ri itself. At the same time, Jedi General Mace Windu and the 91st Expeditionary Corps is to strike north into Separatist occupied Bothan Space, delaying the enemy.

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Phase 2. General Laan Tik is to defend against the predicted Separatist counterattack until the rest of the 4th Sector Army can reinforce him. Should the Gentis Plan succeed, two of the three main Separatist fleets will be encircled in the Trailing Sectors, turning the tide of the war.

The third and last offensive of Operation Trident is designated the Coburn Plan, centered on the Rimma Trade Route. Some in the military staff, however, consider the Coburn Plan an independent operation due to how far removed it is from the rest of Operation Trident.

At first, the Coburn Plan was proposed as a diversionary attack to draw away the attention of Sev'rance Tann, but had ballooned into a massive offensive after it reached the attention of the influential Governor-General Octavian Grant. Now, the Coburn Plan represents a joint effort by the 20th and 18th Sector Armies to liberate the entire Rimma Trade Route from Separatist control, on a scale that rivals the Therbon Plan.

Phase 1. The 20th Sector Army begins to two pronged advance on Separatist occupied territory on the Coreward hyperlanes. Jedi General Empatojayos Brand leads taskforce on the Shipwrights' Trace to take the important shipyard world of Fondor and its satellite systems, planning on using the civilian government's general unsupportiveness of the Separatist cause to resolve their reintegration with a peaceful negotiation. Concurrently, General Grant will take the factory world of Mechis III, crippling the Separatist war effort in the region.

Phase 2. After taking Yag'Dhul, overall command will be transferred to Jedi General Rees Alrix as the 20th Sector Army leaves the Tapani Oversector's jurisdiction. General Alrix is to negotiate a peaceful reintegration with the Republic-aligned Wroona, while investigating Sev'rance Tann's potential ties to the Wroonians. After assembling with the 18th Sector Army, General Alrix will launch a combined offensive is down the Rimma hyperlane, drawing Separatist elements away from the Seswenna Sector.

Phase 3. In collaboration with the Outland Regions Security Force, the 18th Sector Army under the command of Brigadier General Gideon Tarkin will stage a breakout from Eriadu, expanding the salient and improving the Republic's precarious situation in the Western Reaches. Both the 20th and 18th Sector Army will meet at Sullust, to capture the shipyards in the system and end the Separatist presence in the region.

Attachment CWY22M11: State of the Galaxy;

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