Subscriber of the Gods
Chapter 69: Parent Observation Class Preparation

-Your reputation is rising!

-You have excellently completed classes from other departments!

-Additional reputation has been gained!

-Achievement unlocked!

-Due to the achievement of [No Department Bias], you have gained likes.

-You have gained ‘3’ likes!

Ethan proudly checked the notification window.

The second class, the Potion Manufacturing class, was also successfully conducted with full attendance.

Above all, this class wasn’t from the Swordsmanship Department.

‘Achievement unlocked.’

Consequently, he achieved even the achievements possible for teaching classes in other departments. He gained a whopping 3 likes.

‘From now on, I might have to subscribe to gods like Horus who sell merchandise. And just subscribing also brings in a lot of likes.’

Of course, like during the time with Horus, he could manage through a trade of subscriber reviews. However, it seemed better to have a sufficient stock of likes.

‘After all, in trading subscriber reviews, the god has almost complete discretion. Having many likes gives me the most assurance.’

When an unexpected situation arises, having control over the situation was the safest.

Ethan confirmed what he gained this time and looked at his gathered peers.

They were the fellow teachers from Ivecar Academy with whom he had previously dined.

“The parent observation class is approaching. Have you all heard?”

The reason he gathered them was due to the upcoming parent observation class.

Because of the sudden notification, the new instructors were quite concerned about how to handle it.

“Why is the parent observation class schedule suddenly so fast?”

“I heard that normally, it takes about a month to start preparing. It seems like we started two weeks earlier.”

This year, the parent observation class was conducted earlier than usual. Of course, it didn’t matter much to the students whether it was a bit early or late, but the issue was with the teachers.

Teachers fundamentally needed the trust of the parents.

Parents could only evaluate the teachers based on the classes.

If any shortcomings were noticed during the classes, parents would evaluate the teachers quite coldly.

And this would reflect on the department and even affect future teacher evaluations.

So, for the instructors, this observation class was like the most critical event at the beginning of the semester.

On the other hand, considering it from another angle, it was also an opportunity for the instructors to appeal to the parents.

Among the parents of Ivecar Academy were quite a number of prominent nobles.

If they wished, they could provide material support and even secure a position in the center.

“We lack experience in such matters.”

“I’m not sure what to do.”

Peer meeting.

The fellow teachers Ethan gathered were meeting in preparation for the sudden parent observation class.

Ethan had suggested that, in preparation for such events, they should exchange information through regular gatherings for meals.

Upon hearing this, Iris suggested that if there were regular gatherings, it would be good to have a name, and with Iris’s words, the fellow teachers began brainstorming names for the gathering.

“How about jeans?”

Upon Nadia’s words, everyone had puzzled expressions.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s an abbreviation. Since our youth is starting here, let’s call our youth ‘jeans’ by shortening it!” (+)TLN: From 청춘 (youth) to this -> 청바지 (jeans). I don’t really get it either since I’m relatively new to translating Korean novels so I might get it wrong. This is the raw: “줄임말인데요. 저희의 청춘이 여기서 시작되고 있으니 청춘은 바로 지금, 줄여서 청바지!”

“Not good.”

Ciron looked unimpressed.


“Sounds like a child’s play.”

“Well then, Ciron, how good of a suggestion do you have?”

In response, Ciron gave Nadia a knowing smile.

“Are we not becoming a new wave of Ivecar? So, how about the New Wave Project…”

“It sounds worse, actually.”

This time, Iris clicked her tongue out at Ciron.

“No, you don’t like this either? Then what’s good?”

After a prolonged discussion yielded no answers, everyone turned their attention to Ethan.

“We probably don’t need a grandiose name. I think something simple like a social gathering should suffice. We can call Nadia’s gathering the Jeans Social, and Ciron’s could be called the New Wave Social, don’t you think?”

Everyone nodded in agreement to Ethan’s words, Iris even had an “Oh” expression, looking at Ethan.

In fact, implicitly, Ethan was the leader of this gathering. Of course, everything was going as per Ethan’s intentions.

“So, it’s decided as a social gathering.”

“Jeans Social!”

“Congratulations on the establishment of the New Wave Social.”

The members of the social gathering applauded. With the name settled, there seemed to be a sense of belonging.

“The parent observation class is very important to us. We can’t just think parents are coming for a normal visit.”

The first event to raise the academy’s reputation had begun.

Ethan intended to achieve everything possible through this event.

‘I can’t pull everything out by just acting on my own.’

It was an obvious statement, but simply gaining attention could indeed elevate reputation. But that’s exactly what it would do – only elevate reputation.

For Ethan, reputation wasn’t the only thing that mattered.

‘I need to achieve achievements as well. Both reputation and achievements, I need to grasp both of them.’

Focusing solely on reputation wouldn’t be enough. Within the academy, achievements could also be accumulated significantly.

For that, he needed the fellow teachers.

‘Smoothly completing the parent observation class with fellow teachers would unlock achievements. That’s why it’s good to have a social gathering.’

So, it was good to go together.

By fostering good relationships, he could elevate their trust and, when needed, also receive their assistance.

‘Since I needed to get close with Ciron anyway.’

If he wanted to utilize Ciron’s connections, it was better to become close.

It was the same with the rest. Since they all had their own backgrounds, there was nothing bad in Ethan helping them in return for their assistance.

Ethan shared some tips related to the parent observation class with the new teachers.

“So, does everyone have some ideas?”

Ciron responded to Ethan’s question.

“I plan to do it as usual. Just because it’s the parent observation class doesn’t mean anything should change. After all, don’t the students know everything? If you go and prepare something then, it would be an improvisation. Isn’t it better to do well as usual?”

“I’m thinking the same.”

“Me too. It would be good to show sincerity to the parents.”

Showing sincerity to the parents. Those were good words.

But Ethan shook his head.

“To us and the students, this is a special event. It’s a significant event where parents are coming.”

Ethan spoke, looking at Ciron and Iris.

“Both of you probably wouldn’t be too nervous to lecture in front of numerous parents. Even though the parents are high-ranking nobles, you two are also from noble families.”

Both nodded.

It wasn’t an incorrect statement.

“Nadia would be the same, and others as well. They would have plenty of opportunities to interact with high-ranking nobles. And, above all, they are teachers.”

If they wanted to, they could afford to take their time.

“But not the students. The parents’ focus is on the teachers, but on their children even more. They would be curious about how their children have been taught. And that’s pressure on the students. Even students who were doing well until now would feel nervous with their parents watching them from behind, and when other adults interacting with parents are watching…”

Ethan stopped there and smiled when he saw their understanding expressions. But Ciron’s expression froze for a moment.

Until not long ago, Ciron was a student of this academy.

And he recalled the immense pressure he felt during the parent observation class.

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

If they acted as they usually did, it could lead to a disaster. Moreover, it could escalate beyond the students’ mistakes, raising doubts about the teachers’ competence.

“Right, now that I think about it, I did the same.”

Ciron and Iris nodded in agreement as if empathizing.

“It’s impressive; I was missing this point.”

They had been thinking only from the teachers’ perspective.

Even Ciron, who had been a student until recently, had missed it.

“But looking at it from the opposite angle, this is a big opportunity for us. We can gain trust from both sides.”

“Both sides?”

“Yes. This could also be an opportunity for students, right?”

Nadia, who was listening to Ethan’s story, said with a gleam in her eyes.


Hearing Nadia’s words, other teachers seemed to understand too.

Just as the teachers wanted recognition from the parents, the students also wanted recognition from their own parents.

Especially during such a parent observation class, where they can stand out? There’s no better opportunity.

“But this is the most challenging part. If only one or two students shine, the others might feel discouraged. And the parents might not be too pleased either. So, everyone needs to shine.”



This was the most challenging aspect, but Ethan smiled softly.

“Prepare many questions.”

Ethan had already prepared a method for that.

Throwing out questions was something anyone could do, but creating answers for them was not an easy task.

Now, even if Ethan were to start a coup at the academy, everyone would support him.


“Prepare a lot of questions tailored to the students, and make the students answer them!”

“Everyone can shine fairly.”

Everyone sighed in amazement, raising their thumbs at Ethan.

“And one more thing, the parent observation class traditionally involves open classes. Don’t be too absorbed in your own classes. Try to attend other classes and see how they teach. Such opportunities are rare.”

Ethan sounded like a seasoned teacher.

If it had been Ciron from some time ago, he might have suspected that even this statement was some incredible talent, obtained through some sort of unfair means.

However, now that he knew Ethan, he felt a sense of awe towards Ethan’s innate abilities.

If he had possessed such skills himself, he would never have acted this way. He might have monopolized and tried to shine alone.

Iris was no different.

Both knew how selfish someone with a shining talent could be.

That’s why they couldn’t help but hold Ethan in higher regard.

“It’s a bit unfair that we’re the only ones getting this much help.”

Ciron smiled discreetly.

Seeing Ciron like that, Ethan felt relieved. His anxiety seemed to have disappeared from within him.

Now, even if he stepped forward, Ciron would become the Sword Saint Ciron that Ethan knew, without any issues.

“It’s not like we’re just the type to receive help.”

“I agree. Honestly, this feels a bit awkward.”

“Is that so? Well, actually, I’m used to this kind of thing.”

Ethan met the gazes of the other teachers.

“Well, anyway, if you need help.”

“If you need help, just let us know, Teacher Ethan. We’ll all feel the same way.”

“That’s right, Teacher Ethan.”

“If there’s something we can help with, we’ll be more than happy to assist!”

Ethan smiled at the teachers’ words.

“I’ll do the same.”

Nadia also added, a bit belatedly.

Although she had seemed cheerful until now, her expression changed at the mention of offering help.

To provide help, one often had to rely on the power of one’s family. That’s probably what was going on.

‘Something seems to be happening within the family. It’s natural that her expression hardens and she becomes more contemplative when she thinks about the family.’

Originally, Nadia should have been rejected from Ivecar. However, she was accepted with Ethan’s help.

Moreover, Ethan had sown seeds of doubt in her, so complex situations were likely unfolding.

‘Things seem to be getting complicated.’

However, he didn’t have the time to deal with Nadia right now.

‘Nothing major is going to happen immediately. I should focus on this parent observation class for now.’

“Your assistance, everyone, I’ll make sure to ask for it when I need it.”

Ethan smiled.

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