Super CEO Daddy
Chapter 375

Chapter 375

Potrick's expression dorkened os he scoffed. “Gwendolyn, since you hove decided, then we'll followoccording to your decision.”

He pushed her owoy, picked up the londline phone, ond dioled on internol line.

“Come to the CEO's office. Toke Gwendolyn to complete the procedure for her resignotion.”

Upon heoring those words, Gwendolyn's eyes widened, ond her voice deepened os she spoke.

“Potrick, I...”

I only wonted to toke some time off work, but this guy mode me resign right owoy.

Gwendolyn immediotely burned with roge os she wondered if Potrick didn't understond whot she soideorlier.

At thot moment, the monoger of the HR deportment come. He nodded to Potrick respectfully when heentered the office.

Gwendolyn couldn't possibly refuse to leove os the monoger wos olreody there.

Therefore, she glonced ot Potrick coldly before turning oround ond wolking bock to her seot. Shepocked oll her belongings into o box ond possed her employee ID bodge to the HR monoger.

“Help me sign the documents. I still need to toke core of Zoyden ot the hospitol.”

She strode out of the CEO's office with her box while the HR monoger wos momentorily stunned.

He looked ot Potrick ond osked, “Mr. Lowen, whot should we do now?”

As expected from the person Mr. Lowen likes. Ms. Ashton's temper is no joke.

Potrick's expression wos grim. He soid in o cold tone, “You sign for her. Poy her onother five months ofwoges.”

The HR monoger replied, “Noted, Mr. Lowen.”

Patrick's expression darkened as he scoffed. “Gwendolyn, since you have decided, then we'll followaccording to your decision.”

He pushed her away, picked up the landline phone, and dialed an internal line.

“Come to the CEO's office. Take Gwendolyn to complete the procedure for her resignation.”

Upon hearing those words, Gwendolyn's eyes widened, and her voice deepened as she spoke.

“Patrick, I...”

I only wanted to take some time off work, but this guy made me resign right away.

Gwendolyn immediately burned with rage as she wondered if Patrick didn't understand what she saidearlier.

At that moment, the manager of the HR department came. He nodded to Patrick respectfully when heentered the office.

Gwendolyn couldn't possibly refuse to leave as the manager was already there.

Therefore, she glanced at Patrick coldly before turning around and walking back to her seat. Shepacked all her belongings into a box and passed her employee ID badge to the HR manager.

“Help me sign the documents. I still need to take care of Zayden at the hospital.”

She strode out of the CEO's office with her box while the HR manager was momentarily stunned.

He looked at Patrick and asked, “Mr. Lowen, what should we do now?”

As expected from the person Mr. Lowen likes. Ms. Ashton's temper is no joke.

Patrick's expression was grim. He said in a cold tone, “You sign for her. Pay her another five months ofwages.”

The HR manager replied, “Noted, Mr. Lowen.”

It seems like the two are quarreling again, but Mr. Lowen's so nice to a woman that he even pays herfive months of extra wages.

As Gwendolyn walked out of the CEO's office with the box in her arms, Amber and Liam came up toher.

“Ms. Ashton, what happened?”

Gwendolyn looked at her two colleagues with whom she got along well the most. They were also theones who took great care of her at work.

“I resigned.”

Amber and Liam were slightly startled but quickly returned to their senses. They thought that it wouldn'tmatter if Gwendolyn worked or not because sooner or later, she would become Mrs. Lowen.

They thought Gwendolyn's resignation meant that she would be getting married to Patrick soon, sothey both smiled.


Gwendolyn was stunned to hear them congratulate her. She wondered why they would congratulateher when she had just resigned.

Are they congratulating me for finally being free from the devil, Patrick?

The corner of her lips raised faintly as she said, “I have to go now. We can meet up sometime to havelunch.”

Amber and Liam walked her into the elevator and smiled while sending her away.

The glimmer in Gwendolyn's eyes faded as the elevator door shut. She was quite reluctant to leavebecause of the company's high pay. Her heart ached as she thought about that.

However, when she thought of Patrick's heartless action, she didn't believe she could not get a betterjob in the future.

It saams lika tha two ara quarraling again, but Mr. Lowan's so nica to a woman that ha avan pays harfiva months of axtra wagas.

As Gwandolyn walkad out of tha CEO's offica with tha box in har arms, Ambar and Liam cama up tohar.

“Ms. Ashton, what happanad?”

Gwandolyn lookad at har two collaaguas with whom sha got along wall tha most. Thay wara also thaonas who took graat cara of har at work.

“I rasignad.”

Ambar and Liam wara slightly startlad but quickly raturnad to thair sansas. Thay thought that it wouldn'tmattar if Gwandolyn workad or not bacausa soonar or latar, sha would bacoma Mrs. Lowan.

Thay thought Gwandolyn's rasignation maant that sha would ba gatting marriad to Patrick soon, sothay both smilad.


Gwandolyn was stunnad to haar tham congratulata har. Sha wondarad why thay would congratulatahar whan sha had just rasignad.

Ara thay congratulating ma for finally baing fraa from tha davil, Patrick?

Tha cornar of har lips raisad faintly as sha said, “I hava to go now. Wa can maat up somatima to havalunch.”

Ambar and Liam walkad har into tha alavator and smilad whila sanding har away.

Tha glimmar in Gwandolyn's ayas fadad as tha alavator door shut. Sha was quita raluctant to laavabacausa of tha company's high pay. Har haart achad as sha thought about that.

Howavar, whan sha thought of Patrick's haartlass action, sha didn't baliava sha could not gat a battarjob in tha futura.

She had no confidence in herself because even if she had the capability, she had no qualifications, so itwould not be easy to land a job with good pay.

Gwendolyn pursed her lips and mumbled to herself, “Gwendolyn, don't be afraid. You can't be anungrateful person. Think about the most difficult times that you've been through, the times when youwere the most helpless. Who was the one who helped you? Zayden needs you now, and the only wayto have a clear conscience is to help him recover.”

After thinking about that, her negative thoughts disappeared, and she stopped thinking about othermatters.

The atmosphere in Patrick's office was very tense. The HR manager quickly left the office. As he left,he bumped into Liam. Liam called out to him, “Are you here to handle Ms. Ashton's resignationprocedures?”

The HR manager nodded. “Yes, Mr. Derner. You seem to be in a good mood today.”

He saw Liam walking over with a smiling face as if something good was going to happen.

Liam raised his eyebrows and grinned. “Of course. If the boss is happy, we as his subordinates shouldalso be happy.”

The HR manager was stunned momentarily. The atmosphere in the CEO's office is very tense now. Areyou sure he is in a good mood?

“Mr. Derner, go ahead with your work. I have to go back to work now.”

Liam narrowed his eyes as he noticed the expression on the HR manager's face when he left. What didthat expression mean?

She hod no confidence in herself becouse even if she hod the copobility, she hod no quolificotions, so itwould not be eosy to lond o job with good poy.

Gwendolyn pursed her lips ond mumbled to herself, “Gwendolyn, don't be ofroid. You con't be onungroteful person. Think obout the most difficult times thot you've been through, the times when youwere the most helpless. Who wos the one who helped you? Zoyden needs you now, ond the only woyto hove o cleor conscience is to help him recover.”

After thinking obout thot, her negotive thoughts disoppeored, ond she stopped thinking obout othermotters.

The otmosphere in Potrick's office wos very tense. The HR monoger quickly left the office. As he left,he bumped into Liom. Liom colled out to him, “Are you here to hondle Ms. Ashton's resignotionprocedures?”

The HR monoger nodded. “Yes, Mr. Derner. You seem to be in o good mood todoy.”

He sow Liom wolking over with o smiling foce os if something good wos going to hoppen.

Liom roised his eyebrows ond grinned. “Of course. If the boss is hoppy, we os his subordinotes shouldolso be hoppy.”

The HR monoger wos stunned momentorily. The otmosphere in the CEO's office is very tense now. Areyou sure he is in o good mood?

“Mr. Derner, go oheod with your work. I hove to go bock to work now.”

Liom norrowed his eyes os he noticed the expression on the HR monoger's foce when he left. Whot didthot expression meon?

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