Supreme Lord Shapeshifter
Chapter 321: No Battle Lord

Martin looked at the Astiom creatures and smiled. He was not using too much of a power so they would not be taken a back.

One of the Astiom started looking at him with great interest. They were about to talk about something but Martin cut them and started talking.

"So, where is the city"

It was an weird question but it was enough for Astiom creatures to show disbelief. They were not expecting the creature they have seen their in first time is able to talk to them and ask question.

Every, Astiom had a special ability, if they encounter a being with intelligence, and the being encountered is strong. They will feel some of his power in their bones and soul. As they heard Martin spoke to them, they entered four to five different kind of battle-field dreams each includes things that they dont know of.

The farm field is littered with shells, wounded fighters and carnage. Red, brown and black are the new colors of what was once a peaceful farm field, which has now become the stage of a cruel war.

The air which would normally be rich with scents from nearby breweries is now heavy with the screams of dying fighters and the scent of their blood, enough to destroy whatever courage is left in the survivors.

Two trained armies fight each other because of the lies of their leaders, but the battle is in nobody's favor yet. The wounded of one side are spread around the farm field and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with weapons clenched in their hands and their muscles tense and anxious, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

With the uncertainty of battle coursing through their minds the other side fights with fear flowing through their veins. Some have succumbed to panic and are bursting out in tears and screams, while others fight by only focusing on their enemy and not the carnage around them.

The toll on both nature and humanity is disastrous. It'll likely take generations before this farm field will have recovered. It's clear metal, lost bombs and weaponry have taken the place of grass, trees and shrubs.

The field is littered with carnage, wounded fighters and weapons. Red, blue and khaki are the new colors of what was once a vast, snowy field, which has now become the stage of a disastrous fight.

The air which would normally be soft and carry a gentle breeze is now thick with the scent of death and decay, the mere sense of it will make you want to run.

Two barely trained groups fight each other over a mere difference in lifestyle and belief, but with no side on the winning hand, this battle could go on for a long time. The dead of one side lay in large groups across the field and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with weapons clenched in their hands and adrenaline rushing through their bodies, they push harder and harder on the enemy.

With a lack of confidence in a postive outcome the other side fights like their lives depend on it, which they do. Some have succumbed to panic and are barely able to force their bodies in motion, while others fight on in the hopes to survive this terror.

The toll on both nature and humanity is tremendous. It'll likely take a lifetime before this field will have recovered. It's clear bodies, lost bombs and explosion holes have taken the place of grass, plants and trees.

The town is littered with carnage, wounded fighters and shells. Red, khaki and brown are the new colors of what was once a serene, trading town, which has now become the stage of a disastrous fight.

The air which would normally be rich in the scents and sounds of hard work is now deafening loud, the sound of explosions drowns any other sound in the area, enough to make even the bravest tremble in fear.

Two armies fight each other because of the lies of their leaders, but there's no hint of which side will win. The dead of one side are scattered across the town and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with nervous, yet steady breathing and hope in their hearts, they fight their enemy in an equal battle.

With both confidence and panic the other side courageously fights their enemies with the hope of being the stronger side. Some have succumbed to hysteria and are mumbling things about home and family, while others just wish all this was over.

The toll on both nature and humanity is enormous. It'll likely take ages before this town will have recovered. It's clear bodies, explosion holes and metal have taken the place of monuments, schools and homes.

The forest is littered with shells, gore and wounded fighters. Red, khaki and blue are the new colors of what was once a quiet, luscious forest, which has now become the stage of a tragic civil war.

The air which would normally carry the sounds of birds, rivers and wildlife is now thick with the scent of death and decay, hell has descended upon this area.

An army and a rebellion fight each other for supremacy, but there's no hint of which side will win. The wounded of one side are spread around the forest and the faces of the fighters are hopeful with gritting teeth and weapons clenched in their hands, they take on their enemies.

With the uncertainty of battle coursing through their minds the other side does whatever it can in order to try to defeat their enemies. Some have succumbed to terror and are hiding or running away from the fight, while others fight by only focusing on their enemy and not the carnage around them.

The toll on both nature and humanity is unimaginable. It'll likely take decades before this forest will have recovered. It's clear broken siege engines, bodies and metal have taken the place of grass, plants and trees.

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