Chapter 411: Revenge Ploy

Chapter 411: Revenge Ploy

“The current Demon King is called Anos, he has a powerful black dragon as his subordinate and he is worshiped throughout the demon realm as a dragon rider” Eren began, as listening to his words Vice Commander Phill felt shocked to his core.

“A dragon? There are no dragons on this continent anymore. That species went extinct years ago–” Phill said, as he did not believe that the Demon King was a dragon rider.

“It’s true ….. I’ve seen the Black Dragon sleeping outside his palace with my own eyes.

The Dragons are alive and he rules them” Eren said, as goosebumps went down Phill’s spine when he heard these words.

Dragons were mythical creatures that gained power akin to the ‘Master’ realm when they were a prepubescent child.

An adolescent dragon had a high probability of having power akin to a ‘Grandmaster’ fighter, while a full-blown adult dragon had strength even beyond the Grandmaster realm.

It was because of this shocking power of the beasts that they were hailed as calamities, however, despite the strength of the dragons, throughout history there has been a few limited individuals who had managed to subdue a dragon into their own personal mounts.

These individuals known as ‘Dragon Riders’ were powers that could shape the entire continent, and whenever a Dragon Rider was born it usually marked a period in history where only the dragon riders achievements mattered, as he/she became the end level boss for that period in history.

Ever since the Unity Empire was established, not once did it see any raids by a rogue dragon, nor did it face a wyvern raid.

The popular opinion was that the dragons had naturally gone extinct since their population was declining rapidly through the centuries, however, nobody expected that not only were the dragons alive, but that their biggest enemy was a Dragon Rider.

“How strong is the Demon King if he can even subdue a Dragon? Is he already a Grandmaster? Or is he really a transcendent level fighter?” Phill asked, his heart heavy as he did not wish to believe that humanity’s biggest opponent was so formidable.

“I don’t know how strong the demon king is….. but he is young, vibrant, domineering and full of life.

He’s not an old pile of bones and the other demons under him, who are master realm or stronger, all shit their pants when he lifts a finger.

The Demon King is the real deal” Eren said, as he painted a grim picture about the demon king and his powers.

Eren’s description reinforced Phill’s belief that the demon king was an entity that could not be messed with, however, he kept probing just in-case.

“So tell me, does the Demon King have any weaknesses?”

“Tell me about the Demon Capital City?”

“Tell me about the Demon King’s Castle?”

“Tell me about the Demon King’s Underlings?”

“Tell me about….”

One after another, Phill interrogated Eren for everything he knew about the demons, as Eren co-operated and sang like a canary.


( Meanwhile, inside the Demon King’s Palace )

“My King….. we have locked down the position of the target ….. the Demon Whisperer seems to be held in a human prison on the Southern Edge of the human controlled Empire.

To reach this place one must travel deep into the heart of human territory, which will not be easy.

Please reconsider going in alone” The demon subordinate said with his head bown, as he presented a magic crystal to Anos with a live-feed of Eren being interrogated by his human captors.

Taking the crystal orb in his palms, Anos observed it carefully for a while before placing it aside as he ran his fingers through his subordinates hair.

“Who made this request? Was it you or was it my mother the seer?” Anos asked, as the subordinate began trembling when faced with this question.

It was indeed the previous queen who had requested that his son did not go on this dangerous mission, however, since she knew that she could not tell him this directly, she sent a minion to pass on her message.

“If she forbids me from going then it means that there is a slight probability that I might die on this mission.

Considering that I plan to go in on my trusted mount, if there is still a threat on my life, then the humans are wayy more formidable than I expected them to be….” Anos said, pacing around the room as he contemplated his decision on whether or not he wanted to go alone.

“Very well … I won’t go alone….. inform 10 wyvern riders to escort me on this mission.

Tell them to prepare supplies and medicine, for we fly out in a few hours” Anos said, as instead of canceling the mission, he decided to take additional help with him, which would minimize his chances of death.

“Right away My King….. it will be the honor of any wyvern rider to follow you into battle–” The subordinate said, as he swiftly took his leave.

Anos’s mother was a ‘Seer’ , she could see futures that might come to pass and it was her who had seen Anos becoming a demon king as a vision in his childhood.

However, while she could gaze into the future, the visions she saw were not certain.

Over the years she had seen many futures that never came to be or the ones that were avoided with prior care and hence it was concluded that her powers only showed her what could be, but not anything certain.

However, since she had foreseen that Anos might face some problems if he went into this revenge raid alone, not wanting to take any chances with his life, Anos decided to add 10 wyvern riders to his pack, just to make sure that any unexpected situation was accounted for.

“Drogo is an adolescent dragon now….. there is no way a human can fight against it” Anos murmured to himself, as while he did not have faith in his own strength, he had faith in the power of his mount, and its ability to destroy human cities.

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