Chapter 435: The Truth (2)

Chapter 435: The Truth (2)

“Naturally, there’s no such thing as a free meal in this universe, and you won’t be welcomed there without earning your keep.

While the promise of a fresh start and lush green fields made by your government before you boarded this ship isn’t entirely false… it isn’t the whole truth either,” Raven said, confirming one of Leo’s worst fears, as Leo began to listen intently without missing a word.

“The type of migrants that Planet Terra Nova seeks are those with talents that can contribute to their society in meaningful ways.

The entire game, ‘Terra Nova Online,’ is designed so that every individual aboard this arc ship can add value to the society there by developing specific skills.

The reason you weren’t allowed to choose your class freely at the start is that Planet Terra Nova has already provided us with the criteria for the kinds of migrants they need.

To explain how this system works, let me give you an example:

Suppose there are 100,000 candidates who are suitable to become swordsmen, all with the potential to excel in that role. However, Terra Nova only needs 80,000 swordsmen.

In this case, the top 80,000 candidates would be selected as swordsmen, while the remaining 20,000 would be assigned to different classes.

This process continues until all the migrant requirements are met, since planet Terra Nova doesn’t just need warriors like archers or mages, but also bakers, tailors, and blacksmiths,” Raven explained, as Leo nodded in acknowledgement.

It made sense for the receiving planet to only accept migrants that added value to their society and not those that leeched off them.

“The game Terra Nova Online is like an induction ceremony for you players.

It’s an introduction to the geography, the landscapes, and the culture of the future territory you are going to reside in, which is specifically why your game is region locked to the Unity Empire where you currently play.

In the future when you arrive at planet Terra Nova, you will be either assigned to the Demon Camp, depending on whether or not you support them as players during your time in Terra Nova Online.

Or the Unity Empire camp, which is just like the unity empire within the game, however, the ratio of humans is not that dominant…..” Raven said, as at this moment, Leo felt like his mind was blown apart.

Being from Earth, Leo was not unaware of such practices where governments made migrants and refugees undertake cultural exams to gain citizenship. However, inducting players through a real-life game was next level.

While everyone currently played the game Terra Nova Online as if it were nothing but a game to kill time and raise one’s social rankings within the Arc Ship, little did they know that it was actually the trailer before the real film began.

“Terra Nova Online….. the real Terra Nova Online is supposed to be an unbiased game where players are free to choose sides between humans or demons, however, for this batch, the Unity Camp has paid us a bit extra and hence we have skewed the advantage towards them.

Statistically, over 75% of you will end up with the unity camp at the end of the game, while only 25% of you will join the Demon Camp and these figures would really be closer if we were unbiased, however, truthfully we are not.

We want more of you to join the Unity Camp because that’s what we were paid to do, however, as the universal government we need to maintain the facade of neutrality and pretend like we are unbiased, since the demon race is also a part of planet Terra Nova and gets a say on the migrant issue….” Raven said, as at this point Leo just slapped his cheeks and kept listening with his ears open.

“Once we arrive at planet Terra Nova, the most talented of you players will be immediately scouted by powerful guilds and organizations and hell, a player like you might even be scouted by the universal government itself….

However, the fate of every individual aboard this arc ship will be very different based on the value they bring to their new planet and although everyone will be allowed to live and survive.

Not everyone will have the same life on the new planet.

Just like within the game, in reality the demons and the unity empire are on odds as well, and most of you will be forced to join that war.

Of-course, this is a fate for the bottom dwellers and the average players, as the truly talented won’t remain confined to the boundaries of Unity Empire and would be scouted away by powerful organizations planet wide.

As for you…. You have already aroused the interest of several powerful organizations, and if you continue on your upward trajectory, you might just receive a historic offer when you land on planet Terra Nova” Raven said with a big smile on his face, which absolutely disgusted Leo.

Leo did not wish to be the center of attention of several organizations as the life he had dreamt of after landing on the new planet was one of peace and tranquility.

He wanted to live under the same roof as his mother and brother again, hopefully with Amanda this time around and start a family of his own.

He dreamt of mowing the green fields and working under the hot sun and not of throwing daggers and killing people as a living.

However, as he listened to Raven’s words he realized that his dream might never come true, as those in power on planet Terra Nova will never let a talent like him go to waste.

With or without his consent, Leo was destined to play the role of a bigshot and there was absolutely nothing that he could do about it.


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