Chapter 166

Christian linked his cousin after glancing at the infuriated Mrs Whitlaw, ‘Looks like things are going to getinteresting from here, cuz. Someone seems to be hiding a mistress, and the wife looks pissed.’

‘I did not see that coming.’Xandar linked in response as his surprised eyes met those of his second-in-command.

Christian linked in excitement, ‘Tell me about it! I can’t believe I was a background character of a Whitlawsoap opera that I didn’t know about!

Xandar raised his eyebrows as he linked, ‘Background character? Christian, we’re probably theantagonists in his story.’

‘Hm.’Christian contemplated for a moment and had to agree, ‘You do make a good villain, cuz I’m onlysecond to you after all.’

Xandar protested, ‘Okay, that’s just unfair, Christian. My mate is way more lethal than I am when itcomes to Whitlaw and the others. And she was the one who led us to the audits for Whitlaw’s currentdownfall. This adorable creature seated between us right now is the most qualified one to lead thevillains here. If anything, I’m only her loyal henchman.’

Christian pictured the image Xandar just described to him. When his imaginative mind added fiery flamesbehind Lucianne, and Xandar by her side awaiting orders, the Duke had to cover his mouth as he linked,‘Cuz, if I laugh and Annie throws a fit, I’m going t o kill you.’ Xandar decided to play it safe and endedtheir link as he hid his own smile in his mate’s hair.

Pierre Whitlaw’s lips quivered, making the increasingly-impatient prosecutor ask, “Have you made anytransactions to Zina Pova, M I Whitlaw?”

“I-L…” he fumbled over his words as Mrs Whitlaw’s onyx eyes threw daggers into her husband’salarming ones. He tried to persuade her to not attend trial but she insisted on coming along to showsupport. So, Pierre hatched a plan with Clark to ask for an adjournment to get rid of Mrs Whitlaw, byasking her to go home to fetch something for him. This plan obviously backfired.

The prosecutor sighed as she began again, “Do you know Zina Pova, Mr Whitlaw?” Mrs Whitlaw decidedthat she had heard enough. Taking her five-figure handbag, she got up from her seat and left thecourtroom as the minister yelled out a desperate, “Camille!”

The murmurs and chatters took a little more time to be silenced by Judge Cook. When everyone’s eyesreturned to Whitlaw on the stand, he muttered, “I-I…Y-Yes.”

“She received a significant sum over the years. Why is that?”

Whitlaw’s whisper wouldn’t have been heard if it weren’t for the Lycans’ sharp hearing when the ministersaid, “She’s the mother o fmy biological daughter.”

Well aware of the furious note-taking by the media, Whitlaw continued to explain, “I had her before Imarried Camille. When…Zina conceived, she filed a suit in court seeking funds for maintenance. Wereached a settlement in private, and it was agreed that I would contribute to the child’s upbringing.”

Christian suddenly linked Xandar, ‘Oops, not a mistress. Looks like he just tried to be a responsiblefather.’

Xandar linked in response, ‘One who steals from the government. Talk about being the father of theyear.’

‘Decade.’ Christian corrected.

‘Right. Thanks for making me feel worse for taking this long to uncover him and the others.’Xandarcomplained.

“Relax, cuz. You were never alone in this. We were both stupid.’

‘How are you making me feel any better by saying that, Christian?’

‘Well, a favorite cousin doesn’t let his favorite cousin to do stupid things….alone.’ Christian smiled whenhe linked that.

Xandar had to bite his bottom lip to contain his laughter. ‘If I laugh and Lucy gets angered from this, I’llkill you.’ The cousins exchanged cheeky smirks before they ended their link.

The prosecutor asked Whitlaw in disbelief, “A court ordered financial provision for a child in the millions?”

Whitlaw shook his head and uttered, “No, it’s less. Her mother earns, so I only had to pay a reasonablesum.”

“But you paid more, why?”

Whitlaw’s eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the prosecutor in disgust before exclaiming, “Because it’sfor my daughter! What more of a reason do you want?!”

His raised voice clearly didn’t deter the prosecutor from continuing her line of questioning. “So, you doadmit that you’ve transferred money in the millions to Zina Pova?”

Whitlaw sighed before he answered, “I transferred money to maintain my child. I do not know how muchthat has accumulated throughout the years.”

“So, it means that you’ve offered financial contributions to your own family, your in-laws, your wife andyour biological daughter?”

“Yes.” Whitlaw answered simply as he took in heavy breaths. He just wanted to get this over with, hopingthat whatever damage caused would be minimal.

“Very well. Thank you, Mr Whitlaw.”

Mr Clark stood for the cross-examination. “Mr Whitlaw, is the disbursement of government funds in yourportfolio?”

“No, that’s in the Finance Ministers’ job description.”

“So, it’s safe to say that you have no connection whatsoever with the money coming from thegovernment, is that correct?”


“That also means that, apart from your monthly salary, whatever surplus sums, presumably paid by themissing Duke, could’ve come from anywhere? Not just the government?”

“That’s possible.”

“You didn’t know the Duke was taking government funds to pay you to stay silent, did you?”

“No, I didn’t know that.”

“What were you threatened with?”

“My family’s safety. My wife, mostly. Camille means the world to me.”

“So, you kept the money because of the coercion?”.


“And you have zero knowledge of where it has gone, is that correct?”


“Thank you, Mr Whitlaw.”

Xandar inhaled deeply from Lucianne’s hair as he linked his cousin, ‘What a complete line of bullsh*t!’

Christian’s hand ran down his face once as his other hand held onto Annie’s before he linked, ‘Bullsh*t.Cr*p. Nonsense. Whatever it is, it’ll take an idiot to believe any of it.’

“Are you okay?” Xandar heard the whisper of an angel when his eyes cleared, and his mate’s shiningblack orbs only amplified concern when it fixed on his face.

He got lost in them for a moment before her stroking thumb on his tensed-up hand prompted a response.He loosened the tight grip, and began stroking her little hand in retum. After pecking a sweet kiss on herforehead, he uttered, “I’m alright, baby. Thank


Lucianne didn’t look convinced despite his smile. He pecked another kiss on her nose just to assure her.“I’m just pissed at them, baby. I’m really alright. Don’t worry, my little freesia.”

Lucianne smiled in relief knowing that her mate was really okay before her head leaned against hisshoulder. Judge Cook ordered a recess while he deliberated, and announced that the verdict will bedelivered after lunch.

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